How to make three different water effects in Anime Studio Pro - MOHO Pro

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everyone just wanted to let you know I won't be doing a whole lot of intros for my tutorials just for a while just going back to school and it's taking up a lot of time and I love doing that's probably my favorite thing to do is make those interests but it can take from several hours to even days to make even a 30-second intro so I'm going to just start making these videos with this type of intro where it shows you what we're going to make oops so this tutorials actually is super long but there's actually three tutorials in it and these are all water effects the first one is the this faucet I accidentally change the color in the background some reason but this is what we're making is just this kind of cartoony way of animating water using some noise and masks and a little bit of particle effects and that's that's the first part of the tutorial then I go on to make this right here which is just kind of choppy waves using particles again and just a circle rotating if this also I just wanted to say again this actually is not my technique there's a flash site called a Roja media and it's a guy that teaches flash animation and they are extremely useful and helpful I adapted his technique for waterfalls to do this choppy water but check out the link to his site because he has tons of awesome tutorials and will give you ideas for stuff even though flash is different than anime studio it's close enough to where you can adapt some of his techniques which is what I did to here so here's that's the second tutorial in this video and the last one is just reflection this one's kind of trying to make I try to make realistic water for like a pool or you know somebody looking in a reflection which is that this is the same animation with just the character fin with his reflection kind of in the water so yeah it just if you have any questions just leave comments or questions down below and I will try and get back to you and it's easier to go to the my facebook page which is called pop to key just like it's spelled here on YouTube and it's an easier way for me to search for messages because I get a lot of them and I sometimes miss them so if you want to just send it on the Facebook page that would be great and yeah I think that's it let's get started with these water tutorials okay someone asked me to make water effect for coming out of a faucet or a drain so I'm going to do the quickest way that I can think of which is let me import a picture of a faucet and then I'm just going to on my vector layer which is underneath the faucet I'm just going to create a new shape I'll use square and draw it underneath for the water and then the quickest way to do water or make it look kind of like water is to double-click the vector layer go to vectors the tab click noisy fills and animate noise and then just go ahead and change the offset pixels to about six maybe about eight so you can see that it's really moving like that and just click apply and then just that by itself it makes it look like it's water I mean it looks like it's flowing so that's the easiest way takes about five seconds which is really nice if you want to add some more effects to it you can you can change the opacity you can double click on the layer change the opacity to whatever you want 50 or and apply then it's see-through so that looks more like water you can actually let's do this click on the vector layer I'm going to add some more points and just hit a and added points and then we'll just spread this out like this and then it looks like it's kind of a puddle and the noise will be add I mean it's still part of the same shape so it'll look like that water on the ground is moving too so I've hit play but that looks kind of yeah once it hits the ground it shouldn't be moving like that let's go back let's do a command Z and undo all that so go there and you might want to there would be movement but not that much let's add a new let's add a new shape or a new layer so we don't want to move it as much so just draw the same shape or I mean use the rectangle and draw another another shape and let's see we can make this new layer see-through as well but since it's overlapping it's gonna kind of multiply and what I mean by that is if I make this transparent the opacity 50 and hit apply where it's overlapping it's going to look darker so we'll just have to go and grab the points on this and just pull this up it's a right Brits like that so that water is see-through also fat and we want it to touch a little bit there is a little overlap there but that's okay I'll do that and then this layer the puddle we can add noise to that but not as much we'll just do noisy fill and I make noise turn that way down to two maybe just so it's moving just a little bit play you probably can't see it but it is actually moving a little bit all right there oh there we go let me show you guys again so there's no line around it there we go and there like I said there is a little overlap there but it's a an easy way to create water in anime studio which is going to be changed to Moho by the way in Moho 12 I was about to say anime studio 12 so that's one technique you can add some more things to this let me I'm going to make these solid blue for a second so I'll just turn the opacity double click on the layer change the opacity to 100 there and do the same for the puddle 100 and like that now there is some other techniques that you can use to make water particles obviously looks very realistic so we can make another layer and we'll call this droplets or drops and I'm going to draw a circle so create shape click circle and draw a circle here I'll hit T click on this top point and pull it up a little bit and then I'll hit C on my keyboard and then left-click and drag to the left just to make that point sharp and then move the points around hit T and move points so it looks like a water drop and then we can hit T select the whole thing by clicking on it and making it smaller and change the origin point I'm just putting the origin point on the drop because that's where