How To Make Your PC FAST in 10 Minutes! (2024)

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hello everybody Welcome to today's tutorial where  today I'm going to be teaching you guys how to   speed up your PC in 2023 I made a version last  year a lot of that stuff can carry over into this   year but I decided to add different tools and  other things that I learned over the past year   on how to speed up your PC even more [Music] so I  have a feeling that the people who are going to be   watching this video are either editors or Gamers  or just someone who's like why the heck is my PC   running so slow these are things that you can  be doing on a monthly basis to see a difference   in your PC first thing that we are going to do is  actually look up if your computer needs a Windows   update now looking at my computer you guys can  already see that I do require an update right   now on my Windows update but if you guys don't  see that it may just be turned off so let me show   you how to actually look it up you're going to go  down to the search bar and type in Windows update   we're going to click on check for updates as you  can see I I do require a a new update for the new   Windows 10 Edition but something that I want to  talk about really quick is that if you are up to   date already on your windows I know that this is  like such a basic thing that like it's like all   right check for Windows updates and then you don't  have ones like all right I'm good if you were to   go down and click on view optional updates drop  down on driver updates and select all of these you   are now updating the actual Hardware within your  computer I'm pretty sure that when you install   another Windows update it automatically updates  the drivers however if you are having problems   with your PC being slow this is another place  that you can look you can update these specific   drivers download and install them and see if that  helps to fix your problem next what we're going   to do is head down to our Windows start button  head into settings and then go to system once   you're in system we're going to scroll all the  way down on display to graphic settings and then   here we're going to turn on Hardware accelerated  GPU as you can see you will have to restart your   PC I recommend waiting until you've done all of  the settings and then restart it then we're going   to head back to the main setting window we're  going to go into Apps here what you can see   is all of the apps that are installed on your  computer what I would recommend is that you go   through each one of these apps and see which one  you don't need on your computer uh click on it   and then hit uninstall some things like Microsoft  Edge they won't allow you to uninstall because it   is Microsoft but other things like OBS all these  extra apps you can go in and you can uninstall   them I just uninstall the ones that you don't  think that you'll need at all and next we're   going to head over to Startup basically as soon  as you hit your on button these are apps that will   start up a few of these things your computer may  need to have to start up like my go XLR app runs   the audio for my computer and if I don't start  that then I'll have to start it manually every   single time to hear anything but like something  that Google I definitely don't need to have   starting when I turn on my computer turning off  some of of these startup apps will decrease the   amount of time it takes to kind of get started  on your computer you guys have may run into the   issue where as soon as you start the computer  it takes a little bit for your computer to kind   of speed up to normal speeds it's very slow it's  like waking up slowly these are the reasons why   another way to get to the startup apps is right  clicking on the taskbar and going to task manager   and then heading over to Startup next what we're  going to do is we're going to head in to privacy   where's privacy there it is so inside of privacy  Windows really likes to overstep in some areas on   the Privacy processes that run in the background  a lot of times when you have a bunch of these   things turned on your computer just has unneeded  scripts running in the background and so I would   recommend stuff like show me suggested content  in the settings app stuff like this can really   just all be turned off going into your speech uh  the inking and typing personalization a lot of   the stuff you just don't need and is slowing down  your computer so go through all of these things   things Windows permissions app permissions some  of these app permissions you may have like an app   that requires your camera like Zoom or something  like that you're going to want to leave these on   but if you accidentally turn something off you  realize that you need later on you can always   come back to this window find what was needed and  then turn it back on as you can see I'm just kind   of going through all of these different apps and  turning the microphone off voice activation you   can turn off it's always listening to hear your  voice just an extra process that's slowing down   your computer another new thing that I did not go  over in the last tutorial is background apps so   in this permission window uh the privacy window  if you scroll down to background apps they kind   of have it hidden these are things that can run in  the background if you have a bunch of things open   right if you have like your calculator your clock  your Cortana your feedback Hub if you have all the   stuff open every single one of them can and are  allowed to run in the background like fully run   in the background and so I would recommend just  turning all the ones that you know you're not   going to use off I never use Cortana shut that  crap off that's gone I may leave on like media   player Microsoft photos but uh stuff like 3D paint  or paint 3D it's just a lot of nonsense that you   don't need to have turned on next we're gonna  head back into our main settings window and go   into gaming once you hear we're gonna go down to  Game Mode and turn this on a lot of times things   like editing normal browsing and gaming all  use and utilize the same