How to make Salisbury Steak with Onion Mushroom Gravy Mashed Potatoes and Green Peas

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[Music] hey what's up y'all is Charlie today I'm going to be showing you how to make my homemade Salisbury steak with onion mushroom gravy mashed potatoes and my all-time favorite green peas now this meal is perfect if you have an irregular family at dinner club you invite your guests over it serves about four people that's to Salisbury steaks per person but a side of mashed potatoes and green peas now the items in this recipe can be increased to serve more people or it can be decreased by half to serve less beet and lastly it is absolutely delicious so without further ado let's get started all right here's all what you'll need to make your homemade Salisbury steak with onion mushroom gravy mashed potatoes and green peas let's get started with our ingredients you will need 2 pounds of lean ground beef two large eggs plain breadcrumbs all-purpose flour shiver two russet potatoes that's two pounds eight ounces of baby bella mushrooms salted butter whole milk 13 to 16 ounces of organic frozen sweet green peas and for our seasonings you will need two yellow onions garlic and for our additional seasonings you will need some salt Tony Satter is Creole seasoning now if you don't have this you can use these add-ons Creole seasoning other sorry mama Cajun seasoning you also need some chef Papa Don sporty Magic Chef poppadoms vegetable magic onion powder garlic powder what sesor sauce liquid smoke and better than Boyan beef base and there we have it alright let's get straight to it here we have one large yellow onion and we're just gonna chop that up here we have half of a yellow onion this is the second yellow onion here and we're going to chop the onion into thin slices and from there you could just separate the onion into pieces like that okay here we have three cloves of garlic gonna chop the garlic up intelligence mince now we're going to add our baby bella mushrooms into a strainer and we're going to rinse the mushrooms off with cold water once done take some napkins and just Pat the mushrooms dry now you don't have to follow this step if you don't want to okay if you don't want to rinse the mushrooms off or anything like that you would just take the pastry brush and just dust all of the dirt off of the mushroom okay all right once done you're gonna chop your mushrooms into thin slices just like that okay now here we have one russet potato we're going to peel the potato and you're gonna do the same thing with the second potato as well once you're done peeling the potatoes we're going to take each potato and we're gonna chop it into quarter pieces okay as you see here all right here we have one in 1/2 quarts of water into a medium-sized bowl we're gonna add 2 teaspoons of vinegar and give that a quick stir now we're going to add our potato cubes into the vinegar and water solution not only does this help clean the potatoes but it also prevents them from turning brown once done you could set this on the side here we have 4 and 1/2 cups of hot water into a medium-sized bowl add 1 tablespoon of the betadine Boyan beef base and give this a quick stir until that beef base has dissolved into the water once done set this on side we've transferred our ground beef into a large bowl add 1 cup of chopped yellow onion 1 tablespoon of chopped garlic 1 in 1/2 teaspoons of salt 1 teaspoon of Tony shorris Grill seasoning 1/2 a teaspoon of Chef poppadom sporty magic 2 teaspoons of onion powder and 2 teaspoons of garlic powder using your hands mix those seasonings into the ground beef here we have two large eggs into a small bowl which is going to take a whisk and mix that until combined now we're going to add the eggs into the ground beef mixture and along with that we're going to add one tablespoon of our beef stock mixture one tablespoon of liquid smoke one tablespoon of what sesor sauce and 1/3 cup of plain breadcrumbs now we're going to take our hands and we're gonna mix all those ingredients together until combined alright here we have six ounces of our ground beef mixture that's by weight which we rolled into a ball we're just gonna take our hands and we're gonna press that down into a five to six inch in diameter circle okay once done we're gonna take a spatula and we're just gonna go around these Salisbury steak patty and once done we're going to take our patties and we're gonna transfer them onto an oiled surface okay now we're going to preheat our fire to medium-high heat here we have a large sauce pan we're gonna let this get hot for about two minutes now we're going to take our Salisbury steak patties and we're gonna fry them individually into the pan okay we're gonna let this fire for about two minutes on each side okay should be a nice golden brown on each side now as you can see the patty has shrunk that is normal okay and once done you're gonna turn your fire off now you're going to take your Salisbury steak patties and you've gotta transfer them onto a cooling rack okay now you want to reserve your pan juices you're gonna let this cool until it is warm once done you're gonna add your pan juices into a mesh strainer with a medium-sized bowl underneath it and those contents that's inside the strainer you can discard that now we're gonna make a roux with this in a little bit all right preach our fire to medium-high heat in a large saucepan add three tablespoons of salted butter spread the butter along the bottom of your pan let the butter melt add your onion slices and one tablespoon of chopped garlic now we're going to take our spatula and we're just going to give this a quick stir let this saute for about 6 minutes now you're going to add