it should be I don't know why anime studio doesn't it's it's really weird how origin points work now and if you don't know what those are that's just where the lair pivots it's Center changing its center so if I clicked on it wherever that origin point is it'll turn so let me go real close just so you can see so I put it in the center of the drop if I undo that and click on the origin point and put it at the top of the drop when I turn it it'll turn it at the oops oh that's for the lair sorry so here's here's the lair origin so now that the origins right there if I grab the rotate it rotates on that just so you know I'm getting off track so we have a water drop and if we wanted to add something to this to make it look a little more realistic we'll go ahead and do a go to frame zero and add a particle layer and drag the drops into it and click on the particle layer right there and we're going to click on the particle tool here and then the particle options and then I also I always like to click on the canvas and hit spacebar so I can see what it's doing live that makes working with particles much easier so you can change the settings here so let's go ahead and preview 100 particles since that's what it's set at already and then we will change the direction to downward and dampening actually changes the the not the speed but I'll show you I'll click on dampening and turn it up so you can see now it's it starts out at a certain speed and then slows down so it changes the velocity I guess is the best way to describe it are drops are upside down so let's go back to frame 0 click on the drops and just wrote to rotate those upside down and then click back on the particle layer and those that will fix that so it's spacebar play let's go ahead and go to frame 0 and move use the transform layer tool and just move the drops to the top of the faucet and play I just want to make the drops look like they're coming off of the main stream a little bit so with the particle tool selected then particle options let's go ahead and decrease the dampening so it goes all the way down that looks pretty good we can change the source with I'm going to change it to 0 so let me hide the main stream for a second so it starts off in one point and then spreads outward like it would naturally so then the drops are just showing at the bottom so that makes a little bit more realistic those look a little bit too big so we'll go into the drops one more time on frame zero and just shrink it shrink them down I clicked T and then I grabbed a corner and just make them a little smaller and I'll click on the particle to see what they look like how big they are and play it so there's some more affects I guess to make it look a little little nicer and let's try and do one more thing I'm going to I don't know if it's going to work or not I've seen something similar to this and I'm going to show you a really awesome website or YouTube channel that will has a lot of tutorials on flash that will help you also I'm going to draw a circle again and a new layer I'm going to hit Q which is to select the fill of the shape and oh I already have it in there would I do that for well I this is let me turn this off for a second so you can see so now it's we've selected the shape and it turns checkered and then what we want to do is come over to effect and hit this tab that says plane and go down to gradient and I'm going to click on this the white color move it over and then click on the gradient bar again just underneath it so it makes two of the same color and then click on black and then hit delete that's just so we have two of the same color accidentally made another one then it'll drag them to the both of the left and right sides and I'll click on the right side and click on the fill color right here and then turn it's alpha all the way down so it's see-through and hit OK now it looks like it's blue but it's just because that's what our original color is we're going to hit allow transparency and it makes that see-through so we'll hit OK and even though like if I hit Q and select the color you can see the blue but if it's unselected you can see that it's just a white gradient and I can move that by grabbing the dark circle so I can take it down so this fades from whites and nothing and that's what we want and we'll just call this reflection like that and we'll go ahead and put this in a Park layer also so create a new particle layer drag the reflection into it and click on the particle layer and again with the particle tool selected up here and click on options I'll click on the canvas and hit spacebar so it plays now you can't see what it's actually looking like but if I rendered it out those look like just white gradients why that change think let me go back here it's got a gradient it now I don't want that in the in anything else take the gradient off and in the drops or the drops think I got a gradient put in it also so IQ selected mmm q.what turn the gradient off of the drops and the water layer one house it also didn't want that on every plane so I just went back in through the layers and turned off that effect it was showing up on everything and I just want it on this the reflection layers so let me render that one more time to check yeah that's what I want keep these this blue and with the reflection layer let's go to particle options click on the canvas spacebar and let's preview we only let's do I don't know eight oops like that will change the direction to go downward let me see something I render that I want the fade to go from bottom to top so let's go ahead and go to the reflection and rotate it just like we did the droplets facing the wrong way but oh I didn't even need to do that I just needed to move the reflection or gradient I'm so sorry so so move the the dark circle above the circle and then pull the white that so just top to bottom on on the reflection layer but in the particle layer when it's moving its going to look like it's going downward like that which is what one and let's see particle options click on the canvas hit spacebar and I want those to be farther apart so how do I did let's see source maybe velocity I don't