How to Make Travel and Tour Booking Website in WordPress- No Coding Needed! (30 Minutes Tutorial)

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so hello everyone and welcome back to WB travel tutorial series and in this video we'll learn how to create travel and Tour website without [Music] coding so as you all know developing a custom coded site takes a long time as it requires more cost and resources so in this video we'll learn how you can actually develop travel and to website without coding so this video is divided into four parts first we purchase domain and hosting secondly we'll set up WordPress dashboard and third we'll integrate WP travel plugin which is powerful plugin that actually allows us to create travel and Tour website and lastly we'll customize our travel website so there might be questions like why WP travel but WP travel is a powerful plugin that actually allows you to create free travel into website and it's easy integrated with WordPress and it provides booking option on trip creations and many more so without any further Ado let's get started so this is the quick overview of our demo site and we'll develop similar sort of travel and to website like this so stick up with the video till last and we'll develop similar website like this your website will have activities destinations and many more your visitors can actually buy or purchase your packages directly from the [Music] website so so I'm skipping the part of purchasing domain and hosting as I have already purchased but if you have any confusion regarding purchasing domain and hosting you can simply visit our Link in the description where we have detail explain how you can actually purchase domain and hosting as well after getting into WordPress dashboard over your mouse into plugins and just click on add new plugin there are two methods to download plug-in first you can simply go to Wordpress Repository and just download the plugin from there apart from that you can just search the plugin name in here as well as of now I'm just searching from here now just click on install now button and click on activate so WB travel is Ultimate true operator plugins that actually help you to create travel in website with ease as of now there are two button I'm just clicking on let's start right now so this section allows you to manage currencies you can select any currency that is applicable to your GE location as of now I'm just setting it to United States so I'm just click clicking on Save and continue you can actually skip this part as well later you can also customize this setting according to your need so this option alls us to choose what sort of checkout pce for booking and you can also choose what sort of dashboard P would like to show you can simply skip this part or save and continue this as well regarding email customization this allow you to inform about bookings to your customers you can choose any email you like you can Simply Save and continue or skip this process as well later you can customize this from settings as well regarding payment section there are two options available for free version but if you switch to Pro there are numerous payment gate will modules available to you as of now for free there are two options that is standard PayPal and bank [Music] deposit regarding banking informations you can simply include your bank informations which can be visible to the Travelers [Music] [Music] apart from that you can also enable or disable the tax option you can actually set the tax percentage which can be included or excluded to your trip prices you can simply skip this part or save and continue from here regarding theme sections WB travel provides numerous FSC and classic themes you can simply go to WB travel official website and download the themes from there [Music] now you can simply read the documentation part of the Plug-In or or you can simply get into the dashboard directly from here WP travel is Ultimate toour operator plugins which comes with new mous features and benefits as it provides travel site ready booking data reporting Payment Processing translation ready tax options trip fact and many more you can simply upgrade to pro version is pro version provides WP travel japar WP Travel advanc Gallery group discount field editor utilities two extras and many more you can simply visit the official site of WB travel to know more about the features as [Music] well so here is the detailed comparison of free versus Pro plugin there are numerous benefit if you upgrade to the pro version of plugins as it provides Advanced Gallery Advanced tour extras Advanced Parell payment group discount download import export features and many more now let's get into the WordPress dashboard in order to create travel website you'll need plugin and themes you can simply go to Wordpress repository and download themes from there as well or you can simply download from WordPress dashboard directly now we'll install theme just over your mouse into appearance and just click on themes and click on add new theme button there are two ways to import themes one is you can simply upload theme from here if you download themes from WB travel or from WordPress repository or simply you can directly search from here as well as of now I am searching for travel zoy theme I have already installed the theme so it's showing activate button if you are installing it for first time then you may see install now button I'm just clicking on activate button now your theme has been activated now we'll start creating homepage to create homepage just over your mouse into Pages section and just click on add new page now we'll give this page name as home [Music] page and simply publish the page now we start creating trips just over your mouse into trip sections and just click on new trip now you can completely describe about your trip in here for now I'm just giving the title you can simply fill all of the fields which are necessary to you you can simply add all of the information about your [Music] trips [Music] [Music] [Music] you can give a brief paragraph of your [Music] trip in itinary section you can simply declare what sort of itinary is provided to The Travelers you can add how many days or nights that is actually available to Travelers regarding price and dates you can set price according to the trip and for dates you can set whether it's day and night or hour or minute respectively you can simply customize this part according to your actual needs and [Music] [Music] requirements you can simply add fact about your trip as well you can also inid your video URL or you can can upload numerous images in the gallery sections you can also set your location in here as well you can either enter the longitude or latitude codes or you can simply type the location name in [Music] here regarding checkout you can simply upgrade the plug-in to pro version to gain more features upgrading to pro version you can add your checkout option for all of your trips features like inventory is available if you upgrade the plugin to pro version regarding FAQs you can manually enter your