your mushroom slices let's add a little seasoning while we're at it we're gonna sprinkle 1 a teaspoon of salt 1/2 a teaspoon of Tony acessories Creole seasoning 1/2 a teaspoon of Chef poppadoms vegetable magic one teaspoon of onion powder and one teaspoon of garlic powder now we're going to take our spatula and give us a quick stir we're gonna let this saute for about 4 minutes all right it's been about 4 minutes now and our onions and mushrooms are nice and sauteed now we're going to turn our fire off now we're going to set this on the side okay until we're ready to use it now let's get started on our route preach our fire to medium-high heat in a large saucepan add 1/3 cup of your pan juices remember those juices that we have from my ground beef yeah we're gonna add that in there and to that we're gonna add 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour we're gonna take a spatula and we're just gonna stir this continuously for 6 minutes or until the mixture reaches a brown color like how you see here not on - smoke that is the normal part of making a roux okay now this next step I'm adding 1/4 cup of chopped yellow onion in there you don't have to do that ok I'm just gonna give that a quick stir it's looking good so far now we're going to add our beef stock mixture just pour it all the nail at once now let's add some seasoning we're gonna sprinkle 1/8 teaspoon of salt 1/2 a teaspoon of Tony Satter a scrillz seasoning 1/2 a teaspoon of Chef Paul Prudhomme sporty magic 1/2 a teaspoon of Chef Papa Don's vegetable magic 1/2 a teaspoon of onion powder half a teaspoon of garlic powder I'm gonna give this a quick stir now we're gonna let this simmer for about 10 to 12 minutes it's been about 10 to 12 minutes now we're gonna add our salty onions and mushrooms I'm gonna give that a quick stir now we're going to add our Salisbury steak patties now we're going to cover this we're gonna let this simmer for about 10 to 12 minutes it's been about 10 to 12 minutes now and our Salisbury steak with onion mushroom gravy is now done look at that now you're going to turn your fire off quick tips your gravy will thicken as it cools and the flavors will settle and increase overnight as well preach your fire to medium-high heat now let's get started on mashed potatoes here we have 1 and 1/2 quarts of water into a medium sized pot add 2 teaspoons of salt give this a quick stir don't let this come to a simmer now while we're at it we're going to add our potato cubes into a strainer now once your water is at a simmer you're gonna add your potato cubes in there give this a quick stir let this simmer for about 12 to 15 minutes then about 12 to 15 minutes now and our potato cubes are done turn your fire off add your potato cubes into a strainer you let this cool for about 10 minutes oK we've transferred our potato cubes into a medium-sized bowl we're gonna take a back of a spoon or potato masher and mash the potatoes now once done you should have between three to three and 1/2 cups of mashed potatoes preach our fire to medium-high heat in a medium sized pot we're going to add 3 tablespoons of salted butter spread the butter along the bottom of your pot let the butter melt add 2/3 cup of whole milk and 1/8 teaspoon of salt give this a quick stir let this come to a simmer add your mashed potatoes not at this point you're going to turn your fire off and you're going to stir this and tell those potatoes or creamy and smooth and there you go I'll meet mashed potatoes make sure you taste your potatoes to see if it's at your desired taste preach your fire to medium-high heat now let's get start on the green peas in a medium sized pot add three tablespoons of salted butter spread the butter along the bottom of your pot let the butter melt add one in 1/4 cups of water 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 1/2 a teaspoon of chef hop radomes vegetable magic a half a teaspoon of onion powder 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder 1/3 cup of sugar and 1/8 cup of chopped yellow onion give this a quick stir let this simmer for 3 minutes add your organic frozen green peas give this a quick stir let this simmer for 3 minutes it's been about 3 minutes now and our green peas are done turn your fryer off let this cool for about 5 minutes and from there your meal is complete here is the final presentation and there you have it homemade Salisbury steak with onion mushroom gravy mashed potatoes and sweet peas made from scratch by a New Orleans native if you like my channel hit that subscribe button hit the bell button if you want to be notified in my videos you can also check out this recipe along for all of my other recipes at you can also find me on facebook and on instagram under name Charlie to cook Andrews stay tuned as Charlie's taste test is coming up next nice time to go eat take a bite say brother I tell y'all this is good really really good I mean the Salisbury steak it's tender juicy well-seasoned in that onion mushroom gravy old man really really good then the mashed potatoes are creamy and buttery then you have the the flavor of the penis and this is what I like about the penis the piece has like a sweet and saltiness to it and it has that onion to it it's really really good mmm anyways get the recipe a try I hope you all enjoyed the video and until next time have a good one Thanks off the chain [Music] [Music]
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 44,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Salisbury Steak with Onion Mushroom Gravy Mashed Potatoes and Green Peas, Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Steak
Id: rb8MPI8n-G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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