Build a FREE Tours and Travels Website With WP Travel Engine- Step by Step Guide

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so as you know I have created different types of website and in this video I'm going to show you how to create tour and travel website for free and there is a no coding skill required to create this website we will create this two rental website with WordPress moreover I'll show you some premium features if you have some budget you can add some extra functionality to your tool rental website just like my other videos this will be a step-by-step video tutorial as well so that you can watch any part of this video just by going to the timestamp code which you can find in the video description so before we start building this website let's take a look at what kind of website that we are going to create in this video and further I'll show you how to build this website so let's get started alright guys so this is the tour and travel website that we are going to create in this video if you look at the top header section over the header section you will see the social media icons you can add your own social media handles over here and alongside you will see the search bar bottom on the header section you will see the logo area within the logo area you can add logo or you can remove logo or you can only keep the title or subtitle inside the logo area moreover in the header section you will see the call us button here you can add your own travel agency number over here below you will see the menu area here you can see we have the destination activities trip type about blog pages and contact us page you can add as many types of menus or Pages or activity as you want below you will see the a background image with the title subtitle and the search bar below the search bar you can see we have the search filter where you can narrow down each trip choosing this search filter like for example you can narrow down the trip using the destination activities and duration and the budget below you will see we have the different types of sections like adventure activities our best seller packages and this section right here this is where you can tell you you are a visitor why choose us and here you can tell your visitor that our company offers these type of features so that's why you should book a trip with us okay below if you scroll down you can see the featured trips these are the feature trips that are popular on your travel agency keep scrolling down and you can see we have the different types of sections like deal and discount and so on and so forth you can remove any of these section if you don't like you can add as many section as you want and the bottom area of the website you will see the footer section okay in the photo section you will also see the destination activities and drip type and some information about your travel agency like address email and phone number at the very bottom you will see the copyright area where you can add your own copyright area and by the way this is a free theme if you are using a pro theme you can add more functionality into your tour and travel website in this video I'm gonna cover only free team so this is what we have here now let's take a look at the features of the trip that your visitor will see when they try to book any trip on your website first of all let's click on any of these destination or activity or trip type let's go with destination if you hover your mouse over this menu destination you will see we have the destination Nepal and you will see the trip okay let's click on the destination itself and here you can see in this destination we have the different types of trips Bhutan London Nepal Paris and so on and so forth okay let's click on one of them let's click on Paris click on view all in the palace we have two trips and you can see this is the description about the trip okay scroll down you can see this is the trip that has been created let's click on view detail so you can see this is a trip and scroll down you can see all the information about the trip anyone can book the trip by clicking on the check availability date okay and let's look at another example of the trip all right guys so this is the another trip type that I've created Shimla trip here you can see how long this trip goes 10 days and you will see this batch or label group discount available and you'll see the pricing at for adult it will cost 80 10 for child fifty dollar for senior citizen okay if you scroll down you can see we have the description below you can see we have the overview of the trip and we have the itinerary all the details of itinerary in the day one in this trip you will do a boating in day two we will go for dancing in day three we will do bungee jumping okay next with the cost in the cost area you can display like what's include in this trip or what is exclude in this trick okay next we have the FAQ you can add as many FAQ as you want for this trip next we have the map here you can add the map image so that your visitor can understand more of information about the trip where this location is available on the map let's say you want to book the strip all you have to do just click on check availability and here you will see all the available dates let's click on this date and click continue next we have the package type here you can see in this package type we have three types of categories we have adult child and senior citizen and you will also see the group discount features available over here this is a premium feature this not includes in the free version but in this video I'll also show you how to add the premium features like group discount where anyone can come to your website and they can get the discount like for fun to five member they will get 80 for this they have to pay only 80 dollar for this trip if they cross the quantity over 5 to 10 maybe the price remain the same okay so this is how this group discount feature Works let's add a child let's add a one senior citizen you will see the price changes over here here okay let's click on continue and here you can see this is another premium feature that I'm gonna show you in this video extra services this feature is not included in the free version so in this feature you can add like different types of room services or different types of extra features whatever you like to add okay in this example I've added the room Services room type simple room best room for four person luxury room so on and so forth vehicle if you are providing a vehicle on the trip you can add bike car whatever type of vehicle you want to add just add over here okay so this is another extra and premium features that you can provide to your visitor that trying to book any trip on your website let's try to add this room service one simple room and one bike okay the extra service cost also include in your pricing section once you're happy with your services click on proceed to checkout it will take you to the checkout page alright guys so this is the checkout page this is a beautiful checkout page guys and you can see we have the coupon code if you have created a coupon code you can provide your customer a coupon code to get a discount and Below you can see we have the billing information your customer has to fill the billing information over here and Below you can see we have the payment method we have enabled book now pay later and we have enabled PayPal as well you can add different types of payment method on your website if you live in India there is many type of payment getaway available like UPI payment method stripe and so on so forth okay in the right side you can see we have the book summary here you can see all the package and pricing