Nat & Essie Help Vanellope Eat McDonalds

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toys unlimited with Messi and sprinkles the bear oh man I'm late I told V I'd have her make dolls for her a few hours ago I accidentally ate some of her nuggets Shh don't tell her I got so hungry come on let's hurry I'm starving come on Ralph oh if he doesn't hurry up I'm going to eat the candy from my game candy crush I guess I'm just going to have to sit back and wait for him hmm oh sorry I'm late V um there was lots of traffic on the way and I accidentally ate some of her nuggets oopsies oh not a problem Ralph I am starving though hmm maybe you can help me get out some of those chicken nuggets and if you love McDonald's don't forget to hit a big thumbs up hey guys welcome back to toys Unlimited it's me net and we got the fun happy meal from the movie wreck-it Ralph she's super starving do you like McDonald's too if you do remember to give this video a big thumbs up and let's see what we got let's start her out let's start her out ooh with some yummy french fries I'm sure she'll like these she did say she's hungry hear me have a sip of your soda before I give you some fries it's hi-c or it's right I love sprite bring on the French fries right french fries here you go B I'll put them on the table for you hmm lots and lots of french fries Wow now that is a meal you see out in candy crush all we've got is candies so when I come to the Internet I make sure I eat all my vegetables and then on the last day I get to have McDonald's open wide V here they come wait I'll go a little faster whoa V slow down good here you go V the last three hmm excuse me that was super impolite I'm so sorry pardon me okay what's next well V we got you a six count of chicken nuggets Ralph went and picked them up just for you but I remember him saying something about eating them oh I'm so hungry it's taking too much willpower not to eat these nuggets okay fine I'm just going to try one if you won't notice if I eat one of them oh these are so good Oh all except for one don't tell anybody okay here you go V all of your six nuggets Oh what there's only one inside of here only one meaning oh I'm so hungry I guess one will do mmm it's so yummy mmm mmm guys vanellope only got one chicken nugget do you know what happened to the rest of them I mean I mean she would have shared but they only left her one mm-hmm whatever happens don't tell it was me ha I feel so bad now I'm going to find some toy surprises and bring them to her but whatever you do keep it a secret okay Ralph keep what a secret do you know who ate my nuggets hmm was it brown please let me know then I know not to send him on my McDonald's trips that's so mean of him here V have a little bit more soda I'm so sorry this happened to you well at least that's delicious the last thing in the Happy Meal whoa is a surprise car I think we got our sergeant ooh super cool should we put the stickers on awesome the Happy Meal toys right now at McDonald's are Ralph breaks the internet racers um V you so sorry what happened to your McDonald's so I got you some Christmas gifts to hopefully make you feel better whoa Ralph you weren't kidding you've got vanellope covered in surprises we've got some wreck-it Ralph toys and Oh candy and a surprise let's see who we got it's Candy's 7lp we'll be really happy about this look it's pretty frosted toast here's everybody you can collect oh man I've got so many of these I've got bracelets on this side with these smushy machines and I've got bracelets on this side this one matches the bracelet I'm already wearing but we did get lots of candies / sugar crush that was awesome but I'm buried under here can you help me clear out some of these toys oh yeah sure we will our first Ralph's toy is a mystery mini hmm who do I want it feels heavy I'm guessing this one is the worm uh-oh is he like a virus you know if he's a good guy or a bad guy but Theo is the worm is he a good guy or a bad guy in the Ralph breaks the internet movie mmm I'm going to guess bad guy what do you think let's keep going and these are one of my apps a little new favor it's these are holiday squeeza moles they all smell like mmm scented grapes I've already gotten a puppy and the purple one I want the rainbow one but they're all fun who is it it's definitely a new one whoa see it's so squishy it's almost like a stress ball this character here is Congo Corgi they're all really fun scores scores but P here's a special gift just for you I wrapped it myself ooh what is it I think it says I think he's a Peppa Pig present Hey look and there's birthday confetti inside Peppa Pig [Music] oh wow I've seen these before these are the brand-new peppa pig series number one peppa secret surprise presents there's six surprises and one it's pretty tight whoa and then you can see that each of these have letters and numbers four five six let's open all of them up each one has a surprise but let's go right to the biggest it's a sparkly Peppa and with all of our accessories Peppa now has a sparkly cape a treasure chest a crown a book and some sequins we could put all over her chest to make it bedazzled just for her let's add the dazzle to the crown