Mixing Has Never Been Easier?

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if you're new to music production and have been wanting to learn how to mix your Beats you're in luck what if I told you you can turn something that sounds like this into this with just one button even if you have absolutely no clue about mixing do you want to know how is that possible in this video I'm going to show you how [Music] hey guys welcome back to another video I am DJ Legion and today I'm going to be talking about how to mix bits using one of the most underrated software from isotope Neutron no this video is not Sports sword I just thought that if you have difficulties getting a balance mixed or your mixes do not sound like the other mixes that you hear on the radio this might be the tool you have been looking for to improve your sound and at the end of the day just to let you concentrate more on your production skills instead of spending days for mixing sessions on your bids enough with the talking let's jump into logic and start mixing a bit with Neutron 4. in this project I got the stems from a track that I made some time ago I separated the tracks into groups the first one is the 808 with a kick [Music] there is a reason why I put the kick with the 808 and not with the other jumps the reason is that I wanted to process the 808 with the kick together on the same bus here we got the drums okay here we got the effects such as reverse crash and some other effects um then I separated The Melodies that play in the chorus from The Melodies that play in the verse [Music] let's have a listen the whole track how it sounds without any processing so I'm going to open everything here also the mix the mixer here is empty this has just some sunbasses and these are bypass so let's have a quick listen how it sounds without any processing [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] processing we can see right away that we are clipping and the first thing you need to do is to get your levels right before you start processing the channels because right now everything is all over the place so what I will do now is I will just insert the neutron plugin to every channel okay so now that we got our groups here this is one group from The Melodies this is the other one this is these are the effects the drums and the kick everything has annoyed plug-in inserted you may ask me why did I do that the reason why is because I'm going to use the virtual mixer from Neutron Pro on my master channel to get the balance make so we go on my pre-master here in this case and I will choose the neutron 4 visual mixer and here you can see that on the right side we have all our channels that include the neutral plugin now to achieve this balance mix we need to hit here on the mixer system and then we let the song play from the beginning but before we do that we choose here which is our main focus of our track in this case is the main Melody here I will choose everything but not the group channel so for example I will check out this one 808 and kick I will take out the drums I will take out the Melodies From the chorus The Melodies From the verse and the effects now we just need to begin listening and start the track from the beginning [Music] okay now let's go to results let's have a listen now how it sounds only on the chorus for example [Music] thank you after that we press edit classification here let's go for example the 808 is not a musical it's a bass okay also here for example the club is not a musical it's just a percussion element and am I missing some yeah this one also is a percussion element so after that we hit accept I forgot to mention earlier that of course you can change the volume from the elements but I just left it as it is like I had no idea about mixing inside mixer system here I can rearrange the volume and the position of the channels but for the purpose of this video I will just leave it as it is and I will not do anything to do it proper comparison between how it was before and how it is now I have to add a limiter on the master channel to match the volume between the previous version and the current version [Music] right now this truck hits near -23 lufs let's deactivate the neutron plugin [Music] okay without any processing it hits -10 ufs so that means we have to boost here a little bit [Music] okay now let's go and compare it [Music] right now it sounds much more balanced but I would still collect some small things for example this percussion that is a bit too loud was it this one I think yeah [Music] now let's start and mix the 808 in the kick the neutral plugin has an assistant which listens to your audio and it makes some changes let's go and put it on the 808 first [Music] thank you foreign [Music] plugin recognized the 808 as a guitar but I will choose the sub bass here or is it and I will put this ladder here on 30 percent [Music] what I did here I will do also to the other channels I will let the maximum system do the job and put the slider at 30 percent I could also dive in deeper explaining what those functions here are for example the punch the attack the sustain the distort and the weeds but I will do it in another video this video is all about getting a satisfied end result as quick and effortless as possible what I did here I will do also to all the channels for my project I will let the mixing assistant do the job and put the slider at 30 percent now that I finished with the mixing assistant from every channel the only thing that I will change is sidechaining the eight weight to the kick I want to do this because I want the kick to have more space to Glow so what I do I'll go on the 808 here let's go and zoom in let's choose this Loop for example here and put it on solo both of them and go on the 808 open the neutron plugin okay and then we go here and then we select and mask and we choose from the Section 8 Port the kick let's go and have a listen [Music] okay after that I will go also on our groups and I will use mix assistant again here on my group let's go solve the address and the kick and use the mix assistant [Music] choose again thirty percent here let's have this how it sounds on thirty percent foreign let's leave it on 20 okay I will do the same with the drums now let's just quick forward that I will do the rest of the elements now that I finished all the channels and all the groups we have one more thing to do last but not least I will just put again the noise plugin on the print Master Channel let the mixer do the work and I will explain a while what I want to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you here I want to choose a custom Target and I will just choose a track from Jewish World the cigarettes truck the neutron plugin will try to emulate the sound from the target track to the original track and come as close as possible to the final sound unfortunately I cannot play the original track from Jewish world because I don't want this video to get flagged now let's just play the chorus again and I will just play with the tone much and see how how I like the sound [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's listen to the final results and compare the tracks how it was earlier and how it is now [Applause] thank you [Music] of course I can hear either way when the verse comes there's a big volume difference there and this has to be fixed manually but the whole point is that everything that Toyota plug-in does is really impressive in my opinion this is done with only one plugin and without always requiring any knowledge of mixing skills what is my opinion about that I find technology has improved really well and isotope has done great work here but I wouldn't work like this to say the truth do not take me wrong this plugin is awesome but I prefer spending more time on my tracks to achieve this final result that I really want but this may just be me I would really like to hear from you guys what is your opinion about using artificial intelligence from mixing leave a comment below and let me know please don't forget to subscribe if you want to improve your mixing and produce your skills see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Audio Waves Academy
Views: 5,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio produccion, dj legion, dynamic eq, frequency masking, how to mix beats, izotope, izotope neutron, izotope neutron 3, izotope neutron 4, izotope neutron 4 advanced edition, izotope neutron 4 review, multiband compression, neutron 3, neutron 4, neutron 4 features, neutron 4 izotope, neutron 4 mixing, neutron 4 mixing cheat code, neutron 4 review, neutron elements review, neutron izotope, neutron pro, neutron review, ozone 9 advanced, whats new in izotope neutron 4
Id: ULdhiGN-bgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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