details like for 10 adults 90 dollar for one child 10 and so on so forth okay you can add upsell and cross-sell feature as well but that is also included in premium features and there are so many types of Premium functionality you can add inside your to run travel website so that's why I'm telling you this going to be a advanced to enter website that you never seen before if you are interested building the most powerful and advanced tool rental website this is the one and perfect video because if you add those premium feature inside you to run travel website that will increase the engagement and conversion rate of your website so without wasting more time let's get started and let's start with our step one and create a tour and travel website with WordPress okay buddy to create any website whether it's travel agency website eCommerce or blog or any sort of website there are two required things web hosting and domain name if you do not know what is web hosting and domain name and you are totally new to web hosting or stuff like that while web hosting is a place where all your website file will be stored like your images or any sort of media file will be stored in that particular hosting or place it's just like a computer where you store your media like images videos or all different types of files you store in your computer it's just like like a server where you save your files and domain name is going to be your website name like Runners and these are the domain names that will represent your brand or your company in this video we are going to create a tour and travel agency website like I mentioned earlier if you have a business of tour and travel you can take your business online by creating your tour and travel website to get a web hosting and domain name there are several companies out there over the internet but handful of them are the best but in this video we are going to use the affordable reliable and trustworthy and Powerful web hosting company which is GoDaddy to get a web hosting from GoDaddy you can either go to the first link in the video description or you can type this URL in a new tab Runners GED which stands for GoDaddy and press enter enter and it'll take you to godaddy's website here you will see four types of plan starter economy Delux and ultimate you can compare these plans if you scroll down you can see all these plans with their features if you keep scrolling down click on view all you can compare them with their features in startup plan you won't get free domain name and you can create only one website and you will get 30 gigabyte of storage which is more than enough I think and keep scrolling down and you can check or compare the features of these plans if you go with the economy or Delux or ultimate plan you will get a free domain name as well if you're just getting started you should at least go with the economy plan with this plan you will get a free domain name but if you scroll down you can get SSL certificate with this economy plan okay so keep in mind that if you want SSL certificate from GoDaddy you need to go with at least ultimate plan but that not the case you can get SSL certificate for free just by watching my other video if you do not know what is SSL certificate well SSL certificate stands for secure socket layer when you see this type of lock on any website that means the connection is secured by the user and the website for more information about the SSL certificate you make sure you check out the description box of this video and you will find out each and everything about SSL set anyways scroll up and choose your plan let's say go with economy plan with economy plan you can create only one website keep in mind that okay so here you can see if you choose economy plan you can get a free domain name for this package here you have to type your domain name if you want to claim your your domain name otherwise you can pass this and proceed further but why do we get a free domain name for our business if you are getting so let's type your domain name and let's get this opportunity and claim our free domain name let's type something like to all world you can type whatever you like you can type your agency name your brand name over here I'm just randomly typing this word and let's see if this available or not click submit so here you can see this domain name is available to buy and this is a free domain name click on select and continue and here you will see your cart page inside your cart you can select your billing cycle how many month you want this web hosting higher the month you select more the discount you will get if you select 36 months you will get 51 discount for your web hosting and if you go with 12 month discount will be reduced as you can see and this is the promo code if you want more discount don't forget to check out the description box I will leave the promo code in the video description and with this package you also get a professional email for one year as well you can see Zero rupees and below if you want to add extra features like web security standard you can add them professional emails you can add them I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna skip it let's scroll up and click on I'm ready to pay and here you have to create an account so let's continue with Google type your email your password and type your payment method over here and then click on complete purchase and complete your payment and you will get your web hosting once you complete your payment click on go to my account and then install a WordPress to get started let's scroll down now click on manage all alongside web hosting I click on this drop down button and click on setup so now you have to select your domain I'm going to select this domain that we just bought with this plan so here you have to select your data center I'm going to select Asia now click on yes let's do it type your WordPress username and create your password and type your password once again and then click on next so here you can create a branded email ID which look more professional here I'm gonna type info at dot com and then click on finish so this process can take few minutes updating domain applying things onboarding completed successfully now click on go to the dashboard so I'm gonna click on no I don't want to participate and then click on confirm so guys we have successfully installed a WordPress to access your WordPress dashboard simply click on admin scroll down and click on choose default WordPress and then click on yes I'm sure and then click on no thanks I just want to exit all right after installing a WordPress you will see the WordPress dashboard something like this this is a backend of your website and if you look at here and this will be the front end of your website that your visitor will see okay so I'm gonna close this out right now there is no content over here this is a complete fresh installation of Wordpress so that's why you don't see anything and if you notice that I've changed my domain name for some reason but it doesn't really matter you can stick with your own domain I'll switch by domain name for the tutorial purposes anyways the first thing first when you see your back end of your website when you log in into your dashboard you have to clear two things first your plugins if you hoverum also plugins and click on install plugins and you will see all the plugins inside this folder okay first of all check them all and go to this drop down menu and click on deactivate and click apply and all your plugin will be deactivated now we have to select them all once again by checking this box go to this drop down menu and then select delete and click apply and click OK it will delete all these plugins