one there one there right there that's looking great okay we're down to be very last gift wreck-it Ralph domes I'm still missing the ultra rare but I've gotten everybody else and we got the yourself whoa she looks great in that dome mmm that McDonald's meal was yummy did you figure out though who ate all of vanilla peas nuggets let me know and if you love McDonald's don't forget to hit a big thumbs up come on Cathy it's time for us to go race huh gee why are you V oh I think your characters glitching again Oh magnificent and I think my artwork is complete huh see how did you get here I I don't know I'm think I'm glitching something's happening she's gone again where's he time to play around of wreck-it Ralph come on Ralph start breaking the windows wreck-it Ralph whoa that one almost hit me hey hey you should get out of here it's danger zone Ralph's breaking the windows hide huh gumballs where'd he go I hope she's okay uh-oh what is this I think I found V and there's something going on with her hey guys welcome back to toys Unlimited this is Matt and he was glitching there's something going on with her I think the game candy crush mixed with her and now she looks like this do you know what this is what type of candy some candy crush it's inside of her belly I know how to fix her we just have to fix the glitch we have to remove the gumballs and whatever is hiding inside what is it okay let's get started 2:6 vanellope glitch I just have to figure out what candy this is you have any idea I think a gumballs the sour patch kids or see Red Vine let me know if you know the answer also let's give her a big thumbs up especially if you're a fan of record row vanellope and can help save her let's rescue vanellope first we have to get rid of the glitch and to do that we're going to take handfuls of these out we can also dig and get some of these whoa its smasher toys I guess she mixed with candy crush and a toy game come on let's smash these open they're so fun whoa whoa it's a bowl of eyeballs soup and then we got a spa she won these usually have slime inside it does you it's a chicken covered in slime gross okay round one complete we're going to save her Donuts in her belly then what's this one I love shopkins and a Giant Peach they are so cute a purple and green donut and a green peach hey vanellope how are you feeling oh hey guys thanks for asking man I love being a glitch but sometimes it takes a lot out of me this time I glitched into a candy game and it mixed with me but I appreciate all of you guys trying to save me and look at all those likes and comments woohoo go team vanellope I've only I could find out what candy that was I can unbleached faster was it sprinkles or something or peppermints or bubblegum or liquor I don't know I know so many candies but I've never seen those before okay let's keep going cuz I have a race to go to right vanilla P has a race to go to then we better start going a little faster ooh ass mushy mushy squeeze squish squeeze it's like a little jar of Nutella or something yum yum yum and this bag here are Legos then I'll be messin police with the Lego game and candy and toys whoa look he's not on the list we got the hidden character and here I thought it would be like a shark a hammerhead head but it's it's a bandit whoa let's dig deep get out a little bit more of these candies you have some whoa I transformer rads candy whoo who's the character we got Oh awesome I don't know their names but luckily it's on the back it's sideswipe and the candies even match him you can fill up your rice dispenser from the back like this you can put them in the hole put the head back on and then the candies will come out of the mouth let's see if we have any Ralph's toys oh we do they've got wreck-it Ralph toys we have a Ralph's bracelet Internet and it's a dome you know there's nine to collect and the only one I'm missing is the mystery character so let's open this one up and hope for the mystery Oh clothes we got yes the fashionista hey I'm starting to feel much better I'm almost ready to race keep going keep going keep going there's only a few left hey vanilla peas right there are only a few left uh it's the internet control man it's another wreck-it ralph toy or this time called Ralph breaks the internet her glitch is almost fixed what she mixed with a My Little Pony game heritance apron opening from this side it's myrrh Pinkie Pie in a teacup myrrh Tinky pie I mean Pinkie Pie heis the last sample she's going to be unclutched look at all of these candies we pulled out of her belly that was definitely there so but thanks to you guys we were able to fix it you know what those are hmm she's still not back yet and that should have worked Oh finally see you're back I am and thanks for saving me sometimes when I glitch I get all into trouble there's still candy left in my hair you see but I feel much better okay let's go race meet you there Christmas who wants to celebrate Christmas anyways this year I plan on ruining it Fred bring it just a little bit closer a little bit perfect Thank You Fred I'm going to let you in on a little secret don't touch that lol it's not real I'm going to ruin Christmas this year if any of the