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bread in the oven bacon here comes our boy Jamaican bread in the oven bacon you comes out boys Jamaican okay good another a fantastic recipe coming your way from my kitchen to your kitchen you guys requested and I'm always here to deliver this is a my version of ultimate the best and I stress the best Jamaican East about in a kitchen fast easy and simple we let dry but in a kitchen we make moist bun down to the very last by goodie Easter Bunny soft is about as fresh Easter but is your malicious and Easter bond is the best and I'm going to show you how to achieve this one now if you are new to my kitchen and you watching me this easter bond for the very first time be sure that you have subscribed if you have not already subscribed goody that in a lower miss go ahead and do so well you know that turn on your post notification settings so you will always be reminded whenever your girl upload a brand new video alright come on now watch the ride home achieve this [Music] [Music] no good this is all traditional Jamaican Easter ball I will show you off make it nice it's just like mama make it right now be sure to write in the color red it'll be a good one so okay I'm about to show you how to make your homemade Easter Bunny Easter Bunny kitchen fast easy and simple step by step by step by step now it's gonna be from my kitchen to your kitchen so hang on for the ride already right I'm going to walk you to each and every single ingredients right here and all the amount for your recipe will be listed down in your description box so make sure that you go ahead and check that out they're important right check it also at the perfect bun no the first thing we want to talk about is our flora right plot important now I have three and a half cups tier of all-purpose flour only sifted for sure okay now to that you're gonna need brown sugar browning cherries raisins and wine right it's a one cup I got you also need a guava jelly right that's all if you don't have proper jelly you use strawberry jelly two eggs cinnamon powder nutmeg salt and allspice write a song that's where you need as well now in addition to that four tablespoons of butter butter you're going to need for this recipe now you need your vanilla and baking powder two tablespoons of that you want to need honey Samiha use now if you don't want to use motor cars not everybody like Martin right but if you don't want to go Malta go ahead and grab yourself a bottle of Jack and start a bottle of Guinness Stout okay so that is what you're going to need I'm also going to add some lemon to it but cut away a little bit of that flavor from the eggs and stuff and a little bit of the zest in there so yeah that's how we're going to use a recipe so yeah come on let's get this together now today very first step is this you have your flour right there I'm good up to the floor and you want to go ahead and add your not next to it then you're gonna add your allspice to give it a 1 / clear ball and yes cinnamon powder and once again all the amounts to the recipe will be listed down in the description box so go ahead and check that out now you want to add your baking powder now making sort of kind of tequila rise up like Bowl ah they can hold up and so that you want to add your salt as well now you want to go ahead and just mix that all up in there and make sure say a mix that all up in there really really well so that nothing is on even if you don't mix it all up in there real good son on it son even you go ahead and you add your raisins to it and your cherries that's all I'll get to share with you Terry switch them spoon out and then you want to go ahead and combine this together now the reason why I'm doing this do it like this right it's because when your bond starts to bake you're going to actually see those fruits in a Democrat abominably now go flat is what I'm saying if that makes any kind of sense right so make sure say it do it like this and then you sit it aside okay we are moving on to our second step of making the mean it's fun right I have a pot there and I'm going to add my four tablespoons of hot and you know I feel butter has melted pretty much like that you're gonna go ahead and add your mother to it or your java installed are you getting so what you want to add at least a whole entire box of our total to pops tonight you're gonna hide one cup of blind anyway your choice but make sure it is sweet one not that kind of wine but yes sweet white then I'm going to add my brown sugar to it add your quarterly in to the mix you want to go ahead add your vanilla anyone add your honey honey is a must when you're making Jamaican it's about now what we're doing here is not cooking the thing in I like everywhere super island chickens there you are just warming it up warm it up cause it's gonna give the button that texture of bun and not the texture of baking a fruitcake the texture of making a regular kid right this is body so you don't want it to come to a boil at all now I have my two large eggs here and all I'm doing here is beating them up real real good you want to make sure that you do that before you add it to that mix right