Courage to Change & Get Messy

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hey friend Amy Tangerine here today I want to invite you to join me in the studio as I try some new supplies that I've been wanting to play with and I'm so excited to experiment with along with rediscovering the joy of Letting Go and letting it get messy perhaps you'll go easier on yourself when it comes to playing with your own supplies maybe you'll see some techniques you want to try and you might even learn from my mistakes and mishaps along the way feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up if you like it and as always I love reading your comments so please feel free to leave them below and of course ask any questions that you might have as well let's start by ditching perfectionism and remembering that creativity thrives in the messy unexpected moments so grab those paints markers or whatever Sparks your interest and let's get those creative juices flowing something new just arrived in the studio and they are these Tim distress Spritz in all kinds of colors and I'm going to choose a few to open up and experiment with in this B6 notebook now I saw on the directions that you have to shake it up I have no idea how to use these I didn't even watch Tim Holt's overview about how to use these because I want to play with them first I have this weird thing where I make these horrible mist Stakes like I just did I don't even know why I wanted to spray the Spritz on there and make a mess but I'm taking these distress inks instead and I'm going to Ink up this old stamp that I have I believe it's from hero Arts from a while ago and I'm not sure if you can see it but it's just a textured pattern and then I'm going to Spritz it on top and see what happens now I didn't do any research on how to use these sprays because what I like to do o that's kind of interesting what I really prefer doing is just grabbing a hold of new supplies and then experimenting with them and then I might go back and research and watch Tim's video his videos tend to be so long and so instructive and so informational and valuable that I want to just start playing and I think that's why I'm motivated to just go ahead and dive in without having to see how to actually use these things but I know that the distress line is all meant to work together sorry for the camera shaking so I am playing with it I'm going to take this thing that I always forget the name of and I still can't remember it right now punch something punch it's a mask and oh I like that see how how that turned out ooh that's really pretty so I'm actually not finding my little Dober thing or I I cannot remember the names of things right now forgive me I just rubbed the ink pad across there and now I'm going to spray again and I notice that there's some leftover on the other side so I'm going to stamp it over here I really like how that looks now this to me looks like such a mess but I have a little bit more uh ink and then I also want to try a little bit in my hobonichi because I don't like to waste any supplies whatsoever or any bits of ink if I can so I sprayed it and what I want to do is take a paper towel and I'm going to see how it looks when I just dab a little bit of it off and then lift it up okay that didn't found out great and then there's still a little bit on so I'm just going to transfer it like so nice now that this is dry I actually think that I need to cover a lot of it up not very pleased with the way it looks but I have faith in the process I'm grabbing a page from my book paper play and the idea of these papers is that they're meant to be torn out and used as Collage if you're new to mixed media or collage or any of this type of free form art I really invite you to to embrace this idea that it's not just about making art it's about rediscovering happiness in every stroke or Splash or tear let's really break free from the fear of imperfection and maybe reframe it so that we enjoy the process like we did when we were kids and we were a little bit Freer with our expectations we can play with colors we can experiment with textures and don't worry worry about making quote unquote mistakes the journey and act of creating should be as enjoyable as the finished product if not more so it's all about the journey to me as I'm tearing these pieces figuring out where they go really taking a look at it from a holistic perspective of getting lost in the moment but also allowing the creative juices to flow freely I'm already liking the Direction it's going and I want to take some supplies that are a little bit older right encourage you to use those supplies that you might be holding on to this is a Washi sticker book from the happy planner and here is I think an example of why we need to use our supplies I couldn't lift it off of there at the end but I got it on this side which is good and I'm simply going to tear it instead of using scissors and I've got this piece that I want to place down on both the left sides side and the right side for continuity and for it to look cohesive on both Pages if you have some stickers Washi tapes or supplies that you've been holding on to collecting dare I say hoarding I encourage you to really take those out and use them this is another page from paper play that I'm going to rip out and maybe add some journaling to because I know that I need a little bit more calmness and instead of so much pattern being in the background I'm going to take these stamps that are my collaboration with Altan and there's a message on here that I think I could use every single day and I know that even some of my friends who are so successful and so high achieving they need to hear this too so maybe it resonates with you get out of your own way especially when it comes to creative play here is a little dandelion but I realized that some ink got into the side of it so I have that little piece that I've decided really bothers me and I want to cover it up this is a new to me Product lunar paste by Simon Hurley and this color is just so vibrant and fun I'm going to take this paintbrush and I don't even know like I said I don't even know if this is how you're supposed to use this product but because I love painting and because I want to try to incorporate this color in more than just one spot I'm taking the paintbrush and just making these sort of rectangular brick like shapes that are very easy to do and putting in them onto the page and because I believe in using every little juicy bit I'm going to take some of the excess and put it on my planner page in my hobonichi but then I realized maybe I can put some water onto it and once I do that it turns out that the lunar paste and Prom Queen by Simon Hurley matches almost perfectly with the picked raspberry from Tim Holtz H I don't personally care about things matching but I love that it goes so nicely together it compliments each other now here is the Tim Holtz book this is probably my second book that I've purchased of the same one because I love these little words and I tend to examine the words and come up with a way that I want to feel so I chose three of them and it's Embrace everyday magic now what I want to do is say get out of your own way and embrace everyday magic this is some kind of very basic advice that I could use every single day I'm taking this Amper sand stamp that I've had from hero arts for a long time and I just stamped it right in the middle it just happened to work out to be the right size if I had thought about it sooner I would have done it you know in a different order I'm grabbing this sticker book which I've also linked in the description box below and I love this butterfly this is a washi tape sticker book maybe it's user eror maybe I'm just having a hard time picking off these stickers with my nails and I probably need some tools is this why people use tweezers maybe tell