How to make threaded parts in FreeCAD .17

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so this video is going to be all about making threaded parts and by the end of it you can make something that kind of looks an axe like this so actually we're gonna be making this exact the reddit part set all right so to create these parts free CAD web org has some information on creating threaded parts so these threads we can do multiple things to make them and if you have standard threads definitely check out macro bolts here but we're gonna be doing method 3 which is sweeping a vertical profile and one of the more important things that they talk about its making sure that the profile that you sweep around a helix does not overlap with other profiles and when we get to that I'll talk about it so let's open up a new instance of free CAD and again this is version 0.17 actually maybe not again that's the first time I'm mentioning it this is version 1.7 so there have been some changes made to this especially the concept of part bodies and part bodies are a little bit confusing at first so we're gonna create a cylinder which is going to be the threaded rod and in this example because I want to print it I'm gonna make it a little bit larger then you probably see threaded rods out in the wild maybe 10 millimeters not so bad for for a radius yeah and because we're gonna do a swept profile we're actually gonna sweep around the thing and that is called a helix so let's do that so I'm gonna go over here to the creation of parameterised geometric primitives go to helix and for this particular part I chose a pitch of 4 and our height is gonna be 40 and again the radius is 10 so when we do this we're going to be creating three different parts we're gonna create our threaded rod then we're going to create a copy of the threaded rod which is a little bit bigger and then we're going to create the nut which is going to fit around the threaded rod the slightly bigger threaded rod is going to be subtracted from the nut component and then we'll have the two parts that we really want and that will make sense when we get there so let's let's just do that so with the helix we'll select it and create a new body and then with that body we will create a sketch now it's important to check these three boxes here and the reason for that is we're going to be accessing some of the helixes geometry when we're creating our new sketch so let's go back over here and hide the cylinder okay so in order to access that geometry sometimes we have to create an edge link to external geometry right here what we want is that point right here where the helix begins and because we're not making anything truly conventional we're going to make the tool path of the suite that we want this thing to follow to be a complete circle and again I'm 3d printing here so I don't really have to worry about tooling and a lot of the traditional senses okay so now we can go back to the part part section and we're going to want to do our sweep now so it's utility to sweep and what we want is the sketch ie this guy right here as you can see it's selected now we want to create a solid and we want to do a path sweep so holding the control key I'm just going down and selecting the path we want this thing to follow on and again it's just taking this sketch and then rotating it all around in creating new geometry for us so I had done I'll hit OK and so we have that so we can show the cylinder and we can show the sweep and there are two separate parts right now so what we want to do is create a union between these parts so we're gonna do that nice so let's see what's good okay so the fusion okay so this fusion is these two are these two things put together now remember how I said we were going to create three parts well this is our first part and it was probably the simplest to do but what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a copy of this now again the whole body system actually yeah I think I don't think I have to create another body let's go back to part let's try this out so because we're going to be creating a copy and we want it to do essentially a deep copy so all of the dependencies we want to copy those as well it's gonna hit yes and let's see if I can see look it wants me to take something I said paste see that's the thing I don't really want yeah so I'm gonna have to create a body so this is one of the things that it's kind of weird so I need to create a new body let's go back to part and let's hit paste okay so now this new body that we created is the two parts put together and now we have a copy of it but our copy has essentially a deep copy so stop it so we have the cylinder in our fusion and we have the helix in the body as well so what we want to do is we want to change two things about this we're gonna make the radius a little bit bigger and that's because when we create a nut this is the geometry we're going to be subtracting from the nut itself it'll make sense when you see it so this is gonna take a little bit yep there's a little bit of a stutter because it takes a little bit of time so okay and the reason I'm doing this is because my 3d printer while it's great it there are some mechanical tolerances it can't do so while in theory are two parts you know I should just be able to subtract one from the other the tolerances of my machine that I'm going to be printing this on you know it it won't print the parts in a way that I think it will even if you go to machinery Machinery's handbook and you're creating your own threaded rods and screws and such it'll tell you about like different clearances that you have to have so we've got this together we've got our second fusion so I'm just going to find that and we're gonna start renaming things because this whole thing is gonna get really weird unless you start name and I'm rated rod and in this fusion inside this fusion is going to be all right and so we're almost ready for the actually we are all ready for the final component let's go to part design let's create another body and this is going to be for the nut itself so let's create some more geometry we're concerned about the XY plane because we're not accessing external features we don't need to worry about these all right just because this is gonna annoy me just okay there is go over here okay now not it's just a hexagon that's centered and you might be wondering how do I remember this number well this isn't the first time I've done this project so I'm gonna set it to 35 and a half millimeters which should be okay so now that we have this we can Pat it so it's 15 millimeters we can go back to the part and actually let's take this whole body here we're gonna move it up twelve and a half millimeters so now we have the nut it is lifted up a little bit and let's rename this rename so what we want to do is we have this nun and we have the threaded rod that we made a little bit bigger so we have these two things now we want to take this threaded rod here and subtract it from the nut so in order to do that we select the geometry that we want to have other geometries subtracted from and we'll click this binary what this union here or not the boolean operation so by having the thing selected already they're not already selected it shows up as the first shape with differencing order is important so as you can see the naming all of a sudden makes sense why we're doing that so we don't confuse these these different things as you can see we now have this and let's it's hard to be it's hard to not be juvenile so forgot that we've got a threaded rod final knot and now that we have these two parts we can see that they go together pretty well yeah I think they do anyway the only thing that I forgot to do but you're gonna figure it out is on the top here you can see that the helix kind of overruns I guess you can create a couple parts of geometry to like make this this flat rod but yeah or you can just change it any way you want but yeah now that we have this we can do something like export this to STL which my 3d printer is happy with and you can create 3d printable threaded parts all right
Channel: SBC2077
Views: 33,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, Threading, Tutorial, threads
Id: Rmq64GdCPas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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