How to make small coin rings from large coins (Swedish wrap)

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hey skylet here from the mint change you can wear and today what we're going to be looking at is how to make Morgan dollars into really small sizes using the Swedish wrap method uh this method was brought to light by a guy named male Mohler and he's from Sweden that's the name Swedish wrap all right so let's get right into it the very first thing we need to start out with is a Morgan that's already been folded I didn't want to show that because you can look at that from any of my other Morgan dollar videos um you can use the ball bearing method or lately I've been using this folding cone from Jason's work so you can do that either way so this thing is ConEd and I've reannealed it and now we're ready to start bringing it down to a smaller size this is what we're going to be using this is the Swedish wrap complete kit from Jason's works you can check them out at jasonw and I like to use a Swedish wrap for basically any Morgan Dollar 11 12 and smaller anything larger than that you can pretty much get to it in a standard method um sometimes if it gets a little crooked or wobbly you can actually put it in the Swedish wrap die and it'll take the wobble out so that's another good use for it but basically 11 and 1/2 is smaller I wrote out this chart when I started uh started using these dieses and basically what these will do is tell you where you're expecting to have the ring size end up when you're done with a certain size plunger and now if we look at it the largest plunger over there is one second down two three and then so on to the fifth is the smallest so this is what this uh graph shows when you're done actually using the first plunger on a Morgan doll you're going to end up with a size 17 and then say you keep going all the way down to the bottom of the second plunger you're going to end up with a size 14 and2 third plunger 10 and 3/4 and that 10 and 3/4 actually will come out of the bottom of the die and this over here there's these witness lines on these plungers you can see so when you're done plunging with the first plunger you'll have two of those segments above your D and so on the second plunger you'll have three and 1 half above the die the reason you want to know that reveal for it's two reasons actually you don't want to over press these down and then damage your brass plungers that's one big one and um the second one being say you want to get in between these sizes well now you can actually stop halfway on the second plunger and maybe have more of a reveal that way you can get to in between sides is like that if that makes any sense to you and there's one more word of warning before we get started I love a 6 tonon press I have a six- tonon press it's pretty much the only press I've had for years but when you start using this it's really easy to damage these look at that I hit very first time I used it I was being real careful I didn't want to over plunge it because I knew it was going to be a problem but there it is I hit this side of it and immediately dented it and it didn't take hardly any force in that 6 ton press to do that and these tools are just too nice to ruin so quickly so I really recommend just going ahead and getting one of these one ton Arbor presses it's a whole lot easier to not damage those plungers in something like that because it just does not produce the same amount of force all right so I think we have all the basics out of the way now it's time to get started so the very first step to starting the Swedish wrap once you have this thing ConEd is get this Reed Edge reduced in a regular die until it's just a bit larger than your first plunger and that way you make sure this has good contact on this Reed Edge if it's a little too big like this is right now you have a chance of it sliding in there and really damaging your ring so you wouldn't want to do that and actually you know what I've been doing is I just been foregoing the first plunger and reducing this down to the second plunger a little bit a little bit larger than that second plunger because I don't usually use the first one all right so here we are at the 6 ton press I have the readed edge down in my die I have a little Pepe Lube on there to make make sure it goes down smoothly and we're going to start reducing this thing all right let's take a look at it see if it's about the right size to fit on that second plunger and it looks pretty good yeah that'll work it's just a little bit bigger than the plunger and that's exactly what we're looking for so now the next step is to start wrapping it with some Teflon tape so here we go we're going to start wrapping it it's going to take quite a bit of Teflon to do this and um before I even start actually I'm going to tell you guys this if you're like me you're super duper cheap and you don't want to waste any money on anything but let me just tell you you can get 10 of these rolls of Teflon over at Harbor Freight for $1.99 so it's like 20 cents a roll so we don't need to be super cheap on this if it costs us half a roll to do this that's only 10 cents and that's worth not destroying you know if you're using like about uncirculated or uncirculated Morgans it's not worth 10 cents to ruin it and then you're going to want to wrap it to where what I usually do is the first half will be wrapped you know half off of there so that way you're covering the readed edge too you want to make sure that's protected so one two I'm going to do like 25 wraps that should do it and now we're just going to fold this stuff in inside the uh now we're ready to go so I'm going to use this first plunger the biggest one to just put it put this in there and then help guide it down nice and evenly because that Teflon does take up some space and it could be compressed just as easily with your fingers get it down there okay about like that so now we can look down in there we can see it now it's seated real nice then we're going to take our second plunger this is one we made it just a little bit bigger than so that way this will fit on there nice and good and make it nice and even in the hole you want to make sure it's sitting on top of that nice and perfectly evenly so now we have it nice and even in there and we have it in the arbor press and ready to start pressing down so we're going to go ahead and start doing that now all right now if you remember right the reveal that I was talking about right here says it has three and a half of those spaces above the die and that's because we have to start stacking the other bigger plungers on top so the second one requires the first one to be stacked on it the third one's going to require the first and second ones to be stacked on top of it to push it all the way through so by the time we're done with this we're going to have three and a half of those witness lines sticking up or roughly about that let's take a look as we go here here we go just take it nice and easy no need to rush it there we go that was pretty much it now you can see roughly well maybe it's almost 4 I probably stopped a little bit early but better to be too