because we don't really need them okay next thing you have to have your mouse over appearance and then click on themes and if you see any themes that we are not gonna use why would we keep them inside our web hosting okay so select them click delete click ok so delete all these useless themes you can't delete this one and this is also a college useless theme for to create a to enter website but we can delete this because this is the last one that we have over here inside our WordPress dashboard once we install a new theme then we can delete this okay first of all go to dashboard now we have cleared our WordPress dashboard okay once you do it let's move to the next step in this step we are going to look at the WordPress essential settings however you Mouse over settings and click on General and you will see the general settings first we have the site title which is already here you can type your site title over here tagline this is a tour Intel website you can type go anywhere you want only in India only in India you can type whatever you like okay and WordPress address and site address should be the same as you can see which is fine and administrator email to make sure you type your original administrator email membership check this box anyone can register on this website because this is going to be a tool into our website people come to your website and they can create an account or maybe they can buy any tour and travel package from your website so make sure you check this box so that anyone come and they can resist on your website new user default tool should be subscriber contribute to author editor administrator subscriber would be fine side language English time zone select your time zone I'm from India so I'm going to select my time zone this is my time zone and date format and time format for me this is completely fine and click on Save changes let's look at the writing tab you don't have to change anything over here readings tab right now there is a no web page or anything else so you can change your home page display otherwise if you have different types of pages and you want your views to land on different web page when they visit your website first time you can select your home page from here by going to a static page select your home page and post page and that way you can change your home page of your website next we have the blog Pages show at most 10 or features at most recent then you can increase or decrease this number but rest of things are completely fine over here we you don't have to change anything over here let's look at the discussion tab this section is a absolutely fine let's look at the media you can increase or decrease the thumbnail size medium size large size it's all here guys okay permalinks this is very important settings make sure you change the settings before you create your website okay by default it is a custom structure but make sure you select the post name over here this will be the website or your post URL okay so make sure you check this option and finally click on Save changes privacy here you can see we have the privacy policy page in here make sure you select your privacy policy page this is a sample privacy policy page if you do not know how to create a privacy policy page you can click over here create a button or you can go to either Pages or or click over here both work the same way let's have your mouse or pages and click on all pages and here you can see we have the default privacy policy page if you like to view this click on preview you can see this is the default privacy policy page make sure you add your own privacy policy and we have another sample page over here anyways we will delete them later on let's go back to privacy policy make sure you select your privacy policy once you created from the stop done menu and then click on use this page and that's the pretty much it we are done with the essential settings of Wordpress let's move to the next step in this step we are going to install a travel engine plugin to do it hover your mouse over plugins and click on add new come over here and type WP travel engine and make sure you install this one by WP travel engine click on install now WP travel engine best travel booking WordPress plugin and then click on activate once you activate you will see this Setup Wizard you have to complete this progress bar right now you can see it once you click on get started you will see the progress bar over here you can see we have the currency setting select your currency United States completely fine for me currency symbol or code absolutely fine separator I'm gonna type comma and then click on continue now the email section you can disable admin admin notification if you want and sales notification email make sure you type your real email over here enable inquiry emails from email you want to send a notification to your customer make sure you type your email over here and then click on continue in the pages okay so we have completed currency and email now we are inside the pages inside the pages we have the checkout Page by default it is selected terms and condition page it is also selected but if you remember we don't have these Pages then how we are able to select these Pages well when you install the travel engine plugin these Pages has been created by this plugin okay so all these pages are selected by default you don't have to change anything click on continue now we have the payment Gateway settings book now pay letter PayPal okay now we have two payments getaway PayPal is a universal payment Gateway type your PayPal email I'm gonna type quickly my PayPal email over here absolutely fine if you want to install the other payments Getaway on your website you can click over here and get premium payment gateways for your website but for now I'm gonna scroll down a little bit more and click on continue and finally your website is ready you are ready to create your trip right awesome but right now we are not going to create a trip right away let's click over here go to dashboard and we are good here you can allow this allow and continue begin tour or close let's close this out and let's move to the next step in this step we are going to install a theme for our tour and travel website to install the theme how do you Mouse over appearance and then click on themes or maybe let's go back to that page and here you can see we have themes inside here we're going to install a free theme scroll down you can see we have the travel agency and we have travel agency Pro okay let's click on view themes and here you have to download the theme click on download button and you have to type your email address your name and click on download and you will receive a download link at your email address click on download and you will get your theme file I already have the theme so I'm not going to repeat the process let's close this out and now please install this theme however your mouse our appearance and click on themes click on add new and then click on upload theme and here you have to drag and drop your theme file so this is my theme file I'm gonna drag and drop over here and click on install now and then click on activate once you activate your theme you have to install and activate these recommended plugins click on begin installing plugins check this box to select all of them go to this drop down menu click on install select install and click apply now wait for few seconds now click on return to plugins once again select all this time select activate click apply and all plugins will be activated now return back to dashboard by clicking over here or you can click over here Nathan Prem sync both are the same thing you can dismiss this notice if you want