How to Make Play-Doh Dreamworks Trolls Press 'n Style Salon Poppy & Branch

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toys unlimited with Matt I see in sprinkles the bear Bridget Bridget Bridget you helped me I woke up today and all my hair is gone ah whoa what happened I don't exactly know what happened but it must've been that you shampoo I'm using oh I see well good thing you're the only one who used it actually no huh who else use that new shampoo Bridget you gotta help us Oh guys come down come down it's okay it's gonna be okay I have a salon and we will have your hair all fixed up in no time I'll get e yes please because this bald look is not working out for me all right let's get to work hey everybody its se for tourism limited and today we are opening this play-doh trolls press and style salon playset looks super fun already basing from the packaging so let's go ahead and up in the top we have our play-doh here here's color blue green yellow purple orange and not one but two pink playdoh here is a little instruction flyer on how to make it all work a hair mold that's blue in pink that means that it can be used for both branch and poppy here is our base that also doubles as our Boulder as you can see here we have different shapes to mold our play-doh we have our plunger that goes in the middle and here comes our salon chair oh look there's some more molds over here on the back nice no salon will be complete without a scissor snip snip snip snip and finally we have poppy and right now she is bald we also got a bald branch I need my hair to salon is ready come on poppy you're first oh I can't wait to get my hair back so here is our pink play-doh squeeze the container up there it is let's put it inside and let's push it in let's watch the hair grow whoa there it is what do you guys think should we make it longer I think so okay all we have to do is push a little bit more Oh almost there all the way to the bottom nice poppy now you have really long hair I'll take super long hair versus bonk any day well you are right poppy either way we have a scissor to cut off the excess hmm that should be good now that you have hair it's time to style it let's see what we can do we can we can twist it like that and then do is the other one like that this one goes up here and the other one goes here there you go that's better how about a bow for that let's use color yellow let's put it in our mole right here [Music] there you go and it goes onto her hair let's also give puppy and little pet over here let's get some purple play-doh and also some green play-doh to go with it here we go here it is our cute little green and purple little bug for puppy thanks everybody not only do I have my hair back I don't have a cute low fat - thank you you're welcome puppy now it's time for branch ok branch are you ready for this oh yes Bridget I am super ready to get my hair back oh well I can't blame you there okay let's get that hair growing here is our blue play-doh split the skin and push yeah you get some here now yep I sure do it just looks kind of weird oh yeah it sure does don't worry we're gonna style it okay so let's do this cross it like that hmm how about that oh it's better but it still kind of looks weird hmm I agree hmm oh you know what we can try something else we can't okay good to know yes branch we sure can let's just go ahead and get all of the blue playdoh that you have let's get our hair mold over here let's put it in our mold I think we should put it on both sides right let's try that now let's push it together get rid of the excess let's put it on top huh branch of had let's press it on no how do you take it out oh you know actually work well on that side that is how about the other side come on you can do it yay you just have to fix it a little bit and there we have it we have branch so branch how's that much much better awesome and because you get all stressed out not having hair today I think you deserve an ice cream oh I love ice cream ooh ice cream time let's get color orange and let's add color pink to it orange on the bottom and a little bit of pink up on top there you go we have our ice cream what a treat mmm now why don't we make a little flower let's get our purple play-doh and a little bit of pink and orange in the middle just like that oh that is quite colorful I love it and let's give this one to Bridget because she did such a great job in the salon hmm I think we can put it here wow it actually matches her hair to see the yellow and the pink oh I know how about we make a little rainbow okay and because it's a rainbow we're gonna need some really colorful play-doh for it let's just go ahead and get purple and green a little bit of orange pink blue and yes some yellow let's just mix it all up together put it right here well what can I say it sure looks really colourful ooh I think I have more customers for the day it's me chase and sky what a lo they're chasin sky do you guys want to have trawls hair too ruff that sounds fun I'm totally down for that whew okay then let's start with cheese cheese is going to have a green trolls hair let's close that up put it on his head over here there you go chase now you have a green trolls hair roof it sure is big hmm and for sky let's get collar orange okay close it put it on sky get rid of the excess now let's take it out ah can see her eyes there you go well there you have it sky you now have your orange trolls hair but I think what you can use is a little flower over there and that's not a problem one colorful flower coming right up [Music] and we just put it over here whoa so this is how it feels like to have a lot of hair Bridget you did such a great job fixing all our hair and because of that we have a little something something for you oh you do what is it hold on reg we're