How to MAX Video/CSP/SOL Quality Settings on Assetto Corsa - What Does It Look Like?

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hey everyone great to see you so a set of corsa with soul 2.1.3 and csp 1.75 preview that i'm running here looks pretty fantastic but today i'm going to go step by step through how to get it looking even better now to do that i'm going to do two things the first thing is i'm going to go through all the video card csp and soul settings i can in content manager and within the game to get a set of course looking the best i can and also i'm going to be using the new photo realistic filter version 6 by xavi this is optimized for sol 2.1.3 and as you can see in this footage it looks absolutely stunning i am also going to be talking about performance because this is all on my new 3080 rtx so i'm going to try and max out everything and just to see how far we can push a set of corsa there are timestamps to this video in the description because i'm going to be going through a number of different settings that's in csp install and on the video card settings within content manager there is also a montage later in the video of some fantastic screenshots that javi has posted they look stunning and trust me this photo realistic filter is definitely one to get and add to your collection to start with then here is the toyota corolla 11 one of my favorite cars if you've seen any of my videos you will know that and this is everything on medium settings so pretty much out of the box so let's see what we can change so first of all we need to get the photorealistic filter from race department and guys this link will be in the description below here we are then on race department so we're on the photorealistic filter version 6. this actually came out last year i have used this filter before it's a fantastic filter on the previous versions of seoul but this is for soul 2.1.3 and this is version 6. this came out in june this year so this is the one we're going to download and i'm just going to show you how to install that in a moment you can see some of the screenshots here and actually as i said guys i've got a great montage at the end of the video where you can see some of these screenshots that javi has done so what we're going to do is we're just going to download this it's a very small file it's only 12k and this is really a configuration file for content manager here i am then on the desktop and the file that i've just downloaded i'm literally just going to drag and drop it into content manager and you can see there we can install it at the bottom so it's just got a little bit of information there and obviously the race department page so we're just going to click on install and that's installed and that's it so that is now in our pp filter collection so i have the pp filter installed so let's start to go through the settings so i'm going to max everything out so i've actually put a magnifier on here guys so you can see a little bit easier and what i'm actually clicking on if you're running on different resolutions on different devices so the first thing to do then is to go to settings and video so because i've got the 3080 rtx and i've just been running on medium you can see there crazy frames per seconds 382 frames per second but let's just go through each of these options and try and max them out so i'm on single screen want to be full screen i'm running in 2k resolution not 4k resolution i'm not going to click on anything else there i'm certainly not going to limit the frame rate so this quality section is the first main section where we can make some big changes so i'm just going to go through each of these categories and i'm going to put that on eight times experimental uh the filtering piece i'm going to put on 16 times world details this is the biggie i'm going to put that on maximum and shadows resolution so that's 10 24 at the moment i'm not going to go into those crazy figures at the end i'll go into the um 4k one there and also smoke generation i do like my smoke high so i'll put that on maximum show smoke in mirrors that's on there now reflection this area here does have a massive impact on performance so i'm just going to put that in 2048 and six faces per frame so that's maximum resolution on the reflections and i'm also going to put the rendering distance high that doesn't have that much of an impact on modern video cards but i'm still going to put it on the highest setting so i'm so extra at the moment and this is brilliant i love peter's work on soul extras i'm going to leave that where it is at the moment and we'll get to that later overall quality i'm going to put on maximum glare quality maximum depth of field maximum motion blur i'm going to keep off i don't really like some of the motion blur on a set of corsa so i'm just going to keep that off and saturation i'm going to keep at 100 heat shimmering i'm going to keep off as well because of the effect it gives and i just want some more clarity and quality so i'm going to put sun rays on and fx a mirror resolution right at the top and clicking on high quality two then the oculus and system settings we're going to leave those so that is all the main core video settings so you can see we've raised those substantially from kind of the out of the box standard settings that frames per second will change an enormous amount next we're on to custom shader patch so here we just want to check a couple of things the first thing we need to check then is what version of csp you're on and you can click on the about section at the top so i'm at 1.75 preview one here be on as higher version as you can the highest version now the non-preview version is 1.74 so that's the one i would recommend when this video was actually released looking down here then we've got a number of settings we can go on so extra effect so this adds an option for secondary pass so this is an option that adds more graphical fidelity to what we're doing i'm going to click that on active i'm going to keep the motion blur off as i've said earlier on i'm not going to touch any of that but really guys that's down to you temporal anti-aliasing i'm going to keep that on and keep most things the same there yes i'm just going to keep all that as it is local reflections sslr i'm going to put those