How To Make Them Afraid Of Losing You

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hello everyone and welcome to ilas talks I'm ilas and I'm a relationship coach in today's video we're going to talk about how to make your partner or ex afraid of losing you because we know it's one of the tools that can save your relationship and even improve it but before I share my secrets and tips I want you to hit the like button that's just below and of course subscribe to this YouTube channel because together we're creating the largest community of love and personal development in the world so how should you react how can you make someone afraid of losing you today without necessarily having negative or toxic Behavior without being manipulative but simply by taking control of your life tip number one to make someone afraid of losing you you need to have a life separated into three levels that are fully complete the first level is what I like to call Professional value if you have a strong professional life the other person will fear losing you because you embody success and you demonstrate a sense of independency the second life is personal life so if you have new activities passions and a busy schedule the other person will fear losing out on those moments he or she will think oh but wait if I leave this person if we break up I will lose all those amazing and incredible moments trips activities and the time we could potentially spend enjoying each other's company no I cannot afraid to lose him or her that's the reaction that you want to get the third point is social life the more socially surrounded you are the more at ease you are even just when you go to a restaurant or a bakery and can communicate with everyone having that charismatic Aura you will show the person that they could lose someone who is appreciated by others which creates a sense of doubt in their minds and makes them want you even more in summary when someone is unhappy in a relationship and wants to leave you the best way to show them what they could lose is your professional value your personal value which is the life you have and your social value this is the first point I want to stress upon next we need to understand that generally we try to save our relationship by talking about the past looking at what we experienced what we had the problem is for a human being it's not as powerful as the present moment so what I ask to you to do if you want to show someone that they're losing you or could potentially lose you is to never be rational and not talk about the past please instead you will need to create some some distance in the present moment and strengthen the three lives we've talked about professional personal and social and to strengthen them you need to remember to create need some distance this is how you show someone that they could lose you because if you're always present if you continue living together sleeping in the same bed doing the same actions negotiating discussing it will really not bring any results today we live in a society and this is very sad to say where humans love to have what they don't have so if you're a challenge this person will be afraid of losing you and you will regain a strong lasting relationship exactly as you desire and want it to be so what I'm trying to convey is this notion that the person must realize that they could potentially lose you that is very essential our goal is to strengthen your value by creating some form of distance don't forget to like this video and please subscribe to this YouTube channel we're creating an extra extraordinary Community together and I really want this channel to grow so that we can help you and everyone else take care and I'll see you soon for another coaching video bye for now CIA
Channel: Ilias Talks
Views: 784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uTbw4NDYD4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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