How To Make Vora BROKEN In Paladins

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so in all of my recent games I haven't really played Vora in quite a long time the last time I played Vora was 4th of October and it's currently Halloween it's 31 by the way happy Halloween everyone if you celebrate it you know but yes I haven't played my main in basically a month which is kind of weird to say so in this video we're going to be playing Vora the hamburger people are usually asking for my build for Vora so I'm going to show you guys really quick this is usually my main build for Vora this is all about damage and sustain so it's kind of hard for you to die you can also play very aggressively with this build and then I have this cool down build over here I think I see a lot more people leaning more towards this build because it's more like cool down and stuff and you can fly around and stuff and then there use my build if you're running the UN yeling pressure talent but I'll be honest I don't really use that Talent a lot because obviously if you're a gigachad v you would go for the son is just a lot more fun to play but with that I hope you guys enjoy the video this is a moment ofs and friends we're giving you short shorts idea [Music] y we're done now you can you can [Music] stop weird Buck I don't know why you would push [Music] me oh there you are I was looking for [Music] you wait you're AFK that entire time you stopped with the sound I don't hear it anymore he was AFK the entire time and we're winning we don't even need you Omar Omar we don't even need you we don't need apparently if you're telling what are they doing I hear it now yeah you can just AFK we don't need [Music] youri no we go behind us that's nine in a row they don't know there's a Vora behind them I'm carrying just saying dude I miss VAR so much but I I'm going to be honest I'm going to be honest though this enemy sucks this enemy sucks ass I'm [Music] sorry okay well you just stole both of my kills you fuing stupid I know I'm hello support support support what's suppose I don't know support because I clearly don't tell I I don't know what he's talking about but I'm carrying right now oh you're carrying I'm not even supporting I'm not even healing anymore we already supporting you emotionally why you need us to do it like yeah is isn't that emotion not good enough for you Dam basically said he don't need your emotion I don't like it I don't like it either it hurts my [Music] soul I [ __ ] it was taking so long to do damage I don't think this KH aled yet wait we lost the point as you can see I'm dying kill him no protection you you see no protection oh my God I thought I'm the one who got sorry I couldn't save why did both of my tendel got [Music] used good job k course much that was beautiful that was [ __ ] beautiful now you see oh run away you [ __ ] stupid come nice [Music] hell last you left you're that's [Music] power [Music] stupid never mind and I [Music] dead back [Music] to guys coming for me I don't want to use my sort it holy sh okay all thanks to me yes yes yes let's finish this ship let go [Music] k I'm very low that is also very low by the way thank you yeah see I do something I'm carrying you're too far oh there you go it's [Music] just 29 Jesus Christ I'll be honest though those guys they I don't think I I think they're new or something cuz uh they're kind of struggling they don't know what to what to do against of Vora but that was good well play well play I want to play dude I want to play Vora again that was actually so I hate that Jos skin look at that Jos skin he looked like a failed plastic surgery dude what is that our pre main character it's an anime and we are the first main main character who's the who's the protagonist you because okay now who's the side character what happened to protecting me see I captured the point two else that nobody yeah where's my credit yeah where's my credit good job boo holy [ __ ] you're so God at this game I sent Credit in theat thank you I feel better now why is everyone on me hello you're the streamer another person a [Music] bad yo everyone loves my ass I mean pretty good [Music] shape K him kill with [Music] me oh [ __ ] me oh no [ __ ] bricks okay I I I went in too far that's my bad Kazumi is quite low yes sir yes very good very good I need healing boo thank [Music] you bro are we not touching it a man I have a cume I'm a basic [Music] [ __ ] brother what the [ __ ] is that TR me like this got him I need the healing boo boo help behind you help going to put your p on the point oh imagine the caspan aled and he couldn't kill me how is that [Music] possible that's just actually depressing that's so sad no I missed no that's also very depressing B is slow Bon I'm carrying right now if you're carrying then you don't need protection going to say that I [ __ ] know my men oh my God that's kind of [Music] bad okay uh bo can you push the pad I'm doing [Music] it I made so much I made so much space holy [ __ ] Cas on you want to fight me Cas [Music] onion run away caspion oh you're so [Music] lucky [Music] okay okay there's literally three people on [Music] [ __ ] what if I tell you I'm not going to go there holy [ __ ] okay I carried I carried okay no guys I made so much space in there guys you got I carried no no no no no says otherwise the way you said the way the way you [Music] [Music] said
Channel: KirbZM
Views: 8,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirbzm, paladins, paladins gameplay, paladins vora, paladins vora loadout, paladins build, paladins flank, paladins best flank, paladins broken champion, paladins best champion, how to make vora broken
Id: 272y6xJWXq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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