there be careful when you're doing this part y'all because your eggs will become scrambled scrambled egg in the thing and then that mixture will be totally ruin them so we don't want that to happen so watch this step really really careful that looks pretty good now it's time to add the eggs in and when you're adding your egg in this mix you want to make sure that you are spinning immediately to keep spinning because if you ever stop spinning that's when you aren't going to have crab cakes and we definitely don't want those family eggs up in here up in here perfect yeah perfect so that is pretty good to see where the it starts to warm up you don't want it to come to a bubble you're going to go ahead and shut the eat off and let it cool down before you add it to the mix now my fabulous Love Bug did is we are moving on to our next step of making this wicked bond you want to make sure that you mill a little well in the middle you know the center of that thing right there so now when you get done doing that you want to go ahead and pour out that good young chefs liquid into the middle right there like so then you are going to go ahead and fold all this young Chefs nests all in together like so all of that back right now [Music] and try not to overmix the thing right I saw the thing per se fold it like so now we're going to go ahead and get that lemon right there we're going to use the zest I'm gonna use the lemon juice that is going to take away any little flavor from the eggs that we have don't need that just squeeze and level up in there and just fix that in now it's time to add our coloring I'm using my Oh tree or brown in right I don't know the thing I want to make sure to tell you guys you want to make sure that you have your open on your open need to be preheated right before you put this thing in as far as your color go you want to do the color of your body that's you so choose however remember you are not baking a Jamaican fruit cake you are making a Easter Bunny so the color is always going to be a little bit different from when you are making a Jamaican fruit get pink this is not Easter Blackie this is Easter bun and this is all done that is my color that I choose I think I probably have like two two and a half tablespoons in here so yeah you could use less you can use for the color of your burn is going to be your choice I'm in the water for here I'll add your bone to block all Nadia pond look dark enough make it your own making the color that you so choose now we are going to go and prep this because this is perfect right there right perfect your purple this thing you know okay good it for you except you need four things you need your baking tray you need some parchment paper you're going to need but pop on one pen or pencil right now what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna go ahead and lay my parchment paper flat right back then I'm going to go in with my pen and I'm going to make a mark exactly the shape of the pan right is what we're trying to achieve right here like so now it's my sister so with the scissors I'm go ahead and cut right into that line now y'all you could go ahead and just skip this step and just go ahead and just put butter in it but sometimes your bun might stick in the bottom of the thing and it's going to be totally rule if you're doing this for the very first time I suggest that you just go ahead and do it this way right and this is what you will be left with now we want to go ahead and add your butter in there now I add my butter in that container right and you can never go wrong with butter cause the more butter you have into this recipe is the bits at the bun of Tears especially upon the sides gonna be nice and moist and nice and talk nice and moist now I'm gonna get a clean paper towel and just rub it all over may continue like this right so that way I don't miss a spot because I won't when I lay my mixture in here it gets on everything Ronnie I got another Hana as well as I want my ball to come to slide Oh nice and easy that looks pretty good so I'm gonna go ahead and that parchment paper on the inside like that they go back in with the paper towel and just kind of rub it on top of that Kotchman paper like this it's just going to make that bottom of that born extremely perfect now I'm gonna go ahead and pour that good yummy yummy stuff all up in there honey just like that now yeah that looks super duper licious ly good right but I'm not done yet now good it this is totally optional but when I'm making my bond might wanna protect not from the inside but on the outside as well now I love fruits in my bond but I only use raises and share it on the inside now a lot of times when you buy Jamaican Easter bond you'll see this didn't you taste this in it actually the fruit cake mix I do not like all that nuts and I'm not going to bet it on because it doesn't give it a texture that you need anymore when you do that this is what it looks like when you buy that the only time I use this most of time as much as my baking for someone I use it on the top of the bun or if they request that it goes on inside of the back but from my phone right now I'm going to add it on the very