me if you have a tip about removing these stickers from sticker books I think this one even came with tweezers and I was like oh I don't need to use those so here this sticker is just going to go right in this space up here do you have stick ERS that you're holding on to are you perhaps waiting for the perfect time to use those supplies well my friends the time is now the time to use your supplies that you love is right now so here is this girl holding a phone and what's so interesting is that every morning I wake up with questions in my head and sometimes I write them down sometimes I put them into my phone sometimes I Journal about them but one question that keeps coming to me is what are you calling or what's calling to you right and invite the introspection that comes with that very broad question so I took it very literally when I chose that girl on the phone and it's like okay well who's calling what's calling to me right now and how do I want to approach life today what message am I trying to receive or what's life trying to tell me I've cut the little scallop Washi strips and applied two of them up here I like to have things go to the edge if you haven't noticed that already now taking some visgar scissors and cutting a piece of this page from paper play I want to have the journaling go over both of the sheets somewhere in the middle here so I'm going to cut it down there and then adhere both sides with a glue stick what new things you want to try today whether it's a new art technique a different medium or even exploring a new hiking trail or a different route to work stepping outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens embrace the excitement of learning and discovering okay so I have to tell you I did watch a little video to use this lunar paste and I realized that I have this perfect mask stencil from my collaboration with alanu so when I watched Simon do this I almost gasped at how easy it was and why I didn't think to do it before well I just didn't know right and so I think that's why we have to watch these videos that's why probably you're on YouTube to feel inspired and to have some of your creativity sparked in some way oh my goodness as I lift this off it's so good and I got so excited to use a little bit more over here with these little triangle arrows I love this color I didn't watch long enough to see how long it takes to dry but I don't have the patience right now I'm just so excited going to do one more here because I like things in odd numbers sometimes now I look at this and uh maybe there are some even numbers as well but typically I like things in threes and I'm creating this visual triangle if you noticed with the lunar paste elements I'm channeling my Simon Hurley energy and doing what he said about putting the excess back in closing the lid tight and I have to go wash this with water in case you wondering that lunar paste was in the color Roar how cute is that I'm taking these little alphabet stamps and I'm going to try to put a title in for the theme of this page which sort of relates to the question that I woke up with this morning along with a reading from a meeting I didn't realized that that rhymed wherever your inspiration comes from see how you can make a connection to let it inspire you in whatever you're experiencing in your life and hopefully it'll have a positive influence on you a positive connection can be made with that information taking 30 minutes to make this spread was so healing to me in so many ways and oh look I got some of that Roar lunar paste on me because I didn't let everything dry oopsies well that's some learning for me because I probably should be a little bit more patient when it comes to my art making and letting it dry but it doesn't look like it did much damage at all although right when I did that I feel like that is kind of a big annoying mistake where I connected the C to the O and it kind of looks like a butt so I'm going to take a little scrap of paper stamp a c on on to it and then simply glue it down and look I I got some more lunar paste on me as I trying to fix another mistake so the lesson here I know there's a lesson here I will probably get to it by the end of this video but I think it has to do with letting go and not being such a perfectionist so there's the C and I made the page I didn't cut off enough of that other side so I'm correcting with with a Tomo fos now I'm adding the questions that I really want to explore on this art journaling page or the spread has something been calling you inviting you to seek answers from within what have you seen in the outside world that makes you want to listen more intently and I love that the girl is on the phone I love the way this looks I'm going to add some lines with a ruler and a pen to have the space for journaling I'm going to actually take quotes out of this reading from this morning and I'm just going to put it on the page because H I got a little bit more of the lunar pce in that corner on my ruler but it didn't ruin in the actual flowers or the designs and so as I journaled this out it felt so freeing to not have to overthink right I didn't want to come up with my own answers during this process I came up with some Revelations on my own on how to connect more with nature how important it is and essential it is to get out of my own way and also I don't have to answer the question questions or spend too much time on these questions I can take them with me along the Journey of my day I can take them through the afternoon I can see how I feel about it and I feel inclined to journaling about it later I can also do that but I wanted to put down something that resonated with me so much during the reading at the meeting I just have to laugh so the journaling is from a book called courage to change and it's straight from that page that corresponds with today July 8th trees don't sit around and worry about forest fires the water in the pond doesn't fret over turbulence and encountered a few miles upstream and I have never seen a butterfly pry into the Affairs of its fellows all of creation is going about the business of living if I keep my eyes open I can learn to do the same and then it also says I live in a world full of Wonders today I will pay attention to their gentle wisdom remember it's not about creating something perfect it's about enjoying the ride the process and expressing ourselves authentically take things one day at a time that's what this little swan is telling me take what you like from this video and leave the rest if you've read any Pages encourage to change let me know in the comments or if you just want to connect with the courage that I know you have inside of you allow your yourself to get messy try new things Embrace Perfection connect with nature and most importantly have fun along the way infusing play into our everyday lives not only enhances our creativity but also brings more joy fulfillment and A Renewed sense of curiosity understanding and appreciation about the world around us creativity can be incredibly healing wouldn't you agree thanks as always for watching feel free to like subscribe and share share any comments and questions or wisdom below keep those creative juices flowing my friends the reality of my desk and what it looks like what I'm creating these are the Simon Hurley lunar past and neon past and I don't feel like cleaning up oh should I show you the page from my hobonichi there you go bye for real this time
Channel: Amy Tangerine
Views: 3,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amy tangerine, amy tan, tim holtz, distress spritz, ranger ink, lunar paste, simon hurley, junk journal, art journal, creative journaling, journaling for healing, alanon, courage to change, distress inks
Id: jnwyiUokqMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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