How To Make Tzatziki | Easy Tzatziki Recipe

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[Music] hey what's up unten and thanks for stopping by today today I've got one word for you and that's just vicky it's that unbelievably delicious amazing and so simple to make dip or sauce that we have and I'm going to show you a super easy super delicious way to make this using this a few ingredients Greek yogurt cucumber a couple of cloves of garlic and some dill that's it it's so simple and so easy to make and it's going to take literally literally five minutes so first things first we're going to start with our cucumber and all I'm going to do is very simply just slice off the end and peel it basically this part takes no time at all and when you're doing this it's actually up to you traditionally they peel the cucumber if you want to add a little bit of color or flair to yours by all means you can just wash it and leave the peel on that's totally fine it'll just give you a little bit of a different presentation so now that our cucumber has been peeled I'm just going to take it and I'm going to literally slice it in half the long way and what I'm going to do is simply take the tablespoon or the edge of my tablespoon and really quickly just peel away or scrape away the C just like that so you're basically left with the hollowed out cucumber itself and in our dish and then our ridiculous any of the sea [Music] perfect the next part of this is a little trick that I'm going to show you now to save you a whole lot of time in brief in cucumbers naturally there's a lot of moisture so what you want to do is typically after you break the cucumber is find a way to remove the moisture well a trick that I use is a salad spinner what I'm going to do is put a paper towel to line the bottom of my salad spinner or two in this case because you want to cover it all just like that finally grate the cucumber and you can use the Fineman setting of a box grater and just bring it right into your salad spinner and I'll show you where I'm going with this after and it's a real time-saver and I'll save a lot of grief and who wants like a pain in the ass so I'm just going to throw this a little bit away because I don't like having fingernails that are graded off perfect my cucumbers being grated now the next step is literally just handling it like you would a salad and slowly just start spinning it around and I can already see the moisture flying off the cucumber this won't take long at all this may take maybe a few second 30 to 45 seconds there you go look at this now look at all this moisture this is just from the cucumber it would have taken hours or at least a couple hours anyway to remove it it's all gone our cucumber now is ready to be used in our mixing bowl I'm just going to leave that there that's perfect move that off to the side so now we're actually going to start building our de vikke here we have our cucumber the next part and the main part of this is the Greek yogurt I'm using 950 grams of what is the strains known as a strain Greek yogurt or the stuff that isn't like really really creamy and I'm just going to put that in there you can scale down this recipe to whatever suits you so basically you can go to half of this you go to 450 grams of yogurt and use half our cucumber so I'll just grate this out this has got the consistency almost of sour cream or soft ice cream the next part of this is a little salt and a little pepper but go into this this is basically the taste you could even eliminate the salt if you like and the next part of this which is our main flavor profile is the garlic and I'm using two cloves of garlic you don't need to use any more than that unless you want to I mean there's few things you can never have enough of and that's garlic and cheese in the recipe so that is totally totally up to you when you get this out of the way - and crush them with your hand until you can remove the skin and what this does is actually stretches it and allows for easy peeling of the garlic make sure you get all the bits in there and you take it and just scrape off the bottom and lastly some dill you don't need much about a small handful maybe two or three tablespoons and you want to get this fairly finely chopped you don't want this you don't want these huge pieces so just chop it up real quick there's nothing to cut off those are our ingredients going into our tzatziki and you literally just start mixing [Music] now what I would do as well at this point is I would taste this and just to make sure that it's added about enough salt and pepper for you or frankly enough garlic and acid look at our presentation bouillon you don't need anything for this this believe me is ready to go right now but also the longer this stays in the fridge tomorrow it will be even that much better believe me unbelievably delicious the flavors will have had a chance to marys as well so if you're going to make this try and make this a day in advance my daddy key is ready to go super easy super delicious and the snap to make there's like nothing to this at all just three or four ingredients and you will have that authentic Greek flavor right in your own table so there you have it my dear friends that's today's episode on tzatziki and how to make it for yourself very easy to make only a few ingredients really delicious and very healthy super healthy in Greek yogurt who doesn't know what the benefits of that are with this you can serve this with your favorite meat fish poultry veggies whatever you like it'll go with it on some crusty bread fantastic so I thank you very much for watching it was really fun making this episode I hope you try this if you like this video please hit the like button please subscribe and until next time I'm Ken thank you very much for watching bye for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ken's Greek Table
Views: 94,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tzatziki, greek tzatziki, tzatziki recipe, easy tzatziki, how to make tzatziki, greek dips, tzatziki sauce, traditional tzatziki sauce, easy tzatziki recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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