How to Make SALTIMBOCCA Like an Italian

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ladies and gentlemen today we are making veal saltimbocca a classic dish from rome i believe you went to rome and you ate this so why don't you bring rome into your kitchen and make it yourself i am going to show you how to make it i forgot to tell you you can make this in less than 10 minutes a fantastic meal in less than 10 minutes mmm [Music] to make veal saltimbocca we need veal fillets okay that's what we need to get you can also use chicken if you like you go to the butcher and you say i need the fillet the veal so they cut it for the zlatan for you they use the mullet and the hard so they can make it flat as much as possible you use how many slices you want today i'm doing four slices then we need four slices of nice prosciutto make sure you get the italian prosciutto i like the parma prosciutto we need some sage get some nice fresh sage about 50 grams of butter half glass of wine extra virgin olive oil flour salt and pepper last but not least we need some toothpicks okay make sure you have toothpicks let's start first thing we're gonna do just because i want this to be a little bit thinner i'm gonna put bacon paper at the bottom baking paper on top and i'm going to use the mallet here the flat one just to spread a little bit more and here we go okay this is what i want okay i want this to be nice and thin so it will cook evenly and in no time guys you can't always rely on other people you need to rely on yourself so if you want to make good veal saltimbocca you need to make a flathead this is how you get rid of stress [Music] and now it's time to assemble the saltimbocca all right what we do now is we get a slice the first one we get the prosciutto just make sure the prosciutto fits perfectly on the slice okay here we go here's the prosciutto get a nice leaf of sage just put it over there in the middle the toothpick and what you do is you press in and go in like this so that way that the toothpick is holding the sage the prosciutto and the meat together okay they need to make lob together okay so the first one is done now let's make the second one let's do the same thing here slice of prosciutto nice sage leaf and now we do is we get this we go in we go in and then what we do here we go in again and that's how we stop that's how we stop the sage prosciutto that's how we hold them together okay very easy [Music] before we cook the meat what we do is we get the meat and we just want to put it on flour okay we get the meat that we want to basically put flour on both sides okay the flour will create a cream when we mix it with the butter and the oil and the wine you will see the flour plays a very very important role in this okay [Music] all right this is how i want to do this now okay i want to put just one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil okay just a little bit of extra virgin olive oil what we're going to do is we're going to put the butter in there and we're cooking this on a medium low heat we don't want to burn the butter we want to do this very gently okay the meat doesn't want to burn either now this is something i like to do think of ravioli with butter and sage okay we got butter we need to put the sage in there we give extra flavor to the oil to the butter and when we cook everything it will taste so much better now basically our oil is nice and warm the butter is melting which is beautiful well what i want to do now as the butter is still melting in the middle i'm going to add the meat okay now what's going to happen here it's amazing basically the flour on the meat will create a beautiful cream when you know it's combined when it's mixed with the butter this is what we're going to do here okay we're gonna do now is we're gonna cook for a few minutes one side this sage is gonna bring extra flavors and when it's cooked we turn it around and we add the wine now we have the prosciutto in there which is nothing salty i don't want to use too much salt but i just put a sprinkle of salt on top not too much okay and just be generous with pepper we do like pepper okay this is a roman dish and romans love pepper so it is important we use it the importance of cooking this gently see we don't want to burn the butter if you burn the butter it's not going to give the flavor that we want okay move it around [Music] the sage is nice mmm beautiful aromas that we're getting from this pan beautiful fresh aromas so look at the bottom oh wow oh guys it cooks very quick see how beautiful the beautiful aromas the flavors that come from this pan in 10 minutes we have a fantastic meal the sage the butter the meat is cooked we can turn it around come on come over here let's turn it around one side is done let's turn it around so we turn this around and now we cook the prosciutto side just like this cook the prosciutto side we don't want to overcook it otherwise it will dry up we don't want to dry up the meat now at this point it's very important we'll cook it for about a minute and then we add the wine the wine will give extra flavor will make the meat moisture and it will create extra cream you will see let's do it half glass of white wine just like that oh oh i've got wine into my nose the beautiful yummy flavors the cream that we are creating have a look at this the cream that is creating thanks to the wine things of the flour oh what a beautiful dinner i'm going to have i'm gonna eat all of them by myself oh yeah now guys the wine is evaporating okay so don't worry if you're serving this to kids it's actually kids friendly okay it is kids friendly you're not drinking the wine because the wine evaporates the alcohol is gone what we want to do now we just want to wait until this becomes a nice creamy a bit thick ice cream okay so we can serve with a saltimbocca i believe two more minutes and we are done two more minutes and we are done with this masterpiece simplicity at its best ah beautiful and i just want you to see this this is very important you guys see it okay see this see this the cream is done see this it's time to take it off because we don't want to make this too thick the cream is done thanks to the wine and the flour look at that alright you are ready now to serve your saltimbocca [Music] look how beautiful look at this got a perfectly cooked meat perfectly cooked look at the cream that we have over here huh and the meat is absorbing this beautiful cream look at that look how beautiful and simple this is a cream without the cream look how beautiful oh my god can't wait to serve this amazing dish now let's serve these babies ah look at that look at that look at this beautiful dish now this is the best part best part guys look at the cream here look at this oh yes this is going to take the flavors to the next level yum [Music] guys look at this beautiful cream huh what are we gonna do with this cream now huh we're gonna put it on the veal saltimbocca and here we go look at that look at that look at that [Music] guys now all we have to do is to try okay so let's cut a nice piece and i can feel from the knife it's nice and moist let's have a look inside see cook to perfection okay doesn't take long to cook creamy make sure the prosciutto comes here where are you trying to go and now let's have it the best time of the video recipe it's time to eat the viola saltimbocca um the cream really gives you a very beautiful beautiful kick the prosciutto in there the meat is so moist make sure you go to a good butcher this dish it's just perfect it's just amazing if you're a meat lover this is a great dish to have let me tell you just enough salt which is perfect all you have to do now is to open a bottle of white wine and enjoy it please remember you need to remove the toothpick before you eat it okay don't forget wow i need to keep eating this okay i have to say goodbye to you so thank you so much for watching this episode i will see you in the next vincenzo's plate video recipe aora simanja vincenzo's plate veal saltimbocca
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 117,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saltimbocca, how to make saltimbocca, veal saltimbocca, italian saltimbocca, saltimbocca recipe, saltimbocca alla romana, saltimbocca alla romana recipe, best veal recipe, easy veal recipes, authentic saltimbocca recipe, veal prosciutto, saltimbocca roman style, saltimbocca romana, vincenzo's plate saltimbocca, vincenzo's plate recipes, vincenzo's plate
Id: 8qsVqg5CeiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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