ready whoo whee here it is whoa that's huge check this out check this out guys we have a huge kinder man surprise egg I wonder what's inside well there is only one way to find out let's open it here we go nice lots of surprises let's start with our DreamWorks trolls blind bag here we have our collector's guide here are all the trolls that we can collect there's more of a bag oh look we can even collect bridge oh and the little cloud who did we get somebody who has a pea hair I thought for a second there it will be poppy but nope this what is a control hmm what is his name if you know the answer leave me a comment in the comment section okay before we get all of the surprises why don't you guys go ahead and click the thumbs up button below are the like button if you guys love trolls and you want us to make more trust videos in the future go ahead click the thumbs up bundle ow quick quick quick have you click this have you clicked it you did ok let's move on to our next surprise this is our trolls light-up fashion tags here at the back we have all of the characters that we can collect look there's also fuzz birth here and of course puppy biggie ah so many more really big Luigi this is super duper cool you guys we have a silver chain and here is fuzz bird whoa it is a light up tag so that means that we can press it and a light comes on is it that's so cool okay let's move on to our other blond bag this time around these trolls has a blue hair is it we have somebody like fuzz bird that means that you cannot see his face all you can see are his two little legs I'm pretty sure fuzz bird and this guy knows each other crazy hair final surprise and this is my favorite what is it what is it this is our trolls mystery watch blind bag here at the back we can see that there are three different designs that we can get I think last time I got this one this time around yeah we got a different design this one is mainly pink and color it has some cupcakes ice cream it's just hug time over here and check this out there's poppy so what you can do is you can simply just wear this like that just like a wristwatch and if you want to tell the time just present the middle and there it goes if you wait a little bit it disappears you can press it again to make it reappear and just wait a little bit for it to disappear isn't that cool that's why it's my favorite speaking of favorites who is your favorite troll character I'm pretty sure it's me right so leave me a comment in the comment section telling me who it is it's be definitely me me me puppy well now that change that I have trolls hair I'm pretty sure we are your favorite characters hmm okay guys that's it that's the end of our video this is se for toys aluminate i will see you on our next episode hey guys every year for toys unlimited and today we have guess what another trolls video for you woohoo if you love trolls just as much as we do and you want us to continue making cross videos just make sure to click the thumbs up button below are the like button and in the comment section let me know who is your favorite troll let's get started by opening up our trolls tin container over here on the very bottom you can barely see it but it tells us what's inside there's three magnet cards 25 sticker cards plus a mini poster ooh looky here it's branch there's also some cute little bugs all over good let's start up with our poster so cool we have our favorite characters on there there's biggie and mr. dinky poppy the twins guide I'm ed and you know what this is going to be our question of the day what is the name of this character here let me know in the comment section here's another one ooh there's actually two of them okay it's the same one so you can give one to your friend now what else is inside we have our stickers there's poppy Anna's s have a poppy Day here is a branch and it says beware of bergens a our question of the day character is here that says great vibes our cute little bug a troll that says have a horrific day and that's it wow that's a lot finally we have our magnets woo here is mr. biggie and mister dinky at the back you can see that it's black because it is a magnet so it will attach to like stainless or metal surfaces there is also fuzz Burt oh he's so cute and finally we have our super strong troll with her super strong hair this is smidge so let's put everything inside our tin container for now so it's not all over the place and let's move on to our place AK right here has biggie who is glittery - it's us that along with biggest great size comes a big heart and a best friend - mr. dinkles oh I kept up calling him mr. dinky it's not it's mr. nickels my bad here are everything that came with our set first is our colorful stickers of cute little buds that we can find in the land of the trolls I'm not sure if this is cute but the cupcake looks good we also have three colorful booklets this one has mr. dinkles on the very front and if you open it up there is him again under mushrooms and like little trees Oh cupcake here's another one of them with mr. wrinkles and biggie inside there's them and looks like they're on top of the hill hey Liz this is him again this time around he looks really happy but inside it looks a little scary again so I'm thinking these are like bedtime story books for mr. tinkles but they guys think speaking of mr. dinkles here he is he is being cuddled by biggie super duper cute I love the little pink hat that he has and of course biggy is always carrying him biggie has this blue hair it has a little bit of like silver strands on it I love how glittery he is pink pants yellow vest he also comes with a chair to sit on so let's go ahead and put him on there just like that there is a little bug that has the same pink troll hair that poppy has here's another bug it has pink