Making Whiskey With a Master Distiller

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we just finished making a Tennessee whiskey mash should we show you how we made it the mesh is too thick for the liquid to get down if something doesn't go wrong you're not doing it right so Jesse yes sir Tennessee whiskey mash this Mash consists of two pounds 8.7 ounces of turo one pound 11.1 ounces of rye and 16 pounds 15 ounces of flaked corn a whole lot of corn a little bit of Rye to sort of bump up the kind of aromatic and spicy side of things give it a lot but the backbone is a hundred percent the corn for this mesh yeah it's all coming back to me man I haven't done this in six months this is a two-part video in this video we'll be making a Tennessee whiskey mash and we can legally do that in the United States because it's legal for us to make a mash however we cannot distill so Jesse's gonna take that back to New Zealand and he's going to distill it and that'll be in part two yeah I definitely like a a final Crush when going burn a bag Styles better efficiency faster Mash times and we're not worried about having a clear mesh but distilling and then we're gonna have to add 16 pounds 15 ounces of white corn which a lot of corn man it's a lot of corn yeah I mean it's a corn whiskey right with this much corn it'll be interesting to see if the enzymes can handle it oh geez it's already just nice so all of the all of the starches are ready to get into the solution really quickly and it's going to save us 45 minutes and a whole lot of mess okay [Music] no that's not good no yeah there you go bring the bad guys don't use this to brew what do you actually use it for eign so corn is the same as anything else you want to add it slowly and stir the whole time I'm sure you guys have heard this a thousand times but dough ball is bad we're pretty bad about this dumpling things in just the entire point of mashing is to convert starches into sugar and this is done by the enzymes found in the malted barley the mash is going to be way too thick if their enzymes don't do their thing and that could seriously screw up our equipment it's a lot of corn lots of cool men and starting to smell pretty good mm-hmm I can't believe you guys wanted to use the small paddle for this yeah I apologize which one is intense man a small paddle I've never seen a match like that when I designed this recipe I don't think I added enough water to compensate for All That Corn yo get the hoses hooked up get the pump recirculating and make sure uh make sure we get this thing keep everything wet the best chance it can have [Music] so I'm going to open up the ball valve and get things recirculating that's probably good too because with this kind of mesh I definitely recommend recircing for a couple of minutes and then giving it another really good stir okay yeah let's see how see how thick it is yeah um there's a really good chance especially with some of the water sitting underneath um with this kind of setup that there's stuff that just isn't in contact with liquid yet you know [Music] all right should we pop the lid on and let it gently research for a while [Music] I'm not sure if we're gonna have enough enzymes for this conversion yeah it's definitely going to be on the low we're only using a small percentage of barley I mean uh it'll work eventually but we might be here forever all right we'll stick in yeah you say get stuck in stuck in that's right let's get started okay yeah well oh for two kiwi knees 101. [Music] the mesh is too thick for the liquid to get down yeah we now know that we did not add enough water the recipe on our website will have the correct volumes I'll be real with you dude when I'm making this kind of stuff I don't measure it ahead of time I don't I don't have a beer Smith sheet or anything um because once again you're not really worried about the liquid you're making now you're going to completely break it down and and pull it apart and put it back together later on when you distill it um so you can do this pretty much by sight right the amount of sugar that this corn is going to generate for us is the same whether it's in five gallons or 100 gallons you know it's just a lot more weight later on right um so yeah add water until it looks right you could definitely eyeball it and we've done that plenty of times but the closer you can get Mash water dialed in the quicker distilling will go later tastes like whiskey mesh yeah all right so the the diastetic power on this is low and we have a bunch of corn in there which is a modified so I'm thinking if we set it let's see the time for half an hour eh yeah and we'll check it do a test see how it's looking with an iodine test yeah uh and if we need add enzymes we got them yeah totally all right let's do it [Music] here we go all right all right so half an hour do an iodine test basically we're just gonna take a little bit of the mash out uh and then we're gonna dump a little bit of well drip a little bit of iodine on top and if it stays relatively purpley uh then there's no starch and what we have here on the plate uh if it goes a really sort of dark thick black color we know we've still got some work for the enzymes to do so our options here are we keep waiting okay and my guess is we probably want to aim for like a two hour another hour and a half um I got meetings yeah meetings important business things to attend to right yeah AKA beer to drink yes okay lunch to eat yeah uh so bottled enzymes man I gotta bring on the end zone I got them okay cool all right