Creating Rig Controllers in Moho

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[Music] hey everybody how's it going - a little tutorial for you to see them building face rig controllers seeing a few guys doing this online a lot of people wondering how it's done so I thought I'd give you guys a little bit of insight just makes it pretty makes it a little easier you don't have to mess with all the little individual smart bones but you can just grab this bone here if you watch our eyes it was up and down side to side as I move it in this circle and then this guy moves the whole head right here side to side as we go around we can make her head do it all the way around just like that so I'm gonna show you how to make that right now so the way I like to do it this is just my personal preference all right you can do it your way but the way I like to do is I create all the smart phone actions on smart bones already it is one more step but to me it was just a little easier than trying to make all of that happen in one shot so I create all these smart bones and then when we go to set up this next part it's gonna be much easier so we're gonna create a new vector layer we're gonna throw it into our bones drag it all the way down the bottom just so it's out of the way we'll grab on our shape tool we'll hold shift as we're dragging it out let's get a cool color here let's make it blue like that alright let's make it a little bit smaller you can do this however big you want to do it alright let's put a stroke on it just for stroke sake right make that a little bit bigger just so you can see the borders here alright so we're gonna make this shape here right inside and then what we're gonna do come back up to our bone layer here and then we're gonna add a couple of bones alright alt clicking the screen just to make sure that there's no bones pre-selected so it's not a child of anything and you're just gonna drag up here and then come off to the side all clicking and drag one here go to the bone strength take that off right over here is your bone strength tool and so you got these two bones here so let's set some constraints on it go up here bone constraints angle constraints let's go 30 30 soon to be my magic numbers here alright and then let's go this guy 30 30 [Music] get it go to negative 30 all right so that's our two bones set up right here in the middle and then we want to do is we want to set these guys up with actions all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come to let's label them first here let's call that guy we'll call it c4 controller and then we'll go side side just like that all right it's gonna be the bone name there and then we'll go c4 controller up-down you be right good right there all right so let's grab these bones right here we'll come up to our actions panel we'll hit this act right here and could one right there right we'll come out to 48 and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our transform bone tool come to this bone we're gonna drag it and as you see it does not go past the bottom of this circle and that's a key you want to make sure it doesn't that go past the bottom a circle when you do that all right so this is the way what we're doing good one so this is gonna be down we'll go down with it so we're gonna come here I already have the look up and down buttons and I'll just move that bone there all right so now watch both these bones this bone is now controlling this bone I already had that set up so now it's just making it go up and down all right easy as that so now we're just gonna keep going click on the main line here we're gonna click on another one weight cancel click on that bone am I ready could to come out to 48 right transform bone go up with it and then right here we're gonna match it and go up right there so now this bone controls this bone and that's all we're doing with this all right let's come back up here main line let's come back here our bones let's go this is going to be side to side so let's click on an action let's grab this just make sure coincides with the movement head goes side to side and there we go the head side to side so that one's set let's come back into the main line right here click on this bone again action head side to side to come out to 48 just like that come to our transform bone move it over and then the heads go in the other direction now that's all set so we come out to our main line right here what we want to do is we want to grab our add bone tool alt click making sure nothing's in there all right and we're gonna click it right there somewhere in the middle ctrl Z that's not even close control Z so Z come on my my tablet's off so it's a guess the game will just go at it right there all right we'll take all the bones strength off of that guy right there what we'll do is we will actually come in we will color this guy a nice yellow so it stands out in the middle right there and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna make this guy alright we will call it face target okay and so we will grab this bone right here and we will tell him in the bone constraints target let's look at the face target and we'll close that guy out right there this guy right here will come in same thing target let's look at the face target close it up so now when we come in and we move this face target there we go we got a pretty controller so the magic comes in and you select that guy control select that guy you can select this guy this guy and you come up to bones and you hide selected bones now when you just move this around looks like magic so anyway guys that's how you set up a fancy controller you can do it with eyes you can do it with anything you want you just got bones controlling bones and that's how we do it right there hey want to thank everybody for supporting me buying courses you know getting it together helping me out buying hand packs all that kind of stuff that's been awesome I so appreciate that support in the channel giving me likes subscribing appreciate all you guys doing all that kind of stuff we got some neat stuff I'm working on that I'll be showing you guys in the near future so I appreciate it hope you learn something tonight if you did give me a like all right I've got this face controller going on right here you can have hours of fun just making the head go crazy and to animate of course we just come to frame one we click on the bone move it she's out there we wanted to look back over here and then come back to the middle that easy we got the head moving now just like that so hope you learn something thanks for joining me you guys have a great evening date whatever time you watching next year have a good one see you bye
Channel: Troy Picou
Views: 49,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moho, anime studio, smith micro, troy picou, rig, controller, cartoons, 2d animation, tutorial
Id: Z5Ay6hfVxas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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