How To Make Brussel's Sprouts That Don't SUCK!

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what's up dude over the years brussels sprouts have certainly developed a bad reputation in the kitchen and let me tell you something the truth is this has nothing to do with the Brussels sprout and everything to do with the person that's cooking it today using some very simple culinary techniques I'm going to show you how to turn that very same humble brussel sprout into your favorite side dish now let's [Music] go let's start with the good which is your base Brussels sprout recipe the rest of the Brussels sprout recipes will be built on top of this one so it is really important you learn this first things first and don't skip this step you're going to need to trim and clean your brussel sprouts and what you want to do is just take off a tiny little piece of the end slice it in half if you take off too much from the bottom they tend to fall apart in the next step of this process so just remember a little bit from here just peel off a few of those outer leaves just like this and that is literally all you need to do just work your way through your Sprouts I've been here I've been working I'm doing a bunch today so here here they are ready to go and before getting rid of these scraps save some of the nicer looking leaves and in one of the final steps of this video I'm going to show you how to use them to make the best garnish you can imagine they're so freaking good it's a shame to throw them away for the next step we need to bring four quarts of water to the boil and then I'm going to add a little over a tablespoon of salt because we are going to be blanching the Sprouts next for some reason boiling them in water first and then roasting them gives you the ultimate crunchy exterior while giving you this almost creamy interior it's actually really amazing and I will never skip this step on another note the salt in this water is penetrating deep into the Flesh of that Sprout giving you a really even seasoning throughout so bring this to the boil I don't want to drop too many Sprouts at a time careful when you do this because when you're blanching you really want to maintain that boil so once you see it's starting to stop stop adding them and depending on the size of the Sprout I'll cook them anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes these ones are on the small side so I'm going to do just 3 minutes once the time is up you can see this beautiful green color that's come out which is what happens when you blanch vegetables get these out and make sure you spread them out so they don't steam and overcook over here bring your water back to the boil and just finish those Sprouts making sure to keep everything in small batches for the next step we're just going to lightly coat them in olive oil this makes me happy all these Sprouts it's not even Thanksgiving it's not Christmas I'm just here I'm just a man in my kitchen in Texas probably the most amount of sprouts of anybody who then is living in this state or this surrounding area from me and now I'm just lightly seasoning them we're building these layers of seasoning the first one was in the water the second one is now and we'll do a little to finish and those three layers of seasoning is building up to the perfect bite now just take a sheet pan and hit it with more olive oil olive oil is the name of the game the olive oil I've been using today is from today's sponsor graza graa is all about high quality extra virgin olive oil that delivers a really delicious and clean taste for starters the olive oil is always fresh and never Blended and it's made from carefully picked pescal olives that are pressed and bottled in Spain graza believes in single origin olive oil that ensures you get the freshest and most recent Harvest now let me introduce you to gr's variety pack which includes two incredible olive oils Sizzle and drizzle let me explain Sizzle is an extra virgin olive oil that is really perfect for most of your culinary Adventures it's made for mature olives and it's picked during peak season giving you a more mellow flavor and a higher smoke point making it the ideal choice for cooking meaning pan frying searing grilling whatever on the other hand you have drizzle which is an extra virgin finishing olive oil and this one is made from early picked olives which gives you a bolder and spicier flavor and it's a fantastic choice for salad dressings dips pesos or simply drizzling over some pasta another great feature of GR olive oil is these easy to use squeeze bottles the material is that perfect balance between soft and hard making them super easy just to pick up and drizzle over your food each bottle of graza olive oil is stamped with essential information like the harvest date bottle date and Best Buy Date ensuring you always know what you're getting graza is quickly becoming my go-to olive oil thanks to its vibrant flavor Innovative packaging and unbeatable quality code that dude can cook allows you to save $5 off on your first Duo of Sizzle and drizzle