okay so now we have successfully installed plugin and theme let's move to the next part of this video so now if you hover your mouse over here and visit your site and you can see this is our default look of this theme there is no content here still look boring because there is nothing here let's close this out and install a demo content by installing the demo content it will be much easier for us to customize a website to install a demo content simply hover your mouse over appearance and then click on Rara demo import and here click on demo import and then click on upload demo file and drag and drop your file over here if you do not know where to find a demo file I'll leave a link in the video description but for now I'm going to drag and drop this file over here and click on install now and then click on import demo now you can get this file by going to the video description so this process may take some time so I'm gonna speed this video up and I'll come back once it done a few moments later alright guys so as you can see that the demo contact has been successfully uploaded let's go to the dashboard by clicking over here and now let's look at the website I will Mouse over here open link in a new tab and you can see this is our to rent our website looks like as you can see everything has been imported that you have seen in the beginning of this video as you can see this is all demo content that you are seeing right now that will be easier for us to customize this website anyways let's close this tab let's move to the next part of this video alright so in this part we are going to look at this trip section when you install WP travel engine plugin you will see two more options inside your WordPress dashboard first is WP travel engine and we have the trips in this part we're going to look at the trips section by using this section you can create tips on your website to create tips you have to click on trips or you can click on add new trips but before we start creating your trips we have to look at other settings like we have to create destination activities and trip type and few other settings that we have to look at okay first of all let's click on the destinations as you know we have imported the dummy content and you can see all these dummy destinations to create a new Destination type the name of the destination for example I'm going to type Shimla select will be Shimla slug will be the URL of your destination like your domain name slash Shimla and Below we have the parent destination and we have the description you can type the description if you want otherwise you can leave it as it is and Below you can add the image if you want click on ADD image you can upload image or you can drag and drop your image over here okay so I'm gonna drag and drop this image over here click on choose image image has been uploaded and then click on add new destination so you can see the destination has been added successfully so in the same way you can add as many destination as you want let's go to activities and here you can see these are the default dummy activities that you are seeing you can delete them by checking this box or you can delete the destination as well in the same way checking this box it will select all the destination the dummy destination and go to this drop down menu select delete click apply and all the activities will be deleted okay so I'm not gonna do it right now let's create a new activity let's say in Shimla we have voting may be let's say is someone going to book this destination they will see this activity voting inside the Shimla so I'm going to add this activity voting okay you can add the image if you want I'm gonna skip it click on add new activity so activity has been added so right now here you can see there is a zero count inside the voting that means this activity hasn't assigned with any trip or destination okay when you connect this boating activity with any trip or destination discount number will change okay so in the same way you can create trip type and these are the default trip type here let's say Teenage friendly you can type any type of trip type okay teenage Friendly Senior Citizen friendly whatever you like to type so just type over here okay if you leave the slug it automatically create a slug for you you can add the description or you can add the image if you want you can add the short description if you want so I'm gonna leave it blank just for now click on add a new trip type so you can see the trip type has been added successfully let's look at the difficulty by default there is a easy extreme hard or medium you can add more difficulty if you want you can say Ultra hard Ultra extreme whatever you like to type just type over here click on add new difficulty and finally we have the tag you can add a tag if you want group tour guide tour or private tour or single person tour or solo maybe whatever you like to type just type over here click on add new tag if you leave this lock blank as like I mentioned earlier slug will be added automatically as you can see okay in this tag there is nothing here because we haven't connected this tag with any trip you can create a custom filter if you want by clicking on the custom filter button here you can see there is a no custom filter let's type something like jumping let's click on add new filter the filter has been added okay so you can create different types of custom filter if you go to jumping you can see here you can type whatever you like Hill jumping add new category bungee jumping click on add new category so in this same so in the same way you can create different types of custom filter and inside the filter you can create different types of categories so once you complete this step let's look at how to create a trip if you click over here trips under the tips you will see all the default dummy trips that you will get if you import the demo content okay all you have to do you have to remove them by by checking all of them by clicking over here go to drop down menu click move to trash click apply all these dummy or sample trips will be removed and it will move to the trash page and go to the trash page and empty the trash folder okay that's the pretty much it but right now I'm not gonna do it let's create a new trip by clicking on add new or you can click over here but it will be the same thing and here I'm gonna close this out let's add a title let's call this Shimla trip you can add a description that's copy paste the description from another trip just for the video tutorial let's go to maybe destination Nepal select this one and this is the trip and this is the description let's copy it select it copy and paste over here in your case you have to type your own description for Shimla okay scroll down and here we have the wp travel engine trip settings under the general tab we have the general settings trip code this is a unique code next we have the duration how long this trip will goes let's say 10 days night nine nights enable cut off time you can enable the cutoff time the cutoff time will be time before which booking are allowed for the trip okay okay if you want to enable this you can enable it otherwise you can leave it as it is set minimum and maximum age restriction you can add the Restriction if you don't like to add any type of restriction restriction you can disable it okay you can set minimum and maximum participants this is optional if you want to add this go ahead add this let's say in your bus you can take only 50 members you can type 50 over here and then click on Save and continue next we have the date and pricing next we have the date and price inside this we have the packages here you can create as many packages as you want