as active 2 and then just looking down here i'm not going to use any of those um maybe the nvidia one i will put on so i'm going to put that ambient occlusion for nvidia on there there are a number of these other sections i'm not going to make any changes on so let's just have a quick look through them so we have got extra space screen lighting active that's the sparks that's active there we've got simple light bounce emulation active i'm not going to put any of the others on i've got volumetric headlights active and the fog blur one at the bottom here i'm probably going to click on that one we're not going to have fog in this video but that looks a nice thing to have on there so that's extra effects fake shadow effects if you've seen this before if you do take off or if you're looking underneath the car this puts a fake shadow on so we're just going to keep that as active this came out a few releases ago on csp just looking down here we've got graphic adjustments as well let's have a look into here so it's really important to make sure you've got these active at the top you can see the active tick so this adds a number of post processing pieces on there as well so we're going to put that on make sure it's on and not really change too much in here we'll just have a look and but if they're active and some of these standard settings are on that will probably be enough for us i'm going to take that one off actually i don't want low res cockpits i do think that many of these sections will actually leave where they are there won't be many changes in this graphic adjustments so just looking down we've got adaptive clip planes and shader replacements uh new shader for human skin i've got that actually on now post processing anti-aliasing i've got my nvidia 2015 piece on there i'm not going to change anything else on those sliders and my kind of rule is if i don't know what it is i'm not going to change it and but what i am going to change here is this quality piece so let's put that onto ultra so again this is something you can try on your rig and if that's what you want to do so accessible color buffer i'm going to leave that active tweaks i'm just going to leave all that active and i don't want it to look like a vhs old tape that's definitely not the case so grass effects this is a really good one actually most tracks now have integration even the modded tracks with grass effects so make sure that's active and i'm going to put the quality on there on to very high that's going to increase the density of the grass let's move on to the next section then and that is going to be lighting effects i'm just trying to concentrate on the graphical options here so again let's make sure that extension is active it is and guys this just adds various car lights track lights and casted lights and etc so let's just have a look down here if there's anything we want to change and i don't think so again unless i can see something obvious i'm just going to keep them as is there is one tick box here that i'm going to take that's high quality headlight shadows um and dynamic shadows expensive i'm gonna put active expensive means on performance but let's put it on we're trying to put everything on next thing is particle effects again that is active so this is a number of soft particle effects um and better particle rendering so some of you may have seen these in csp options before but got this active so that's right and soft particles extra options and draw shadows on particles let's put that on too and we're actually going to put this higher so probably on 5 12 and so that's done there that's great sparks is active new smoke and dust is active as well oh just on the um particles here you can change that for spark so you can have lots of sparks or not so many sparks depending on where that slider bar is and just on the new smoke i don't think there's anything we're gonna change there actually we've got cast shadows on we're not going to do any half distance piece uh flames we've got active that's really good and then of course here we've got the fireworks so you can change these if you've not seen these before you can change the fireworks for different kinds of parts of the race actually through the race or the end of the race or just on holidays and there's a little script mod there as well bits of tires laying around i'm going to put that on too and these are all the things you would switch off if you're trying to get more frames per second but i'm trying to do the opposite here so everything is on here and that section is all fine the solid pieces and i'm not going to do anything with arcade breaking traces or developer options so not doing anything there okay the next section then is rain effects rain effects is a pretty easy one we just need to make sure it is on and yes it is so still work in progress but that's actually on so we're going to keep all of those active reflections now this one can be a big performance eater so improved interior reflections by masking outside ones i'm going to keep that active am i going to change any of the tweaking pieces here don't think so now we're going to leave that as it is and then just moving further down we've got smart shadows so this actually gives you some really cool track shadows and as you can see in the little screenshot there and from some of the cameras the static cameras etc so i have got this active so let's keep that as active i don't think there's anything else to change there and then one of the last pieces just to check on is weather effects make sure that's active obviously because we're going to be making some changes to sold too also on the controller script make sure you've got 2.1 highlighted there if you want the new controller script and also on this one make sure you're at 2.1.3 so there we are salt 2.1.3 so now that we've done all of the video settings and the csp settings let's jump into the game and see what else we can do in there because i'm going to do another couple of changes and checks so this is actually the neuschleifer with all of those csp and video settings changed i think you can see here the quality of graphics is really good if you look at some of the reflections the way the light bouncing of some of these static objects it's pretty incredible actually you can see in this