this is Alpha mlas which is one of the main enzymes you find in Bali that does the mesh normally for us because we're using so much corn we don't have enough of it this is going to help ensure that all of the starches convert to sugar for us and the dosage rate is half a teaspoon per five gallons we made the decision to add packaged enzymes we were borderline to begin with and conversion was just taking too long you can see it thinning oh yeah yeah as we're putting it in yeah suck it enzymes all right should we close it up and let it reset for another half hour and do another starch test there yeah I think yeah I think so man in case it's not clear the enzymes we added help convert grain starch into sugar the malted barley we use contains these enzymes but we had a ton of starch and not a lot of malted barley oh yeah way sweeter than it was yeah way thinner we would have got there with the Bali but it might have taken us like three hours and why wait those enzymes really came through you're the real hero today right they are right you are why would you not just throw enzymes in every beer if you added an enzymes to beer then you end up with something like a brute IPA where it's champagne up here yeah you don't really have any residual sweetness it kind of you lose all your bodies the body yeah yeah that was good oh yeah no more purple huh I mean they're still starch in it but it took a lot longer to get there so yeah and so we probably want to leave it for a little bit longer and okay let's see how it's purple and not that like thick sticky yeah kind of black that it was before 15 maybe we went and grabbed some tacos while we were waiting for the mash to wrap up I think this is a wedding is this a wedding what is happening what is going on this has been mashing for about two tacos long two tacos each and uh we're gonna we turn the pump off and we're gonna do one last hopefully one last starch conversion tests yeah and hopefully we're good yep [Music] yeah there we go it'll turn purple eventually okay but I'd call that a pass so I say it's time we're done right uh so Tennessee whiskey is normally salmashed but to do that you need the leftover stuff out of the still obviously we're not going to be distilling here but the general idea is you take what's left in the still and use that as about 15 20 of the water for your next match uh obviously we can't do it here but uh I can do it at home when I recreate this yeah so if people are watching this you're like that's not a Tennessee whiskey exactly and plus you get you got to start somewhere this is the first generation Generations so if you can legally distill you distill this you say that that goes to your second generation and you keep moving forward but you gotta start somewhere so everyone's gonna start somewhere man cool um thanks for the help bro usually Ross does this part oh God oh God is this a corn mash or did not just barf his guts out let me slam this water real quick it's got really thirsty all of a sudden we've chilled this down to 80 degrees Fahrenheit standard pitching came for whiskey type stuff so we'll do 80 which is gonna be warmer than most Brewers are used to way yeah so turn the pump back on and let her flow so this is just uh corn yeast so I figured that would be a good fit for Tennessee whiskey this in my mind suits this style okay cool 25 to 50 grams per hectare liter really that seems really low low doesn't it yeah a hectoliter is a thousand yeah yeah that doesn't seem right hey you know what should we just eyeball this yep I'm gonna eyeball this and just do what I would normally do yeah I'll be real with you if I'm doing something like this at home I'll open fermented a lot of the time yeah just cover it up you know maybe Loosely put the lid on so bugs don't get into it yeah so if you want to roll the dice and just kind of see what happens and you're not stressed about this has to work this time or great you know yeah but if you're new you might want to throw a lid to play it safe so you know you spend your time and money on it exactly but if you're looking to lay it loose like we all do throw it outside throw in a basement yeah don't even clean it you put some cloth over the top right stop the floor yeah so our original gravity is around about 1.081 which is pretty good that's right what we're aiming for right don't boil yeah yeah that's awesome uh assuming that we ferment out relatively dry I'm gonna guess with that mesh temp this is probably going to get down to about 1005 okay would be my guess okay um but depending on exactly where your fermentation stops we're looking at about came to 11 as my guess right which is great perfect yeah it's probably moving on it nice right in a sweet spot is that what you usually shoot for 10 11. so I I have recently been an advocate for aiming for the eight to nine that's typically what I've read what you've heard yeah [Laughter] this is the Tennessee whiskey mash success had some ups and downs make sure to check out Jesse's Channel he's actually going to distill this Tennessee whiskey he lives in New Zealand home distilling is legal so we're making the mash he's distilling it and it's been great hanging out with you Jesse it's been an absolute pleasure in the morning absolutely
Channel: Clawhammer Supply
Views: 40,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fermentation, brewing, distilling, how to make whiskey, whiskey, tennessee whiskey
Id: RwhrzDxtBvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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