early than shove it down on that die too hard all right let's pull it out and see what we have here so we take the first one off take the second one off out comes this plug we have this one we can take off it's got the Teflon on it we'll remove and you can see take a look at this Teflon see how it totally preserved the detail in there if it was too thin then you'll start seeing problems like um you'll see the uh the detail coming through the Teflon and that means you're hitting the detail in the die that's not good so be careful of that like I said use as much Teflon as you need to don't be cheap pull this Teflon off and we're sitting about at a 14 and half exactly like my notes is had set so we're exactly on track now if you wanted to make a size 11 and 1/2 ring you'd stop right exactly here because 14 1/2 you reduce it three sizes to get to your target size to get a nice curved Edge so you'd be sitting right in 11 and a half and the way I like to reduce these is I'll get one ad Jason 17 degree dieses and I'll reduce it down two sizes and or even a side just a size and a half something like that size and a half to two sizes and then I finish it off to get a nice Dome sh shape inside of either his 25° die or a doming block and to be honest a doming block is one of my favorite things to use for that it gives it a nice really pretty round curve but for the sake of the video we're going to keep going down farther before we reenal it let's go ahead and reduce this Reed Edge to where it fits this third plunger now really good you can see it's a little bit too big we want to reduce it to where it's just a bit bigger than this third plunger so we can keep going down further all right that would be enough to do it probably all right just a little bit bigger than the plunger again so we are ready to reanneal it now and start rewrapping we are reanal and ready to start wrapping this third plunger will push it all the way through the bottom of this this dye I have found when it goes through the bottom of the die you need to actually have some extra wraps of Teflon around this top portion of the of the coin or of the Ring because it tends to uh be pretty rough on the coin so a couple extra wraps will keep it [Music] safe okay fold it back in and we are ready to go again so now we have all three plunges we're going to need to push this third one all the way through I'm going to take the second one now and just get this thing started like we did the first time with the first one squish it down there and get it seated okay get that back out so now it's seated down there again now we're going to take this third smallest one for this dye and seated that they're nice and even same reason we don't want to hit the edge of the coin we don't want to go all crooked in there so make sure it's nice and even spend a little bit time doing this it's worth it and we'll stick the second one on top even that one up and now it's off to the one ton Arbor press here we are at the Press ready to start pressing down but now when you start pressing down this second and third one it's going to start coming out the bottom of this we're going to have to move our plate here to have the biggest hole that this thing can pass through so line up feel the bottom here to make sure you have clearance so it has plenty of room to pass through the bottom now we're going to start pressing down slow and steady okay now we just bottom that one out and you can see it's starting to come out the bottom already so now we're going to put the third one on top and push it the rest of the way through all right back to this chart again so this third plunger will end up with a 10 and 3/4 on a Morgan and it'll come all the way at the bottom of the die all right just popped out here's what we came up with the Teflon caped it nice and nice and protected all right there we go and we are sitting right at 10 and 3/4 exactly like the chart said now from here I can make anywhere from a size 8 to a seven six and 1/2 from this from this plunger if you really want to go smaller you can take that next smallest die and just keep on going and you can get even smaller and smaller and smaller what I am going to do now though is I'm going to finish this and make it a size eight so you guys can see the D I use for that and the first step for that is I'm just going to go ahead right away and take that that sharp lip off the inside of this spring and the way you can do it you can use a Dremel you can use a deburring tool I just use a half round file most of the time so I'm just going to start taking that off all right so the EDG is all filed down and then I sanded it with a little bit of 220 grit sandpaper just to make it smooth again and we are ready to start sizing but first we need to reanneal this thing all right so we have our Morgan readed side down in the die it's all Pepe lubed up ready to go and it's about 11 and a/4 now after I've sanded it and filed it and I want to bring it down to about a 9 9 and 1/2 something like that in order to shoot for a size eight I like to get within about one or one and a half sizes of my target size in a regular die and then I'll switch to a more steep die like that 25 degree die or the doming block so that's why I'm doing that all right so that got us about a 9 and a quarter so that's good for that side now we'll switch around and do that side to make it match all right that should about do it so this is what we what we're looking at right now before I start putting in the doming Block it's about a little almost n and a half now a little bit bigger than 9 and a quter that what that doming block is going to do is just curl those edges in really nicely to make it give it a nice curved look and I think that's what most people tend to want if you wanted to do with straight sides you know then you're going to have to just only reduce this thing a little bit you know so and before you start make sure you always put some lube on there because you want it to go down evenly in the die that's a really important step another thing really important to remember is make sure your plunger is nice and even on there and it's coming down in the middle if you don't do that it can push to one side or another making a crooked ring all right let's take a look so that size just just under an eight I think that'll be perfect cuz it's going to flare out a little bit when we squish this side that's what we're going to do now okay so that's what we came up with a size8 Morgan dollar and it's pretty decent looking it's not abnormally shaped really so now all we really need to do is finish this thing up and get it antiqued and Polished up all right guys that was my how to make Morgans in smaller sizes with the Swedish wrap video and as always guys thank thank you for watching
Channel: Change You Can Wear
Views: 427,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jewelry, investing, how to, Franklin half dollar, coin ring, silver stacking, eagle, walking liberty, stacking, silver eagle, coin rings, coin, gold, double eagle
Id: 34iGZ01Vew0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2016
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