wreck-it ralph characters touch it they're going to be stuck inside this will teach pesky humans to celebrate holidays who does that anymore anyways good morning video game world funny Felix Ralph's about to come over Wow Felix I'm excited for your party today sorry I'm a little bit late that's fine fashionista it's fashionable to be a little bit late whoa what is this I think someone left us our first Christmas gift oh it's so big and shiny I just want to touch it hello I'm stop help what happened huh are you in there she's gone - and now yes - I get robbed we'll save you I'll wreck it open yeah Oh No Ralph is gone - huh I came as quick as I heard whatever you do don't touch it if you touch the purple anywhere you're going to be sucked into it - there's an easy way to open it just undo the zipper you can touch the back in the handle open the surprises and save the characters but I need your help to fix this problem do you know who did this who gave us this Christmas present it's not real was it a the Grinch be Santa Claus or was it see Elsa whoa hello hello besties check it out we have a giant wreck-it Ralph lol surprise and feel except to save our friends all we do is touch on the zipper don't touch the purple you can touch the handle you can touch the back but you can't touch the purple we're good right here but before we get started our friend in case creations made us these custom lol's just for wreck-it Ralph look our fix-it Felix can take his hammer put it in his hand or you can even put it in his belt strap if you want to see her creations she's also on fizzy toy shows channel check her link down below but let's give this video a big thumbs up especially if you love lol wreck-it Ralph and think these customs are absolutely beautiful also do you remember who put all our friend into this lol surprise only one left dress he knows how to save them at least but I'll be back don't tell it was me hey okay super carefully we're going to open up our custom lol purple surprise let's just touch the zipper careful guys don't touch the purple okay oh yeah we can hold the handle and let's dip it's going [Music] we got it the papers off now to carefully snip this side whoa careful careful one spin it ah don't touch don't touch - whew that was a close one okay I think we're ready to open it do you see anybody inside let's carefully push the handle down so we don't touch the actual purple quick let's collect all of our characters here's taffy do you see anybody else Oh vanellope fell over here and there's Ralph for sure where's yes the only one missing oh here she is okay we save them all but we'll look at all the surprises that were in there I guess we have to open them too right before that green character comes back whoa and now that we have all the toys we've got Grinch ornaments we have a cute little snowman rat durables hats and moles toys from every single line but I want to start with my yummy Brad zombie this one's the Snowman but you can collect them with your friends and you can each get your own you can have the Snowman another friend can have the Santa Claus one can have the reindeer and the other person can have the elf it has candies for Christmas like candy apple and Mary strawberry if you've never tasted grads before you should try and find some I usually find these at Target and we filled it up pretty good let's close it up and we have our first miniature candy dispenser did somebody say candy we love candy we're part of a game called candy crush here taffy this is for you for Christmas whoa thanks so much vanellope I have my own candy machine now yep they sure love candy look at vanilla peas hair she's covered in itty-bitty candies she's even got peppermints stars sprinkles and more peppermints wreck-it Ralph wreck-it Ralph Wow Oh Ralph you burst that open if we're going to get an LL surprise baby oh she's so cute everywhere I think I had a pink hat I have a pink dress I have these shoes I have two socks please please please please open these pink balls whoa taffy calm down of course we'll open these for you in the first one we got to pony or a unicorn Hatchin moles and in the second one we got a little tiger and another unicorn do you want to keep them taffy it's a serious question of course I want to keep them oh they're going to be so cute I'm going to bring them back to sugar crush come on the unicorns and green tiger let's go well hello darlings I picked out this Grinch ornament it's fashionable and I'm going to sell it to you for a million dollars what do you think a million dollars yes no way you can find these at Target for like three dollars I swear these fashion designers always want to hike up the price giving it a good spin and a pop we have a secret character in here from the movie The Grinch it's easy Cindy lose best friend doesn't you look old you can hear the sleigh bells when she comes around I'm going to place her background here it's the town cafe and I'm going to place her in the middle and now I can close it if I figure out where it belongs awesome and now our little Izzy is inside of the ornament whoo it's like she's ice-skating run for your life here comes a green guy again quick quick let's go hide quick