How to Make Your Own Dice Set | Liquid Core Dice

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earlier this week I did a review of these awesome magical glitter swirly dice they're extremely popular right now and for good reason they look great I think I finally nailed down a consistent process to be able to get these results every single time so let me show you how I did it the dice that I'm trying to replicate are the ones from dr. Bell cookie games that I reviewed just a few days ago I'm gonna use them in my normal dice molds but how I'm replicating them is with these small little glass orbs with an opening on them I'll put a link to those in the description down below I think they're gonna give me a pretty similar results I'm using those as well as some UV resin to create this kind of glittery swirl effect with some water and glitter on the inside that will be the final result there so I'm taking UV resin as well as a small little UV flashlight to cure the resin on there the reason being the UV resin will blend in well with the rest of the resin that I'm going to coat the dice in if I did something else it would show up I'm using mica powders for the glitter in here duo red and macro pearl which we'll talk about those because that's not what you just saw in the beginning but we'll get into that I want to show you things that I mess up on as well make sure you're wearing your gloves and a respirator that's good for fumes and ventilation throughout this whole process because it will get all over your hands and up in your lungs and you don't want that so I take a coffee stirrer and use it to put some of the glitter in those glass orbs you don't really need much all that I'm using is that small amount there which you can see is really a very very tiny amount less is more in this case I ended up doing a little more is more and when I first tried this out but you really don't need it there's enough glitter in there to swirl around in the water just fine wipe the excess off with your finger so that there's none sticking to the glass as best you can and I use the silicone molds to hold these up as I do the UV resin process I'm using this little water dropper here to fill them up with water and I think water is the best thing to do you could possibly use mineral oil to fill these up with somebody actually suggested using baby oil and I did try that but I'll show you what that looks like in a minute fill these up to the absolute brim in this case I left room for an air bubble because I thought maybe the resin would kind of fill up the rest of it don't do that fill them all the way up and I'll show you why later but using the baby oil you can see here when you shake it up it doesn't show any sort of movement on the inside so I recommend using water you can dye the water with food coloring or alcohol ink but just be sure you don't miss like I do this comes into play later and I'll show you why that's a problem I think that that's what he does because the water seems to be a color while the rest of the glitter is kind of a silver now we're gonna take this UV and pour it over the lid and then cure it immediately with our UV curing light here this will cure it in about 1020 seconds enough to where it's hard enough to add another layer on there the whole goal is to cap up that opening again we're doing this with resin so that when we coat the dice with other resin it blends in and you won't even see that resin if you were to do that with silicone or hot glue to cover the entrance you'd still be able to see it so you can see here in a more close-up view I try and go all the way around the outside of the lid and cure as much as I can before it drips down on the inside do the same thing think of it like soapy bubble water that you're trying to cover over the bubble wand and seal up fast except in this case you're curing the bubbles to a rock-hard state with the UV light again only about 20 seconds is enough to where I can put another layer on there and build this up you can see the sticks a decent ways over the glass which is why I wanted to use resin so that you can't see it it says it takes 2 to 4 minutes I leave it on there for about 10 minutes because I'm not sure how strong my UV light is but eventually I get some awesome results you can see here shaking it up it has some fantastic swirls but there are huge bubbles in the top of these so that's flaw number one we're gonna talk about some other flaws that you'll see here there's a lot of cuts because I wanted to show you what they look like swirling but they only swirl for like half a second so I had to do some jump cuts there now that we have our completed orbs that are going to be the swirly effect on the inside we can fill our molds with these orbs they are going to try and be suspended in the very center of our d20 dice if you want to put them in smaller dice I'm gonna recommend that you get smaller orbs so that the resin can completely encase them with that weird hand motion that I did there now I'm using art and glow resin it's kind of my go-to one I think it works well here works well in all of their cases I'll put the safety data sheet for it as well as the UV resin in the description of the video below this is an equal part by volume resin so I mix up one part a to one Part B and mix it up for a solid five minutes to make sure that it is thoroughly mixed at the end of the five minutes I put two drops of this liquid glitter inside my resin it's not enough to make it a glittery shell but just enough to where it sparkles if you hit it at the right angle again I normally use pipettes but I just happen to run out of them and needed to use this I fill up just a little bit on the bottom of the mold so that when I push these down they're not touching the silicone down at the bottom and there's a better chance that there won't be a air gap in my resin down at the bottom causing this to be a failed set of dice it still fails but I'll show you why because that's not exactly the reason I take the little needle nose tip on there or you can use a pipette and load it up slowly if you load it up too fast you're guaranteed to get some air gaps and bubbles definitely load it up slow and let it kind of build its way up from the bottom to the top push it to one side of the mold and fill it up with a lot of excess resin in the top now I'm putting mine in