How to make quick wire-mesh in Blender. Great for fences!

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hey guys uh today I'm going to show you how to create these funky looking meshes here you can see um and so for example you can create a fence or something fence like or you can use them for like washing baskets or Waste Paper bins or whatever just something quick and uh has many uses you'll find I'm sure you'll think of them more let's get into it right so first of all uh cylinder type ones um simply just add in a cylinder whatever details you want to do like2 24 whatever you want you can play around with it um basically add a ton of loot cuts that kind of looks nice just done seven there do whatever you want really um go on to Ed Edge and subdivide change this number down here to one you've already got this pattern and simply slap on a wireframe modify if you press tab again it comes out of it then you can see the weird wireframe I mean this could be done for Waste Paper b um I like to add a bit of thickness say if you that's one of them you could have if you add a subdivision modifier on and that's look cirular and nice and cool looking um we use this one if we add a bevel modifier but put it before the subdivision like if we add some segment you get another shape like a smoother version of this shape I'm not sure what yeah this shape doesn't go go straight that one but yeah that's uh one way as I said you can do more cuts um more Loop cuts and it will have a different result if I just like slap some in you now you can see when I come out of you from pattern you can do some crazy patterns with it another one I like to do um like I showed you a second ago making like a fence see we add in a plane I'm just going to rotate it that way uh let's say we add five maybe five again can't remember we'll have a look now we UNS subdivide this as well um we get this kind of look instead of using the wireframe we're going to try something different so first of all we're going to um change this segment up here to individual Origins we're going to press alt e and extrude extrude individual faces but then we're going to cancel it with right click straight away scale in with s it's scaling in those individual faces to however you want something like that maybe and then we're just going to press X and delete faces so we've got this pattern already to use right so now we're just going to Forum and say we're going to take these ones and these ones we're going to press shift d and duplicator put it over here we'll press p on the keyboard and press selection so this is a new selection so we can use this now um you know we could use more of it but I just like to use there's probably a quick way of getting these this is my way anyway um we can add an array modifier now you can add Lots keep adding them in make sure you've um applied all transformations and then we can add another array but change the factor instead of the X we can put it on the Z can add in a couple of me see we're already building that fence we had a second ago but it's very very thin like it's just one plane so we need to add a solidify modifier on it liif modifier um and SC it out a bit to give it a bit of thickness go something like that anyway um and we want to add a nice look to it so we're going to add a bevel I'll show you what happens now see you originally had a bevel and it looks like this mess then there likely does not like it you can play around with these but best way is right we're going to go to edit mode going we're going to delete this a second we go to edit mode so we only have to edit this original shape not all this the rest of it just this original shape because we're using an array modifier go to Edge selection and we'll click these edges along here you can just about not that one just the ones on the outside and what we want to do is um we want to add a mean bevel weight of one so they should all get these blue lines that's what we want to add uh there might be another way of doing it I can't remember how to add it but yeah you can just press n on your keyboard under the item section just press one on the the mean beveloid now we can add a bevel modifier yes it looks messed up but if we change this segment to weight oh it looks so much nicer you've got this look going on uh we can increase the segment so it looks a bit nicer as well spe it smooth play around with it um add in a few more segments what do we want like maybe that's quite nice and as I said you can just keep adding these array modifiers if you want to keep going that way rep biger fence pretty nice and then just I said just shift add some cubes uh let's stick in the middle is really quick and sloppy it's just to show [Music] you how quick you can knock up a fence it just looks nice there's other ways you can use it but it it it it has a nice result and then you can sculp dot it or what have you it's just a quick way of doing these funky meshes you can even do it with like the UV sphere literally just Edge UNS subdivide and then just slap on the wire frame play around with it play around with the settings on some sub subdivision you find out anything any other cool stuff you can let me know um but yeah it's a quick way making fences different wireframe mhes like as I said Waste Paper bins washing baskets whatever you want and if you liked how the other one looked on my picture all I did was had some cavity and Shadow doesn't want to do it come on there we go I put a my cap on like this just to make it look cool funky yeah you guys uh like that video please uh subscribe to the channel thumbs up the video and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: ItsPaulTodd
Views: 6,345
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Id: 1HiRJBlAp60
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Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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