by clicking on add new package type the package name let's call this adult and then click on edit pricing and date and you can see we have the package pricing category we have adult we have child let's call this pricing and then click on edit price and date and here you can see we have the two option adult and child you can create as many package pricing category as you want by click here you go here open link in a new tab you can see we have the adult and we have the child adult category set as a primary category you can create as many category as you want just type something like senior citizen you can type the description if you want and then click on add new category so we have three categories let's come back here let's close this out let's come back here and for now click on Save and close scroll down and click on continue and let's refresh the page maybe we have to click on Save draft let's refresh the page and now let's go back to date and pricing and here click on edit price and date and now you can see we have the senior citizen pricing package pricing category as well so now let's expand the adult and for adult this package will cost maybe let's say the dollar per person or per grade select from here that's it per person enable sale you can enable sale if you want leave it as it is and if you have the premium extension and you can give a group discount but right now this is a free version of this plugin later in this video I'll show you how to use the paid extensions to create extra functionality to your tour and travel website anyways for adult we set the pricing 80 per person and for child let's say 10 dollar per person and for senior citizen let's add something like 50 per person okay and let's click on Save and continue you can create as many pricing packages as you want if you want to add more category like you can add teenager or maybe newborn babies you can add from here okay click on Save and close and then click on continue extra services and this is where you can add the extra Services by installing the extra add-ons inside your website like I mentioned earlier I'll show you how to add the extra functionality into your website just by adding the premium extension in on your tour Intel website but for now don't continue we have the overview trip description in the section titled change from here as it is trip description you can add the description over here as you know we are creating a Shimla trip so you have to add the Shimla trip description over here next we have the trip highlights type the title for example boating you can add Arif highlights as you want and so on let's click on Save and continue and we have the itinerary in the itinerary we have this right here section title I'm Gonna Leave it is itinerary in the itinerary you can add the premium extension as well that we look at later in this video next we have the day one in the day one I'm gonna type to something like booting next add another day two and you can keep adding as many itinerary as you want so in that way you can add as many itinerary and finally click on Save and continue and now we are inside the include and exclude tab inside this section you can include things or exclude things things what things are included in this trip and what are the things that are excluded in this trip section title cost title the trip cost includes beverages you can add as many item as you want in the exclude tab cost exclude title the trip cost excluded add the items that you want to exclude in this trip so this way you can add the include and exclude items inside your trip and then click on Save and continue and trip information the section title will be Shimla trip and here you can add this short code to display this trip info inside your posts or Pages or any tab okay make sure to use this code if you want to just play the trip select the info section whatever you like to display same meal and click on Save and continue next we have the gallery images enable this on add new you can upload your Shimla images over here or you can select some of them let's select images click on ADD images we added the three images you can add as many images as you want Max size is 5 megabyte and enable video gallery if it will support only YouTube or vimeo video URL okay or you can add a video so I'm gonna disable this feature for now you can add the video shortcode anywhere on your website to display the video gallery click on Save and continue next we have the map section title image of your map the image upload file drag and drop your map over here let's choose a map from here okay let's select this image and click on upload it so we don't have a map yet so I uploaded this anyways map iframe code if you have one you can upload over here click on Save and continue and now we have the FAQ section section title AQ and add app over here let's add a question and type your answer Max 50 you can add as many FAQ as you want let's click on Save and continue file downloads this is a premium feature so I'm not gonna cover this in this part let's click on continue let's click on Save draft for now now you can see right side we have the trip inside the the trip you can see we have the destination trip type difficulty tags jumping feature image and so on and let's go to destination do we have Shimla yes like that and let's what we're going to get in this trip let's say boating hiking and that's the pretty much it expand the trip type this is a child friendly budget friendly and maybe teenage friendly and scroll down and next we have the difficulty this is a medium this tip has a medium difficulty tool down we have tag you can add tag let's say Shimla trip press enter you can add as many tag as you want inside the jumping we have the bungee jumping we have the hell jumping so in Shimla people can have bungee jumping and Hell jumping this is our custom filter if you remember we have created this filter earlier in this video next we have the feature image in here click on the feature image and upload your featured image over here let's come back here media library select your image click on set featured image scroll down we have the the extract and decision except you can leave it as it is this is optional decision allow comments you should allow comments this is very important guys difficulty this is again a medium difficulty that's pretty much it we have successfully created a trip now finally click on publish and hit publish once again and let's click on view trip and you can see this trip has a pricing package for adult 80 and for child 10 and for senior citizen it will start from 50 they can check availability date by clicking on availability date this is the description this is the overview the itinerary day one we'll do voting in the second day we will go for dancing in the day third we will do the bungee jumping and the cost what's include in the cost you can see we have the beverage and free t-shirt for everyone and this is not included which is exclude section camera beer and umbrella we have the FAQ how many peoples are allowed in this trip Max 50 this would be your map image make sure you upload your real map image over here and you can see this is our Gallery images awesome right so this way you can create as many trip as you want for your to run travel website if you click over here check availability you can see the availability date awesome right click continue how many adults you are how many child one how many senior citizen two and this will be your final cost click on proceed to checkout and in the checkout page you can add a coupon code and Below you can see you have billing detail fill in the billing details and you can select the payment method and complete your