How to make southern Style Gumbo Collard greens

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[Applause] [Music] gentlemen this is tyrone southern cooking back at you today with another video all right what we going to be doing here we're going to be doing the gumbo style collard greens that's what we're doing today and we got uh this is what we got going on we got a 32 ounce bag of collard greens right here they already cut up in the bag and we also got us a mild link sausage we also got us two onions these are onions like this that we got right here but i already cut two of them up in here we got us a bell pepper we're gonna cut up we got some celery we're gonna cut up we got three cloves of garlic right here it's just one more in there all right we got some onion powder we got some garlic powder we got some chicken bouillon we got some paprika we got some salt and we also got some oil and what we're gonna do we don't have no chicken broth so we're gonna make our own chicken broth we gotta six cups of water over here might have to add a little bit more water we're gonna put some chicken bouillon and we're gonna turn that on on low and we're gonna get that to boil and make our own broth so stay tuned so what we're gonna do now we already know rinsed our celery off what we're gonna do now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna cut our celery up right quick chop our celery up real quick now we're gonna cut our bell pepper up right quick we're gonna slice this up as well get this some chopped up ribs get this chopped up pretty good huh we ain't making no real we make it kind of like chunks making it small all right we got a mild sausage right here we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna chop that up and that's right i forgot so i forgot something y'all we also got a ham hock i forgot all about my ham hop we got a ham hot right here we gonna have to start that out real quick but we got it all right we got our collard greens on we got some water here in the sink here we're gonna put some vinegar in this thing right here we got white vinegar we're gonna put some salt in the sink as well we're going to wash our greens real good you know you have to re-wash stuff you just don't take stuff out the pack and put it in your pot just don't do that so what we're going to do here we're going to wash these greens up real good all right we got our greens washed and strained now we're going to the other side so what we're going to do we're going to put some chicken bouillon in this water here because we don't have no chicken broth and we're going to turn it on and let it start simmering get some of that seasoning into that into that water see how yellow our water is now that's that chicken bowl yarn it's just like chicken broth so nice let it simmer and get warm we're going to start cooking our brew get started on our brew we also have our flour i didn't i forgot to mention this is going to go in our brew as well so what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and pour our oil turn our stove on go ahead and pour our oil into our pot and we're going to bring that up the heat temperature then we're going to start putting in our flour all right we got our grease coming up to temp now so we're gonna start doing we're gonna start adding some flour in we're going to be stirring this flour at the same time while we doing this now make sure you get all them lumps and stuff out of there okay just like this ain't see me doing so you constantly stirring it at some point you may have to get a whisk and make sure you get all the lumps out of it out of the lumps out of there now we're just gonna let it simmer we're looking for a dark color we got it getting darker now that's what we're looking for so what we're doing let it stop like this on for a little bit let it boil a little bit then we'll go back to stirring it as we do that it'll get darker and darker nice dark this is the way we want it right here where we got the way it's looking now so what we're going to do now we're going to go ahead and add our onions in turn our stove down we're going to add our onions in [Music] turn that on low enough go ahead and add our other veggies in our bell peppers and celery we're going to let this simmer for a while that's two minutes and we're gonna add our garlic cloves [Music] all right what we're gonna do now we're gonna go ahead and add our cloves then what we're going to do we're going to add some garlic powder onion powder i ain't gonna add all that onion powder we're gonna add up some salt and we're going to add up some paprika what we're going to do we're going to stir this in up see how it's looking so now what we're going to do we got our chicken broth that we we're going to go ahead and post some put some of that in there and you're going to pour it all in the work that in like that now we're gonna pour the rest of it in there you might we're gonna have to add some more water with this one as well it's going to thicken up like a gravy once it gets thickened up like a gravy you got to put more water in it because you don't want it to be a gravy so now we had started off with six cups we just put about six more cups in it right there and it's loose the way we want it but we're gonna put a little bit more water now like that there so what we're gonna do now we're gonna go ahead and add our sausage put our sauces in then we're gonna start adding our greens stop pulling them get no money now as you put your greens in you just want to put them in you just start letting them cook down then you can just continue adding them on there until you get them all in there so as it's starting to cook down we're going to continue to add the rest of the greens in now i see you guys to break them down now we go ahead and add some more greens in here that's what we're going to do add the rest of the greens on you know all right what we're going to do now we're going to go ahead and put our ham hock in go ahead and put that on enough too then we know and we gonna what we're gonna do we're gonna let this thing do its thing we're gonna put it on medium high for a couple hours we're gonna come back to it and see what we got going on y'all all right ladies and gentlemen this ain't been similar for about two hours that's uh to be starting to fall off the bones on the ham hops him i don't know if i let let them simmer a little bit more break it down pretty good though give them taste see what they taste like look pretty good look pretty good ladies and gentlemen getting a bigger spoon here pick up and see what we got going on here yeah looking real good you know the bow y'all get me on the taste right quick see what we got going on right quick right quick all right ladies and gentlemen my collard greens they are done yes they are done get some of these right here got some of these right here in the bowl here give us a little piece of this ham hot here as well yes sir our greens are done yes sir ladies and gentlemen this is what we got here yes uh we also we got us some uh we cooked uh some uh some yams but we did the yams in the can and got us some rice and some cornbread got us some little macaroni and cheese on today that's what we got going on here today ladies and gentlemen this is our pot of greens right here on collard greens huh there's a little bit in the plate there we're going to clean that plate up that's going to be our thumbnail there there's some gran gentlemen these greens off one look at him very good taste torn all right ladies and gentlemen you like the video subscribe to the channel put a thumbs up ring the bell be notified leave a comment share it with your friends everybody have a wonderful and blessed day peace out
Channel: Tyron'e southern cooking
Views: 2,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QILgb4V9OwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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