red van here the reflections as they form that is very very good remember guys this is a seven year old game that we're playing here so here is the corolla 11 i'm just going to zoom in a little bit and you can see the quality on the paintwork is much better and there's a real sharpness on all of the details including the shadows but the big change for me is the reflections i get a number of questions on my videos in the comments about how to get these reflections well this is how you do it guys and as i spin around this corolla you can see the reflections forming and spinning on the paintwork and again those reflections of sunlight with sol 2.1.3 really is stunning so big shout out to all of the modders that are involved in these fantastic mods the next thing to do then and the last thing to do is just double check on sol so if you go into the soul config piece here you can see that you've got some presets at the top and i believe when you first get this out of the box it'll be on medium or high what we're going to do is we're actually going to put it onto ultra now we're not going to use too much of the weather today but i just want the view distance and the quality of clouds and everything to be on ultra so that's what i've done so therefore we've got csp video and sol all on the best settings that we can do let's take a look then at some of the stats so when we were running in content manager before we were over 300 frames per second which is a crazy amount really now we've got frames per second around 100 and 405 and which is still very good obviously everything is on max remember guys everything on soul csp and video settings so we're on sol extra at the moment and i do love seoul extra it's my go-to pp filter and peter did a really good job with this but we're going to try out javi's photo realistic so there are two options here this is your standard photo realistic which looks absolutely gorgeous and then you've got photo realistic photo which has a slightly different color palette and a number of different changes and that's mainly for making screenshots but of course you can run your game in either one of those so this is photorealistic photo let's just take a closer look at the car because i think that looks very very nice now do remember guys that there's no yes or no answer on what is the best pp filter all these modders are doing a fantastic job of giving you the options to be able to choose what your eye thinks is best i actually think this looks very very nice and again as i go to this side of the car with the reflections from the sun which is on this side of the car it just looks brilliant but it's up to you remember so a lot of these pp filters are now being updated to the latest version of soul and javi's is definitely one to add to your collection now i actually prefer it just on photo realistic mode i think this one here just gives me a better color palette and this is the one that i like to see so let's take another spin around again the reflections are very very good and remember this is actually live in game this is not in a showroom this with false lighting this is live in-game with sol and csp and this amazing pp filter so looking very good i have to give a big shout out as well to the modders of this car it is one of my favorites it came out late last year lots of modders were involved in this but really really good thank you guys for this brilliant car so let's get the rain on then and obviously i'm going to run rain because it's csp 1.75 and just to call out as well if you don't know this that it's csp preview editions that bring rain into a set of courses not so the latest sol on its own will not do that if you do want to know how to install rain with the latest version of csp preview i have lots of videos on my channel that will do that so do check those out so how good does this look then guys so i've stopped the rain and i've got some puddles forming on the ground and still a little bit of rain around but it's looking fantastic but what i'm going to do now is go on to rain debugging you can find this in your apps so if you click on rain debug and deeper grain i'm going to switch all the rain off and i'm going to take all the wetness away and you can see on that slider bar what happens then to the track and then i'm going to increase the water on the track i always think this is one of the best ways of showing off what csp can do and what soul can do and look at the reflections now on the ground that is absolutely stunning and again this is live in game at the beginning of the video then we wanted to max out everything and we've done that on csp soul and all the video settings we've got this one in it between 80 and 100 frames a second this is the first time i've tried this and i am very pleased with the results and this is how i'm going to be running the game in future now javi has done some awesome screenshots so this is all in game again and he shared these with me so i can show them off to you i'm going to leave you with these for a moment because there are some spectacular screenshots here i hope you've enjoyed the video i hope it's giving you some pointers on how to get the best quality out of a set of corsa thank you so much for watching and supporting and sharing some of your time on the channel today as ever if you are new here do check out the rest of the channel there's lots more sim racing on there and if you like what you see i'd love to have you on board so do click on that subscribe button and if you do like the video gently touch on that like button that really helps me out with youtube i'll see you all very soon
Channel: Sir Spats Gaming
Views: 215,620
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Keywords: assetto corsa video settings, assetto corsa best graphic settings, assetto corsa best settings, assetto corsa best quality, assetto corsa csp, assetto corsa sol 2.1, csp rain, csp 1.75 rain, customer shader patch, assetto corsa mods, assetto corso top mods, assetto corsa best mods, assetto corsa graphics mods, assetto corsa graphic mod, #simracing, #assettocorsa, assetto corsa car mods pc, assetto corsa car mods, assetto corsa 2021 mods, sirspats gaming
Id: R0ToYgtAgn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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