It's A Disastrous Mess: Sarah & Tommy Tackle 70's Bathroom With A Bizarre Tub | Sarah 101| Abode

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[Music] we've done the lipstick on a pig renovation but it's time to do the serious renovation now this bathroom needs a complete redesign that is the weirdest and craziest tub i've ever seen this tub needs a redesign too oh no no i can't breathe too small too much information would you like to create a bathroom with modern convenience and traditional style we'll show you how right now great design comes from a winning formula mine is as basic as a set of building blocks put them together add up the results and you've got a sensational room do you have a bathroom that doesn't fit the style of your home our house is a beautiful victorian classic the bathroom was done probably in the early 70s things are starting to really come apart the seams lovely step up there's three steps up and then if you were to want to take a bath there's another step up before one giant step down to be honest everything in this bathroom is a giant step down if you ran through this room you'd go oh pretty blue bathroom but if you stand here for more than 10 seconds this thing is a disastrous mess oh my the tiles are cracked it's a constant battle against mold what is that i don't know pull it no thank you so shower stall needs to be ripped out toilet and bidet oh my goodness look at that tub that is the weirdest and craziest tub i've ever seen it's about three and a half feet long on the bottom but yet it's in an eight by ten foot surround or something it takes up half the bathroom we absolutely need a big sunken tub that we can soak in sounds like we need a tub for two fun at one end of the tub because i've got the faucet in my back that's not the worst part what you're not supposed to be able to do is stand in the tub in the water and hold on to a light fixture did you notice the floor yeah that's painted plywood i actually bet that this was done in order to get a sunken tub they've elevated the whole floor i bet you anything i would say it's not too soon to renovate this bathroom i would say it is not too soon we need to call the contractor right away there's nothing else i can do here at this point goodbye so here's our brief first it needs to be completely gutted and redesigned it needs a tub for two and the style should be appropriate for a classic victorian home the thing about victorian is it was about decorative beauty yeah right it's not about streamlined minimalism it's about celebrating a little bit more as more it was something of an opulent period of time it was the industrial revolution it was when people had a lot of money to spend on their homes hmm what does that mean for us some beautiful detailed tile work i totally agree with that but i also see a lot of porcelain i don't think it's all marble that house has a very sunny and light disposition it does that bathroom can't suddenly go dark what i see is like light soft and fluffy like a cloud i see that too all right cue the hammers demo these guys have moved so fast today i'm not sure that i'm dressed for this no no i'm not you're totally not you were right that this was built up but it looks to me like it wasn't just built up for the tub no all of the plumbing and all of the vents and the hvac and everything was under this floor so this is a victorian house runs front to back correct and that almost always means that the joists run side to side which means that to get this plumbing through the floor would mean cutting out all of the joists at which point you marginalize the structure of the house so that's a no-go okay plus downstairs is finished beautiful dining room finished ceiling lovely chandelier hanging right beneath us that means the only place this plumbing can go is where it is now could we have a much much lower platform i could live with a single step up just inside the door okay could you i could looking on the bright side you're really able to do that right now i'm gonna try you're good okay looking on the bright side it feels really spacious now that that shower stall is gone it is incredible how much that opens up and now that we've got all this space we've got to figure out how to use it our biggest challenge in this bathroom is going to be the size our benefit is the size but our challenge is also the size because the budget because of budget it's a huge space to fill do you guys like any of these plans that we've come up with i like this one because i like the symmetrical placement of the vanities it's a busy space because we're crowded over one sink so we need two sinks but i figure we're gonna spend at least a thousand dollars more to do the individual sinks instead of doing the double sink a separate water closet always costs more money but here we can create the illusion of a water closet by hiding the toilet behind the shower stall if your space challenged you have no options right everything goes against the walls jam it all in but we've got this situation where we've got space and i like the fact that you're saying if we've got space why does everything have to go to the walls i've wanted to do a bathtub in the center of a bathroom for a really long time the trick is you very rarely are presented with a room that has enough floor space that you could float the bathtub they want a fabulous tub for two right so let's make it what you see the second you walk in and i think it could be beautiful okay now we need to find what's going in this bathroom okay still a lot of work to do this house is from the victorian era but this bathroom is from the ugly era i would say it's not too soon to renovate this bathroom first we came up with a better floor plan now we need to find what's going in this bathroom and one of those things is a brand new bathtub the biggest issue for me is the tub is not practical for the two of us to enjoy realistically the best tubs for two are the ones that are absolutely massive and hideous looking and shaped like triangles exactly yeah i know that tub looks like a butt the bathtubs that are rounded on the ends at least look to me that they would be comfortable and if each person gets a rounded end and the faucet is in the center of the tub so that nobody ends up with the faucet at the back of their neck right then we've got a tub for two that's my my general feeling what do you think about this very attractive doesn't this sort of look like it's borrowed from the traditional styling of a claw foot tub yes it does i'm feeling like this is our one okay okay i think that's it so they're going to go and have a look at it sure they have to make sure that they both fit in it at the same time this is so awkward whatever there's always something awkward in