top of the bun to give the bond color right Allah so we go ahead and add raisins on top of that then I'm gonna just top it off with some cherry and then some of that fruit mix because the fruit mix have the green and the yellow and all the other color on top so we're just going to this layer that on top of the bottom nowaday let's explain about this one baking thing now if you put the mixture in the container and you don't up at least one in space on top there will be no room for the bun to rise they both will end up flat and tis hard it's like total right cause there's no place for it to rise so you want to give the bun at least an inch of space to rise so you can get a nice moist feeling of the bun - Jamaican fun inside right in addition to that you want to go ahead and the reason why I'm doing that is because I want the fruits half of it to sink into the liquid not sink elevated ibaka by the tea in a sink halfway through so that way when the bun rise it will rise along halfway with the fruit instance to the food but a thought comes it ignites out pretty now okay get it imma show you how to make the most perfect but to be the most perfect ball right no you need a tray right there and with that bun all prepped and ready to go you're gonna place it inside of a deep container if you have a fire one is fine perfect what you want to do next go ahead and pour some water into that container enough water right because you're steep it's a bit but they're steaming all the symptoms that being besties mentality perfect now you are going to get your foil paper you're gonna place it on top of the bun you're gonna give it some moves when it dries you want to have the moon to rise so you wanna just cover it up like that not so tight let's give it some room to rise put it in your oven and again your oven should be at 350 degrees and your own to put this into a preheated oven one hour later I'll come back here and we're gonna have perfect fun so I'll see you back here in an hour [Music] okay goody so my burn is all done now this bunch of me about 50 minute extra to get them baking right or let's say steam in see the bomb right now what I did I took it out of oven after an hour and 15 minutes 15 additional minutes right and I let it sit and cool for a few minutes now that is cool I don't want to get cool enough I'm just gonna go ahead and take it from all of the baking container so it looks pretty much like that he'll the bottom off and look what we have here look you see how smooth that is that's how we're gonna have this fun now I so legit remove it from the container you get your melted butter and it starts to apply that butter right are these know that butter is going to go into all the cracks and crannies and crannies and out of that you're going to let that butter sit with the button and soak that goodness and make sure that you get all the sides not just top of the bunny when do you know you're going to do the sides as well no goodie as tempting as this one look right now it up we'll never eat it we aren't going to allow this to sit and soak up all that good fruits and everything that we have right there you're gonna love it too just sit I wanna marinate the sec yes there's no chicken right after one full day of sitting and chilling that train is gonna have so much flavor it is going to taste amazing on top of some cheese but yeah yeah look at the size of this bar [Music] now y'all let's cut into the yummylicious of goodness we gon see what this one looks like on the inside yeah I tell you BAM that's the best one ever no loss upon the one yeah no goody watch the right watch day it's another boat risen and the cherries sit on good inside a bond a look at no dry trash bond over here look the good air day whoa the t6 [Music] yum yum yum yum yum yum malicious there you have it goodie it was fast it was easy and it was simple I hope you've already subscribed yo this our Easter Bunny turnip alone making a lot of things said good look let go they look bad put it make sure to subscribe and share the love with everybody will come in contact with friends family near buzz spread the love and tell them what's going on up on over here right yes cool yes good is that so the King set tell me what you want to see me cooking up next in my kitchen and as always from my kitchen to your kitchen enjoy [Music] I'm gonna let this cook for a good 30 minutes on medium heat comedy top knives I'll make it simmer how will it don't seem up-tempo eat see about a minute distance and with your foundation full coverage you know like yeah and last but not least the last thing I tend to go for in my makeup collection is this palette right here let me show you what this baby look like it has a whole bunch of concealer I believe it's ten dollars for this palette
Channel: How to cook Channel LLC
Views: 57,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #home made easter bun recipe, #how to make easter bun, #how to make bun recipe, #how to make jamaican easter by how to cook channel, #cook like a jamaican, #carrbean pot, #west indian delight, #chef r
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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