How to Make Your Audio Better in Adobe Premiere

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hey guys what's up this is Patrick hall with f-stop is calm and today I'm gonna show you how you can use the multiband compressor to even out your audio when you're editing all of your videos and Adobe Premiere now I want to give a big shout-out to tun tank for sponsoring this video if you're a content creator like I am you know you always need new music for your video productions and sometimes finding the perfect music with the perfect license can really be difficult if you haven't heard of tun tank yet head over to tun tank comm where you can filter the music by length tempo instrument genre mood you can quickly find any type of music that you need and more importantly you can download and start using it instantly and what's really cool about their services they allow you to buy different licenses depending on what type of content you're producing so if you're making a simple video for YouTube with your home movies you can buy a very very limited license for that or if you're lucky enough to be producing the next Marvel Comics movie they have a license specifically for that as well now one thing that I really appreciate is all of the artists on toon tank comm are professionals and they have exclusive deals with this website so you're not gonna find their music anywhere else it's only gonna be found on toon tank com definitely check that out if you need more audio for your videos but since we're talking about audio let's get into this tutorial so here's a clip from our last video The Chronicles of RIT's camera we basically worked for RIT's camera while it was going bankrupt and we share all of the dirty secrets so hilarious series definitely check that out if you've ever worked in retail but let me show you what this audio sounds like straight out of the camera so as I play this clip back I want you guys to notice where the levels are falling on this audio file so what many people don't know about F Stoppers is Patrick and I met at a RIT's camera store we were solely is about -18 we're both working there imagine that it's like making film and like I'm at about minus 24 so we are definitely not even there but even more than that throughout this entire interview there's going to be points where we get really really excited we talk really loudly and then there's other times where we talk really quietly and we just agree with each other so I want to make sure that we get that audio as loud as possible but also have it even so that it's not clipping when we get loud and it's not inaudible as we talk really really quietly so one of the easiest tools and premier is to use the multi band compressor and if we click on this traditionally I would just drag this on to the file and then you could click up here to multiband compressor and you could do all of your edits right there I'm going to show you a better way to do this we're gonna delete this off and instead I'm gonna go over to our audio track mixer and if you don't have your audio track mixer showing up you can come up to Windows and make sure that that's turned on here but right here on the left there's this little triangle and I never knew this existed for years but if you click the triangle it brings up this other mixing Bay where you can insert your effects directly on a channel so here we can go to amplitude and compression we can find multiband compressor and all of these effects are the same effects that you're gonna find in Adobe Audition which is really cool so let's click on our multiband compressor and let's double click it and for the love of God premiere please fix this we're in Premiere Pro CC 2019 and we still have to open our compressor grab the corner and open it so that we can see the whole thing how is this still a bug I don't know but if we come up here to presets you can see all of the different presets that they have in here we're gonna use broadcast now I use classical master quite a bit but in this case we're gonna use broadcast because broadcast works really well with the microphones that we're using I'm gonna close out of this I'm gonna go back to our effects Bay I'm gonna add compression to channel 2 double click on that drag this back now and now let's add broadcast again now the reason that multiband compressor is so powerful is because it has these different crossovers and essentially you have four different compressors all in one and why this is important is because you can essentially EQ your audio by adjusting the compression on each one of these spectrums so the blue kind of represents your low bass end the orange represents your low mids and this is basically where most of the human voice is gonna fall the green is the upper mids and then the purple is your highest levels where sometimes you get those really poppy se sounds as you're gonna be able to tame those separately with its own compression algorithm now I'm not going to go into all the details of how threshold and ratio and attack and release work because it's kind of complicated and the whole point of this video is to make this as automated as possible but what I want to do is I want to play back this audio and show you what it's actually doing to our sample sound clip so I'm first going to turn off the compressors by clicking on these FX buttons and let's listen to Lee speak at the very beginning so what many people don't know about F stoppers is Patrick and I met at a Ritz Camera now if I turn this on Lee is gonna be channel 2 so what many people don't know about F stoppers is Patrick and I met at a Ritz Camera store we were both working there now a couple things are gonna notice immediately is we took Lee's gain from all the way being down so I think it was like -18 - now it's at about minus six or nine so it's definitely increased the overall volume but it's also brought up some of the quiet sounds and made them really loud and some of those quiet sounds are the bass and if you play this on a system that has a subwoofer like I have here or if you're listening in your headphones you might hear that rumbling sound and for a podcast style interview we don't really want that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over here to the blue setting and I'm going to grab our crossover I'm gonna bring it down to about a hundred Hertz and that's really where most people's subwoofer kind of comes into play in their sound system and I'm gonna go to gain and I'm just gonna set this to like - 17 decibels and that's going to allow me to lower the sub sound and now if we play this back so what many people don't know about F stoppers is Patrick and I met at a Ritz camera store we were so I don't hear that ultra-low bass coming out of my sub