I'll just tinker up a wallow fast he won't get past us okay that should do it let's hide there's some type of mess or trick going on here it keeps getting Messier where's all the briquette Roth characters oh if I find them they must still be inside of that lol surprise I mean I did put them in there or were you trying to save them yes I'm talking to you Sarah Ava Ellie and you Katie and all the rest of you boys and girls are you trying to save them no chance my magic is the best I'm going to go eat popcorn and take a nap hmm that was a close one whoa but Felix you made a wall out of toys the first one is one of my favorites durables they're Disney characters and this time we got its Pascal he's glittery which makes him limited-edition and somebody from the movie Peter Pan mmm moving on to our season four already Hachem oh whoa I remember when season one came out let's warm up the heart until the egg starts to crack you see warming up the heart works oh I see something inside Oh what is it oh it's like a koala or something like that it's so cute and tiny blue trolls in My Little Pony moving the cardboard opening our container here's the clue what does it look like butterflies underwater hmm oh it's Fluttershy and this time she's a mermaid she's also inside of a giant ice cream sandwich yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum last up its trolls I always get him if you watch our videos you'll see that I open lots of trolls I always get the purple troll hey Felix I collected up all the toys and they're ready for you to donate to the hospital all we have to do is bag them up you have a full case great thanks so much I'll take these right on over and I'm glad we saved all of the rest of my friends woohoo we saved all of our friends taffy we've got vanilla pea yes fix-it Felix and Ralph hmm oh yeah I can beat that $50 huh I can do more 65 then I'm going all-in $500 did I get it oh I did it I did it I did it hey what's going on did you just win a game even better vanellope I want a bit in eBay you did oh you're gonna love it hold on I'll be back I'll go get it puberty is here it is it's an M&M dispenser Wow oh not only that it also comes with a magical microwave really around where is it candy then magic best combo ever ok vanellope are you ready to get some candies and eat them and put them in the magical microwave you bet your ass I want some red mmm hello besties I see you for toys and limited let's get vanilla piece some bread M&Ms here we go what color mmm is your favorite let me know in the comment section okay I'ma be inside the magical microwave and see what happens great idea let's get some here okay let's open this up get our red and then I'm sitting there and then let's use our red button right here now let's see some magic [Music] there it is there it is oh it works we have an Orbeez Wow world well sir surprise so here it is this reminds me of a snow globe in-depth there are obese instead of snow so let's open this up let's take out the foil inside put the cover back no what's open this up you let's pour some water in there hmm oh look how cute name her blue because she had really big blue wait my turn I want some yellow M&M go for it Ralph but be careful not to wreck it that's true I'll try not to [Applause] [Music] hmm open our microwave take them in there and let's use our yellow button right here here we go hmm what is this oh it's Rob locks so we got our block right here on one side it says letter B and on the other side it says letter L me there you got her collectors guide we also have our virtual items scratch card and here are the pieces here it is here is our character Wow looks like we got me need dev so me me dev has a very colorful outfit I really love her glasses head her hats me death also came with her pet I want cat spanley hello hey Rob did you call me I did my friend want some green M&Ms absolutely green M&Ms are my favorite let's get you some Ben's family here we go microwave time whoops and then let's use our green button of course here we go looks like we have a green surprise as well this is a steep but monster surprise ooh I haven't opened one of these before so it comes in this green container and here's our monster oh I know him his name is insect or well the lover in Sector since all of his body parts are very movable the positions that we can put him in is endless we can do like this or like that that and so many more here for our blue eminence let's give some to makes it Felix jr. he's always hard at work so I think he deserves lots of candies too here we go nice Oh perfect I've been working all day and I'm super hungry we that sure hit the spot open this up put them in there and let's use our blue button [Music] here we have it looks like we're getting some puppies out here is our carrier super cool inside get our first pup oh my goodness it's a pup NIT Cup this is a yorkie poo and her name is minik in the other one is a black and brown playing with a purple ball this is a Shiba Inu one of my favorite dogs and his name is Cooper all the colors of eminence we tried our microwave first one way to find out let's do it let's get some red eminence here here's some yellow okay I think