every bathroom renovation with every client you know what the recurring theme of bathrooms is too much information [Music] oh no no no no i can't it's too small ah this one's beautiful yeah i like the the shape of it oh my lord look at that it's perfect david i love it yeah love it it's not too high yeah there's enough room for three in here i mean no there's for the reproduction rubber ducky that's but before we can put in that tub we've got to frame the new floor happily we can fit all our plumbing in with just one step up we're using plywood in the new bathroom but this time it's going to be the sub floor [Applause] that's some progress i'll say soaring ceilings how do you feel about clearance i feel like there's tons of room here i love the fact that when you come here up this little step and you see these great layers like first the incredible sculptural tub then beyond that the beautiful hardware and tub filler that comes afterwards and then beyond that whatever the piece of furniture is on the back wall you get this beautiful layered effect and guess what you don't see when you come in here the grabber that's what i don't like about bathrooms when the door is open and you see a toilet i'm sorry but that's not the piece de resistance that's the piazza poo poo so this is lovely okay now how about some tile it's a victorian home so we're thinking porcelain will be a good fit this is what they call an ice cream parlor floor it's very traditional and in keeping with the style of the house it comes in a sheet but these little black pieces come in separate sheets so it's actually quite customizable this is ceramic it's 5.95 square foot this is another version of that ice cream parlor esque floor the only thing is it's carrera so it's 20 square foot so i'm doing the math our room is 13 by 13. so if we were to go in the 25 dollar range that's 4 225 just for the supply and this is six dollars so oh a thousand and fourteen dollars okay so i think we can put the stone away i feel very strongly that this is six of one and a half dozen in the other like you're paying more for this floor in stone fine but once it's installed they're going to look extraordinarily similar but you do realize that we'll be customizing this which means that we'll be getting all the white and then a couple of sheets of this black and one of us will be sitting there with the tile installer creating these little details okay that's the floor now what about the shower assuming that we're going with the inexpensive porcelain and ally's gonna make our own decorative pattern that's great thanks so much for that then i have to say that i think we have to eliminate natural stone in the shower because i just don't think that we've got it in the budget because we also need a lot of tile we can keep the shower affordable by sticking with ceramic tile we'll go with white subway tiles and accent with glossy black bands in a nod to the floor let's spend money on the on the fun stuff gorgeous tub and beautiful faucets and beautiful crown molding to add a little victorian opulence but the next thing this bathroom needs is a little bit of color as we both know like the whole black and white thing is so strong that if we don't have a super strong accent color to balance it we're kind of dead in the water and that's why historically whenever that black and white color combo's been used by designers it usually is with something that's very strong like hot pink i mean this does not go this is too murky to go with black and white no it's verging on burgundy parts of that fabric and then you look at stuff like this which to me is just way too purple but the one that's in your hands is exactly the right thing it looks actually natural but it's still really really strong i like the strength i also think it's nice in a room that is so high contrast and there's a sort of unforgiving element to all the hard surfaces that i'm always drawn to the sort of the softer element that you get from a patterned fabric yeah we have to have it everybody loves pink it's fabulous right i don't know if we expected pink in our bathroom is that like a trick one or is that a real one pink's not a joke pink is a beautiful color uh for me pink in in any room in our house would be really quite uh shocking it's kind of a love it or hate it color i don't want pink curtains no i would like cream or white curtains or maybe a soft pale blue i don't really know how a designer walks into a blue bathroom and says i'm gonna totally make over this bathroom and it's gonna be blue i mean that's just us not doing our job i'm a girl that wears black all the time and gray you dress yourself entirely in a black and white suit you're classic you're timeless you're elegant you're fabulous and then a hit of lipstick a scarf and that's when you've got style so will they be tickled pink or will we get the pink slip caroline hates her old bathroom this thing is a disastrous mess she likes the new tub we pick david i love it likes the tiles we picked those kinds of tiles are very traditional in a victorian home i love black and white but she's not crazy about pink that's very pretty fabric for someone else's house ouch i think she thinks that she doesn't like pink but i've seen other rooms in her house she's got yellow she's got pale blue so if i see an indicator that tells me that you like these sort of light hues i'm automatically going to assume that the next step on this destination of color adventure is pink land all right we're going to pink land we'll use our floral for the drapes add a hint of pink to the walls and tommy's got our artwork covered look at what arrived these look great they look so good i might have to sign them so how much are these they're like 25 bucks a piece i just took them on my point-and-shoot my little black camera but then why are they 25 well they're on very fancy paper so i had them printed on watercolor paper for that nice matte texture because the thing is if you're a professional photographer and you print on cheap paper it looks great if you're a cheap photographer you have to print on expensive paper in order for it to look great so we've got some pink flowers for the walls and while the crew starts tiling the shower ally and i need to create some black flowers for the floor so what i need you to do is you need to cut out all the flowers in black okay then you have to peel off the center so that we can put a white circle back in and i'm gonna cut out all the white to create the space for the black flower to go in okay the bathroom is 169 square feet so we have to cut out a 169 flowers and to make sure they all line up we have to put them in the exact same place on every sheet and then we're gonna glue gun the white flower center into the black