anymore and this is fixed the problem and if you watch this video on YouTube you probably heard all of that bass it's because we didn't put the right compressor on that video so you definitely want to get this right before you export and put your videos up on YouTube like we did so now that we have the bass fix the next thing I want to do is I want to make sure that our audio is hitting as high towards probably negative 3 as possible so what I can do is I can come up here to our output gain and I can just change this and bump up the desk now if I go all the way up to the top at 18 decibels and replay this so what many people don't know about EFT shoppers is Patrick and I met you can see that even though we have a compressor on this clip our audio is now peaking at zero and we definitely don't want that so what we can do is we can turn on this limiter and the limiter is kind of like a compressor but basically it's gonna squelch everything that hits a certain threshold or a certain level and what I like to do is I like to change the margin to minus three and what that's going to do is it's going to prevent any audio level from ever surpassing minus three decibels now you also want to make sure you turn on the brick wall limiter because that's going to make that a hard stop and if we come back to the beginning and hit play so what many people don't know about F stoppers is Patrick and I met at a Ritz Camera and if you look at the audio levels they're all hitting at minus three now because this is so extreme basically our whole audio clip is being boosted 18 decibels and much of the top of those Peaks are being squashed by this limiter and so it's producing a sound that's not very flattering so what we want to do is we want to leave the limiter on we're gonna keep it at minus three but I'm gonna change this output gain to something more reasonable maybe we need to bump it up by six decibels and let's see now people don't know about F Stoppers is Patrick and I met at a Ritz camera store we were both working there so you can see our levels are now bobbing between minus nine and minus three which means all of our audio isn't being limited only the highest peaks now I want to do this on my channel as well so that I get the increased volume I get the compression that makes my voice sound really rich and full and I want the the effects of the limiter so that I'm not peeking either so I'm going to turn back on my compressor I'm going to double click drag this back out let's turn on our limiter make sure it's highlighted we have the brick wall limiter turned on we're going to turn our margin back to minus three I'm going to set the gain for the lowest channel down to I don't know like minus twelve I'm gonna set my cross over to about 100 Hertz and now the final thing I need to do is I need to bump up the audio on my channel because I was significantly quieter than Lee I think we just recorded my microphone a little bit lower so I'm gonna go we raise Lee up to 6 maybe we raise mine up to 9 and let's see how this sounds imagine that it's like making film and like doing customer service that's right and I feel like I could almost go even more so I'm gonna go up to 12 imagine that it's like making film and like doing customer service that's right and what's interesting about the time in which we work there is we worked through the Ritz Camera bankruptcy so we watched rich camera crumble in for our very eyes exactly and I think we were to blame for a lot of it so that's pretty good now what I've also noticed is when you use a compressor you're taking a signal that's very dynamic and you're pushing it closer together and what happens is the highs and the loud parts kind of come down which prevents it from being clipped but you introduce a lot of noise because any of that quiet sound within your room or from your microphones or from your game channels will be amplified and you'll start to hear those so I can actually add a noise reduction clip over here to my final master volume so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna go over here to noise reduction and I'm just gonna go to D noise I'm gonna set this to default and now when it gets quiet especially on my audio you shouldn't hear nearly as much noise or we were both working there imagine that it's like making film and like doing customer service that let me turn this on and off and see if you can hear this this is off imagine that it's like making film and like doing customer service that's and now if I turn it on imagine that it's like making film and like doing customer service that's right so you can hear as I toggle that on and off that noise D noise really makes a huge difference especially when using it with a compressor now if you want to get really creative here you can go back to your compressor and you can start really tweaking like I said the the Ray shows the attacks that releases and you can start playing with the gain so if you really wanted to make your voice sound a little louder in the mid tones you could start bumping up some of these specific regions of the spectrum and that's why it's going to act kind of like an EQ because you could decrease the volume of the bass it could bring up some of the low mids to make that part of the voice a little bit brighter and then you could take some of the extreme highs and bring those down and essentially you're going to be controlling the range of the voice through four different compressors so really really powerful and this can make your audio sound not only more even but just way more professional if you want to learn more about filmmaking and learn how to use microphones and capture better audio head over f stoppers comm slash store we've produced a photographer's guide to filmmaking which is aimed at helping photographers transition from still photographs to producing video content just like this if this free content is more your thing subscribe to our channel below so that you'll be notified every time we have a new video and just release this RIT's camera Chronicle series people love it you're definitely gonna want to listen to that because it's pretty hilarious and if you're a photographer or videographer and you just want daily blog content make sure you head over to F stoppers comm because we produce content like this every single day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fstoppers
Views: 104,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere, adobe, compressor, multi, multiband, audio, how to, fix sound, sound, fix, adjust, tutorial, 2019, CC, creative cloud, tune tank, best license music, license free, fstoppers, limiter, audition
Id: GMvEcEt2Dbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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