How to Make Sticker Clusters in your Planner - Tips & Tricks for Combining Stickers + Plan With Me

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hi it's Mari Ellen welcome back to my channel if you're new here thanks for stopping by I haven't made a tip video in so long and I've never made a video on this particular subject which is sticker clusters so I'm excited to do this with you today I'm going to make an actual spread for one of my patrons this is a classic um vertical happy planner but we're going to just go ahead and use the simply lovely sticker book because this one is an oldie but a goodie and it has a little bit of everything so it's a really good example for sticker clustering but honestly this is one of my favorite sticker books I think this is gorgeous um as of the time of this filming it's on sale on Happy planner for like $12 but I will or 13 maybe I'll link it for you hopefully it's still on sale when you watch this but if you don't have this one and you recently started planning I I would consider getting it cuz it's so just quaint and sweet and romantic I just love this one so much as I just said okay let's get started if I'm a little off today it's because I've been sort of sick lately I'm fighting some kind of inner ear thing I don't know what's going on but uh yeah so if I seem a little odd and you know me like maybe you'll be able to pick up on that so if not ignore that all right if you don't know what a sticker cluster is it's basically a bunch of stickers together in like a specific place on your spread rather than just putting like box box box box maybe layering a couple and doing some stickers in between we're going to group stickers together to make a really cool look on the page I always love my spreads when I do the Clusters I don't always make clusters but when I do I feel like it's just so pretty all right we'll stop talking and cluster it up okay so any good cluster is going to have some function stickers and some decorative stickers so we're going to start with boxes so I'm going to take this remember sticker now some people actually um will take the stickers and they'll put them together off of the page and then bring the whole cluster and stick it on I don't do that I don't roll that way because I am not like a wax paper girl I like to just live life on the edge throw them down and if it doesn't work I'll just undo them with undo but um yeah I don't know why I said that it's just that some people will actually put them together you know before that I just want to explain how do that so first we have a be happy sticker this is so pretty already so I'm just going to start on Monday by [Music] placing this sticker down here I'm not placing it exactly in the box kind of for a reason but I like it I think it looks a little more interesting when I don't do that so let's put this one right here so that's going to be a Tuesday box okay so that's your basic layering we have one box on top of another box but we're going to make um make it more interesting so when I cluster stickers um a lot of the time let's get a a third box actually let's take this one it's already out I don't know what's doing on that page but when I cluster I typically will put like a box right up next to the other boxes but leave some white space there I like doing that I'm not sure why um you can also overlap all of them but for some reason I like to sometimes do that so we have two boxes on Tuesday okay now any good cluster is going to have other elements besides just the boxes so what I like to do is take a look at the space in the cluster in where I've put my boxes like what Extra Spaces are there so we have this space up here we have this little corner here we even have this here if we want to get really crazy but typically I will take the corners and kind of like decorate with stickers let me show you what I mean okay so let's take a bow and we'll put this up here and now I'm going to put something down here like I said um you can also put stuff underneath the Box stickers and I'll do that next to show you but you don't have to do it that way these ones are already layered for you but I I mean I like them but I like to layer my own I don't know it just gives me more satisfaction layering layering my own for some reason all right how about we get a circle sticker here let's grab this hello today sticker we're just going to place it right here okay so this is not a traditional cluster but you get what I mean right just like a bunch of stickers together um I'm going to make another cluster probably here maybe a smaller one and then maybe two or three on this side so let's see should I add some roses in I also have some washi tape I have this gingham washi tape that I thought would look cute with this so we can add some of that in too let's grab some stars and put them down first okay where should I put them um we're just going to place them right there across and we're going to put boxes on top of those actually what we might do this time is take this always wonder stick it on top of here and then grab a box or two I like these little habit trackers they're cute um how about an EXO and we'll grab a green box now let me make sure there's going to be more green okay there's that one okay I think there's enough yeah okay so we're going to take this you can always take your stickers like down below this line don't feel like you have to keep within any of the lines on the page in fact that's one thing I'd recommend in general when you're starting to plan and you're you're sort of worried about where to put the stickers um when I started planning I was very concerned uh I started with a big happy planner and I was extremely concerned about getting stickers that fit exactly within the boxes of the big planner and I was frustrated that there wasn't enough stickers um for the big but what I quickly realized is that it doesn't you don't have to have stickers that match exactly within the Box most of the time I don't put stickers exactly in the box so what I do is ignore the lines as much as possible and pretend that it's just like a blank sheet of paper um you could also use a blank sheet of paper but I like the guidelines of the days so that we know what day we're talking about we don't have to draw anything in but I just feel like um that's worth saying because I think it it's helpful like it helped me when I started to realize that you know keep within the day a little bit but you don't have to be exact okay anyway that being said I'm not going to put it on Tuesday because we already have two boxes there so this is going to be a Wednesday box and you can see I did not put it within the Box um I'm going to put a little XO on the side like that um and I feel like that's a cute