at gr. and of course I'm using this Sizzle from graza for this super easy just just spread it out about 1/4 cup down and now drop the Sprouts don't want to overcrowd here and what we want to do is flip them all Cuts side down it only takes a minute it's worth your time you deserve it this makes me excited oh I just love the way this looks I love the way they cook man nice something just like that make sure you spread them out a little bit now with your Sprouts we're going straight into a 425° oven although if you're using convection you could go for 400° that means there's a fan in your oven here they are after 20 minutes of roasting and you want to start just flipping them over I'll show you what we're going going for something like this is absolutely perfect for me that's what you want these need a little bit longer so I'm going to put them back in let them continue to roast here we are after 25 minutes and now I think they're done as you can see as I'm flipping them over here o we get this beautiful brown color that is freaking exciting and let me tell you something if you roast brussel sprouts without blanching them they will never have that kind of consistency in color these actually look freaking phenomenal you've learned the good now let me show you how to make them even better and for this we're going to be making a sticky sweet and sour glaze which is going to consist of one sweet component one sour component and then some good oldfashioned butter to finish it off today I'm going to show you how to make three different versions just based on what you might have available in your pantry one version is going to be honey and apple cider vinegar the next version is going to be maple syrup and Cherry vinegar and the third and final version is going to be Steen cane syrup and balsamic vinegar steam cane syrup is an incredible ingredient I learned how to work with in restaurants but if you want to get some of that I'll put a link for it down in the description to glaze up these Sprouts I'm going to start with a maple syrup version just going into a medium high heat pan I'm starting with just that maple syrup and we're going to cook it down a little bit first once your maple syrup has reduced for about 2 minutes it's darkened a little bit in color I'm going to add that cherry vinegar and we're going to again now reduce this mixture down once that's reduced down again it's almost like a syrup at this point just took about 3 minutes I'm going to add the butter just about 2 tablespoons going in I'm going to turn the heat down a touch and just whisk in this butter it smells so freaking good oh yeah Cherry vinegar and maple there we go once that butter is melted in you can see it's thick like a caramel at this point we're going to drop in our sprouts and just just toss them in depending on how thick you want your glaze you could definitely add more Sprouts to this there is enough glaze to cover more Sprouts the only reason I didn't add more is cuz I need enough sprouts for the rest of this video it'll all be listed out for you down in the description as it should be all I'm going to do now is one more little pinch of salt toss it up and those are done he off let's tip those out into something and there's your Sweet Sticky little glazed Sprouts these things smell incredible here we go glazed Sprouts number two this one we're starting with honey same deal we're going to follow the exact same process by the way we're going to taste all of these at the end of the video we're going to let you know what our personal favorites are honey is cooked down for just a minute and 30 seconds I'm adding in the apple cider do keep in mind when you're doing this at home you do want the fan on over your stove because your house is going to smell like vinegar I don't mind you know but you might so just remember when you're making glazed Sprouts one sweet one sour little bit of butter pinch of salt boom you're good to go experiment you know what I mean now another 2 minutes with that apple cider vinegar and you can see it starting to thicken up again turn the heat down a little and again cold unsalted butter going in wow look at that oh this one has a beautiful Amber kind of color again a little bit of salt Sprouts in they go toss toss toss there we go that's it heat them up just 30 seconds done go ahead and get these out oh yeah now that you've got the base as well as the glazed Brussels sprout recipe locked down it's time to bring them to their best with some crunchy delicious toppings for the toasted peans pecans pecans I don't know whatever you say I personally love doing it mostly in the oven these days and I'll put them in at 325° F until they're done I'll let you know about 20 minutes on these peans cans PE I don't know and they're done I'm only going to hit them with a little bit of salt while they're still hot and let them cool down here on the tray and they're going to be perfectly toasted now like many good things in life the best version of these start out with a little bit of bacon I just sliced it up a little bit it's going