we did it oh yes we sure did so let's get a little bit of everything here open this up and put all the colors of M&Ms inside oh here we go here we go you got some blue yellow green and red [Music] well look at that we got so many surprises in there one two three and four let's start off with our other out collector cards the cards we have the little pleat line bouncer and little honeyBun there is also this ooh this one's super shiny its splash clean and this one is super sparkly its little glitter Queen how about a squishy surprise there we have it it's a purple cat and we can squish her did it get it to do can't squish again there is another surprise full of cars this time we have our Jurassic world trading cards in there we have our 3d Jurassic world card so over here we have the logo and if we tilt it like that oh no he's a t-rex it's scary t-rex dryer and then we also have is this one that we have to kind of warm up for the entire card to show yep I think so I think we got it so this is Carnotaurus and I think this is his call lots of film cards scientists ooh dinosaurs name is break here soros it's one of my favorite dinosaurs because it only eats plants and then here is our main guy here's our last one surprise them all one two three any there oh it's a red bird with a very colorful pair of wings it's name is Marsha it's a scarlet macaw she sees beautiful songs woohoo here are all the toys that we got man you sure got a lot click those up I'm alive you guys enjoy this video or if you guys love the movie wreck-it Ralph or wrong breaks be Internet see you guys next time I see here for toys and limited goodbye huh what's going on what's going on is everything okay do I need to wreck anything Oh everything's okay wrong oh well good but why were you screaming then Oh we just won ruff we won five years later surprise egg oh really is this a famous choice of limited play-doh surprise eggs that is awesome vanellope where is it where is it these are awesome hello besties I see here four towards the limit set and today we have our play-doh egg surprises from the movie rough break the internet that's right that's right each one of these eggs and faces are made out of play-doh if you guys think we did a great job making them make sure to give this video one big thumbs up okay and in the comment section let me know which one of the characters is your favorite I know it's so hard to choose but are you guys ready to check them out one by one oh oh yeah let's wreck it I mean open it okie dokie let's go ahead and start off with our first play-doh egg here this is shank so let's take out the play-doh face first there she is she has this beautiful black hair and I think she is a super cool character see you later and now let's pop it open ready set go oh inside we got one two and three surprises hey why don't we start with power mystery mean is right here here are all the characters that we can collect oh we got our smart owl his name is knows more get it get it knows more next let's get our ACORN right here this is our little wussies bubblies police there we go here is our little woodsy we got a fox yep I'm right this is very box and check this out if we pull this tab he lights up again again again hmm I love it now there is another one here we have our Orbeez Wow world browser surprise magical pets so we have some white Orbeez in there there it is there's our magical pet huh looks like a fireball this is my favorite part though the Orbeez are you guys familiar with it there are these magical water balls so I think what we can do is we can put our magical pet back like that or we can just let her hang out outside just like that that's so cool next play-doh egg we got yes check out her fancy hair and the cool looking glasses she has on all right yes let's take you out of the egg yes yes yeah okay popping time one two three inside three surprises once again start off with this one this is our five surprise egg from zero we've got our Pete ball that splits up into five slices the first one oh yeah we have a pink popsicle you're some number oh he has some balloons and looks like this is a shape of a heart then goes with this one's only it's color yellow there is also a Toni that's a pretty pony with pink hair and blue bow another one Oh furry clip let's color purple one last we have an orange highlighter it's cutie fruity time here is our first kitty fruity we have a slice of orange and the name is holy yay this is oles the other one is hmm wait what kind of fruit is this it's fast momma ay momma a is mama Apple a is for Apple another one this one is in a blender let's color yellow it looks very cute this is Papa banana and finally we have another raw break the internet surprise this one is our dome and these are all the characters that we can collect so since this was a yes bag I'm hoping we get yes oh I see blonde hair maybe not yep definitely not yes but that's totally a ok because she's also super cold this is Sergeant cowl hood I think she was on the first movie too huh hey I know that hammering sound that only means my friend Felix is here you got it Ralph look who's here this is Phil it even has his fix-it Felix hat I'll see you later ok