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hey everyone it's me today we're going to look at a bunch of ways to make your home smell amazing i'm even going to include various tips for people that are sensitive to scent or allergic to fragrance apart from the more obvious methods of scenting your home like using scented candles or things like that we're going to explore a few lesser-known methods that are really easy to implement most of the methods we'll be looking at today use items that you'll easily be able to find around the house even though we're not going to be talking directly about scented candles do stick around until the end if you want to know which scents i do recommend if you're shopping for candles and which scents to stay away from this first one is a classic realtor trick no it's not baking cookies before an open house it's actually even easier than that all you need to do is grab a couple of tablespoons of vanilla extract pop it in a oven proof dish and then put it in the oven at 300 degrees fahrenheit for like an hour or so you don't want to cook or like boil the vanilla extract you just want to warm it so that it diffuses that aroma of baked goods throughout the house so for all those people out there who are allergic to scents and get angry when i talk about how it's important to make the home smell good this one is for you open your windows now you may be thinking duh who doesn't open their windows well actually you'd be surprised at just how many people forget to open their windows to let fresh air in mary condo actually does this every single morning she opens all the windows in her home and burns incense she says she does this to circulate the air and also to allow clear energy into her home so whether or not you believe that sort of thing is up to you but one thing is for certain if you open your windows it's the easiest way to freshen the air in your home without basically having to lift a finger okay so this tip is basically great for people that are overly obsessed with scent and perfumes like myself so if you are one of those people you probably have a fair collection of perfumes that you just don't use anymore for whatever reason maybe you don't like the way they smell on your skin anymore or for whatever reason you just don't wear them anymore if you still enjoy the scent of those perfumes you can try using them as room sprays i also like to do this with like those cheapo body sprays that sometimes you buy on a whim and then you and never end up using because they don't really smell that great i also like to use my old perfumes and body sprays on damp towels and on the bath mat when i get out of the shower because it makes them dry with a really beautiful smell rather than with a musty smell speaking of using actual perfume to scent your home shout out to twisted lily for sending me these amazing home fragrance products to try out if you're into niche independent and natural fragrances definitely check them out i left a link in the description to them and also a code posh10 that you can use to get 10 off any of their items another great use for your abandoned perfumes is to make cotton wool bombs so basically all you do is grab a cotton ball and spritz it with a good amount of perfume cologne or essential oils and then you just basically hide them in strategic places around your house like behind a curtain or up on a shelf or something and they'll provide a beautiful boost of scent in that corner of your home obviously make sure to keep them out of reach of any pets and children one other thing you can do is put one inside the canister of your vacuum so that you spread the scent around your home as you are vacuuming we all know that fabric spray is a fantastic way to freshen up the smell of your home because there are certain areas that are a little bit more difficult to clean and don't get cleaned as often as we'd like like upholstery curtains rugs and things like that so fabric spray is a great option unfortunately i hate the smell of febreze it just reminds me of somebody trying to mask the smell of vomit so i like to make my own fabric spray and fortunately it's super easy to do all you need to do is fill an empty plastic spray bottle which you probably already have around the house or if not you can buy one for like a dollar at the dollar store you fill it with warm water add a tablespoon of baking soda and 10 or 20 drops of your favorite essential oil give it a little shake and you're good to go did you know that heat actually makes smells whether they're good or bad spread faster well you can use this trick to your advantage on all the light bulbs in your home all you do is dab a couple of drops of essential oil on a cold light bulb and then when you turn your lights on the heat of the light bulb will diffuse the smell into the whole room the same technique actually will work with your radiators as well just dab a couple of drops on your radiator and when you turn the heat on the aroma will be diffused within the room if you are one of those people that loves the smell of fresh laundry then you'll love this tip basically dryer sheets are your best friend you can make your home smell like fresh laundry in so many ways just by using dryer sheets just place them anywhere where you feel like your home could use a little boost of freshness like under a garbage bag in a shoe rack in a clothing drawer in a laundry basket you can also tuck a dryer sheet inside your toilet roll so every time it spins it diffuses the laundry smell into your bathroom you can also tape a dryer sheet to a fan wipe down your furniture to freshen it up the options are basically endless pet hair spilt drinks muddy shoes and other accidents can sometimes make your carpets and rugs a little questionable over time the great news is that you can deodorize your carpets and rugs fairly easily all you do is mix together some baking soda and a few drops of essential oil sprinkle it on your rugs or carpets again watch out for pets leave it overnight and then vacuum it up in the morning and then enjoy your fresh and fragrant carpets i don't really like using bars of soap because i feel like they take forever to use up they get messy and after a while they just look a little gross also i feel like they dry out my skin anyways bars of soap are one of those things that for whatever reason i just always seem to end up with them so if you're the same and you have an unwanted stash of strongly scented soaps that you know you're never going to get around to using what you can do is take them out of their wrapper and then wrap them in fabric and then just like with the dryer sheets you'll just place them anywhere where you need a nice boost of fresh scent reed diffusers are a great way to change the scent of your home they're eco-friendly and they release a beautiful slow stream of scent into your room if you don't love the reed diffusers on offer at the store why don't you try making your own instead it's super easy all you need to do to make your own is take a small glass container and then fill it with an unscented carrier oil then mix in a teaspoon of your favorite essential oil and give it a little stir pop in some more tan sticks and you're done if you're in a pinch and you don't have rattan sticks you can even just use bbq skewers and don't forget to flip your sticks every now and then for a fragrance boost another wonderful and natural way to scent your home is to simmer a bunch of your favorite ingredients on the stovetop you can also use your crock pot for this there are like a million different stovetop potpourri recipes online so just basically pick your favorite one fill your pot with water put in your ingredients and let the pot simmer and be sure to top up the pot with water if you leave it on for several hours scent is obviously a very personal thing and we all like different things but personally the scents that i tend to avoid like the plague when i'm candle shopping are anything apple and cinnamon like unless i'm actually baking cinnamon rolls in which case yes i love the smell keep me as far away as possible from those scents because they literally make me gag also pine i find very difficult to get right it's usually pretty gross and pumpkin spice i it's just i can't it's it's terrible and any candles that are like overly cologne smelling are generally a no-no on my list because they just they smell like axe body spray which also is another gag test for me so um those are the definitely the scents that i steer clear from to each their own some scents and candle brands that i do recommend are the following nest new york anything they do is beautiful home fragrance products that they have are amazing some of the scents they make that i love are mediterranean fig rosemary and ood and moroccan amber baluspa candles are amazing any candle by baluspa is beautiful bath and body works candles i know they have a huge following personally i find them to be a little hit or miss they're a little too synthetic smelling for me although they do have one beautiful one that i am obsessed with which is called palo santo i would recommend that one for sure peck sniff candles are actually really good i've only ever seen them at home goods home sense here in canada and on amazon they are amazing value for money they have a really beautiful range of different and complex smells with an amazing throw so i would definitely check out peck sniff candles if you are looking to try like a new candle brand if you're curious to check any of these candles out i left links in the description below anyways i hope this was helpful and maybe next time your home smells amazing you'll think of me and you'll come back to youtube and hang out with me thanks bye
Channel: Posh Pennies
Views: 325,828
Rating: 4.9121633 out of 5
Keywords: posh pennies, how to make your home smell good, how to make your home smell amazing, home fragrance, diy home fragrance, essential oils, deodorize couch, cleaning hacks for your house, home scents, removing odor, diy home hacks, home cleaning tips, home cleaning hacks, eliminate odors in home, ways to make your home smell good, make your house smell amazing, make your house smell good, bounce dryer sheets, home scent, deodorize
Id: QgxvNjaa6Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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