booking how easy it is all right so let's go back to home page so we have successfully created a trip let's move to the next part of this video alright so in this part we are going to look at how to install a premium add-ons or you can say the plugins to add the extra functionality to our tour interval website to install these plugins all you have to do you can either go to the description box of this video or you can type in this URL and press enter run as VFX slash travel it will take you to WP travel engine website and here you can see these are the packages that you can get at this price point for one website you can get personal package and for 10 website you can get the development companies package these are the names don't get confused with the name of the packages if you scroll down you can see these are the features that comes with these packages if you go with the personal plan you can see you won't get some of these functions inside your WP travel engine website if you buy the travel agency package that only for 199 which is worth the money to buy it you will get all these features and functionality inside your one website okay if you are web developer or freelancer you can buy this package which is also affordable package and you will cover this amount just by creating one or two websites for your clients awesome right so I have this package travel agency for one website and I'll show you some of the advanced features that you can install or activate inside YouTube and travel website now let's take a look at these Prem add-ons by clicking on the logo it will take you to the home page and here you can click on all add-ons so this website provides you 28 premium add-ons to increase the engagement and conversion rate so here you can see these are the premium add-ons shows your proof legal document woocommerce payments and trip fix starting date group discount extra Services Advanced itinerary Builder Trip reviews and so on okay to install these premium extensions all you have to do just click on one of them for example let's go with extra Services click on view detail so as you can see I've just logged in in my account so I have the package so I'm gonna download the extra service plugin by clicking on the download button since I already download the plugin I'm not going to download this once again let's go to my account and you can see I also have the travel monster Pro theme as well and I have this travel agency package which is right now inactive let's click on manage site and you can see I have the license key so I'm gonna copy the license key because I'll need this license key to activate my plugin okay so let's go back to your dashboard how are your mouse over plugins and click on add new now click on upload plugin now drag and drop your plugin file over here in this case we are going to install the extra services so this is the plugin WP travel extra services that I already downloaded drag and drop the plugin over here and click on install now and now click on activate so plugin has been activated successfully let's refresh the page now however you Mouse over WP travel engine and then click on plugin license now here you have to paste your license key that we just copied click on Save changes and now click on activate license so as you can see the license has been activated successfully now let's head back to the dashboard and now we have to configure this extra service plugin inside the wp travel engine global settings so how do you Mouse over WP travel engine and then click on settings and here click on the extensions extra services and here you have to type the extra Services title so in this case I'm going to type extra services and then click on Save and continue once you do it let's click on the extra Services Under WP travel engine and here you have to create a extra services for your tour interval website to do it click on add new so here give a title let's say you want to add a room service you can add the description if you want and Below you can see we have the extra Services type default and advance in the beginning you might get confused if you are totally new to this but don't worry just keep watching this video and you will get familiar how these two types of services works but first let's take a look at the default one the service cost we have the parish unit and traveler let's say for the room Services you're providing extra service for room services and you are charging for 500. the power unit or per traveler this is single person and this is the entire group of the people let's say per unit okay you're charging 500 per unit and let's click on the publish button and hit publish once again okay let's back to the dashboard so we have created the room Services okay and now let's assign this extra service into a trip to do it let's have a view Mouse over trips and click on trips and now select the trip where you like to add this extra services in this case I'm going to add the extra service inside the schema trip scroll down and you can see we have the Excel Services tab click on it and from here you can see we have the extra Services click on this drop down menu and select your extra services that we have created while ago select it and you can see we have the service type which is default and we have the options only one option okay if you click over here it will take you to the editing section of this service here you can still have the option into tweak the settings if you want so let's close this out and click on Save changes okay we are done here now let's click on update this trip and let's review the trip now if someone booked the trip by clicking on the check availability date let's select the date click continue and here you can see we have created this package before we have the adult child and senior citizen one let's select the package and click on continue and here you can see we have the single default service type which is room service here your customer can book this extra service by clicking over here and all the cost will be added inside their cart page okay so this will be the total cost of this trip so this is the default service type now I'm going to show you how to create a advanced extra services for your trip let's close this out let's go back to the dashboard and now let's have him also WP travel engine click on extra services and here you can see we have the room Services I'm gonna click on trash button let's create a new one click on add new just give a title I'm going to type something like room services and Below you can type the description this time I'm going to type something like we have multiple room services that you can choose as per your liking something like that and Below you can see we have the service type this time I'll go with the advanced when you choose the advanced option that means you can create multiple Services Under single category in this case we have the room Services inside the room Services you can create different types of room categories let me show you what I mean by that if you scroll down you can see you have the field type user can select one service option while booking user can select multiple Services options while booking let's select this one and Below we have the pricing inside the pricing we have two options options have the same price option have the different prices let's select this one now you can can see we have the different prices for different extra Services first of all we have the service option type the name of the service let's say simple room service cost 100 dollar description this is a this is simple room service something like that that's great more by clicking on add service option this time I would say best room