enough little cluster we don't have to go crazy this isn't technically a cluster but we do have stickers on top of stickers so I guess maybe it is technically one now I wanted to show you examples of the flowers behind it but since this is a spread for a patron I also want to make sure that it's like actually cohesive so maybe I add some flowers like right here let's grab some yeah we'll do just a little bit and we'll just place it right here then I can use some behind boxes over here and it'll look better um but before we do anything else we're going to put some of this washi tape here because I think it's so cute you can use washi tape in your clusters as well like I could put a little bit here or something I don't think I'm going to do that in this spread but let me just like show you an example of how you could do it um you could basically just like rip a cute little piece like this and you know tape it to the page in some way like you well that's has today wait um you could like put it down here um you can take it and put it on top of a box like you're Taping that box you know to the page at the top like say that wasn't there that today you could just like basically do something like that or do it in the corners or whatever but um for the sake of this spread I think I'm going to do I'm just going to put it along this line here okay and maybe a slight bit up there actually I don't know yet let's wait um cuz it looks kind of blank up there right but we do have boxes on each day so let's continue to this side and I'll show you some more cluster examples um you can also of course do clusters with circles or hexagons or whatever it doesn't have to just be regular boxes but um you know that's more typical so let's see here we have to keep balancing these colors because it looks like I've committed to just these without yellow or anything like that and that's what happens when I'm not going to talk about like uh colors necessarily but what happens when I'm decorating a spread is that um I start with the stickers that I like like I really liked the sticker and I just pick like some that I like and then whatever happens to sort of fall on the page those are the particular colors I'm going to use for the spread I don't always look through the sticker book and think I'm going to use these four colors of stickers in this book it just so happens that the first stickers I put on it just I stop so I know that we have green and Peach and light blue and you know black so I'm not going to put anything else on here except for those four colors so the one I'm omitting I guess in the sticker book is going to be uh well two maybe this one even though it's there uh and the yellow okay maybe I should use a layered box just just to um give you an example of how you can cluster layered boxes um actually let's grab like a decorative box again since we did this one I like to sort of mimic you know what's going on on this side over here on this side without matching it completely so we're going to grab another decorative box here and God I like this one there's a lot of gold in that though I don't know if I want to introduce that much gold on the page so what I'm going to do is go back to these and do um one of these layered boxes that are already layered for me and then I'm going to Cluster around this so it'll give you an example of this using like a layered box so I want make sure I get enough blue in since we have a lot of blue there so we're going to get one of these smaller blue boxes maybe let's start with this one I know there's a lot of gold on there but that's not as much as the other one so for this let's start in the middle here we'll put this one on Friday and yes it's going directly in the Box sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't it's really hard to explain um this time let's take a box off the side here as well so this is going to be a Thursday box so now we have one decorative box and then two functional boxes on top of that and we can keep going so let me grab how about a habit tracker no you know what I don't like I don't like that idea hold on let's actually grab this and we're going to pull this sticker up because I forgot I was going to show you examples of oh look how easy that comes up examples of how you can put things underneath so we're going to go ahead like so we're just going to put that down there and then throw that box on top okay you can also take some off of this box but I kind of don't want to put too many of the Roses in here I want to keep it mostly pastel you can throw a quote in to a cluster as well so why don't we do that so this quote seems like it's going to fit right about here right so um what I'm going to do is white out this line because I don't really like it to show through especially when I'm making a spread for one of my patrons um so we're going to grab this pen this is a uniball signo white gel pen it really um is great for Whiting Out Lines when you have a translucent sticker this one though feels a little bit like I have to get started wait okay there we go good enough let's let that dry for a second okay so I'm actually going to layer this B part a little bit on the blue just slightly okay and we can also take some of this maybe do a little bit I don't know how about some up here I'm going to rip it a little bit differently or let's actually do it right on top of this box oh that's like such a straight rip it looks like it's cut I don't like that ah I cut my nails super short so it's hard to use them um let's see let me do another one or actually let's rip it off of there that's a little bit better okay so here's our cluster now right what I think I'm going to do over here and I'm glad I paused because I think I'm going to put some lines in I have a checklist stencil here and maybe we just do a couple of days of lines um I I'm going to put some right here because it feels like it needs them up there and I think I'm just going to do the lines not the checkboxes okay I'm thinking maybe also some down here like I said another way I make clusters is to put them sort of like next to but not overlapping so I'm going to show you how to do that in this next one and it might look a little bit weird on this spread because I've already kind of committed to the overlap thing but we're just going to try it out and see maybe we get a top three box here and put it on Sunday I think I'm going to take it down here just like I did with this one and I may even bring it over a little bit okay again we are going down below this line I'm going over this line and that is okay to do if you're someone who doesn't like that then you stick within the lines and that's perfectly acceptable sometimes I stick within the lines for my whole spread it really just