How to create a TUFTED surface with buttons for Second Life in Blender and Substance Painter

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hey everybody it's bandar Tyrell and I'm going to do another video today on basic building techniques for second life and we're working with uh blender right now so I'm going to show you how to do some tufting uh to create like a tufted leather surface with buttons and on a u on a Surface it's pretty straightforward pretty simple so let's just go Jump Right In Here so you start with the default Cube we're just going to select that go into edit mode by hitting Tab and then we want to subdivide that a couple times so right click it hit subdivide and then just do it again right click and hit subdivide so now we've got it broken down into um it's a 4x4 grid of of faces here on each of the faces of the cube then we're going to go up to the face menu and we're going to pick poke what poke does is it connects it connects the corners of each of these faces to create U the central dot in each one now you want to go back up to faces and we're going to do this triangles to quads so it turns the triangles from three sided polygons into four-sided polygons um I don't know if you noticed much of a change there so you have squares here instead of having the dot in the center with the triangles going to it and then we're going to do face and we're going to do poke again and if you want to you can do it one more time to get that look um you don't have to do this time time but we're going to go ahead and go forward with this all right so while you're in edit mode go ahead and hit one for vertex mode which is this option right here and then you're going to click on the dot in the center of each one of these uh you're not going to pick each one of these you're just going to pick one of them but it's the dot in the very center then you're going to go up to select and you're going to do select similar and amount of connecting edges so now that gives you no no do that ah it gives you those dots like this right now we're going to go in we're going to do control shift B for bevel and then we're going to move this out until we get a big circle like that click with your left Mouse button now we're going to go to face mode which is a three um or clicking this right there so now we've selected these faces um now what we want to do is we want to extrude those faces and go in with them so let's turn this at a bit of an angle then we're going to do alt e for extrude and we're going to pick extrude faces along normals and then just go the other way go move it in like like that and then left click okay then we're going to do it again alt e oops that was contr e sorry alt e and do extrude faces along long normals again and this time we're going to go out just past the edge of that okay and now we're going to do uh Control Plus on the number keypad so control and then hit the Plus on the num pad that selects it increases the selection it's the same thing as doing select more or less and then picking more and then do it one more time that gets the inside of this uh the when we extruded the circle and we pushed it in and then we extruded and came back out it created uh there like three parts and so we wanted the end and we wanted the two parts on the side all selected so Control Plus twice selects all of that and now we're just going to do scale with hitting the S key and scale that down like that let's go out here scale like this see gives you this really kind of complicated look really scales it in a lot too prob too much that yeah this is because I did the Poke too many times so I did poke one too many times and it gave us this bizarre thing so let's go back see if I can get back to the place where before I did that poke there we go that's just the one poke so let's start over again we're going to select that and then do select similar amount of connecting edges and then we will [Music] do bevel with the contrl shift B pull that out then three for face go alt e extrude faces along normal go in click alt e come back out then we're going to let's make sure we have this set to individual Origins oh I have it on medium Point that's wrong too that's probably another thing that went wrong so instead of median point you want individual Origins so you want to do each one of these independently you don't want them going it to a central point and then you hit your s for scale and and when you scale you get this Behavior still doesn't look quite right oh because I didn't select yeah I didn't select it so Control Plus twice now scale and see what happens there we go now we're getting there you see that again so had it selected the Control Plus twice to select the sides we only had the ends selected that's why it didn't work right and now if we scale this you can see it scales down get it to about the size you want your button to be left click then hit the Tab Key to get out of edit mode back to object mode and we're going to right click this into shade smooth and there you have a tufted surface and you can get it you can get it to be deeper creases and things like that the way you you play with it so if we go back I'll show try and see if we can get back there and do it okay so from here let's try to extrude this one level deeper a little bit deeper let's go inside more alt Edge EXT faces along normals let's go in deeper like that and then do it [Music] again and come back out and maybe don't go out so far see what happens if we stop it a little earlier okay Control Plus twice and then scale with s and now what happens yes see you get much deeper Pockets much deeper creasing okay oops don't want to do that uh go back to object mode and now hit shade smooth and see now you've got deeper deeper tufting if you want to add more detail to this you can add a sub uh you can add a modifier to it for subdivision surface and it it kind of Smooths it out a little bit too much to me so let's try going here yeah I don't really like that so I'm going to get rid of it I think it was fine the way it was but anyway that's how you do it and then if you want to export that and bring it into second life you're you're going to need to do a couple of things so the first one is you're going to need to UV map it and I don't think UV mappiness is going to be very pretty but we can uh we can play with it so uh you'll probably want to go in here to edit mode and then pit two for your edges then you want to pick the edges along here I'm going to try to do control and left click and see if it gives it to me yeah it doesn't because we did all this so just just select them like this maybe the ones on the bottom here this and do do edge mark seam so we have kind of cut this three sides out on this one then we're going to do this side this side and this side M we're going to go down like this and then across that and do Mark edge mark scene and okay that's going to that'll this will this will hinge out and open like a door so it'll come that'll come over that way that'll come over this way we need one to go across the top here here Mark seam that'll fold up to be the top and those two should fold down so it should end