How to make smoked tri tip | Jess Pryles

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Listen, if you've never cooked tri-tip before you gotta and here's why: it's super flavorful, it's pretty cheap and most importantly: it'll smoke to medium-rare perfection in just about an hour! You can see pretty clearly why this is called a tri tip with the three points right here. The first thing we're gonna do is take off this fat cap right here Because we're cooking it just to medium rare pretty quickly, it's not gonna give this time to render out, so we're gonna take it off. Our tri-tip is all pretty and prepped. It just needs to be seasoned and we are going to be using Hardcore Carnivore Black which, because of the short cook time, is going to give us all the color we want and all the flavor too. Season well on both sides and then put it in a smoker running about 250 degrees for about an hour until it hits around 138 internal temperature. Our tri tip has hit 138 it's come off the smoker now I'm gonna wrap it and then rest it, but when I wrap it I'm gonna pull it real tight and try to encourage it into a cylinder shape and that's gonna give me really nice medallions instead of strips when I cut it. The tri-tip is ready so I'm gonna wrap it and rest it in a cooler for about an hour then all I have to do is slice and enjoy. So when you slice your tri-tip you want to slice it against the grain. At this point in the tri tip, the grain starts moving so you're gonna want to move your cut too just turn and keep cutting So there you have it - easy delicious smoked tri tip in just about an hour juicy!
Channel: Jess Pryles
Views: 105,928
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Keywords: how to make smoked tri tip, jess pryles, hardcore carnivore, steak, bbq, beef, how to smoke tri tip, how to cut tri tip, tri tip, tri tip recipe, tri tip smoked, how to smoke steak, make smoked steak, bbq tri tip, bbq steaks, black charcoal seasoning, how to bbq tri tip, cooking tri tip steak, offset smoker, tri tip cut against grain, cut against grain, is tri tip and picanha the same, gerber vital knife, gerber knives, how to smoke until medium rare, smoked tri tip
Id: D7SqVWn19T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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