a pressure pot and here's where a mistake number two comes in when I put this in the pressure I was really afraid of the glass encasement that I just made braking due to pressure so I filled it up really really slowly and I only filled it up to about 15 maybe 20 psi which is not really enough for resident needs to be at about 30 or 40 psi after trying it my dice don't seem to break but it caused these huge gaps and voids and the end of the dice which are repairable if you do some resin work but not something I wanted to mess with right away so I decided to give this a second shot those are still okay dice and I can fix them later maybe but they're they're not ideal I want to be able to get it right the first time so let's take another crack at this with another set of glitter we're gonna use some brilliant gold which of course I like as well as that macro pearl again so I'm going to fill up another set of the glass orbs with the brilliant gold again we don't need much of the mica powder less-is-more here and I'm gonna fill up another set with the macro pearl I was going to use that red alcohol link in the back but after filling these up with water I thought they actually looked pretty darn good on their own these ones you can see I filled up all the way to the brim with water there are no air bubble gaps in there because that looked really bad in the final results of the other ones I wanted to make sure that there was no possible little bubbles if I could avoid it you can see by the time I get to the silver one I've kind of nailed this process down and one go I can completely cover that thing with resin and I just coat some extra to kind of flatten it out along all sides and ensure that there's not going to be any gaps or leaks of the water on the inside I mix up another set of the art and glow resin again it's one to one parts I make extra because I'm using some of the leftover resin for another project that I'm working on again fill it up with two drops of the liquid glitter mix it in it's a little bit shiny we're not going for completely shiny we just want a tiny tiny bit of glitter to be on the outside to make them stand out fill up the bottom of the molds with just a little bit of resin and you can see here the gold looks fantastic as does the silver on its own it really didn't need any extra additives this makes it look like an awesome snow globe and the silver one looks obviously great but you know I do have a soft spot in my heart for the gold why wouldn't I fill it up nice and slowly the same way we did for the other dice and this time when putting it in the pressure pot I changed up the amount of pressure I put it to my normal dice pressurisation about 35 psi I really listened to make sure that the glass didn't break because I was very scared of that but bought it being about a boom we have some awesome finished dice there we've got a gold set and a silver set I'm going to cut the sprues off of them I take them immediately out of the pressure pot and cut the sprues while there's still a little bit soft and makes life just that much easier I take an exacto knife to cut the tips off and then I sand it down to where I get it to where I want it now I have the completed silver one the silver one is fantastic it is absolutely gorgeous and that's the one we're gonna be working on moving forward because remember that blue die yeah well apparently there was still some left in the mold when I did it and it completely ruined the gold set that's okay it was a little bit off-center the sharp edged dice are better for this it makes it easier for them to stay Center so we'll just call this one a wash and move on to inking the silver one I'm using or a car more gold paint to ink it because I will implement gold into anything and everything that I can in my life and I think that makes for a good silver and gold kind of wish style dice which is what I'm going to call this dice it's my wish dice you can see when it's not moving the glitter all piles to the bottom but after you shake it up it is phenomenal looking this is by far my favorite dice that I've ever made it is just gorgeous as it rolls with all the glitter the gold and the silver is a phenomenal color together it was my favorite versions of Pokemon so why wouldn't I like me gold and silver and I really I don't have anything bad to say this one I'm very proud of this dice I know that others make them better and I'm sure that this is not how dr. Bell cookie and then make their dice but this is how I make it and I can get a pretty consistent result so I'm happy with it you can see even just turning it the glitter kind of moves in and on its own there but there is one thing that I do want to mention and it's something that's been going on in my channel for a while and I'm sure some of you are tired of hearing about it that you know I had to sacrifice my wife for the soul stone so I think it's time that we finally remedy that situation and I'm gonna roll and cast wish to bring her back up oh my god what is that a natural 20 am I am I gonna get my wife back is is my wife coming back baby you're here hey missed you you do I guess this joke wasn't worth the wait was it oh god no not at all thank you for watching my videos I really appreciate you taking the time to do so maybe subscribe if you might want to see some more content like this for some DIY D&D stuff or check out some of my other videos I already have a decent amount out and I try and do at least one a week so thank you again for watching I really appreciate it maybe check out some people who sell these kind of dice and I hope that you have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: Rybonator
Views: 674,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make dice, diy dice, making dice, dice making, resin dice, dice, dnd, dnd dice, make your own dice, custom dice, diy, dice box, dice tower, diy dnd dice, glitter, sparkle, GOAT, bellcookie, rybonator, glass, resin, uv, unique, custom, etsy, dungeons and dragons, d&d, sharp edge dice, transparent, mold, silicone, epoxy, how to, dye, tutorial, instructions, ink, numbers, gold, silver, polyhedral, d20, rpg, tabletop, obsessions, die, paint, sand, review, sprue, pigment, mica, powder, wish, magic, kickstarter
Id: cT9ygQ4xROM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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