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hey y'all welcome back to my Channel today I decided to do a more in-depth video on how to make spaghetti I know it has been um about five years since I made my last one so I just wanted to make an updated one as well um as you see here we started off with three ingredients I'm just gonna use ground beef spaghetti and some Ragu Sauce I tried to make it as simple as possible I know a lot of people don't like seeing um other videos when they're adding extra ingredients so for me I always keep my videos simple so like I said three things ground beef any kind of ground beef spaghetti noodles any kind that you would like to use and also some spaghetti sauce I always use regular I just been using it for the last past five years so just use whatever um brand that you would like to use so I'm just using a regular 12 inch Skillet I had this skillet for so long y'all this is my go-to spaghetti skillet so I'm just gonna go ahead and put my ground beef in there when I put my ground beef in this Skillet I do not add oil or anything I just put it directly in the pot like I said I just put it directly in the Skillet um at this point my stove is not on I do not turn my stove on until I go ahead and add my seasonings so the next step you'll see me doing you'll just see me going in and breaking up the ground beef so I can get ready to add my seasonings on there as well and now that I got it how I want it to look I'm going to add my seasonings I'm starting off with minced onion and y'all I do not measure I just measure you know to the hearts um so that's why you um barely will see me putting measurements in the description box but I do list the ingredients I just want you guys to season um to your heart to your liking then I'm going to go in with some onion powder and then garlic powder and then I'm going to go in and add salt and after that I'm going to go in and add some pepper and for Italian seasoning I do not use a lot of these um I use very little but you can add it as much as you would like but not least I'm gonna go in and add some parsley once this parsley is added I just go ahead and mix everything all together and once everything is mixed in all together that's when I will go in and turn on the stove I put my stove on five so on medium Heat and at this point I just go in just make sure it is cooking until it's brown I go in and break up the pieces um to high to the size that I would like them to be in my spaghetti so that's what you see me doing now and make sure you guys you know rinse up your utensils while cooking each time once all the meat is brown as you can see here now it's time to go in and drain your meat and after I get done draining my meat I do make sure my stove is now set on low because now it's time for me to add the spaghetti sauce and for the spaghetti sauce you can use as much as you would like I don't like a lot of spaghetti sauce I like I hate that soupy spaghetti look I just I don't know I just never been a fan of it so I don't add like a lot a lot of spaghetti sauce but you'll see here that I'm just seasoning the sauce as well I go in with salt pepper garlic powder and onion powder just to make sure that my sauce has the flavor as well and now just stir all the tomato sauce with the ground beef in together and y'all if I didn't say it before this is just one pound of ground beef now I'm gonna work on getting my pasta noodles ready this will be the pot that I'm using for my noodles um I think this pot is at least four quarts and I just fill it up halfway so once it's filled up halfway I do go in and I still add my top full of oil I know people say adding oil does not make your sauce stick but personally I just think that's a myth but you can add the oil or not it's up to you I do also add salt to it as well once I add my oil and my salt to the pot I just let it come to a boil I put it on high and here I am I'm just showing y'all how much spaghetti I use for a pound of ground beef this is a two pound box so I use at least a fourth of it each time that I make spaghetti so with one two pound box I get at least four um spaghetti meals out of it and if it was like a regular one pound box I only use half of the noodles for the spaghetti I had this question in my other spaghetti video and I just thought I'd go ahead and answer that question here and now that it's come to a boil it's time for me to add my pasta noodles and y'all don't beat me up but yes I break my spaghetti noodles um that's just a preference for me you don't have to do this you can put them straight in there you know just how you like them but this is how I make them so yeah so I'm just adding them to the bot to the pot and I'm gonna let them come to a boil so for my spaghetti I do um let them cook for 10 to 11 minutes as the box say to Al Dente I do not cook my spaghetti noodles longer than that I hate swole spaghetti noodles y'all know those big fat spaghetti noodles I just hate when they look like that now the noodles have been cooking for five minutes I just go in and give them a little stir just to make sure that they're not sticking together I always go in and stir um at least one time so right now it is the five minute Mark so I just go in and give it a stir now that it's been 10 minutes I do go in and try a spaghetti noodle just to make sure that it's cooked to my liking um you can also throw a spaghetti noodle to the wall and if it sticks it means it's done but I always just taste it just to be sure and now that I see that there to my liking I'm gonna go ahead and drain my spaghetti noodles once the noodles are drained now it's time to go in and add everything together so right now you see me putting my spaghetti back in my pot now I'm going to go ahead and add my meat that I had on low you can put it on simmer as well but I always just put it on low to the pot and we're going to mix and mix until everything is combined together to your liking and everything is mixed in all together your spaghetti is done and you can now enjoy it and y'all please remember this is a quick and simple recipe um especially for beginner Cooks if they're just now learning how to make spaghetti or if you just wanted a more easier recipe to make so I tried to be as simple as possible with this recipe you can add or take away anything from this recipe that you will like and remember that's what a recipe is for um to adjust it to your liking if you don't like something or you want to add something else that's totally up to you and that's totally fine but I want to thank you guys for watching uh make sure you like comment and subscribe and also make sure you turn on your notifications so you can get notified every time I upload and you can also leave um suggestions in the comments on what you would like me to break down step by step next or just to even cook mix
Channel: Ta’MariahJ
Views: 130,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti recipe, how to cook spaghetti, how to make spaghetti and meatballs, how to make spaghetti with tomato sauce, how to make, how to make delicious spaghetti, how to make spaghetti with ground beef, spaghetti sauce, how to, how to make pasta, how to cook spaghetti al pomodoro, how to make fresh pasta, how to make spaghetti sauce, how to make veg spaghetti, how to make simple spaghetti, how to make spaghetti at home
Id: Mzh9EIPDoGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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