looking like a cross when we're done all right so let's go up to UV sorry UV editing uh let's try doing it this way and see what happens select everything um minut yeah there we go x-ray you want you want X-ray on so it was off all right so select everything so now it gets all 360° sides if you don't turn X-ray on then you can't see through it it only selects the faces that are facing you you want to get all the faces so you need to turn X-ray on before you select so that gives us everything um then I'm going to try this and see how it works so we're going to go to um project from View and come over here select everything on this side and do unwrap and there it is there is your UV map and it's seamless for this shape now let's go ahead and apply material to it go back over here and we'll go to the material tab it has a material called material on it but let's uh let's rename this to tufted leather okay go ahead and Export this export colada we're going to export it as tufted Cube C documents okay and just make sure we don't get anything else we put turn selection only on Boom there it goes now let's go to substance painter and let's do a new project you want to use PBR metallic roughness Alpha blend starter assets as your template we're going to select documents C documents and get the one we just made tufted Cube and we're going to bring that in set it to 2048 for your document resolution set direct X to open GL because we're targeting second life and discard what was there before and there it is now we're going to go up to our display settings and go to environment map click that and pick the double-sided or two-sided Panorama that we've created from watching our previous videos and then we're going to slide down here under the texture set settings tab and we're going to go down to look for bake mesh Maps click on that brings us to the bake mode uh manager under common settings you're going to do a use low poly mesh as high polygon mesh so you click that then go down to Output size and set it to 2048 and then come over here on the left side you're going to pick ambient occlusion where it says secondary arays drag that over to 256 on curvature drag secondary Rays to 256 and on thickness drag secondary Rays to 256 and then now you're ready to bake it so we're going to hit bake and now it's going to bake all of our maps and then you can click return to painting mode and then I already have leather selected here under my smart materials let's pick one like uh pick something by this dark gray used leather let's drag that on and there you go you have now textured it with leather and you have a [Music] goodlook thing here so let's uh let's export that export our materials so you hit I hit F3 cuz I have it mapped but it's uh file export and then on your output template you want to scroll all the way up to the top and look for gltf PBR mental roughness so pick that that's the output template um that's all you you got to do and then hit export and there it is it's exported as it's I haven't saved this so it's going to it's going to be uh using this is the default name PBR metallic roughness Alpha blend and then it'll have tufted leather in parentheses [Music] so I think anyway so now we need to go into second life and import this hold on a second while I go fire up Second Life okay so here we are in Second Life and let's just do couple of things here import this with the build menu upload mesh model and it's called tufted cube. da is what I saved it as and it comes in it's not that many polyes I thought it would be more so it's 2588 here that's not too bad let's see what the LI is going to be on it by hitting that c calculate so right now it be about 14 15 Li so what I usually do is I fit that to zero let's let's recalculate it and see what that did that got it down to about five and you can lower these to so that's it's 862 let's put that at like 250 and then this one let's do it at a th000 see if it makes any difference okay I got it down to two so that's good let's go ahead and hit [Music] upload okay there it is we'll drag that out and now we have the tufted Cube and we'll go ahead and go back to the upload menu and we're going to upload our material and that in my export folder so let's grab export and go PBR metallic roughness Alpha blend open and then we'll go blend opaque cuz it was it was set to blend which is going to make it transparent and we don't want it to be transparent so um I don't know what it is with second with substance painter that has the opacity layer in there right and everything comes in like this as a alpha blend and I have to change it manually to be opaques okay and hit save now it's going to upload all the stuff for that material all these individual textures go in your textures folder so if you look in textures you'll see them right here there's the individual textures for that material which we're not really going to use and then here's the material just going to drag it and drop it on and there you have a tufted [Music] leather tufted leather Cube which is not very useful but you could make it into something I don't know it just shows you how to do it so anyway that's the uh the process for creating something that's tufted with buttons there's other ways of doing it that's just one way so next time we'll try a different way I kind of like this way cuz it gives you the buttons too and you don't have to dork around with it and then you can also select those in uh in blender and you can select all of the ones like we had done before when we um you know we did the extrude in and then the extrude back out so when we had those parts um selected we could have applied a different material to them like uh and called it buttons and then we would be able to texture the buttons separately from the the rest of the the tufting part too right now they're all part of the same material so if you look you'll see there's there's no two faces it's all one face right so that material is being applied to everything it just looks really dark on the buttons for some reason but but that's how it works so now you you've gone through the process of building a simple cube in blender making it look tufted with buttons setting a material for that taking in the substance painter um getting it ready applying a material to it exporting it as PBR then coming back to Second Life importing it and importing the material applying the material and then seeing how it looks so you've gone through the whole process and we will uh let me know how you how you like that be sure to like And subscribe if you want to see more of the stuff that I'm doing and ring the notification Bell if you want to know when I put out another video so that you don't miss out on all the wonderful educational material on my channel and this is bandor and I am it's late and I'm going to go to bed because I I sound pretty tired so we'll talk to you guys next time
Channel: Bandor Tyrell
Views: 445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, second, life, substance, painter, pbr, tufted, tufting, how to
Id: 5wObc4z6r9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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