How To Mix Vocals In Ableton (Stock Plugins)

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the following tutorial is brought to you by whole loops comm what's up guys a couple months ago Reid and I made a video on how to make expensive vocals with cheap gear a lot of people loved it but a lot of people also complain that the gear was not cheap enough we decided to go even cheaper with the blue Yeti that's right we ditch the interface we ditched the expensive mic and we went straight to the $150 USB blue yeti microphone and we're going to show you all the sauce that you could do to sound like a pro in your USB mic perfect screwed on and my pop filter ready let's have fun plug those and now we're ready to go here on the back of the microphone we have two extremely important controls this top one is your gain knob this is basically your built-in preamp so if you're clipping you turn this knob down and right beneath it is your polar pattern selection you're pretty much can record all your vocals on this second to last setting cardioid pattern and you also want to make sure that your mic is as far as possible from any noisy laptop fans and that's perfect let's connect our microphone to Ableton click command comma to get our preferences and our input and output is gonna be changed to the Yeti we're also gonna make sure that our buffer size is 128 and we're good to go when you walk away now when you walk away now oh baby come back home to me baby come back home to me so what I did was record two takes and now me to comp between each one [Music] Lenna map what am I supposed to do when you walk away now one okay so I like the beginning I'm gonna see if there's a better take on walk away when you walk away now wait better walk away now to make it edit you're doing command e and then we're just gonna drag this take up to the first bus do when you walk away now when you walk go in now and add some foods everything [Music] and stick down any harsh consonants like these cheese here breath here boobs doing it then - oh now that we have all of our backgrounds it's important that all of these breasts and the backgrounds get deleted completely so I just delete all of them and fade all of them come back home to me it's time to add some plugins and mix this vocal down pull up the Ableton eq8 roll off and a low shelf even some of the low mids - like that and let's actually put this up at about minus 1 instead of minus 2 maybe less steep of a low cut - let's go ahead and add some compression to this next thing I want to add is some multiband dynamics and obviously ott is gonna be the perfect preset to start with I just want to back off the amount when you walk away now when you go away now and another control that I like to adjust is the time so if you push it to the right it lets more attack through when you walk away now when you go away now when you push it to the left sticking in our the viewers don't wanna send to all back anything just come back I really prefer to use these rather than using an EQ low-cut it a little bit harder and bring this up with the USB mics were usually battling thinness that's usually the problem that you going against we're probably gonna be boosting this a little bit to go away now when you go away now and I might actually put the compression after this when you walk away now when you go away now the next thing I want to do is add a little bit more brightness to this and it great Ableton plugin for doing that is the channel EQ do your 808 sound like floppy trash are you tired of boring bass lines that just don't get right introducing disrespectful 808 the all-new collection of 808 bass samples so disrespectful you might just get offended - disrespectful 808 is available now only at and now that we've reached the background vocals I'd like to start out by just turning them down a little bit more maybe - 10 instead of -7 send all these - of group I'm gonna do hard panning on all of these so that will make the center a little bit more open for our vocal let's go ahead and use this lead chain as a background group chain and let's see what we have here I might compress these less and also make it a little less bright oh baby come back home to me baby come back home to me I want to set up my parallel compressor on here too so that the lead is just slightly more compressed than the background vocals so let's end this chain with a glue compressor make it into a rack create chain actually let's not go all the way on either of must do almost all the way and let's do a high ratio oh baby come back to me baby come back home to me now the next plug-in that I'm gonna pull up is not a stock plug-in but it is a free plug-in and it's called fall Hall is super massive and create a rack out of this plug-in turn the mix all the way up create a dry chain let's make a duplicate of this same exact plug-in eighth-note effect channel when you walk away now when you want go away now and we can even grab this same effect rack and let's put it down here on the background vocals too and maybe just do no echo and more reverb oh baby come back home to me come back home to me I'm gonna put a compressor after it and we're gonna sidechain it to the pre effects version so that means that the drive vocal will be dipping the volume of the delays oh oh baby come back home to me let it come back home to me and just to make it extra wider I'm gonna hit this with an auto pan too because I want my delays to feel a little bit like their ping pong engine oh baby come back home to me baby come back home to me this acoustic guitar sample is sounding pretty mono just like the vocal and I want this to be a lot wider to make space for the guitar for example if I pull up my insight by iZotope so you can see what I'm talking about going now when you go away now we need this Center to be available for the voice so let's drag another free plug-in on here called wider and then let's track insight down here onto our master go away now when you go away now wider back on obsess avasta can they not the viewers the more we mix the other instruments that support the vocals the better the vocal itself is gonna sound so let's go ahead and add some more plugins to this let's do the Oct preset and then turn the percentage way down let's use all the bass that we can get out of this acoustic guitar even though it's an acoustic song that low end is really going to help make it feel correct when you are going now when you go away now [Music] can they not the viewers don't wanna then to go back and it then just come back and I might even go back into the same folder that we pulled this guitar loop out of and see if we can find something else that goes with it [Music] it's gonna lean this left a little bit I'm gonna lean the other guitar right a little bit too and then to finish off the master channel I'm just gonna add a glue compressor and let's take a final listen to this song through all of our plugins [Music] Oh you're left in the morning [Music] when you walk away now when you walk go away now obsessed with a vice taking me not the fuse do anything to go back anything just come back baby come there come to me baby come back home to me oh baby come back home to me baby come back home to me please and that's how you sound like a pro with a USB microphone and we want you to sound great too so we're giving away this blue yeti microphone we're giving away a whole loops golden bottle to another winner and a third winner is gonna get a hold of bundle as well click the Instagram link to Kara's profile comment on our video whether you want to win the golden bundle or blue yeti microphone oh yeah you also have to follow bolt up as well if we look and see you're not following us you're not gonna win and we'll catch you guys next time in another tutorial that was good
Channel: Reid Stefan
Views: 138,195
Rating: 4.9672184 out of 5
Keywords: how to, mix vocals, free plugins, ableton, usb mic, USB, Blue yeti, blue, microphone, microphones, best mic, vocal, vocals, mix, tutorial, ableton tutorial, best cheap mic, best vocal mic, how, to, mixing vocals, Reid stefan, karra, live, recording, home recording, DAW, ableton 10, fl studio, logic, pro tools, cubase, studio one
Id: 1drX_XQtvVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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