How to make your own gtag fan game map

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today I'm going to show you how you can make your own girl tag fan game map so firstly open up um your unity and then click package manager Unity registry make sure you have Pro Builder once you have probuilder see these two like exactly like that those two I mean click on new shape make sure it's on a plane and go from one side to the the other side like that then click this and hold shift or control doesn't really matter subdivide faces twice once you have that this is what you got to do is if you really want it you have to click on each Edge and hold control or this will not work at all so once you you because if you don't click on all of them it will not work correctly it will just be a pile of rubble then to away once you've selected all of them way to know all of them are selected is if each one's yellow or oranges orange orange means not good but anyways once you have done this this is a decent Square map if you want to add anything go ahead and click the this vertex selection and you can make little stuff go to Pro Builder extrude edges put it all the way up like that if you want extrude edges again and then you can do whatever you want if you guys want to have another one of these up here get this um scale tool put it up here and then have it like this again then once you have these selected click extrude edges again put this all the way up then extrude edges again and then you can just do this and then put this uh my bad you can either just completely cover it or what I like to do is I like to to just like put it up a little on the sides and like kind of leaning in so it's harder for them to get out of the map if you guys really wanted to you can get a invisible barrier right here yeah if you need any more tutorials or you want to support me and join my game it's in the comments below uh description if you you need any help make sure to go ahead and add me on Discord and make sure to like And subscribe subscribe and I'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: SoarGT
Views: 123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gew3LqVgCEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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