Hardware within your   computer so when this is on it Windows optimizes  your PC for play which can positively affect other   applications as well that is all we have so  far in the actual settings window we can hit   out of that and then we're gonna go into our file  explorer if you don't have file explorer down here   on your taskbar if you just look up my PC let's  go into my PC we're going to focus on cleaning   up our disk space A lot of times having low disk  space in a computer can attribute to slow working   processes of your computer it's just because it  needs enough space to read and write constantly   so if you have two drives head over to your D  drive or your main drive right click on it and   go to properties then go down to disk cleanup  select all the things that are in this files   to delete and then hit OK once that's finished  we're going to go back into tools and then do an   error check on the hard drive I recommend only  doing this to actual hard drives and not solid   state drives I there's just a lot of speculation  on doing error checking and optimizing uh solid   state drives as they're already very optimized  and they don't work exactly the same as normal   hard drives so if you have an SSD do not do the  error checking or the optimizing on that drive   after you're done error checking we're going to  hit optimize down on optimize ND fragment Drive   select the drive that we are currently doing a  disk cleanup on again I don't recommend doing   solids state drives you'll head over to analyze  and then you'll hit optimize heading back over   to your file explorer select your other drive if  you have one this one is a solid state drive so   we are only going to do a disk cleanup on it we're  going to select everything hit OK and now we are   finished inside of file explorer next thing that  we are going to do is hit Windows R this is going   to bring up the Run window we're going to type  in percent temp percent this is going to open up   our temporary file location this is where all of  those temporary files that are created when you   open up apps are stored these can all be deleted  as they will get remade and recreated when you   reopen those apps but there are some apps more  likely within the past year however long you've   had your computer that you don't open anymore  at all and those temporary files are still on   your computer so we're going to select all and  hit delete we're going to hit continue whenever   something whenever the word continue shows up hit  continue but if something shows goes up like this   where it says try again or skip you're going to  select do this for all items and then hit skip   these are temporary files that your computer is  currently needing to use next we're going to hit   Windows R again and type in the word temp this is  another temporary folder that is created uh we're   going to go inside of this select everything  and hit delete we're going to do continue on   what can be continued and then skipped on what  can be skipped once you've deleted all of those   we are finished inside of the Run window the nice  thing that we are going to look at is power and   sleep settings so down at the search bar you're  going to type in power click on Power and sleep   settings and then we are going to do additional  power settings this will bring up a window where   it shows you two different options balanced and  a power saver plan what we're actually going to   do is click on Show additional plans and select  high performance it uses more energy so if you are   on a laptop this could be not beneficial for you  if you're not plugging in your laptop every time   that you use it however if you are on a desktop  this should be the one that you are always on   it's just high performance the next thing we are  going to do is look up Advanced system settings   we're going to click on view Advanced system  settings with this we will be changing some of   our visual effects of our computer Windows likes  to kind of go above and beyond on making your   computer feel polished all the time but that can  really degrade your performance so I've actually   curated a list already of these settings that is  going to allow you to have the same experience of   your computer but stop a lot of these processes  that don't need to be running in the background   here is the list that I recommend you guys use  on your PC this will keep your PC from looking   like Windows XP but also adjust it for the best  performance we're going to hit apply and then OK   finally what I recommend is that if your computer  is running slow there is a potential that you may   have malware on your computer over the years I've  used multiple different anti-malware software my   favorite one that doesn't take too much space on  your computer and also isn't always running crazy   and the background is Malwarebytes Malwarebytes  does have a free plan that comes with the ability   to scan your entire PC I recommend downloading  this product and using it on your computer at   home to see what it finds if it doesn't find  anything then malware wasn't contributing   anything to the computer being slow however  it's always good to not have malware on your   computer thank you guys so much for watching  this tutorial if you guys enjoyed it please   leave a like comment and subscribe I enjoy making  these tutorials on helping people with these small   things at home hopefully this was beneficial  for you I will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Austin Davenport
Views: 310,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make your computer faster, make my computer faster, how to speed up your computer, how to speed up your pc, how to make windows faster, how to speed up windows, how to speed up your computer 2023, how to make windows faster 2023, how to make your computer run faster, how to speed up windows 10, 5 minutes, make windows 10 faster, speed up windows 10 performance, how to make windows 10 faster and smoother, windows 11, slow computer fix, computer is running slow, pc repair
Id: EqhGFf4zBUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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