FAQs or if you need Global fqs you can simply upgrade plugin to pro version you can also use Global tpes layout as well you can simp simply upgrade to pro version as well as it provides custom tab Edition option with customized content and sorting as [Music] [Music] well you can either enable or disable This Global trip inquiry option as well this will help user to inquiry about the trips to access the guides feature you can simply upgrade plugin to pro version apart from that you can also include trip types in here as of now I'm adding a trip type name hiking you can add as much as strip type you [Music] like you can also set destinations from here as well as of now I'm adding a destination name Asia you can also declare about parent destinations as [Music] well you can also add any keywords which are actually relevant to your [Music] trip regarding activity sections you can add any activities which you offer during the trips [Music] [Music] [Music] now we'll start creating trip types just over your mouse into trip section and just click on trip types as of now I'm giving a trip type name natural [Music] beauty URL log is autogenerated it's not mandatory to write here manually you can give a little description about trip types and add image as well [Music] as you can see our trip type has been included you can simply follow exact process for creating destinations as well in this process go same for keywords and activities as well now as you can see I have created many trips you can simply create your desire trip just like [Music] this to create menu just click on appearance and just choose menu men now just give a menu name and choose what sort of menu you want to show and just click on create [Music] [Music] menu you can also add post C custom links or categories to your menus as well just customize this section according to your need now as you can see we have added menu in the navigation bar now if you get into front end side of the WordPress s side the side will look similar like this now we'll start customizing this [Music] part regarding side Ed d section you can add logo give side title and also use any tagline that can be relevant to your website you can also customize color according to your need and choices if you need a header image in your WordPress site you can simply add that as well apart from that you can also add background image create menus customize the widget sections now we'll start customizing homeage setting just set to a static page and just choose your home page and just publish [Music] [Music] it now just go to front page and just click on Banner slider and just enable this section you can also select any stomy as well as of now I'm selecting trip location for terms for slider I'm selecting America you can also give social media link directly from here as well this will appear into your front end [Music] side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now just click on trip activities and just enable the trip activi [Music] sections now as you can see your trip activities has been listed into front end side after customizing just click on publish button now as you can see we have come this far our looks similar to the one we have already discussed now just click on popular destinations and just enable popular destination section as you can see the popular destination section has been added in front end side now just click on publish [Music] button now just click on front page and just click on feature trip slider and and just enable feature DP slider [Music] section now as you can see your feature trip slider section has been added you can also display the troop details in here as well now just click on popular trip packages and just enable popular trip packages section and just select the popular trip packages you want to [Music] show now as you can see your popular trip packages has been added now just click on blogs and just enable blog section choose the post you want to show in the front inside now as you can see your blocks will appear like this in front and side you can simply customize this according to your needs and requirement [Music] now just click on testimonials and enable this section as well now just select the taxonomy as pages and just select the pages where your testimonials are [Music] located as you can see our testimonials has been added in front and side now simply publish this now just click on wigets and just click on footer wizet one now you can fully customize your footer sections you can just choose any sort of footer designs or any Wizards you actually want to show in your footer side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now as you can see our footer section has been added so this is the brief overview of our website as you can see there is SAR there is site title also there are social icons and it's exactly look earlier we have promised apart from that it also offers trip activities provide popular destinations and many more you can simply customize this front end side according to your needs and desire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we'll purchase one package just choose the package you want to purchase now as you can see your page will look similar like this now you can see your page will look similar like this it will contain of informations like overview trip out line and it details apart from that trip includes trip excludes galleries reviews bookings fqs and many more as of now you can also inquiry about the trip as well for now I'll show you demo inquiry now when you book the packages you will redirect into similar page like this where traveler can fill all of their necessary informations and [Music] [Music] details [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can also add trip extras or simply switch to pro version to download all your [Music] trips regarding report sections it will give you brief info about your all of the booking details to gain more feature of this plugin you can simply upgrade the plugin to pro version to upgrade to pro version you can simply visit Link in our description you can simply go to the link in the description for more precise and particular sections video in the descriptions video we have also explained how you can actually customize different parts of plug-in and themes as well we ready hope you understand the concept and learn something if you did so make sure to subscribe our YouTube channel
Channel: WP Travel
Views: 8,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create travel booking site, create tour booking website, How to Create Travel and Tour Booking Website, How to Create Travel and Tour Booking Website in Wordpress, How to Make a Tours and Travels Booking Website with WordPress, How to Create a Travel & Tour Website with WordPress & Travel Booking Theme 2024, How to Make Tour & Travel WordPress Website with Traveler Theme, how to create a travel booking website, wordpress booking plugin, travel website, wordpress travel plugin
Id: B6cTgIE3W6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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