want any velocity spread and I don't let's see that might look okay um what I'm trying to do is let's move the reflection over the faucet and then we're going to put everything and hit hit the top lick or select the faucet hold shift down and select everything and we're going to create a group the reason we're creating a group I'm sorry let me go thread again before we do that go ahead and go over to the layers palette and then create a group and we'll just call this faucet and put that on the top and then we'll select everything and drag it into the group the reason I'm doing this is because I wanted to make a mask so the noise layer this is the noise the first thing that we made puddle and drops is already labeled I mean the part layer drops too deflection okay the reason I'm doing that is so I want I want to mask the reflection so it just shows up in the water itself and doesn't look like a circle so we'll double click on the group layer click masking and hide all now what it's going to do is it's going to take the very bottom of what's over in the group and make that the mask we also want to add the puddle so double click the puddle click mask and click add to mask and apply and then faucet the JPEG we can just double click on that and click masking and we can just say don't mask this layer so it kind of pulls it out of that masking situation it'll just be there and then the drops particle will also masking and add the mask also hit OK and then the reflection we are going to leave mask so when it plays see how I let me see you can't actually see the particles rendering now but maybe it's a better idea if I I'm going to put them right here so those reflections are only going to be visible in the water so you can't see them because they're masked now but if I go into the timeline and render you can see the circles are appearing right there and I need to move them back over oops go back to frame 0 and move them over again check by rendering and that's what I want I want them to go fall downward that's really too bright though so we'll double-click the reflection layer and change the opacity to like 20 and render that hmm now it's almost 2:00 to see through so let's double click go back into the particle layer and change the opacity of 50 that that looks pretty good you can actually blur it too so one more time double-click the reflection and do blur radius change that like 8 or so and that just blurs it a little bit so let me render that out see what that looks like you just have to keep experimenting with especially with particles to get something to look the way you want so a lot of people ask me how I came up with this and I just messed around with certain things until it looked right but this tech the the reflection technique is definitely it's something that I got from the Roja media YouTube channel I'm going to show you that next real quick let me let's see what that render looks like so if I play this see that white in the animation that's just from that reflection thing that just makes it look like the water flowing downward and going into this puddle but again you can mess with the opacity of everything you know you may not want the water to be solid just depends on what you're animating for sometimes water looks blue sometimes it's crystal clear sometimes it's brown dirty ish or you know river water or muddy lakes so it all just depends so that's the first thing second thing let's do a new new document okay now this is a really cool technique I wanted to tell you guys about this guy this is a YouTube channel that I found and this guy does tutorials like I do but he does them for flash and they're dope they're awesome so let me see I'll show you a couple of his videos he does waves and fire a lot of visual effects and this is where I got the water flowing or the reflection idea from and this is he Mason and I can't read over it but I'll try to and it's a roja media there's link in the description so check him out definitely but I wanted to do this so it's adapted to anime studio or Moho but you can see he does the same kind of thing where he has a reflection going through water for a fountain but that's not what I'm going to show you I'm going to do this he creates a tutorial that looks like a waterfall by using a circle and he's got all kinds of cool stuff on there little splashes and things like that and I'm going to try and adapt that to anime studio so I'll do a command G just to turn the grid on and I'm going to create a circle create shape circle and then with the grid turned on I'm going to hold option and shift down and click from the center and pull out and that just puts the circle in the dead center and then I'm also going to hit a and just add points and don't worry about it looking all lumpy because that's actually what we want we want it to be uneven so when it spins around it's a little bit more organic and I will hit command G turn off the grid and I'm just going to grab some of these points and make it even more lumpy I guess you could say but again the reason I made the center made the circle in the dead center is so we can rotate it without it moving wobbling so when we put a bone in it it's in the dead center actually we don't want it try and keep it circular I'm going to hit T and select all the points and then hits hit C and curve those out so now that's kind of more pillowy you know or the curves are more straight so it's kind of cloud like or water like and then also let's hit Q select the shape and turn on the stroke if it's not already turned on so click on here so we have a stroke and then change the stroke to be a little lighter than the blue color so we can do that by using the eyedropper and well so I like select a fill color so it changes it to the same thing and then click on the color fill here and then just make it a little brighter that way you get something that's matches better with the color you have and I'll hit W and just every so often on these I'm just going to turn up the stroke thickness and that's what the W is it's the width tool line width tool so these are just going to be the waves so go ahead and grab a few of the points not all of them and