How to Make Wine from Store Bought Juice

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Brian hmm I have a problem hmm my wine glass is empty yeah you're getting cheap wine this time I need bread yeast in it released hi i'm brian i'm darica and you're watching city studying to learn to grow a broom and take control of your food hit subscribe now and don't forget to interact by commenting or liking our video and then hitting that go icon so YouTube will know to notify you when we have something new to share otherwise they're just gonna go No anyway be silly long-awaited video that many of you have asked for that I mentioned I would jump on the table but our mic yeah it'll pick it up and be all weird many of you asked for this and I was kind of surprised because I really didn't think you would but this is my cheap wine there's no other way to say it okay this is one of the first things I learned how to ferment and I've made it a little bit better over time I actually sort of kind of stole this from pawpaw you ever seen him but it's not exactly the same I do it a little bit different a little bit more updated of a method I actually a little bit more alcohol and I just I like the way it comes out so anyway what you're gonna need to do is you're gonna have to have some juice now this is a li 100 percent juice if I read the ingredients that actually says grape juice from concentrate it tells me what that is which is filtered water grape juice concentrate hmm citric acid for tartness ex Corbitt ascorbic acid now ascorbic acid and citric acid are both natural present in this in in fruits okay they're both there basically to keep the color that's it cuz if light hits this it can discolor turns brownish or lighter in color people don't like that so for sales they keep it perfect anyway that's all it should be in your juice if it says sorbate or sulfite of any kind don't use it other than that any juice works go with ones that say made with concord grapes and it's gonna taste just like what we're making here it actually tastes a little bit like Manischewitz wine if you've ever had that kind of things like that which I actually happen to like I like sweet wine I'm not a big fan of dry wines so this is my sweet red one but you're gonna need some sugar about two and a half cups okay you're gonna need a glass or one of these either way you want to do it is fine you're gonna need some bread yeast I happen to like Fleischmann's and I buy it in the big container if you've seen our videos before you know I make a lot of bread you know I do some brewing you're gonna want this plus I like the lid you're gonna need some sort of what you were about to say something he has an unusual fascination with the seal lids for canning when we have a canning day I hear a lot of that you're also going to need a cup now this is for hydrating the East which we're gonna do in just a moment you also will need to sanitize some things like this something I want to mention these jugs are already sanitary so the inside is sterile everything's good you don't need to clean or pasteurize the juice it's already a sterile environment so you're already good there if you're new to our channel and new to brewing and you need some more information about sanitization please watch our video that we've posted for you there right there so you're also going to need a 1 gallon carboy which we'll get that up soon I'll show you that in a few minutes but first you want to hydrate your yeast and I like to do this not because I have to but mostly because I want to know that my yeast is alive ok so I'm gonna take a little bit of this get it open I like to hydrate in the juice that I'm using it's just why dilute it you know put water in water doesn't add flavor no point so that way I can do that take my yeast 1 teaspoon it's all you need and yes this really is bread yeast yes you really could make this with champagne yeast if you really wanted to you could make this with just about any yeast you know why I use bread yeast because it's cheap because that's how I started to make it and because it actually has a lower alcohol tolerance so it does work a good thing for this recipe this this wine always comes out somewhere between 10 and 11% as you'll see later we're gonna make it work with amount of sugars - somewhere in the 13% range but if it only ferments out to ten to eleven guess what that means sugars means a sweet wine and then it's something you want to keep in mind when you choose what used you're going to use of course you can use a brewers yeast for this recipe but no elses on would be a nice yeast for this yes but you you want to stick with something that's going to be in the low ABV range brian initially mentioned champagne yes champagne east and this particular concoction is going to not leave you with a sweet wine so we definitely don't want to use that for this application I need to say something about champagne taste everybody seems to want to use champagne used for ciders and wines and Meads in this manner and I can't it goes 18% clay you know what you know what it also does nothing else no flavor no nice esters nothing it just burns through really fast and that's it by the way that's a bottle that's just Wow okay but yeah that's what champagne ease does does it do the job sure but it doesn't ever leaves anything tasting good okay so what I did juice yeast mix that up now I'm using a cup that has little ridges inside on purpose it's a self stirring cup I love it for this and I just let that go make sure it gets hydrated that's all we're doing we're adding water to it letting it bloom so to speak okay so down there that's the next step and through the magic of television bottles are gone I just rinsed it out in the star scenes yeah there's still some residual bubbles what happened is that I was swirling really good to make sure that the stars and got ever look everywhere and so that created more bubbles we made it extra foamy so we just poured a little bit more of the star sand in there and then gently poured it out and the bubbles Moyer the bubbles went away with the star sample okay so now we're basically ready if you