for four person cost will be 400 this is a past room for four person so you can keep adding as much Services as you want once you do it click on publish button hit publish once again so we have created the room Services extra service okay you can create multiple services in the same way so let's go back and click on add new and this time I would create extra surveys for vehicles the step Vehicles let's type the description this is the vehicle extra service that you can use during your trap something like that okay below select Advanced select use multiple service option while booking select the options have different prices and Below let's type the service options just type the name of the service I'm going to type something like bike cost will be 100 this is bike service you can use the bike in your trip next add other service this time I'm gonna type something like car 500 you can this is the car service you can use the car in your trip okay I think you get the idea how to create these extra Services okay and finally click on publish hit publish once again and we are good here let's head back to the dashboard assign these extra Services into any trip to do it however your mouse over trips and click on trips now select this trip Shimla trip scroll down click on extra Services now select the extra services from here or vehicles and room service and as you can see we have the multiple options inside the single extra Services okay and this is the difference between default and advanced extra Services okay so let's click on Save changes and click on update and then click on view trip and now let's try to book the trip select the date click continue select the package click continue now you can see we have the extra Services before we have the single type of room or single type of room Services now we have the multiple room Services you can add as much room type or different types of extra Services Under single service okay in the room Services we have the simple room and we have the best room for four person you can keep adding more if you want let's select this service and vehicle let's go for car and you can see the price has been added inside your cart and click on proceed to the checkout and your customer are ready to pay this amount to book their trip okay so that's the pretty much it this is how you can create extra Services inside your tool rental website so this is the end of this part let's move to the next part of this video let's go back to the dashboard all right guys so in this part of the video I'm gonna show you how you can add a group discount inside your any trip and for that we need to install the premium add-ons to do it go back to your WP travel engine website and here you can click on add-ons all add-ons and scroll down and download the Crypt discount plugin by clicking on view details and here make sure you download the plugin as you know to get this premium plugin and if you want to add the group discount inside your tool rental website you have to buy the package from WP travel engine to get that package you can either go to this URL or you can just go to the description box of this video and get your package since I already have the plan I'm going to download this group discount plugin to do it click on download button I already download the plugin and let's go to the my account and make sure you copy the license key by clicking on manage sites and let's copy the license key copy it and let's go back to your dashboard and install the plugin to do it hover your mouse or plugins click on add new click on upload plugin drag and drop your plugin file over here so this is my plugin drag and drop here click on install now and then click on activate the plugin once you activate the plugin now we need to add the license key to do it let's have you most of WP travel engine and then click on plugin license and paste your license key inside your group discount section and then click on Save changes and you can see the license has been activated if you see any activation button make sure you activate your license key and when you see the deactivate license that means your license for this particular plugin has been activated okay so once you do it now we need to configure the global settings of the script discount plugin under the wp travel engines and settings and here go to extensions just like before we did for the Excel services this time we have the group discount make sure you enable this group discount by toggling this switch next we have the group discount info title you can type something like get group discount something like that you can change this title anytime okay let's click on Save and continue once you do it now you are ready to add this group discount on any trip you like let's open the trips click on trips let's open this one shimna trip scroll down click on date and price and as you can see this is our package you can create new package by clicking on add new package button let's add the group discount inside this pricing package click on edit pricing and dates and here you can see we have the pricing category as you know we have created the adult child and senior citizen category that's let's say you want to add the group discount inside the adult category let's expand this one and make sure you change the pricing type from per person to per group and scroll down you can enable disable the group discount by toggling this switch let's enable the group discount and here you can see to add the group discount is pretty straightforward in the left hand side you will see number of persons and price per person and make sure price per person let's say one to five percent price will be discount will be 80 okay and as soon you do it the next row automatically will start from the next number okay in this case we have these six to ten percent discount will be even more ninety dollar okay for 11 to 15 percent discount will be 100 and from 16 to so on discount will be 120 dollar okay once you do it click on Save and close and make sure you update the post and then click on view trip so here you can see if someone tried to book the trip by clicking on check availability date they can select the date click continue and here you can see for adult we have the group discount okay if I increase the quantity you can see the price will remain the same you can see for two person it is 80 you can see still eighty dollar now if I change if I increase the number from five to six so you can see the price is now 90 it will remain the same until I cross the number of 10 okay as you can see so you can see this is the group discount section that we have created if this adult section is set to per person then whenever you increase the number the price will increase so make sure you change this pricing category to per group okay so this is how you create a group discount and the extra services for your trip so that's pretty much it for this section let's close this out and let's go back to the dashboard and let's proceed with the next part of this video so in this part we're going to customize our tool rental website but before that I want to let you know this there are so many features that you can can add inside your two rental website like you can go to add-ons inside your WP travel engine website here you can see there are so many extensions that you can add inside your website but I can't cover all of them in single video if you want me to show you any specific extensions tutorial just drop your comment in the comment section below and I will create a separate video tutorial on that specific extension for you guys anyways now let's head back to that anyways let's go back to the dashboard and now I'm going to show you how