just change the line width here and there so it's just kind of organic now this is the easiest way I found to animate a circle rotating is to add a bone layer so we'll call this wave one or let's call it circle one or circle and okay and then we'll go ahead and add a bone layer go over to layer bone drag the circle into the bone layer and then click on the bone layer here to add a bone and then we're going to turn the grid on again command G and then click on add bone or you can just hit a and then just click in the center and drag up and it's since the grids on its going to snap and that's the reason why I put it in the center so when I drag from the center it's just already lined up and we don't have to worry about anything I also don't want to use bone strength so we'll click on the strength and click on the bone and left click and drag it to the left so it's gone because we're going to bind a dew point binding so with the bone layer already selected hit G or I'm sorry hit hit the circle the artwork and the bone is already selected you can see here it's red so hit G and then select all the points so the red bone is red and we have all the points then we'll go over here and hit bind points then also click bind points up here and now it's connected to the the circles connected to the bone now this is something important for new users if you try and transform this like hit T and move oops our on the bone layer you try and move it it's not going to move anything that's because you're on frame 0 and it won't take effect until you in the timeline so if you go in the timeline hit T click on the bone in the center of the bone anywhere and turn it and see it'll move so what we want to do is create a rotation I'll click on the timeline down here frame 24 and then I'm going to click on the bone I'm going to hold shift down and it's going to just rotate it at 45-degree angles when you drag it so we're just going to rotate it all the way around so now when I drag through the timeline you'll see that from 0 to 24 it makes a full spin and then we can turn the grid off since we have the animation there command G and we will make this cycle so it continually turns so going to the last keyframes just left-click and drag over the keyframes right click and select cycle now we want the animation to cycle to frame 2 because well let me show you if I let it recycle to frame 1 what it does is it will stutter it'll stop and repeat the frame 1 and frame 24 will be the same so there'll be a little hiccup there you can't see it right now because that's on smooth and that is the type of interpolation that's set automatically if I click on the first key frames or 0 key frames it's automatically set to smooth and the interpolation means the way in which the move the movement of the bone so smooth means the movement starts off slower gets faster and then slows down again so you can you can see that when I hits play starts fast goes and then slows down right at the end now if I change that to linear now it just looks like it's rotating as even pain or it is rotating at an even pace and actually even though it's that looks okay it's even though it's rotating and going back to frame 1 for the cycle it looks like it's a continual motion so that's good for what we want so the other thing is let's go back since it's in a cycle you can speed up or slow down the cycle by just moving the last keyframe so I pull it out farther it's going to rotate slower and if I make it shorter it's going to go much faster so just depending on how much you want these to look like waves or how choppy you want it to be you can just adjust it like that I'm going to leave it let's do let's do I think 48 looks ok so now that we have our circle animation that's actually going to be the way we'll just call this wave I'm going to grab the transform layer tool and move it over and now all I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the wave the bone layer which contains everything and I'll hit duplicate and then we still have the transform layer tool selected so I'm just going to pull this over to about almost halfway and I'm going to repeat that process duplicate move it over duplicate move it over duplicate move it over and just keep going all the way across the screen the canvas at least okay so if I hit play they're all going to rotate the same and we don't want to have it look like that that kind of looks like water but not yet not quite so to offset these what we're going to do is click on the sequencer tab which is right here next to the channels um right by the timeline and all we need to do is pull left click and drag each layer this green line indicates where the animation is going to start so we're just actually going to offset them and all that's going to do is just make it so they rotate at different times and you can do anything you want doesn't really matter as long as they're not all lined up together that's the main point so we'll go back to channels and you can see the animations moved on some of these so at the very beginning it's going to look weird because some of them don't start at the same time but now we have a variation of the water turning so if we kind of looks like a waterfall and this is a Rojas technique by the way not mine he added a lot of sprinkles or sprinkles droplets coming off of these waves too but I'm just going to show you this right now real quick so this is a good way to make choppy ocean waves and the way that you can make this look like actual waves is to put these into particles so I'm going to go back to frame 0 click on new new layer and do particle we'll call this waves all put that on the very top I'll click on the top bone layer hold shift down select all of the waves and then drag them into the particle layer and then click the particle now that looks super crazy right now so we'll go and again go into the particle tool and then particle options we're only going to use about let's do six particles and turn the life time frames to zero actually zero everything out source width height velocity spread and all the things on the bottom okay and now why is that hmm that's weird this is this doesn't look