How to Meditate: A Guided Meditation with Jack Canfield

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hi there I'm Jack Canfield I have a question for you do you ever find yourself irritated and it gets in the way of your performance are you ever so stressed out that you can't sleep at night are you ever so overwhelmed you just can't seem to say focus or maybe you're feeling burned out and there's experiencing a lack of creativity do you ever have to make a major decision and just don't know which way to go or you're looking for a solution to a problem and you just can't find it me too so don't feel bad now today I'm going to share with you a technique that has helped me over the last five decades and has helped millions of my students around the world as well now people often ask me if you could only pick one success principle to focus on which one would it be and I always answer the 3ms master your craft meditation and mastermind groups and today we're going to talk about meditation you know most people that I meet have a resistance to meditation they think it's too will oh it's too weird they say they're too busy you know I saw a cartoon once it showed a general and an army and there was all these people out there and all his army have with Spears and behind him was a guy with a machine gun it was a Salesman trying to sell him a machine gun the general saying I don't have time to talk to a Salesman now when I think about that cartoon I think about meditation most people say I'm too busy to meditate I don't have time to do that like you didn't have time to talk to the salesmen that would give them the weapon to win the war and so the reality is you have to find time to learn how to meditate now meditation can occur in 3 4 5 12 minutes bits you don't have to sit there in the lotus position with your legs crossed on a pillow in an ashram somewhere for an hour or three hours or months at a time Lord to have the value of meditation and you can start simply and build yourself up now what I want to tell you is there are many many forms of meditation many forms if you if you look up meditation on the internet you're going to see learning millions of entries and the reality is for most people a lot of those meditations are somewhat complex the truth is that when you're meditating if you're just sitting there with your eyes closed trying not to think of thought you're going to be frustrated because your mind is simply going to do its thing and you'll think like you're failing it's much easier when you have a guided meditation when there's music when someone's voice is guiding you through the steps your mind doesn't wander as much and it's much easier to follow along and not get lost in all the stories and the to-do lists and the thinking about the past and worrying about the future that we normally do so today I'm going to teach you a form of meditation teaching all of my live trainings now before I do that let me tell you why it's so important to meditate you know meditation really helps you be more creative in my life the title for Chicken Soup for the Soul came in a meditation that brand is now worth hundreds of millions some people say a billion dollars the transformational Leadership Council which I started which now has members from like 24 countries around the world we meet all over those to the country or all over the world really in exotic locations that came to me in a meditation my being in the secret is the result of a meditation I was asked to let them come to my conference and film people I said no that's going to be a big distraction and that night I meditated for about 20 minutes and I got this resounding say yes another thing that happens when you meditate is that you get greater productivity because when you are focused which meditation allows you to do you come out of meditation and then what happens is you are able to be focused because you're in the present moment meditation also be stresses you at the end of a day or at the beginning of the day if you didn't sleep well at night meditation allows you to de-stress your body your hormones reset your less reactive less angry you can think better and you make better decision now that's only a few of the benefits we know it creates longevity it has effects on the positive your brain healing you heal faster you get sick less often we could go down a long list now I teach meditation at all of my live events on my private retreats and people have major major major breakthroughs when we do that they get in touch with their life purpose their intuition builds they some people discover that they have a higher self and an intuition that they can connect to that they never did before so it's very very powerful now what exactly is meditation primarily it's this meditation is simply shutting down for most people closing your eyes some people teach you can meditate with your eyes open I like to close my eyes slowing down your breathing and then focusing on something that allows your mind to focus on that rather than be distracted by everything else so one thing you can focus on is the sensation of your breath going in and out your nose when you inhale it feels cooler when you exhale it's warmer because it's been warmed by the being in your lungs you can focus on the rise and fall of your chest and stomach as you breathe in and out some people choose to have a mantra more a repetition of a phrase there are many many phrases that come from different spiritual traditions if you don't want to go into that you can simply imagine inhaling the foundry exhaling blacks like me lacks you're giving yourself a subliminal command the reality is that you're focusing on one thing so that everything else begins to drop away now the truth is what's going to happen is your mind will in fact come in if you want to do a really cool experience some time try to count to 10 like 1 2 3 4 without having a thought I remember the first time I did that I went 1 2 3 4 5 wow I haven't had a thought yet oops that's a thought 1 2 I never did get to 10 guys I'm doing better now you know whatever it was if you can count to 10 without any thought you're doing really well because you're able to focus on one thing which allows you to also focus on one thing in your life get a lot more done we know multitasking doesn't work a lot of research on that now where do you do this what you do is I you can do it sitting in a chair like I'm doing right now you can do it sitting on the floor you can even do it lying down if you do it lying down a lot of times people fall asleep what I recommend is you're lying down have one arm resting on the floor like this if you start to fall asleep it'll drop it'll wake you up you know Ben Franklin most people know most Benjamin Franklin one of the greatest leaders of our country in the early formation of the United States used to meditate holding a hammer about a half an inch above his head so that if he fell asleep the hammer would hiddens head and wake him up now side a long way wouldn't hurt him but he was that committed to meditation and we know what a tremendous influence he was on our Declaration of Independence the Constitution and all of that now I'm going to teach you a simple four part meditation that you can do anytime you can do it for four minutes eight minutes 12 minutes 16 minutes just in increments of four in other words one minute four times two minutes four times whatever now there are four parts to this meditation the first part is called preparation and what you do is you simply sit I recommend you put your hands together in your lap like this and then you focus on your breathing for about six breath and then you imagine light coming up the left side of your body and down the right and light is a very healing energy you know we ought to talk about you know light