ears and a pink scarf hey who's hungry no worries because we have cupcakes here we also have our comb to comb out biggest hair and even for the hair of our bug now this set also comes with this I have none exactly sure but this is for but I'm thinking we can probably use it like a hair accessory for this little bug right here that has a big hair just like that I don't know what do you guys think you have better ideas on what is this for we can also put it on a biggy but I don't know I don't know how he feels about that let's try anyway there you go hmm oh wait where's mr. tickles mr. tickles mr. nickles oh no where is he oh no worries biggie he's here he's just hungry and eating some cupcakes all right here is back on your arms again well he's still hungry so let's give him his cupcake with him thought I lost him there for a second thanks no problem here comes next our trolls inspired rags can be ant Spencer let's start with here he is guy Dimond alright so we have our little flyer that has guy diamond in there it says passed the glitter Oh at the back look there are more trolls characters that we can get there is biggie smidge and a cigarette limited edition nice here is guy diamond with his white hair and glittery body so what we can do is we can just twist this up just like that who it's kind of weird without hair huh for these and not everything but most of it let's put the hair back I'm sure he appreciates that twist there you go now if you want some candies all you have to do is pull the hair back and bowl of candies for you and me one more oh that was two and another one awesome there's even a clip that way you can carry it around with you wherever you go next up let's get bridge here is branch with a sign that says go away it says trespassers are forbidden so I think this branch is the non happy branch the branch in the beginning of the movie because the hair is so black the happy branch has a blue hair right so let's take this out check him out without hair weird now let's put our candies inside [Music] there you go now let's open up and get some kidneys one more awesome okay puppy it's your turn here is our flyer oh there's branch and puppy and it says hug here is our dispenser oh my goodness she is actually super duper cute look they even included her green headband with some blue flowers in there that is so cool now let's go ahead and open this up oh the other way around oopsie let's put our hair back because she looks weird without it tada alright puppy give me five candies here's one two three four and five yay thanks papi now here's another cool thing with our rats dispensers we can actually switch up their hairs so let's take Papi's hair and guy diamonds hair let's switch it up there you go that looks funny now how about guy diamonds hair and branches hair there you go mm-hmm whoa you know what brush actually looks good with white hair what do you think how about guy diamond wearing like his hair here hey let's give them that one too and branch wearing puppies hair today all right that's a little weird but this one actually works but I think papi wants her hair back there yep that's definitely much better now it's time for surprises let's start with our first blind bag right here this is series three already okay let's get our flyer first these are all of the characters that we can collect including biggie our question of the day character and who else can we get from here hmm I was hoping we can get Bridget but no not of this one just yet and the first one we got is this little lady here that has like yellowish hair green little nose with a yellow dress my bag number two flyer room blue hair who is it yeah hey yeah I'm so so happy we got biggie so cool next one bag number three is it time Oh somebody with a light yellow hair once again yeah hey now we got twinsies two more ooh Pete hair it's puppy yay puppy we got you hmm my surprise okay let's get this one oh you guys ha ha ha this is perfect our question of the day is our final surprise look he even has his blue hair at the back SuperDuper cool now you really have to tell me the name of this character in the comment section okay guys that's it I had a troll if ik time making this video I hope you had a trial tastic time watching it if you did you know what to do click the thumbs up okay if you want to subscribe to our channel to see more fun videos like this just click the circle in the screen that you see right now or you can click one of the boxes that you see to watch more videos from us hey guys it's se for toys and limited over here I have three of the DIY paint your own vinyl figure handbags that we have done in the past now who is ready for another DIY crafting video whoa look you look here we have puppy huh hello branch the cats oh hi there I'm ready for some painting DIY - well hello there branch okay I think I know exactly what painting activity we are going to do today well what is it it is going to be our paint your own poppy Bank whoa that's so cool I think so too so let's go ahead and open this up and let the fun begin right here we have our first set of items we have our blue paintbrush our instruction flyer in here we have our painting guide which basically has our figure and each part of the areas that need to be painted as it's number that tells us what color to use for that particular area so for example over here is color number four which is pink so we are going to color all the areas that's number four with color pink here is our very colorful set of paint we have pink light blue blue yellow and some glitters and of course here we have our poppy pink look how crazy her hair looks aside from her headband her hair and some parts of her face everything else is not colored and that is going to be for us to have fun with wow look at me you look kind