How to Manipulate Gear Based Matchmaking - Dark and Darker

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hey what's up everybody good morning it's onepeg Hi how are you good morning uh we have a new gbmm uh gear score based matchmaking system that has been built into the latest patch for dark and darker the question is what and how does it work well the folks over at the wiki have done us the favor of data scraping out uh exactly what those break points are uh what the point values are and how to calculate everything but there are a couple of nuances in here that I think are very very important to go over because it will skew how you look at building your loadouts for when it is that you go into runs now I will say on the onset we know that this is not the final iteration or anything this is like the first pass we are testing it to see if it even works if it's even something that we like and I know that there are a lot of heated opinions about this I'm not here to give my opinion on what I think of the gear the gear score system I'm merely showing you how it works so that you guys can adjust your builds if necessary if you're heads scratching and wondering how you're getting into certain types of lobbies okay so here I am on the test server this is only for illustrative purposes the the patch is on live but uh this was an easy thing for me to do because I don't have a whole lot of gear and most of what I have is stuff that I've collected kind of along the way so you notice I still have a gray Oracle robe and stuff and and this is important uh and I'll I'll get to the point as to why it's important how this breakdown is set up but I have a blue long sword a blue Spellbook a white Hood blue legs I have a A blue ring green ring blue gloves purple cloak right but there's like this weird mix of stuff now according to the current gear score system this load out with the stuff that is in my inventory and all the stuff that I'm wearing is all considered to be mid tier bracket and I'm going to explain why so on the wiki this is what we have for the breakdown two-handed weapons one-handed main hand one-handed offhand head hands foot chest legs back the accessories so your jewelry and then utility items and just so that everyone is on the same page utility items also include instruments it is anything in your inventory that has the word utility in the tool tip like potions or your torch or a lockpick what is not included and does not have a gear score at all has no points awarded to it are things like gold coin purses things that don't have a slot type like silver coins gold coins they don't have a a category these gear score items are all given a point value two-handed items uh like the two-handed long sword that my warlock has on is 60 points the one-handed sword if I had a if I had a one-handed like a Chris dagger would be 36 points uh Head Hands and foot have a slightly different point Value Point weight then chest legs and back accessories have their own Point values Etc so if you're wondering what this relatively simplistic load out for my warlock actually comes down to in terms of gear score the answer is 243 points now of course you're like okay that's fine and good well thanks for letting me know what the points are so what's the point well the point is what the brackets break everything down to right uh there are three bracket levels so if I look at this kit at 243 points for what it is that I am wearing that breaks me off into three different potential brackets the first one is 0 to 199 points which I am above the threshold the second is a medium gear bracket which is 200 to 399 which is where I would end up and then the high gear bracket which is 400 plus because of the weighting of the spell book and the sword being 120 points by itself if I wanted to drop down to low gear I could if I swap out this Spellbook and the long sword for let's say a starter Spellbook and a falion which would put me in the low gear bracketing see how this works unfortunately this starts to break apart a bit because you could end up having a whole lot of additional magical damage let's say on your jewelry let's say it's greens and then be rocking like a starter spell book but have all of the plus damage on it anyway and still end up in the low gear Lobby that could potentially be something that gets abused don't get me wrong but it gets even more weird than this remember how I said that this was 243 points well that's only partially true yes what I'm wearing is 243 points but it doesn't just count what I'm wearing remember I also said that point values get apply to utility items like potions and meds and keys or or lock picks and torches and all that stuff right all of that stuff has a point value these are two these are three each these because they are normal quality are four this is six and this blue potion of invisibility is eight that is an additional 78 points that additional 78 points on top of the 243 points for what it is that I already have on puts me at 321 now if I did some very minor upgrades to this build let's say I have a blue Hood a blue chest and some blue boots right that would skew the points a little bit higher but nothing crazy I would still be considered mid-grade but on the med side if I decided that I was going to go instead of having gray potions and gray bandies these were white quality items instead just one category higher in quality that would skew the points to add additional 96 points worth of meds just by having this load out as my my go-to load out with having a blue chest blue boots and a blue hood that would be the only change and then I would be at 400 points now some people would argue that having that many meds in your inventory and the meds meta being what it is sucking down potions and bandies and that kind of stuff you're you're Justified and being forced into having to play with all the really big boys I would personally argue that a load out that looks somewhat like mine wouldn't NE necessarily stuff me in a bracket that is going up against guys that are all in bis purples but that's just me the idea here is that you can see already how this can be gamified a little bit like this load out by itself just by having less meds in my inventory can be below that 199 Point threshold to keep me in the low tier bracket so that I end up fighting against pure timmies that are running around naked with like a blue falion right and that's the big difference here it goes without saying that I think that this is going to have to be a little bit more more elegant than what they've done right now with like the quality of gear given how the the leap from uh Grays to whites to Greens is as significant as it is but you absolutely could end up finding people that are going in to uh try to kill Troll Boss and stuff by utilizing whatever break points they possibly can to keep just under those thresholds and that's the most important part but my job here is to educate you guys to get the word out so that you understand how this whole thing works and be able to plan your builds accordingly so that way at least you can do some rough calculating and decide whether or not you're going to end up in a bracket with the big dogs or if you're going to end up kind of somewhere in between or on the low end if that is your intention anyway guys thank you so much for coming and checking out the video my name once again is onepeg if you would be so kind as to sub the channel here maybe even hit the Bell that would be amazing I would really really appreciate it it really really does matter Believe It or Not also if you wouldn't mind coming by a stream sometime I stream around 7: a.m. eastern standard time just about every single day at onepeg thanks so much and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Onepeg
Views: 10,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, dark and darker pvp, onepeg, dark and darker onepeg, dark and darker tips, dark and darker gameplay, dark and darker playtest, dark and darker rogue, dark and darker wizard, dark and darker guide, onepeg tarkov, dark and darker nexon, dark and darker dmca, goblin caves dark and darker, dark and darker court, dark and darker news, dark and darker solo, dark and darker wizard pvp, dark and darker review, dark and darker game, dark and darker high roller
Id: lxJADdlJpE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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