Teaching a NOOB how to drift in Assetto Corsa

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boys today we're going to be teaching a noob how to drift in aeto corza say hi what's up guys how you doing today so uh this man we Y is actually a twitch streamer with uh 10,000 twitch followers yes sir I prepared a few challenges and I will be helping him and giving him tips to complete the challenges when needed and the first challenge is going to start right here in the pit ster so we're going to we're going to see how good you are so let's just come over here you see this little cone over here yeah little cone all right drift around it drift around it like in a circle like in a circle have to show the skills by the way what is your wheel that you're using as well I have a g920 with a 355 mm wheel so you swapped the wheel yeah I did a wheel swap basically we can see like you can do couple of La laps around the cone can you try to do the same thing but you just go the other way okay right now you're doing really good actually wow you're doing like way better on this side yeah I definitely feel like I have a favoritism when I I go into certain turns yeah right now you're doing pretty good going nice and wide over there as well seems like you can throtle control as well uh now try to drift around me try to get as close as possible to my vehicle without actually hitting it okay you're doing good you got to get closer though I I do like your big circle try to get closer it's going to be a little bit more difficult and without hitting the vehicle that's very good okay I did a little tap over there these tiny tracks you only need one gear second gear now if your second gear need it's changing you go into the pits go into gears and you can see what your second gear max speed is and you can either make it shorter or longer based on whatever you choose over here now tires and everything we're going to keep it stock and I believe your car doesn't even have a turbo so you don't need to change that for me example I have like this button over here if I turn it left turbo goes lower and if I turn it right turbo goes off so I usually put it on 100 turbo nothing else you need to really change uh the gear should be fine you should probably just put it in second gear and leave it there it's going to be easier for you because you can just focus on the steering wheel and pedals the noob is now going to go in the track and uh we're going to see his first attempt can he drift the whole thing and stone should already be sideways already be sideways it's crazy and over here that's a tricky corner you got to really extend it and might have to use the handre as well over here you actually wow that was pretty good yeah you just sent it a little too hard over there this is the next Corner over here little bit of little bit over steer over there we'll fix all that don't you worry okay looks like we doing pretty okay over here yeah there's going to be a couple of longer Corners over here yeah if you go on the grass rear tires you will spin out pretty easily yeah there we go okay now comes the long straight and just try to do a good entry into the first Corner over here let's see if you can do a drift entry over here you are trying I like it w wow that was almost a reverse entry there do a little bit of impressing but it did not work too well this whole track is easily doable in second gear so very beginner friendly you don't need to focus on changing gears all you got to do is steering wheel pedals and handbrake from time to time pretty straightforward definitely suggest starting out with a track that you can do in one single gear because shifting you can learn later after you have gotten down your transition your total control your counter steering all that as for the steering wheel not de is fine you don't need more because that is the most realistic um when I started on stto I started on the default setting of I think it's 540 so I started at 540 just so I could get the hang of the wheel how the wheel like rotates in your hand how much it turns yes you can absolutely absolutely lower it it is absolutely fine to start drifting in a setto corza with absolutely default settings default everything uh the force feedback should feel firm but not too firm like you shouldn't be fighting the wheel if you're figh binding the wheel you get to lower it uh in a set of course if you go into settings you can bind a button uh for example I binded my Force speed back button over here if I turn the button my force feedback for that specific car increases if I turn it the other way it lowers and this way you can just dial in any car so Stone are you on the track right now practicing yeah I am I'm still on the track okay good yeah just you you just keep on practicing and I'm coming for for your door as well I'm right behind you ston so try to not panic you panicking little little bit of panicking putting the pressure on me already now it's a Tre man tandem now stut it's already a Tre man T where you going I'm I'm I'm panicking I'm panicking okay try to do a good entry uh last time you did it a little early so yeah try to do a little bit late that's better yep better go a little bit wider than two inside um should I be worrying about any kind of like left foot breaking at all I don't really do any kind of left foot breaking as well