depends depends on the look I'm going for Main mainly so now what I'm going to do is grab a couple of smaller boxes and show you what I mean here uh maybe some of these too but let's see oh I also since I have this here I'm going to want to put some maybe up here of the Stars so I can't forget that either so let's take this one and then I'm going to need one that's like this dark gray but I don't know if there's any left besides the ones that say remember I don't R another one of those oh there's these ones I guess these are black though that one looks lighter I guess but that's all right we're going to do it take this one see this is a bad example I'm going to run too much into that cluster I was trying to show you another way to do it but when I'm clustering I like to kind of keep the Clusters away from each other like my thought was doing this and then putting something there but then that pulls everything in and then it's like not a real like smaller cluster it's more of like a whole sticker explosion and sort of want to stay away from that so I think I'm going to put this one back and grab maybe one of those habit trackers in the black okay um this isn't a good cluster example though all right let's do this I'll put this kind of offset and then I'll put this one like that and then we have a space here we can fill with something right maybe uh no cuz that'll cover the remember I like this little bow though we have that bow there so I sort of want to balance that out should we add more roses or a circle we have this circle here so somewhere else I sort of want to put a circle now you don't have to always do that it's okay to have one circle on the page but for some reason I just kind of like to do that I'm thinking anexo maybe it's going to run into that remember so that's the other thing you could do when you're doing clusters is like put say this quote wasn't there you can totally put and this is the wrong color but you can put like a circle intersecting a couple of areas so this one I could have moved over and intersected them and then it's like a different look it doesn't have the sharp look of the corners like I could put that's an example wait say like here we have that if you wanted to soften that you can put this here right I'm not going to do it because it's going to bring it into this cluster again like I said and make a whole sticker thing but I like doing that because it just um adds a different look but we're going to find something for here the problem is if I put a circle over anything it's going to run into the remember so I'm thinking no now If This Were a different sticker book and we had regular thin boxes I would stick that right in there because that's a good place for it maybe quote is there any smaller quotes this says start living your dreams what if I take dreams off and just put dreams there let's try that I'm going to cut directly into my sticker book because it makes it easier to um cut the sticker when it's attached to the page I know that makes some people maybe cringe but for me I literally do not care my sticker books are all messed up I draw in them I cut in them and honestly it doesn't matter to me because my sticker books are just like it um a home for my stickers I was trying to think of a better word an Avenue what's the word I'm thinking of it's it's basically just a means to an end like it's only because I'm going to use them so I don't care what the inside looks like at all some people do but I'm going to put dreams right here to end this cluster I think that's cute and um it's good example of don't be afraid to cut your stickers okay we're going to make one more up here it's going to be something maybe small and I'm thinking we're going to add roses but then we're going to have rows rows row which maybe not good so we could put a little bit down here to this cluster just to break it up a little bit and we can take the one that we already used um this one it's like the other part of this I think or maybe that I don't know I think it's this one and we're going to put this here that's why it's important to save your little sticker remnants and um that finishes off that area which I actually really like okay so the last area is up at that corner maybe we'll do something little there but let's just see we have a box on every day now but maybe not a super functional box like Friday only has the 1 two three Saturday has that so it's not like regular boxes um but again we don't have like regular smaller boxes in this book so to stay in this book book I'm just going to leave that like as is for Friday probably let's take this sticker cuz I don't want to add too much green up here but I do want to add a little bit of light green up there to coordinate okay oh here's a good example so I like to use the monthly stickers when I cluster sometimes um because they already have that cut out is this too heavy that might be a little too heavy though um my point is they already have this cut out here so you can butt that up you can either layer it right over it butt it up right next to it or you can even take it out a little bit like that if you want to for a different look I'm not going to use this sticker because I think it's too dark we're going to put this here it's still going to be cute and like I said this is meant for a monthly box but you do not have to use it for that and I hardly ever do honestly I don't really use these for monthly I I use them you know as just regular boxes now there's things you can do like you could cut this part off and that will make it a regular box or you can leave it as is and cover it so it depends on what you want but yeah so now we have this are area up here is going to need something we can also maybe put a header over there uh let's see oh we have these these little ones are cute right how about we do a little XOXO on the top you could also take washi tape and put it up there or you leave it open to write in your header but I think it's going to be cute if I do that and then it sort of looks intentional right yeah okay I'm thinking maybe a rose up there or bow that's another thing we could have done here instead of putting that on there I didn't think of that actually and in this sticker book we have these cute little scallops you can put like on top of boxes too I love them very very cute okay so we have another I guess we could do Peach one right if we wanted to so this is what I'm doing I'm looking at these two stickers and I have this space and I have this space so we can make it work right you can put another box like say I wanted say I had space you could even take like a big box you know and put like say you wanted this if this stuff wasn't here you could totally take this this and put it right up next to there