right to me hold on here particles and what I wanted to do was change the source depth that's weird hold on a second okay there's all of our Oh you know what I need to do this is very I think the program has a problem with me using multiple instances I guess so we're going to make just a group folder first all waves all one just just a regular group I think I need to do this to keep them all together that and then put that group into the particle yeah that's what I needed to do because you could see I was the waves looked off when I tried to do the throw them into the particle group themselves so now we have six sets of that wave animation and go back to frame 0 now I have six and let me I'm going to turn the XY axis so you can see them a little better so that's and that's what I want to do anyway is to turn this using the XY tool rotate layer XY and turn it like that and you see we have six sets of the waves and the reason we have six is because I changed it in the particle layers and then I offset this depth if I put it back to zero they just overlap and now they're changing in 3d space so now they're all separate and then if I play this they all look like they're I mean they're offset in their same rows but then they look the same in with each eggs added room so to change that to make this look more natural in the particle options just click randomize playback so now we have some really choppy looking waves which is really pretty cool and let me just throw something in here real quick I'm going to show you how to make this look more realistic as water so let's go to particle options while it's playing I'm going to change the source depth and bring them a little closer together like that maybe click on the transform layer tool let me go back to frame 0 I'm going to move these down a little bit like that and then let's go find picture let's do a Viking ship PNG if you type in PNG you you can find a lot of pictures that are already cut out use this that one is not it's got a white background I just want to find a picture that has a transparent background like that so I'll save this to the desktop and I'll import it so file oops file import image will grab that ship I just got put that in here we'll put this underneath the waves layer so let's look looking like it's actually in the water and then with the waves created we'll go ahead and just duplicate that and put that on the one that we created as a duplicate underneath the ship and then push it back in z space so with the transform layer tool selected we'll click on the Z up here at the top and just use your mouse wheel to scroll it and it pushes that layer back even more and not now I'm just moving it up and then just so it looks like there's water behind the ship and then I'll go ahead and stretch this out like that maybe stretch stretch the ones in front as well and then play now it looks like it's in water and also to make it more realistic let's go ahead and click on the ship I'll go to frame 1 this is what I did for the pirate video for the flag video and just click on it so it creates a keyframe right click and add noise and it'll shake really crazy at first so let's play that animation you can see we don't want it to shake that much so while it's playing let's just change the scale turn the scale way up to this is about eight seven and then we'll turn the amplitude down so it doesn't move as much so it's just kind of jiggling in the water a little bit that just makes it look more realistic so that's an easy way to make kind of choppy cartoon looking waves some of you might be saying well this doesn't look right you know this the white goes all the way down you can cover that up by let's see let's do this we'll add one more layer vector layer now we'll just call this gradient this is just to cover up this very first row of waves making that the white on the circles go disappear so it looks more like water so was this call that gradient will create a new shape rectangle and let's leave the stroke off for a second all right we don't want a stroke so if I let's make this on the very top move this to the very top layer over here and draw a square like that which already covers up oops if I click off of that you can see it already covers at the bottom of those waves which looks pretty good but we want it to kind of fade so we can also oh and here's another trick to say you're working on something and you want to add a gradient or something like this but you got the wrong color so you you've been making a lot of stuff and it's accidentally you know off blue and you can't get it quite to match go ahead and hit Q and select the shape select the eyedropper up here and then just hover over the shape you want it to match and release that just changes it to that color exactly to add a gradient again just like the faucet tutorial at the beginning when a Q selected go up to effect and gradient and we'll click on the light use the eyedropper go on to the want any wave select that again this is little trick just keep get the same color move it over click here and now we have two of the same I'll click on black and delete it and we'll make one side transparent it doesn't matter because we can move the gradient later so we can I'll do it on left side this time click on the fill color and make that transparent yeah it apply and also remember to always click allow transparency so you can see it and then okay so let's drag this down now it's still checkered but if we click off once we'll be able to see the gradient better so by grabbing the darker circle you can see the solid parts at the top we're just going to move that to the bottom bring it closer to the dark circle and then just pull it up to wherever we want it to fade so we'll just do it right about there so now it fades into the water those edges so hit the play button again now you've got a nice little choppy waves animation which i think is pretty cool and I think that's it oh let's do one more yeah let's do one more sorry this tutorial is super super long but it's like three and one so we'll make one more let's go ahead and do new now this one is to do a effect that kind of looks like a pool