got the fall yeah you're needed right funnel for the sugar yeah but first thing I got to do is this because we want to leave some Headroom in here what you want to do is pour off some of your juice I usually go with about that much that's maybe like four or five ounces and then I start pouring it in now an easy way to mix this up so you don't have to mix the entire batch because I've done this in five gallon batches before the people at Aldi looked at us funny when we checked out with ten of these that's pretty awesome we were just at Aldi today we saw a guy carrying a full case of grapes and Brian's like he's making wine you want to use a dry funnel for pouring sugar because if you don't it sticks together kicks up and ruins your day makes it take a lot longer than it needs to two and a half cups of plain white sugar you could use Muscovado you can use brown it may change the flavor a little bit I just use basic white sugar it works it's how we've always done this one and I pour it all in I know it sounds like a lot of sugar and don't skimp on the sugar there's a reason it's scientific its science we have about one and a quarter pounds of sugar in the grape juice in total okay and I'm using about one and a half pounds of white sugar giving me two and a half pounds of total sugar in this right need the please with two and a half pounds of sugar we know from our other videos and what nuts in the hydrometer video that I'm gonna put right here that for every pound of sugar per gallon of brew you get point zero 46 or a specific gravity right we remember that so that means out of this 0.04 six times two point five is one one point one one five I figured that out earlier no I didn't just do it in my head but I could have anyway so that means that my original gravity should be one point one one five now I expect this to go down to after fermentation one point zero two zero which sounds really sweet and it is leaving me with about a twelve point eight percent alcohol beverage right so if I put more sugar in it's only gonna be sweeter because it's not gonna ferment out more alcohol with using this yeast if I put less in it'll get drier won't change the outcome well it will if you go to much lower and this sugar to ABV percentage it's a common question that it seems like lots of our viewers are confused about adding more sugar or adding more honey or adding more whatever sweetener you're using for what a particular practice product you're brewing no spitting bunghole today yes but only leave as much sweetness as your yeast will not consume yep if that makes any sense in other words these get full at a certain point think of it that way that's your alcohol towers they can't go past that it'll actually kill them off now different yeasts can go higher that's why I was saying about champagne you can go much higher but it'll just turn this dry and it'll taste like crap so we don't really like to do that this is supposed to be a sweet wine we have a friend who absolutely loves this wine and we're gonna do a tasting video with them and you're gonna get to meet them and she's also I think subbies gonna be the taster for the nutrients versus raisins she's either gonna be the taster or the poorer we haven't decided by the way I'm shaking this up but what I'm also doing is introducing oxygen into this must okay I could stir it but stirring doesn't work as you shake it and I left notice it's only half-full that's a lot of air being forced in there you want oxygen in this must to start things off we've had some people comment on this process saying you're really not getting oxygen and then yes you are absolutely or there's oxygen in there this much oxygen and by him some some people say that you need oxygen eight more everyday things like that they might be right I don't know I'm not an expert on these things I just know how I've done it and I know what I've learned and you know what I also kind of balance it this way I could oxygenate three times a day every day for five days or I could do it once put it under my desk if this comes out that much better I still had to oxygenate three times a day for five days I don't like to do stuff like that I have a lot there's also a fine line between when you can add too much oxygen yeah once fermentation starts you don't leave it alone because the fermentation is going to create a nice blanket sorry it's gonna create a nice blanket of gases co2 co2 carbon dioxide which is heavier than oxygen and so it stays next to your fermentation and this will help keep unwanted things penetrating into your liquid the biggest thing that you're trying to avoid is making vinegar yes which is a good thing but not for this project right a seed of actor likes okay let me go from the beginning this is gonna be as quick as I can because we're trying to keep our videos you know under four days but anyway so yeast works in the beginning with oxygen to build a colony once the colonies built you'll see them actually fall to the bottom and you'll see all those bubbles come up that's when they actually start eating well they don't really eat it they can stay use up the sugar eating is kind of a weird thing because I don't actually have mouth but whatever and they produce co2 and alcohol okay now once alcohol is present a seed of actors which is like the distant cousin of beasts sort of like oxygen an alcohol and that's what makes vinegar right so if you introduce oxygen now it's great it builds up your colony of yeast everything works awesome if you allow once that once it's already starting to become alcohol if you then add oxygen you could activate an acetobacter that could be present in there and turn it to vinegar we've had several people do this and they you know they asked and they said Oh what did I do wrong and I'm like okay well what did you do and they tell me that they were aerating for seven days or nine days or 10 days okay that's way too long I don't do it after one day and here's why in our house when I put this in the air the spot that it's gonna ferment in within about three to four hours I'm gonna see activity meaning my airlock is gonna start bubbling already so in short