we see light in the sky we see spiritual pictures with light coming down we see pictures of avatars and Jesus and things like that with light coming out of their heart light is healing slightly like the Sun so much and so we're simply going to imagine that three times and I'll walk you through this in just a bit the second thing we're going to do is called repetition your hands are still in your lap and you can take the phrase relax or so hum or hum song or anything you want to repeat that's that's positive to you I am loved and we do that for a minute and then we're going to go into a third stage which is receptivity where we're going to open our hands on our lap like and we're just going to allow herself to stop doing the repetition and to just notice anything that comes into our awareness and just allow it to move through this is one of the most powerful forms of meditation to notice our thoughts but not get caught up in our thoughts so like a little boat going by you don't want to get in the boat you just want to watch the boat go by if you find yourself in the thought just step back up on the shore let the thoughts go by that's a good way to not get caught up in your thinking and let it run you the last stage is simply called closing down we're going to close our hands imagine ourselves surrounded by a protective light light and for about 30 seconds I'll ask you to focus on imagining your number-one goal in life and that already accomplished what would you be seeing if you're looking at your eyes at your number-one goal already accomplished it's a great way to accelerate success in your life okay so let's just quickly do that so go ahead if you're in a place where you can close your eyes close your eyes I'll do that with you and just focus on your breath for a moment take a few deep breaths long slow deep breaths inhaling deeply and exhaling and now imagine a ball of light below your left foot and that light streaming up the left side of your body up through your leg up into your hip up through your chest up through the left side of your neck and head across your brain down on the right side all the way down to your waist again into your leg into your foot and imagine that doing a u-turn and coming back up the left side and we do this on your own later you can do this a little slower taking your time but you get the idea see your whole body filling up with light all the way down to your foot then one more time coming up the left all the way to the top of your head across the corpus callosum in your brains with the right hemisphere down to the right side of your body through your chest your stomach your lower back your hip to your leg your knee your lower calf and all that out your foot so your body filled with light and now moving into the second stage called repetition so pick a phrase or a word that's uplifting to you and as you breathe if it's a two syllable word imagine inhaling on one syllable exhaling on the other if it's a phrase like I am loved or be still and know that I am God or Soham or on Monday pop me home whatever it might be from whatever spiritual tradition you might be a student of and it's not just repeating relax and I'll be silent for a moment while you do that if your mind wanders bring it back to the word or the phrase now third step is called receptivity so just open your hands on the resting on your legs palm facing upward and just stop the repetition and now just be aware of whatever comes into your field of consciousness sounds physical sensations thoughts images whatever they are just observe them allow them to be there if you find yourself in the thought rather than watching the thought to step back and observe you're building this observer witness position and finally the last phase is closing down just close your hands and imagine yourself now surrounded by radiant white light like you're sitting inside an eggshell there's white light coming through or spotlight shining down upon you this white light is filling you surrounding you and protecting you from any negative influences that might come your way during the day just keep holding that image for a few more seconds healing radiant white light all around you and now using the power of your imagination visualize whatever your major goal in life is right now your breakthrough goal your main goal see that is if you are looking out through your eyes what you would be seeing if you would already achieve that goal it sets up the subconscious mind to come up with solutions for you and also activates the law of attraction to attract to you the resources you need to fulfill that dream of that vision so see it like a movie happening outside you whatever you would be seeing if you'd already achieve that goal here's the sounds that you would be hearing and most importantly now add feeling the feelings you'd feel if you'd already achieve this goal whatever those feelings are feel them now creates a feeling in your body very good then very slowly open your eyes come back so just take a moment to tune in notice what you're feeling right now does it feel any different there's something called the relaxation response and when you meditate you'll often find your shoulders relax your face relaxes your whole body starts to feel a different energetic it's very healing very powerful so you now have a four-step meditation that can combines four kinds of meditation the one that will help you be more relaxed more focused more creative in that time when we had our hands open receptivity that's when you get major breakthroughs and creative ideas and then by visualizing at the end your goals is already achieved you're activating the law of attraction as we said and also activating your subconscious mind so here's a few more tips to help you get started and turned this into a daily meditation to have it remember to start small you know 812 minutes just great work up to 20 minutes a day if you have more time you can do more even if you just have five minutes just do a simple breathing exercise close your eyes and just focus on that part where when you're breathing deeply now the other thing you can focus on the sensation coming in out of your nose or the rise and fall of your chest it gives you a physical sensation to focus on very simple so here's your homework I want you to meditate for a minimum of five minutes a day for the next week if you have to use a timer in your smartphone or a stopwatch or yourself on whatever it is set it so it goes off so you don't go over what you'll find once you get into this is you'll actually want to go longer now notice you're going to have increased peace of mind greater clarity and energy throughout the day now I'd love your feedback on the meditation we just did so please write a brief comment below and thanks for watching and remember nothing in your life changes until you do and if you found this video helpful please make sure you like it share it with a friend and they need it and subscribe to my channel for more videos like this one and for some additional resources on how to use meditation to attract more success and fulfillment and peace into your life visit my web site at I can feel calm
Channel: Jack Canfield
Views: 116,012
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Keywords: jack canfield meditation, how to meditate jack canfield, jack canfield guided meditation, how to meditate, medtation, meditation guided, meditation, guided meditation, jack canfeild, jack canfield, jack canfiel, how to meditate for beinginners, meditation techniques for beginners, guided meditation for beginners, relaxation meditation, the success principles, the success principles book, jack canfield books, visualization, meditation for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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