flower okay make sure you don't put too much glue on these so we need just a little dab i do it do you think i should just a little jab yeah just dab that mesh that's plenty that's a lot we're gonna have to work just another step we'll maybe set this aside as the operator but wait is that okay it's glued to the plate um maybe a little less blue okay okay sure it's labor intensive but this is going to make it go a lot faster for the tilers and while the floor goes down it's about time we figure out the vanity in a small bathroom you're more cramped for storage so you really need the vanity with the drawers with all the storage but we've got room to have a separate cabinet a freestanding piece for storage it'll have ample storage we also have a huge closet a linen closet storage so why would we repeat storage storage and then more storage at an additional cost because this one that you like is available as a double sink option double lad if we just get the base it's only a thousand dollars so then we need two sinks which are 99 each okay now we're at 1200 then do a marble top eight nine hundred dollars for a top i'm sure probably about that so we could be two thousand dollars all in brilliant it's on budget and it's totally on point in terms of our design direction on budget on point let's get online and order it and the other thing we have to get on is a storage cabinet it's nice open display for towels 200 bucks and the perfect size oh it's already painted this is a winner we'll get the cabinet and spray it black to go with our scheme meanwhile back at caroline's we've got to finish off the painting and the plumbing and then it's time for the design team to descend is it too small i only saw this in a photo funny it looked taller in the photo i feel like i was online dating a cabinet oh my gosh last week i saw this cabinet it's black and white and a whole lot bigger would you be able to tell me what the price on it is please here we go yeah that's the one okay yeah but it's 1400 we're gonna have to get the cabinet that fits that works sometimes i just wish we did it right the first time that's it [Music] then again bigger isn't always better this way okay gotta go back just a bit towards me [Music] don't lift your end up chris put your head down oh [Music] hi hi do you want the good news of the bad news yeah i'm just kidding there is no good news this bathroom is getting a complete redesign so shower stall needs to be ripped out we're bringing in modern convenience and traditional style it's very traditional and in keeping with the style of the house but we're having trouble bringing in this cabinet yeah we have the story of the three little bears we got the baby bear and we got the papa bear and the one we need right now is the mama bear and after a couple more phone calls the joys of working in an old house we find our mama bear she's a white cabinet with a glass front that comes in two pieces perfect okay now let's get this bathroom finished [Music] this isn't your everyday bland boring wall flower of a bathroom from the placement of the bathtub to the selection of the vanity to the final touch which was a bright bold hit of pink this bathroom is the kind of space that i would design for myself in my own home it really is an impressive bathroom the way it was finished sarah and tommy did a great job maintaining the victorian character of the house in that bathroom it never makes sense to put a really contemporary bathroom in a traditional home what we've done in this bathroom is bring together the best of new plumbing fixtures and modern design with the classical traditional elements of a bathroom we added plaster crown molding we did a tile scheme it's very retro mix in some antique furniture some beautiful luxurious fabrics and you've got a really great mix the bathtub is is big enough we can do laps in it our clients love to take baths and if that's the agenda why not put the tub somewhere in the middle of the room so you can soak luxuriate and take it all in no matter how many times you order furniture and you think you've measured it properly you think that it's going to go up the stairs there are always occasions where that doesn't happen oh my gosh i never thought finding a storage piece was going to be so difficult the trade-off between save and splurge is never more important than when you're renovating a large scale bathroom you need more floor tile more wall tile a bigger vanity the list goes on and on and on what we saved in buying a ready to go vanity we were able to put towards buying the storage cabinet we divided the budget for the vanity and we got two pieces instead of just one [Music] this tiled floor shows what you can do if you think up your own pattern was it difficult to do no especially because we had interns do it i know i was hesitant about the pink fabric when i first saw it and unfortunately it hasn't grown on me i love a lot of aspects about the bathroom but i'm not sure i could live with pink the rest of my life pink is a controversial color but at the end of the day we've installed the pink elements in a very changeable way you can swap out those drapes and you'd have a very different feeling room because we have a backdrop and an anchoring element of pure black and white it makes that room so beautiful traditional dynamic spectacular in every way and gives you the freedom to just throw in those swaths of color wherever you think you might want them design is a creative process in each and every project we tackle we try and push the envelope we try and come up with new innovative and creative solutions i think this is one of the most beautiful bathrooms i've ever done i wish i could pick it up and take it to my house [Music] being the project manager and essentially the person who's in charge of making sure everything is executed perfectly it's been a bit of a nightmare i wish i could swear on tv but i can't everything about this bathroom is big we've got a big vanity we've got a big tub we've got a big shower stall and now we have a very small cabinet this miniature village doll house did you say shoot oh i okay [Music]
Channel: Abode
Views: 22,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home and garden, Abode, Abode channel, home renovation, renovation, home and garden channel, home and garden tv shows, home design ideas, garden design ideas, sarah 10, sarah richardson, home renovation shows, home decor, bathoom, luxury, bathroom renovation, bathroom, ideas, designs, hgtv, full episodes, how to, professional interior design, home makeover, design life, luxury homes, luxury home, bathroom design, interior design, design inc, tommy smythe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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