reflection or if you have a character that you want to have it look like they're looking into water like we can make I think I can make muddy water or clear blue water let's try it maybe I kind of try to do this earlier so let's start off with a background that's just going to be our base base I'll make another vector layer this time I'm going to turn off the auto fill and then click on Auto stroke because I just want this truck and I'm going to create a circle and let's make this oops still have the gradient on go to the base hit Q take this out take the effect off and turn it back to plain and then for this one circle Auto stroke I'm going to hit W and just make it big so we can see it so we have this circle now and I'm going to add points to it hit a just make some points here and there we want more points because we're going to use victors wave effect which has so many uses it's super awesome let's see here victor is the anime studio guru if you don't know watch my flag tutorial which is actually his tutorial because he made the technique up but this i'm going to attempt to make some kind of light reflections in pool water with this so first we're going to make this circle wave so let's call this light circle and i'm going to start the animation by okay we have the circle and we have all the points selected we're going to go to frame 1 hit T and just just select it and that just creates a keyframe then we'll go to frame 12 we'll move it up and then we'll go to frame 24 on the timeline select the first keyframes do a command C and then a command V and that copy that just makes the circle move up and down and I'll just go up in frame 12 and go back to its original position on 24 and then we want this to cycle so we're going to select the last keyframes right click cycle and make sure you select relative that's important for this technique so you need to select relative and then this part is really really easy this is works well for fire hair water anything you want to make it look like it's being blown in the wind or has some kind of natural wave movement it works for everything so with all the points selected we're gonna you can do this on frame zero go ahead go back to frame 0 actually hit G because we're going to be selecting key for a certain points of this circle so we'll just click G and left click and drag and leave this first vertice alone okay so with that all of the points selected except the first one we'll left-click and drag make sure you grab the first these 3 points the keyframes the first one 12 and 24 and just drag those over twice and make sure you select the selected point motion the red dots at the bottom not the top and move those over to frames and then since you still have the selection tool on I have to do is left-click and drag over the next set leave these two out or whatever you do basically you're just going from left to right grab the keyframes at the bottom move those two over come back over here select the next points grab the keyframe move those two over and just keep doing this until you reach the end you don't have to be precise with the points I'm just going along you know you can select more or fewer it doesn't really matter and all this is doing is it's making that up and down movement offset from these points that we're selecting and then I'll do the last ones it looks crazy on the timeline but now that this is done when I hit play now I get this really cool wave effect it's awesome and that's what we want so to make this look like water we have to do several different little things to it to make it look cool so go to frame zero I'm going to make it a little smaller so we'll select all hit T and make it a little smaller and I'm going to hit Q and select the shape and I'm going to go up to effect it already has soft edge on it it was should be set to plain so just click on this tab go to soft edge and let's leave it at eleven point eight five for now and hit OK and render it by doing command R so see now we've got a very blurred circle and that's definitely what we want and then we're going to create a particle layer frame zero drag that part our light circle into the particle layer and then again as always I like to go to particle or particle tool particle options and let's 0 or everything out except well let's do 100 for the count preview particles and particle count is 100 change the lifetime to 0 let's do everything 0 everything out really quick and then change the source width and height so we'll spread them out horizontally and then height so we get these random circles and then that's way too many so let's change the preview and count to 50 we are going to use more particles but I'm going to change the entire thing so so let's see what that looks like now see these are all waving and again we want to do make it look more random so under the particle options click randomize playback and let's see what that looks like so that's what we want it looks super crazy but may render it out it's too bright though everywhere it's overlapping so we need to do some other things to this so let's go ahead and change the light particle layer blending mode double click on its layer and select add and but then we also want to change the opacity so let's change the opacity to like ooh 50 and apply and then render it out let's see what that looks like ooh that's way too bright okay again you have to keep messing with it let's change the color that might be that blue might be too bright so let's turn it down it's actually darker than the background now but let's see yeah that's actually better because we do want it to fade where it's overlapping a lot it turns white and where it's not it's it's a darker blue and then the backgrounds the darkest so that's actually exactly what we want I think let's see you play that again particle I think that looks pretty good I'm going to light circle I'm going to make this even darker I think frame zero let's make it really dark yeah that looks good so I'm gonna even blur it more so let's double-click the particle layer and we can blur the entire particle layer also so let's do I don't know seven oops that's not what I wanted did I do that