you don't want to aerate past the first couple of days I mean if you really feel the need you know do it for the first few days but past two-three days max don't need is different need require different things than wine this is a simpler fermentation works really really well on its own okay so we have our sugar put in we have half of our juice put in and I'm gonna put in the other half now it is this wine when I made a five gallon batch that I got greedy and didn't give it enough headspace and well let's just say that it was an act of fermentation I keep in mind Brian tends to keep his fermentations either under his desk or in his closet we have a small house the five gallon was in his closet and as it erupted in a glorious foamy wine mess I got all over his clothes and his shoes and it just made for a really bad day that's a lot of foam that's a lot of fun it doesn't usually foam like that so imagine this erupting out onto your clothes so yeah because that's week that's way to you want to make sure that you have enough Headroom and the reason why we didn't take an account for that when we up this to the five gallon is that we didn't consider that this amount of headroom is enough for one gallon but you're going to need a lot more of that for a five gallon due to the ratio of the quantity of yeasts that are making all those bubbles right yep what she said okay so still have some juice left we're gonna pour this in till it goes to about here I don't want to overfill this for a fear of explosions now all that foam that's in there the bubbles and stuff it's kind of a pain but it's one of the effects that you have from doing it this way okay I could probably put a little bit more in there I still have oh wow that's still quite a bit I think sharp a little bit more I still have my yeast to go into okay at this point don't get greedy trust me your shoes will never be the same but now we have our yeast that's been hydrated there's a little bit of a foam on top that's actually co2 from the east starting up just a little bit I'm gonna pour this in I want to stir this around real good make sure that it's all homogenous and see I was watching the foam - yeah so the reason why I was urging Brian to quickly put the yeast solution into our main solution which by the way it's called pitching the East is that if you go very slowly the particles of the yeast will stay in your container and that make it into your vessel so you kind of just want to dump it in there as quickly as possible so the liquid will wash all your yeast into here where they can do their job now as always when we make a brew we're gonna take a gravity reading so many people email me or write me or comment and say hey Brian this isn't working right what did I do wrong and the first thing I say is did you take gravity reading no if you don't I can't really help you there's there's so many things that I can tell you if you take a gravity reading that if you don't take one I can't help with notice the turkey baster as opposed to the wine thief I'm not really sure this is any faster okay throw that in there okay so now that we have that port in I'm gonna stick the hydrometer in there and I'm gonna get a reading hopefully it should be somewhere around one point one one five it could vary a little bit I missed it just a little bit it's like one point one one three it's fine it's just it's like what maybe a half a percent alcohol or something oh yeah I can go into the sanitizer water notice we're putting everything back in the sanitizer as we use it that kind of thing that way we're ready to use it again now because i sanitized this tube because i sanitized my hydrometer I'm not wasting 250 milliliters of what's going to be wine that's a third of a bottle people wonder why savvy would be sad I already said I don't have to pour it so carefully though accept it I'll spill it no I got it they're top it off a little bit use the funnel man I'm a rebel okay so I'm happy I got a little bit more in there just a touch left okay now that that's all done take our air lock you could probably see in there there's two little lines and see the water that is sanitizer water some people would vodka in there and things like that I find sanitizer water works just fine why waste the vodka has better uses then make sure your bung is dry so got her bung in cutter airlock in good to go right if you think you don't need an airlock you think you're just gonna leave the cap loose so you're gonna put a balloon don't it's two bucks Amazon sells them by tubes we have links below they're very very inexpensive reuse them some of these are old I've had them a while they've made many batches balloons one use gone and don't even think of using a condom cuz that's just crazy talk we're not going to go on and on about that so just get an error yeah basically all right so that's where rat this goes somewhere cool and dry well dark dark not drawing okay be what for about two to three weeks tops it really doesn't even take very long this is designed to be drank young or green this is not an aged wine we actually find that when it's aged it changes slightly and mmm it's just different we like it young I think that's all I have like it's okay so thank you for watching hopefully you'll be enjoying your very own super cheap sweet red wine soon and we'll see you next time on City study thanks guys have a great day hey everybody if you want to learn to grow and brew and take control of your food don't forget to hit the subscribe icon down below and hit the little bell next to it that way you get notified of everything we do
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 487,460
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Keywords: how to make wine from grape juice, how to make wine from store bought grape juice, wine from aldi grape juice, how to make sweet wine from grape juice, how to make wine from grape juice at home, make wine from grape juice, grape juice wine, how to make wine from store bought juice, how to amke wine from store bought grape juice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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