and I should have done that a couple of big boxes in here do you see what I'm doing I'm not quite touching them and you could also touch them that's the other option you can bring it right up and you can have lots of stickers together but I like to move it down a little let me just show you see wouldn't that be cute and then you're going to have this space and this space and this space and maybe you could put a couple of things like some roses here and like a circle sticker here and then a bow there so I think clustering is just so fun for me and I I just sometimes I like to add more and more and more this time I'm being a little bit um conservative with it but we're going to put a little bow there because I think that's cute I know that that one is like directly across there but I don't care that much I think it still looks cute and then here um I might just leave that alone but let's see oh wait hey I forgot you didn't not remind me that I was going to use more of these so I feel like that should go here instead we're just going to take this and um maybe just put it down and I'm going to cut it here so sort of looks like the sticker goes behind but we didn't do that ah okay and um let me cut this part like I said I don't want to exactly match this but I want to coordinate that's why I'm putting that down so it balances out we could even put that right on top of there if we wanted do I want to do that I think that's cute then here let's see something really small because I want it separate from this one you know maybe just a couple of stars or something kind of dumb but also kind of cute and then we're going to put some more lines on here so we do have this space here right let's try it here gu this is the only full box that's open so we have more of this I feel like that's not enough on the page right maybe instead maybe I cut this back so that it's not so much let's see smaller area like [Music] here I don't know if I love that either but I think it's okay and then we could put a little bit up here just so that it it matches like when I do washi tape I tend to at least use three pieces otherwise it kind of looks like you just threw those in for no reason so I'm going to put a little bit up here maybe put um like a header on top or something or like one of these guys a little layering of that and then whoever gets this can like write on there I guess make a list or or something and then maybe we do like another Rose in the sidebar let me just get one of those maybe a bigger one but I don't want to go too crazy I could cover this week's list with it but then we have two across from each other so I was kind of thinking going right here now I know it's going to run into that list that I said was going to be there but design wise I think it looks cute so I just cut the page as usual sometimes I sacrifice design for for I mean function for like cute design sometimes I do that it is true I'm going to put another Leaf down here because it looks sort of bare there so let's just pretend that this Leaf is part of it okay that's a bit bold that's a little bold over there I don't know now I feel like I need to add more like I feel like a rose should have gone going up there but I think we're okay all right down here let's add maybe a decorative box like one of the ones from the beginning like with a little quote or something fall in love with as many things as possible that's really cute dream big darling I think I'm going to use this one yeah I'm going to put it over this week's list and then up here I feel like we need a header or something just to make it look right maybe we add one of these today or too let's add this one that says today so when you're clustering not everything has to be a cluster you know like obviously that's not a cluster and then maybe we need something little down here although I'll probably write a note to my Patron down there or we can add a little scallop I think these are so cute um let's use the one with little gold polka dots cuz I think that's really pretty add the green make that box even cuter oh no do I have enough now I feel like I just messed it up I don't was going to add that to the bottom but I don't have enough so I think we'll just do that as a top box and maybe like one more thing because I can't seem to stop since it says fall in love with as many things as possible how about we add a couple of little hearts back like kind of like these Stars except Hearts yeah these okay let me take a look I think it's very cute um we need to name it let's call it uh I just going to call it the first thing that came to mind which is weird it doesn't really go with it but I'm going to call it dreams in the making um don't forget I will link this for you and anything else I used in the video I'll put in the description box so you can always check there but I love how this turned out I think it's so so pretty and I hope this gave you some good examples of how I cluster stickers um it's really hard to explain you know it's hard to explain why I do the things I do or how I think to do them because it comes naturally now to me but I know in the beginning it didn't so I hope this did help let me know if it did in the comments and also let me know do you have any other tip videos you'd like to see because I could certainly do my best to try to get that to you and I know you've suggested things to me before I do have lists of of videos to make but if there's something really nagging at you that you're interested in I would love it if you let me know if you made it to the end of this video and you're not subscribed to my channel what are you waiting for no just kidding but please subscribe that would mean a lot to me and if you click the notification Bell you'll also get notifications when I put out a video which has been lately around three-ish times a week um I don't know if that's going to stay like that or change in the future I'm not really sure but right now that's kind of where we're at anyway I've talked your ear off thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in my next one bye
Channel: Planning with Bumble
Views: 7,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Happy Planner, plan with me, plan with me happy planner, happy planner plan with me, happy planner beginner, beginner happy planner, how to decorate planner, happy planner tips, planner decorating, how to decorate happy planner, how to use happy planner, creative planning, plan with me 2024, sticker slusters, planner tips, planner tips and tricks, sticker tips, how to use stickers in your planner, sticker hacks, planner sticker tips, classic happy planner, planner beginner
Id: 2_iet-FRaSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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