into a cold pan right now I'm going to put this pan onto about medium heat and begin to render the fat down from this bacon here we are after about 5 minutes you can see a lot of that fat is beginning to render out we want to keep going get this bacon nice and crispy after about 8 minutes it's perfectly crispy it looks really good as it always does and I'm just going to get this out now onto some paper towel drain it off but leave the fat in the pan set that aside pan on medium high heat and before we do anything else remember those leaves we saved from earlier in they go careful they will crackle and pop a little bit we're almost making like little Brussels sprout Lea potato chips they're so good these can get pretty dark you want them to be a little bit crispy there we go just about 3 minutes of frying as you can see they're nice and dark I'm going to get them out again leave the fat in the pan get them off onto some paper towel here this kind of thing is right up my alley my friends hit him with a little bit of salt do yourself a favor and just oh oh yeah I could destroy that bowl same pan once again medium high heat and now I'm putting in just the blanch Sprouts they have not seen the oven yet I'll even take a minute here and try my best just to flip all these down you don't have to do this you know I'm just can't help myself and we're just going to sear them off nicely after about 4 minutes they've got a nice little sear at this point I'm going in with some shallots you don't have to do this but you can a little bit of garlic mixy mixy little salt little bit of the crispy bacon back in but save most of it add in the balsamic vinegar woo yeah look at that and now that steam cane syrup going in now again just cook this down till it thickens up just took about 3 minutes again in with our butter oh hello just agitate that pan a little bit turn down the heat let this all come together all right nice and sticky let's get those out oh my god oh yeah all we're going to do now is finish it up with crispy bacon Brussels sprout leaves lemon zest and those Peak hands we're using a little bit of the graza drizzle to finish off these good brussels sprouts nice and then immediately just hit them with a little bit of salt those just by themselves are worth your time all right Marcus come on down buddy let's try these things I guess we should start with the good getting in something about these just keeps you coming back for more it's so easy olive oil salt water there's just something about them that that's addicting I mean they're literally room temp right now and they're still fantastic I don't even say the word fantastic and Marcus doesn't like Sprout better dig in deep now these ones are cherry vinegar and maple glaze m i mean oh it's like candy you just get a whole new experience with these depending on how you like it cut down on the sweetness increase the acidity this is a pretty nice balance for the American palette these are pretty much bottom oh yeah you know what I mean I'm a fat little boy and these are Del delicious M these ones are honey glaze these are still good but for me right now I'm leaning towards the Sherry and maple combo I think I like Maple sweetness more than I like honey sweetness honey adds that kind of floral flavor which is good I just think Maple and Cherry is just giv it this like flavorful punch that's really nice but they're both good all right here we go now with the best there's a lot going on there's a lot of garnishes try to get a little bit of everything Marcus here we go mhm texturally speaking these rain Supreme the bacon the nuts the Brussels sprout leaves they all add a bunch of flavor a bunch of texture however if I were to do this again I would do the Sherry and maple experience with the glaze and then using those toppings from the best one I think that is going to be the winning combo nothing wrong with the cane syrup and balsamic but dude something about Sherry and maple it's right marus I mean that's just that glaze is nuts sharing Maple for me is exactly what I want I will make anyone love Sprouts thanks for watching today my friend remember to check out master in the making my new ebook the link for that will be down in the description if you want to keep learning today here are two more incredible side dishes I think you should try doofen was potato is unbelievable and until next time you know I love you in a [Music] m
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 381,070
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Keywords: brussels sprouts, brussel sprouts, brussels sprouts recipe, brussels sprouts in the oven, brussel sprouts recipe, brussel sprouts with bacon, brussel sprouts recipe oven, brussel sprouts thanksgiving, brussel sprouts oven, brussels sprouts air fryer, homemade brussel sprouts, best brussels sprouts recipe, easy brussel sprouts recipe, thatdudecancook, how to cook brussel sprouts, thanksgiving, thanksgiving recipes
Id: dCQpT9FZ7B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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