the easiest way is to just grab the antre if you need break left foot breaking is a little bit you know on the advanced side as well uh comes really handy when you do tandems though and if you're like behind somebody and you need to like slow down your car a little bit okay this is this is a tricky corner it's like a basically a U-turn over here let me see what do you what do you do over here okay you go a little bit white that's good that was really good stoner that was nice I think whenever I first started playing this game you were uh giving me a lot of tips and one tip that I really took into mind was um seat time the more you sit down and try to play it and practice it the easier it'll like come to you so that's that's definitely one thing I uh I've been trying to do is just a lot more seat time in this game yeah absolutely but over here you can already get sideways a little bit of a clutch kick you got to keep it nice and wide over here so you try to avoid the inside a little bit here you going to keep the angle very humble very little angle handre will help at the very end over here to get you sideways all the way you want to drift you don't want to really stop drifting at any point over here now you want to go inside right over there inside and then extend inside again outside over here and then back inside over here just like that it's kind of like the racing line kind of right over here outside we whip it the other way connect it into this corner I did do a little bit of a handbrake entry as well you don't need to connect that do a little bit of a fish tail over here it's easier this way you can use your hand breake to slow your C down same pretty much over here you just do a little bit of a body weight transition and last corner is right over here and that's pretty much how you do a full lap decently make sure the wheels are spinning at all times unless you pull the handbrake obviously okay good yeah you should have just abused the handbrake there I did I gave it a good yank but it straighten me up a little bit okay maybe try holding it longer next time like handre can just like extend the drift if you're going to inside you can just like hold the handre just you can go nice and nice and wide okay this is good connected nice okay need a little bit more angle yep that's good okay connected little bit of a whip over here nice good tiny whip over here yep that was good that was good uh yeah if you were a little bit on the left over there uh that would have been good I want I want you to spect to me one more time I want to talk about the handbrake going to just try to uh show you how much I actually hold the handbrake on I'll say handbrake and then I'll say release so you know how long the handbrake is is being held going over here and a handbrake release so you release it like at the very beginning of the turn right yeah so that was that was that was a long time I didn't just yank it you know and then just be done with it I held it kind of makes it easier to like take these Corners yeah I'm normally used to just barely pulling my handbrake but I'm noticing that the longer I pull it the better it's definitely going like over here I already pull the anbre hold it and clunch kick and go that was pretty good if uh you were just like on the grass otherwise that was pretty good yeah the grass definitely uh definitely got me there yeah and if you do this very long handbrake holds then at the same time I do hold the clutch in and kind of keep the revs off as well so we like a clutch kick at the end of the handbrake release okay you're good you're going a little too wide there yep okay we are we are evolving but backwards it's still some type of progress but not not the good progress but it's progress absolutely I will say this is the first time I've used a different car pack I mainly use team effort car pack it's just a very comfortable feel for cars for me and it's a I think it's a lower horsepower uh mods will help you they will make your drifting easier absolutely but it's not needed and also uh increase in the tire pressure will make everything slower so you can also try increasing tire pressure so tires have more air in them so there's less grip with the road so you have like more reaction time so that's that's a tip as well if you're like really starting out for the first time okay you're doing good try to connect nice good nice little initiation I think you got out throttle like too fast there little too much throttle maybe yeah I almost got most of track down besides just couple turns now okay good connecting it yeah your your count is doing way too early there you should have held the angle a little bit more there just hold hold yeah you're doing a little too early there my wheels are it's straighten it up on its own by the way I'm not turning the wheel it's just turning itself don't let it turn hold on to the wheel then oh okay yeah because when you're dting and exiting a corner you are transitioning way too fast like it it should have should hold the angle a little B longer there yeah okay handbrake yeah he should have been a little little earlier with the handbrake I need to learn to hold the handbrake and not just release it okay this is good okay hold it yep D hand bre that was almost good that was almost pretty good almost a reverse entry when it down pull the hand