gotta go fix some things come here egg time to take out a play-doh in there oh we have another overdose oh yeah yeah yeah we didn't get her a while ago but now we do this is yes check her out she is SuperDuper fashionable there is also our Mighty Beanz surprise looks like we got an octopus a crazy looking octopus there goes our two other beads we got number 34 Eskimo mighty bean oh he looks very cold and we also got number 58 this is maggot mighty bean a ho my goodness this one looks kinda yucky there is something that I like to do with them I like to spin them around mm-hmm I'm gonna get again.we and there's a big one oh look at that we have an Uzi check this out it actually disappears and then it comes right back up to fill up our container [Music] open it on the bottom here's the first one hey it's a what is it I don't know it comes with our chain oh there's two chains so we can put it on this little squishy thing squishy smashy and there's a big one this is a pug Hey not your ordinary pug though because it has a unicorn here is our on pugs bigger and here is our decoder I think we can use that for our game right here at the back of the flier without the decoder the letters here are not very visible but with the decoder check that out you can see all the letters give it to you I get my play-doh egg I got my play-doh egg well thank you for bringing it in vanellope so while ago I asked you guys which one of our play-doh eggs is your favorite mine is definitely vanilla peas I mean check her out let me take her out of the egg here is a closer look our play-doh isn't that SuperDuper cool I love the little colorful design she has on her hair and her red bow oh wow [Music] oh let's start with this one hey it's a small Penelope figure Oh sometimes it's a keychain so now we can carry her around with us wherever we go there is also a party pop tini surprise so I've seen these before but I haven't really open one let's twist it this way oh that was really a big pop and then there is our pop beanies oh my goodness she is SuperDuper cute she has pink hair and she's wearing a panda themed outfit oh we have more accessories for her we have a little head man panda headband that is and she also comes with a cup of our ice cream yum yum yum yum yum we are not done yet another of our record raw mystery minis is here I want to get rough we did we got him we have our rah figure I'm gonna wreck it I got it I got it I got it I saved the best for last MyPlate a surprise of course here is our last blade Oh we have Rahl himself complete with his spiky hair now that my face is not in there we can now write this oh yay there you go not bad not bad alright so here is something I think you can do whoopsie wreck the egg I'm gonna wreck it oh you did it let's start off with our word eyeball here and see I saw another one yep we got two eyeballs we can smash this - I'm gonna wreck it wow it did he did wreck one and this looks like a big warm that has green ooze on top looks gross let's make this other one here we go there's a lot of fun uh-oh we have a nasty looking spider let's see what else is in here SuperMario hangar and trading card so we got Princess Peach and she looks super duper pretty there is our collector card and at the back we have a piece of a bigger puzzle looks like a villain part though but this one is cool there is also our Jurassic world light-up hanger and in there we got a t-rex and it lights up it's color red another one it's a Justice League candy and dispenser and in there we got Batman so how this works is you open that up let's get our jammies in here for some inside just like so we close that up put the hat on her the cap on now we got candies to go and if we need one we just and twist it open this up and get our candies out here's our final final item so we got sergeant Calhoun a while ago and then he got yet is this somebody with one hair up it's sergeant call who and once again so now we got twinsies check it out check it out here all of our surprises that we've got inside our play-doh eggs we got a lot of them yes we need all the playwright's is the best thing ever uh-huh so come on vanellope let's play the game again and you later Betty gotta go I hope you guys enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up if you did and I'll see you next time I see here four towards the limit side goodbye Bessie's thank you for watching if you want to see more videos from us just click one of the boxes on the screen right now don't forget to subscribe to our channel by clicking sprinkles the bear also let's continue to fun all over the Internet follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter bye besties [Music]
Channel: Nat and Essie Too
Views: 7,117,801
Rating: 4.6269937 out of 5
Keywords: ralphbreakstheinternet, ralph breaks the internet, wreck it ralph, wreckitralph, toysunlimited, toys unlimited, compilation, ralph, vanellope, lol surprise customs, lol surprise, mcdonalds, gumball, gumballs, happy meal, happymeal, play-doh, play doh, playdoh, egg, eggs, surprise, surprises, surprise egg, egg surprise
Id: -m06BVdw9_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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