How to merge a video into ANY shape in Camtasia 2023! (Talking Head Effect)

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let me show you how to morph or merge or create a video in a in a shape let's show you how to do it first thing to do is get your a bit of media so I've already got a bit of media there if you don't know how to get some media just just find a file and um just drag and drop it but I have my media I am prepared and I'll put the media on the timeline so there we go that is my media that is me moving my arms around a lot let me show you what to do with it I'm going to make this smaller now make sure got the arrow button there I'm just going to make it smaller so we want it to be about that size the next thing to do is to go to annotations and then we have shapes so make sure you're chosen shapes and pick whatever style you want it doesn't really matter but I'll use all and I'm going to do a circle it doesn't have to be a circle though it could be any shape let's do a circle so I'll put a circle in there now that is not a circle that is a yeah it's a flat circle so let's turn it into a proper circle now you can manually do it by just changing it and then guessing if it's right but the best way to do it is to click on it and then make sure you're in properties so make sure you got properties open and then go to this icon here it says visual properties it looks like a film strip so click on that and make sure the width and the height are the same because it is a circle so there we go 3 3 4 3 3 4 now the next step is to put the circle over the image that you want to morph it in with or I should say the the video clip so we got the circle I'm going to put it over my video clip then what you need to do is go to visual effects and go to Media mat so this one here media mat then drag and drop it onto there you can see it's now changed it now mine wasn't perfect because my circle was slightly bigger than the media clip so I'm just going to edit and I'm going to undo that I'm going to make my circle a bit smaller just to get it absolutely perfect there it go it's within the Box let's make sure the uh the height and the width are the same so we've got 325 um change that 325 there we go so they're exactly the same let's do it once more time medium mat there we go drag and drop now if you try and move it around it's to it looks like James Bond doesn't it so if you try and move it around it disappears what you need to do couple more things down the bottom here in the timeline you need to stretch that out so it goes to the same length as a video clip also by pressing shift and clicking on both of them and then right clicking you can group them together so we grouped them together and now I can move it to wherever I want on the screen it does not matter the next step I'd recommend you doing is once you've got that clicked on go to the cropping tool up here so click on crop and then crop in the edges so it fits nicely and then you can move it right into the corner now to show you this working properly let's find another media clip uh I'm just going to open this file here so put that media clip in there so we've got this clip here which is just again me talking what I'll do that I'll swap them over got that there and you can see the bottom right hand corner is me down there so if I move this along you can see that they're both moving now obviously this doesn't have to be a clip of me it can be a clip of anything you've recorded you know show you creating a video on how to do Camtasia as an example so you do that that's how you do it most simplistic form it works very well but I said earlier on that it does not have to be you know a circle it could be any shape so let me show you how to do that using this piece of media I'll move the media in there I um oops done it wrong again what I need to make sure I do is click in the arrow so I can change the size of it cuz I was trying to crop it again I don't want to crop it so move it down to like that and then I've got that one there in fact let's just move it along let's go over there nice clean bit of media to work with so there's my media and then I'm going to go to where were they annotations we got shapes and let's do it in the form of a star we go we've got a star so let's make the star same size as the box there you go perfect again bit fat thin it out you can use the um parameters on here for the width and the height if you want to make changes to it but I've got that so we have a star with my face behind it now this is not going to be perfect far from it but I'll show you how to do it once again so visual effects medium at drag and drop there we go I'm in a star same principle that's a terrible image of Me by the way terrible uh image but I'll use it nonetheless click on both of them right click group now I've got my star I can move it about so I really wanted to I could have them both on the go at the same time so we have a star over here that image over there and that is how you do that but it doesn't have to be a star it could be any shape that you want so you can have nice diagonals on the go you can have squares you know you name it you can have whatever you want so anything from this list or more anyway hopefully you found this video useful if so please like the video subscribe to my channel and I'll keep giving you top Tech tips
Channel: Create Action
Views: 836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia, camtasia 2023, techsmith, camtasia tutorial, merge video into shape, video in circle, change video shape, how to change the shape of a video in camtasia, merge video into shape in camtasia, narrating, layer videos, media matte, video in shape, video editing, camtasia studio, masking, easy trick, crop video, circle crop, talking head, visual effects, effects, editing, video in circle effect in camtasia, advanced camtasia, talking head video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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