bre pretty much okay this is good Corner hold it yep nice that's better that's better that that was a good start that that exit was was really good okay try to try to keep the ti spinning all the way over here and yeah what the sign is you switch perfect uh that was almost good you should have gone a little bit close to the barrier you did uh the initiation a little too early there okay hand breake hold yep good clunch kick okay not bad fire oh little hop there okay handbrake handbrake yep [Music] yep go inside there inside it should have be more inside there more inside you get to use all the road like a proper racing racing line and this is good I can see a throttle in the uh control in the throttle there okay yeah good good nice yeah little fish tail that was good idea was good hand breake yep nice well that corner is definitely getting better and better that's good inside inside hand breake hand break okay you were a little late with the hand breake man that was good though yeah I got mad close to that one I felt that one I'm also trying not to Just Lead Foot the whole time and I feel like my acceleration foots a little heavy trying to be a little less heavy on the accelerator yeah I see and it's working okay uh expected one one of my runs again and just the only pretty much focus on when I'm like switching like if I do a tiny corner and I'm sideways when do I exit the corner how soon and stuff like that and kind of like my line basically let's just try to focus on that okay right now less speed uh over here hand bre hand break just letting it slide clunch kicking just clunch kicking it a little bit now here we're going to go a little bit inside and you can use handbrake it was a little too inside but handbrake Sav me there and switching over here switching over here pretty late yeah usually do it a little earlier right over here inside over here and then pretty much after the inside hand bre and then you can clunch kick if needed I do clutch kick a lot I've noticed definitely noticed I'm definitely heavy on the throttle going around compared to TI yours yeah just one one more lap just try to look at the lines how do I how do I exit how do we an the corners when to like switch sides kind of here I went a little too wide but the inside and pretty much hand breake right over there hand bre over here as well put the nose right in and going to whip it right there and back and over here late late exit little bit of hand break over [Music] there and here comes the big entry over here where the tires are you can of switch and that is how you do it pretty much what did I do differently if you could compare it to your to your lines and stuff your throttle control is a lot more lighter than mine um I definitely can notice I'm a lot heavier on my throttle around some turns you're definitely initiating your e bra a lot sooner than I am as well and you you hold it cuz whenever I pull my e bra I tend to just pull it and let it go instead of holding it yeah holding is better okay I see good nice all right inside there okay inside handbrake handbrake nice good clunch kick beautiful wow yep hand bre go soft soft hold full okay yeah wow okay that's probably your best run so far I think hand break yep damn yo D is your best run over here hand breake hold yeah hold hold good good I think I finally connected the whole track for one time without spit out right uh that that that was really good like I said your your throttle control is a lot lighter than mine cuz I'm used to CarX like I'm very heavy on the throttle and CarX so I'm used to like rev limiting and holding the holding the throttle down for a long time yep good hand break hold hold clutch kick nice nice though yeah a little bit over but man that was good dude when you came here for the first time in this map every corio spawn out yeah exactly now I'm able to almost connect the entire track and this is the magic of practice which nobody wants to hear yeah you are definitely way more in control now after a couple of laps now boys after hours of practicing this is the result so we went from crashing in every corner as you see earlier in the video pretty much every corner he either always to spawn out or hit the tires so we're going from a bad run over here to this run right now so this is what we ended up with this is one of the best runs that sta did over here it all comes down to practice at the very end people don't really want to hear it but practice is the key uh I definitely don't suggest changing off the track every 5 minutes Master One Track and then move on into the other track this way you can see more progress if you just switch tracks you're going to be bad at every track pick one track that you love you can even use the default dress map but the point is you got to practice you got to put in the time there is no shortcuts you can watch this video you still won't be drifting like SE tro the main thing is getting seed time but ultimately it is all practice so hopefully you took something from this video if you did and it helped you like And subscribe check out Stoner on Twitch as well over here on the screen and as always stay sideways peace
Channel: Goosiest
Views: 183,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OxYiU8pPTS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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