How To Make Stickers on Alibaba

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so you want to make some stickers for your business maybe you want to use them for marketing maybe you want to sell them you you want to just pass them out and give them to people so that you can spread brand awareness for your business or maybe you just want to have some stickers to have fun with and to take content and to use for general marketing purposes in this video i'm going to talk about the best place for you to find a supplier for your stickers how to order them and how to get them for the cheapest price possible check it out hey what's up i'm zach and i have run my own lifestyle brand for the last seven years and it has grown massively in part to stickers there are over 1 million of our stickers around the world so it's really cool to see them spread and i'm a big fan of stickers for marketing so i started making videos about that so that you can use stickers in your marketing and often the number one question that i get asked is where to make stickers and usually my response is we make ours in china and then i refer them to some place domestically where they can order a lot less stickers it's a lot easier but in this video i want to dive into how i actually order our stickers why i order them through the method that i use and how you can do the same first of all before we get into it go ahead and drop some questions below if you have any questions about your stickers or your business marketing anything that you have for building a lifestyle brand i'd love to make a video going more into depth about how i've built my brand some of the lessons i've learned or anything marketing related that can help you scale your business so go ahead and drop a comment just let me know what i can do to help with your business any topics i can cover and i'll cover those in future videos definitely like and subscribe so uh you can keep coming back to check out all the future videos and a lot of the past ones too so we're going to jump into this and i'm going to show you how to make some stickers so the website you want to use is called alibaba and alibaba is basically an aggregator for producers of all sorts of goods from really around the world but it mainly started in china and so alibaba you can find all of the needs that you want for your business you can find apparel you can find shirts hats stickers cargo trucks it's a great place to find anything that you're looking for when producing any sort of goods for your brand and especially for stickers but before you hop onto alibaba you really want to know what you want to do with your stickers why you want stickers what you're going to do with them how you're going to use them a lot of the foundational elements of sticker marketing so yeah watch some of the videos from before that i've talked about really what makes a good sticker because you want to come onto alibaba knowing exactly what you're looking for so when you get to alibaba really simple but you want to basically start with you know custom vinyl back print stickers and this is going to give you kind of a full selection of companies that you can find for printing your stickers now there is a overload and abundance of sticker options and producers here so you're definitely going to want to do your research and i'm going to show you a little bit about what some of the initial things you're going to find for for companies you find on alibaba so let's take this company right here one of the things you want to look at is is this minimum order so customized minimum order so this company has a minimum order value of a thousand pieces which is quite high so if you order a thousand two or ten thousand so if you order up to a thousand pieces they're about five cents but that's a lot of stickers maybe you don't want to order that many stickers you can just backtrack and find someone else um custom vinyl stickers and you'll see that pretty quickly there's other companies that offer less of a minimum order value or quantity so this is a thousand a lot less than that another ten thousand uh and you can see here that they go between two dollars and fifty cents or 2 cents and 50 cents a sticker so if you look around and you kind of check out some different pricing on the stickers you'll see there's a kind of a wide range so yeah here's a minimum order of 100 pieces pieces a minimum order of 500 pieces on on here and then another minimum order of 100 pieces another thing that i look at is how long these companies have been around this company has been around for five years you can tell over here on this right hand side this company's been around for one year three years in three years so definitely thinking about how much they've done how much business they've done is a good indicator and then if you scroll down on the website you can kind of see some of the more details so this is the quick overview section here and you're going to see you know some of the materials that they work with they accept custom orders this is the name of their brand waterproof adhesive die cut vinyl stickers you know all sorts of information they have examples of other stickers that they've probably made they always have a website or um photos of their warehouse so that they're proof that you can tell that they're a real company and then here's some of their you know their other sticker options so you know they're gonna have really if they're making stickers they're gonna make as many stickers as you need uh uv resistant um sticker sheets tattoo stickers you know window clings they're going to make all the stickers that you want and so from here you want to basically reach out so just going up here to contact supplier you'll have you can just type them a quick message you know hey i'm looking for this much this many stickers you can add your attachment and send it off and they'll get back to you really quickly so they pretty much are always on their phones they you know it's a different time zone so you're going from you know u.s times to chinese time so there is that angle but usually they hop on really quickly and they'll get back to you um pretty fast which is really nice a couple things that you need to think about when ordering from alibaba is that you're not going to have really that confidence that these stickers are exactly how you want them to look so starting with a lower order quantity a minimum order quantity and moq and testing out maybe a couple different suppliers is a good idea so that you can exactly know what shows up it's not always exactly the same as what they suggest or they try to sometimes take shortcuts or it's difficult communicating there's a language barrier so try ordering for the least amount with maybe a couple different people so that you have a little margin for trial and error another thing to take into account is that production and shipping time it's not going to be as simple and as streamlined as a maybe a sticker mule where you pretty much can order stickers and they're here in four days it's going to take a little bit longer but it's uh definitely going to that's going to save you on the cost side of it so that efficiency that you get from maybe a sticker mule you're not going to get that with ordering through an alibaba company but of course you're going to get a lower cost and you're going to get more bang for your buck with those stickers rather than that convenience fee that you're paying from sticker mute the great part about once you find that person is that they're always there to help it's another human on the other side of your conversation so you're you know messaging with most likely you know customer service representative or you know someone that's been in that company for a long time and they'll help you with all your sticker needs so for example uh like when i make my stickers they come pre-packaged which is a big reason that i went with um alibaba is because adding all these stickers into a bag and creating this label and stapling it on and sliding in all the stickers is quite an extensive project and i couldn't find anybody domestically to do that but internationally obviously found someone to do it for the right price and so that was kind of a big part of why i decided to go this route and really haven't looked back i haven't ordered stickers domestically since i started this project and working with some of these people i've actually changed suppliers a couple times through the years but highly recommend checking out alibaba as an alternative to maybe a sticker mule or some of the other domestic sites so give it a shot let me know what you think if you find some stickers and you find a supplier go ahead and drop a comment below try it out and yeah keep coming back hit subscribe hit that bell button so that you can keep seeing whenever i release these videos every wednesday and definitely let me know if you have any questions just go ahead and comment with any questions below and i'll see you next week
Channel: Zach Horvath
Views: 806
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: how to make stickers, alibaba, sticker marketing, business stickers
Id: H5ZdSZRb7S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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