How to make THE CAPITAL GRILLE'S | Soy Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

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hey everybody and welcome back to restaurant  recipe recreations this channel is dedicated   to teaching you how to create your favorite  signature dishes from the most popular restaurants   in this episode i'm going to teach you how  to create the capital grills brussels sprouts   the capital grill is a very popular upscale  steakhouse chain i myself have kind of an   affinity to steakhouse restaurants i had a  very lengthy career with one of the largest   upscale steakhouse chains in the world and i  just really love the culture of steakhouses   while they seem pretty similar across the board  each one brings a little bit of a different   dynamic to it and that is what i love about  steakhouses i love the food i love steak i love   big hearty red wines and everything that goes  along with the hospitality of a steakhouse   and that is why i thought it would be fun to show  you how to do the capital grills brussels sprouts   if you have a suggestion of what you would like  me to show you how to create from a steakhouse   then please write it in the comments section below  i'll research it i'll try it and then i'll present   it to you now is a perfect time with the holidays  coming up holiday entertaining holiday meals   to highlight steakhouse side dishes because they  really go well with just about anything turkey   for thanksgiving standing rib roast for christmas  what have you you can kind of mix up your holiday   entertaining with different side dishes it  doesn't have to just be the standard stuffing   and the green bean casserole and the candied sweet  potatoes that's all fine too but if you wanted to   try something different this year then why not  create kind of a steakhouse feel to your next   holiday dinner i'm going to show you from start to  finish in my typical form i have everything that i   need here to show you how to do the dish so we're  just going to go ahead and dive right in and i'm   going to show you how to create the capital grills  brussels sprouts okay we're going to set these   brussels sprouts off to the side and the first  things first we're going to talk about the bacon   at the capitol grill they use a slab bacon it's  also known as lardon lardon can be hard to find   sometimes so it's not really necessary  it doesn't change the flavor profile   if you have access to lardon then by all means  feel free to use that but we're just going to   go ahead and use regular old thick sliced bacon  one way to offset using the slab bacon is that   we can take the strip bacon and cut it into very  large pieces so you see the piece that i have here   is about a one inch by one inch obviously that's  going to cook down to smaller but it gives you   that same general approach i'm working with  three strips of bacon which comes out to be about   three ounces and we're just going to go ahead  and set this off to the side until later   this is 12 ounces of brussels  sprouts all i'm doing with these   is cutting off the ends any of the extra  outer leaves take those away and right in half okay so the capital grill brussels sprouts  actually go through a double process i suppose you   could say a triple process if you include the ice  baths and the first is to blanch them in a pot of   salted and boiling water so we're just going to  let these go for about a minute and a half next   we're going to transfer these to an ice bath okay  here we go i'm going to stick these in cold water   with about four cups of ice we're going to move  them around because we do want the cooking process   to stop and we want to make sure that they get  the full benefit of the ice bath okay now all   we're going to do is we're going to take them out  of the ice bath we're going to set them on a dry   and clean towel so that they lose some of that  excess water what makes the capital grills   brussels sprouts so unique is this double process  that i mentioned before they are first blanched   as i just showed you how to do and then they are  actually fried we're going to start with a neutral   oil like a wesson canola oil something like that  and we're going to let that get to about 350   degrees in the pan be very careful when you're  dealing with frying of course you want to be   cautious of the splatter and you just don't want  to make a mess but you don't want to burn yourself   these are going to sizzle a bit because they're  still a little damp from the ice bath and the   blanching so drop them carefully i suggest use a  slotted spoon so the reason that we blanch these   first was to be able to shorten the time that  they're needed for frying and the reason that   we're frying them is because it gives the florets  this opportunity to sort of open up and then it   absorbs that amazing glaze that we're going to  put on the soy glaze that we're going to get   finished at the end with i have right next to  me a paper plate stacked with some paper towels   because once these are done frying i want to  take them off the heat and i'm going to let them   drain on that paper towel frying at home can be  somewhat of an intimidating thing for some people   or maybe you just really do not want to fry  your brussels sprouts maybe you're wanting   to cut down on the fat the calories totally  understand you can roast these in the oven   that's an alternative but i wanted to show you  the way that they're prepared at the capitol grill   and at the capitol grill they're  put through that double process   if you roasted these uh feel free to put them on  about 450 on a sheet tray and then just keep an   eye on them okay using a slotted spoon i'm going  to go ahead and take these out of the oil now   they will continue to fry a little bit on the  plate because that's just the nature of the   cooking process once you take something off  the heat it doesn't stop cooking immediately   it continues to cook a little further and i don't  want these to be done anymore so we're going to go   ahead and take these off now i would say all total  they were in the oil about four and a half minutes   okay now with my brussels sprouts that are  draining on a piece of paper towel we're going to   come back to the bacon i strained off about 90 of  the oil from the brussels sprouts and i reserved   about 2 tablespoons because i do want that  brussels sprout flavor obviously that's the dish   but i didn't want all that oil so i did pour that  off and now we're gonna go ahead and add the bacon okay just when the bacon is right at the point  where you think it's about done go ahead and   take it off of the heat i have this on a paper  plate again with a paper towel to strain off   some of the excess now i'm going to strain all  of this bacon fat and bacon grease off we're   done with all of that we don't want any of it but  what i do want to keep is all of this bacon fond   which is all of the brown bits here that you see  on the bottom of the pan we do want to keep that   because now we're going to deglaze the pan and i  will show you how to do that so i've gotten rid   of all of the oil i've gotten rid of all the bacon  grease i've got this bacon fond on here now and in   order to deglaze the pan we're going to go ahead  and we're going to add two tablespoons of water   see how that looks like that that's getting all of  that amazing flavor off the bottom of the pan next   we're going to add one tablespoon of soy sauce one  half of a cup of hoisin one tablespoon of honey   one teaspoon of fresh squeezed lime juice and one  tablespoon of sambal olic which is also known as   a chili garlic paste you can find that in the  asian aisle at any grocery store now we're going   to add back in our three ounces of bacon and our  12 ounces of blanched and fried brussels sprouts   you don't want to break up the brussels sprouts  so we're just going to go ahead and give this   a nice toss with a slotted spoon now you're just  going to transfer this to something to serve it in   and it is ready to go i hope you enjoyed  this episode on the capitol grills soy glazed   bus soy glazed brussels sprouts with bacon  try saying that five times fast and if you are   a huge fan of steakhouse recipes as i am then  please check out my fleming signature potato   episode or you can also check out my lowry's  cream spinach episode like i said both great   ideas for the upcoming holiday dinners and  events that you may have in your calendar   if you got a lot out of this episode if  you thought that was fun to watch if it   was entertaining and it gave you some value  then please consider subscribing also hit the   notification button and you'll be notified  of all of my upcoming episodes i hope you   all have an awesome day everybody thank you so  much for watching and until next time cheers oh yeah oh yeah
Channel: Restaurant Recipe Recreations
Views: 14,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #brusselsproutsrecipe, #brusselsproutswithbacon, #thecapitalgrillesrecipes, #thecapitalgrille, #thecapitalgrillebrusselsprouts
Id: 9S4fFTgb1-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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