you can customize this two rental website so that you can make it your own by customizing it according to your personal preferences so let's start with the header section let's go to customize button so first of all in the header section when you hover your mouse on anywhere on this home page you will see this pencil icon that means you can edit that section quickly by clicking on that pencil icon so let's start with this logo click on this pencil icon and it will take you to the logo section where you replace this logo with your own logo to do it just simply move the logo first and click on select logo and click upload file now drag and drop the logo over here and then click select and then click on skip cropping and you cut your logo and here you can change the title if you want so I'm gonna remove the title I don't really like to show the title this is the tagline I'm going to remove this as well okay just click on publish so this is how you can change the logo so I don't like this logo because this is too big so I'm going to remove the logo and I'm going to add only title over here so let's say to and travel you can add the tagline if you want this is the best tool and travel worksite that's pretty much it this is how you change your logo or you can remove your logo using this pencil I can earn finally click on publish once you happy with your changes you can change this 24 7 call us button or link by clicking the pencil icon it will take you to the editing section and from here you can type your phone number and the label which is completely fine for me and this is the customer support number okay let's go back and let's look at these menus how to change the menu just click on this pencil icon it will take you to the menu section here you can see we have the primary menu and we have the footer menu if you want to edit this menu click on edit menu and you can see all these items inside this menu as you know this is a demo website so first of all you have to remove all of these demo or sample menus and add your own items in order to remove any item from the menu just expand that item for example this 404 error expand this section click on remove that section will be removed if you want to remove the blog how you Mouse over block and click on expand the blog and click remove and if you want to add more items click on add item and add any item from wherever you like if you want to add item from the destination section you can expand the destination and you can add any item that you like in this case I have added the Shimla you can see live update over here let's click over here and if you want to make a drop down menu simply drag and drop any item under any item where you like to create a drop down menu in this case I just drop the Shimla under the contact and you can see we have the drop down menu if you want to remove the drop down menu just drag and drop just like it and that item will be separated from this item okay and that Shimla item will be separated from the contact menu okay so this is how you can create a drop down menu and Below you can see the menu location where you like to add this entire menu primary menu which is right here this is the primary main location photo menu if you uncheck the primary menu and add the footer menu below you will see another footer menu this is the footer menu which is completely messed up so I'm gonna fix this by unchecking the photo menu let's go back to the primary menu and we are good here so this is how you change or edit or remove anything from your primary menu which is right here okay once you're happy with your changes don't forget to click on publish let's go back here go back once again next scroll down you can see we have this title click over here now it will take you to the editing section this is the banner section guys and here you can change this background image and you can add the title find your best holidays this one or you can change the subtitle which is right here okay you can type anything you like and you can also edit this element checking uncheck this box that search field will be removed okay so I'm gonna turn back on this search field once you're happy with your changes click on publish next we have the search for trip this section let's go back let's go back once again so guys in this way you can add it literally any section that you like okay so go inside each and every element and change anything that you like okay so I don't want to waste your time if you want to know more about the customization section I've already created an ultimate video tutorial guide for you guys by watching that video you will able to customize any type of WordPress website whether it's travel booking website blog eCommerce website dropshipping website or any kind of website you can customize just by watching that video so finally we are done with the customization section so I'm going to close this out and finally I wanna tell you one more important thing make sure you configure your WP travel engine settings but just by going here make sure you set your page settings which is right here and remember this to create these type of wedges there is a shortcode available for you guys okay anytime you delete the checkout page or any type of page you can create that same page just by using this shortcode all you have to do go to Pages add new and give a title in the description just copy and paste this shortcode and your checkout page will be created or any sort of page will be created okay so in to create a terms and condition page there is a no need for short code only these Pages required the shortcode guys okay terms and conditions you can create your own terms and condition page just by typing your own terms and condition policy of your travel agency next if you go to emails here you can see make sure you type your own email guys and here you can change this email template if you want okay otherwise this is completely fine you can preview the template as you can see that's fine and if you go to payments and here you can see we have the book book now pay later and PayPal standard and if you go to PayPal standard you have to just type your PayPal email and all the payments will go inside this account okay you don't have to type the API keys or token code anything else just type your email and you are ready to receive the payments from real customer you can add different types of payment Gateway just by installing the premium add-ons that I've shown you earlier in the video you can add the texts and so on and so forth okay so that's the end of this video guys I hope you enjoy the video if you feel like I forget to show you any section of this website feel free to drop your comments and please let me know which part I forget to show you to create this travel booking website and if you want me to show the add-on tutorials feel free to drop your comments just by typing the name of that add-on and I will create a video tutorial on that specific add-on for you guys so that being said goodbye and I'll see you with another video tutorial
Channel: RANAsVFX
Views: 5,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Build Free Website, Travel Website, Tours and Travels, Step By Step Guide, Web Development, Website Creation, Online Presence, Website Tutorial, Unlock Success, Free Website, Website Building Guide, Website Guide, Online Tours and Travels, Travel Website Building, Web Design, Web Development for Beginners, Create Your Website, Website Building Steps, Easy Web Development, Travel Website Guide, How to Build a Website, Free Web Tutorial, Web Building Tutorial
Id: ryAyeGuGHu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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