looks wrong what happened hold on a second or more okay the particle layer is set to add and so is the circle itself and it looks right and actually this is the wave motion looks a little bit too fast for me so I'm going to actually select all the keyframes in the animation of light sight circle itself and hold option down with everything selected and click and drag the last keyframe and that just spreads it out so I pulled it to 96 now the wave motion will be exactly the same but it's just going to be way slower which is good I don't want it to look like it's too windy or 1 so go here render that I think that looks pretty good now we have to add even more to this so I'm going to go to frame 1 I'm going to select transform layer click anywhere on here or in the center of the layer so it creates a keyframe right click on it and do noisy and we're going to turn turn the scale way up to let's do 8 let me see if that even does anything it doesn't I think it's because it's a particle layer it won't move your mind let's don't do that so what we're going to do now is we're just going to duplicate this layer actually make this even more the particle layer transparent I'll just make it 20 and let me see what that looks like that's too light you can't even see it let's do trying to find the right amount of 50 is what I had it down isn't it well we'll just leave it at 50 right now because we're going to add more to it so we'll just go to frame 0 we'll duplicate the particle layer let's turn it you can't Trant you can transform it and do that stuff too I'm going to duplicate it one more time move this so we get all these kind of weird things going on at the same time let me render that I think well we'll say let's let's render a video out and see what that looks like export animation will do 100 frames and a render at half dimensions let's see I don't it's not going to take too long so we'll just leave it and see I'll speed the video up that actually looks pretty good so I'm going to yeah look that actually looks really good I'm surprised so okay so now we need to add something to it to make it look like a reflection or whatnot so let's do let's just find my favorite character one of my favorite character okay so I have a picture of Finn and I'm going to flip this real quick and just so it looks like he'slooking in the water we'll see how well this works yeah I don't know if this is gonna work or not but what's right right because it's backpacks on wrong it should be on the back now yeah we'll just leave it like this back PNG save okay so let's go ahead and import that picture I found of him of Finn hips on frame 0 go back to frame 0 import image so this is going to be his reflection so I'll just put it in the corner like this I'll double click it and change the opacity to 20 so you can't let me render that to see what it looks like yeah and then I'm just going to put the back of his head in here also make that much bigger we'll just make it so we can see just his hat maybe it needs to be this way there we go trying to hide his backpack because it would actually be on his back so I'm going to all I wanted is the top of his head really so it looks like he's looking in the water you render that yeah get it up um make it smaller oh now we have to make Finn look like I mean his reflection obviously wouldn't just stay still either so we'll do the wave technique again but with using bones like I did in the flag tutorial so we'll just move this real quick and I'm going to do this really super quick or create a bone layer drag that reflection into it you should try one okay bone layer I'm going to use the sketch bones tool I'm just going to draw rows of bones right here above the reflection and since I drew them all at the same time one after the other I need to select the top ones and hit p2 parents you see how they're all linked together like this I just grabbed the top ones and clicked on the canvas and now it's just rows and then I'm going to go frame one tea that's creating keyframe this is just like what I did with the circles the waves go to frame 12 move them up go to frame 24 copy the first keyframe copy paste now it moves up and down select last keyframes cycle relatives playback hit B instead of the points I'm selecting the bones now so I'll hit B select bones except the first one grab the keyframes move them to over grab these bones to over grab these two over last to two over and then the last bone to over this is going to make the reflection look like it's waving as well so if I play that that looks like it's kind of waving in the water so I'm going to render this out real quick okay here's the final render with the reflection and fin in the water a lot of different things you can mess with the settings a lot to get the look and feel of what you want I could change the reflection more and make the light a little bit more pronounced and in the waves the water but it's a good start for anybody trying to do something kind of like this sorry again I can't make intro videos that much anymore just because of school and time even those 30-second ones can take up to you know several hours to even a couple of days just to do those little intros I love doing them but I just don't have the time but I'm going to try and put the finished renders of things that I'm doing at the beginning so you guys can at least see what I'm making first but if you have any questions or comments just leave them down below and hopefully I'll have a new tutorial for you soon and yeah that's it thanks
Channel: Poptoogi
Views: 21,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Water, animation, tutorial, MOHO, anime studio, anime, studio, pro, howto, how to, tips, tricks, techniques, easy, follow, video, animate, cartoon, instruction, instructions, clip, animator, cartoonist, fun, debut, mine craft, network, basic, beginner, advanced, novice, best, character, layers, switch layers, move, movement, smith micro, create, step by step, rig, rigging
Id: LTD7Hlm4How
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 17sec (4157 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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