of pale well that's because we need to start coloring her so first thing we need to do is protect our surface with a good old paper towel let's go ahead and start coloring our face area right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to move the hair part on this side that way it doesn't get in the way with our painting I'm just going to kind of take it up over here on the top same thing on this side a little bit more here to just kind of get it out of the way we are also going to need a cup of clean water let's dip our brush in there a little bit and go ahead and mix it in and our paint paint booth that's so pretty all right here we go let's take the face we are going to paint all the way to the neck area here for mouth our little cute little nose so you know this is your project so if you want to paint this different colors it's totally up to you just as long as you like it and you're having fun with it that's all that matters over here there you go the front part is done now let's move on to the back same pink color here [Music] that includes the back of her ear okay guys there you go we are done with the face area all the way to the back now we are just going to let that dry for the meantime there's a lot more areas that needs to be painted pink that includes the hands or the arms plus the legs so let's get more pink here and start painting the arms [Music] all the way to the bottom there you go first coat of the arms are done also now time to paint our leg area with also the color pink [Music] and we're done now we just have to let it all dry to apply our second coat looks like our second coat is also done so let's go ahead and take up all the tape if you're gonna do this just make sure to take it off really slowly because you don't want to pull out all her hair Poppy's not gonna be happy if you do that whoa puppy you're looking great already next up using our color blue over here we are going to color this part of her headband oh this blue looks awesome just paint this up right here [Music] let's get more of that color blue [Music] we'll let that dry for the meantime let's go ahead and color her dress in paid all the way here to the back now let's use our lighter color of blue to paint on the bottom area of the dress [Music] okay so you know what we can do we can actually paint on the design area here I think that will work oh great it does okay let's go ahead and do that [Music] so I would paint our rainbow with rainbow colors but we don't have rainbow colors here we only have four colors so let's just go ahead and have fun with it I'd say let's go ahead and start with color yellow whoo let's mix it up [Music] all right color yellow is done next layer let's go ahead and use our color blue [Music] next up everyone let's use color pink whoop and finally we have our light blue for the final layer well oh I'd be a little too much there you go that looks beautiful well waiting for the rainbow to try the other areas a while ago that we apply first coat on is already dry so let's go ahead and apply the second coat like the one over here on her headband her dress right here let's not forget the little designs also here looks like we're ready to put the second coat on our rainbow also yellow blue color pink second coat is also an opportunity to kind of fix whatever mistake you made on the first coat just like this one over here and finally we have light blue over here on the very bottom layer now on the cloud that puppy's standing on there are also some flowers in there [Music] alright guys that's it we are done with painting papi with all the colors the only thing left to do is actually the most fun part and that is to apply our glitters whoo-hoo let's open that up whoa check out all those sparkles so let's get some of that glitter hand it goes over here on her little cloud where she is standing on whoa you just see that [Music] let's see where else can we put this blitter oh I know how about a little bit on her dress you know what let's just go ahead and put glitter all over her dress why not woohoo glitter how about some glitters on the flowers on her headband there you go glitter all over her headband and finally let's put some glitter on Poppy's cheeks there you go super cute oh I almost forgot to tell you that this is a bank that's why we have a slot over here that's where the money goes and for our money to not go all the way out we have to put this over here to cover it up alright guys this is the finished product our poppy coin Bank is complete I think we did such an amazing job on her she turned up really really awesome here is how the front looks like and here is the back oh in the comment section let me know what is your favorite part about this puppy bag my favorite is her sparkly headband and my favorite it's a rainbow okay everyone that is it that's the end of our video I hope you enjoyed it if you did show us some love by subscribing to our Channel and clicking the thumbs up button below or the like button I'll see you guys again next time this is se for Tarzan limited and this is poppy and branch by trolls thank you for watching if you want to see more videos from us just click one of the boxes on the screen right now don't forget to subscribe to our channel by clicking sprinkles the bear also let's continue to find all over the Internet follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter bye besties
Channel: Nat and Essie
Views: 3,514,155
Rating: 4.1143155 out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to make, play doh, play-doh, dreamworks, troll, trolls, dreamworks trolls, press, style, salon, poppy, branch, paint, painting, DIY, do it yourself, playdoh, play, doh, radz
Id: Ka-KExfYQbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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