How to make NPC Dialogues in Roblox Studio // Free model + Setup! // Roblox Studio

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foreign [Music] [Music] Explorer properties and toolbox then you can go ahead and get the model which is in the description and then once you've got it go over to toolbox click onto your inventory and then click inside dialer kit then click OK and then you'll be brought to this red part right here this is where the dialogue will be triggered but we need to configure that which we'll do in a bit so we'll put dialogue prompts into workspace and we'll put dialogues into storage UI then it's just looking a little something like this you'll see this little dialogue in the bottom this is just the what it's going to look like and if you wanna disable it just click on dialogue free visible false but we're not gonna disable that yet because we need to make the dialogue so I'm going to be making a quick NPC of my Roblox character so I'll go ahead and do that now so here we go all right so I've made an NPC with my roast character then I'm gonna drag this over here and put it somewhere where we want to talk to the NPC this is going to be where the proximity prompt goes so you can go ahead and move this prompt I'll put it around somewhere around here and then what we'll do is we'll go into the starter GUI and then we'll go to the screen G1 open main scripts and then open dialogs this is where everything is going to be configured like every single thing that you make in this is going to be inside of the script so we'll start our food dialogue title so dialogue style this is the text right here um you can put this as like the name of your NPC so I'm going to put the name of the NPC dialog content the dialogue content is the content which is displayed in the bottom text right here which is this and then what we can do is we can put in what the MPC will say to us when we open up the dialogue so I'm going to put something on real quick thank you so we have a simple little piece of content right here so as you can see there are strings which are separated by commas so ever like this this is one full reply and then if you want to add another reply which is basically because we have a little button right here to continue the dialogue so then first things first this text right here will be displayed first in this the continue button will come up and when they click it they will display the next slide string here which is this and you can do as many strings as you want just by doing this and adding your content pretty simple so now we're going to be getting into the bit more advanced stuff over here we have dialog layer because these dialogues are well they have layers to them like dialogue layer one this is the starting layer and then we'll move on to the next layers so like dialogue layer one is this Styler content and later on there will be going into optional things which is replying to the NPC to continue the dialogue so you know just opening a dialogue and then listening to what the NPC as it says you can reply to the NPC and that's what we're getting onto in a moment so before we go into the replies we'll go over to dialogue settings so we can test it out right now so we'll go over to dialogue button and as you can see it's just nil but we need to change this so as you can see over here in workspace we have dialog project and dialog one we want to say to the part not the proximity part we want to set the parts and you can also do a click detector if you want you can add a click detector proximity parts or if you remove both of them then it will detect if the part has been touched instead of if there is a proximity prompt or click detector but I'm going to use a proximity prompt so then what we'll do is we'll do workspace dot dialograms one way for trials dialog one the over settings over here hype speed is basically because instead of the text instantly appearing it will slowly and sort of like print out every single layer and this is how fast it prints out every letter this is for every single dialogue so if you want a dialogue to have different types of it then you can change that if you if you have different types of you for that then you can change it we'll get on to making multiple dialogues in a second just after we make the first one then we have cinematic Wars cinematic Wars is basically just the two frames at the top and bottom that train in so it's it's makes it just makes things look more cinematic if you really want that but I'm going to keep that disabled for now so you can decide if you want to use that or not a custom camera custom camera is also another optional thing but I will show you how to do it so imagine if you want to reset the player's camera while we talk to the NPC let's do that we'll enable custom camera say to true then camera Parts what we're going to do is we're going to create a new part [Music] and we're going to Anchor it Glide off it will make it a bit transparent so we can see where the part is so then this gun it's just a stud then we can make a look at the NPC but they'll find out where the front is so we'll insert a decal and as you can see this part right here is the front because it's that's where the face is though chasing in the right direction so what we're going to do is I'll just rotate this part Point down a little bit and then we'll move it up here so then it looks at the MPC this is where the camera is going to be reset when they're in the dialogue then we'll name this part dialogue one camera we're going to dialogues change camera part to workspace come on wait for child I like One camera and then triggers this is a bit more complicated because you're going to have to edit the dialogue manager script which is where everything happens like if you look at this uh tell me if you understand this just tell me if you understand and eat this this took me forever to make but yeah if you want to make a custom trigger you're going to have to edit the dialogue manager script yourself so yeah basically you want triggers those so like over here if you look over here this is a trigger this is a example of a trigger like there's already a built-in trigger which is and dialogue so it's basically just used for a good pipeline which we'll get into in a second there we go we've configured the settings and we can actually go ahead and play test it and then we'll move on to replies so we're currently inside of the game we can go up to the NPC and hold e to speak to it and then it will come up with the dialogue that we have in currently like we have the strings right here and then we have if we click the continue button and move on to the next string but we need to add our replies as you can see the replies are already in there and then we'll move on to that in now so here's how we're gonna make a reply if we go over to dialogue reply info we have reply one and we have reply to these are built in and you can change the name of reply one to whatever you want you can name it like this just anything you want really you can name it there but I'm going to keep it organized so I'm going to name it reply one reply to reply free reply 4 and so on so the First Supply is so we have hello there player my name is Rex what's yours then we can put in what well you ever plays his name you can put in whatever you want because we'll just make an example and then after this video you can make your own dialogue so then you know what you need to do though I'm gonna put in instead of reply title this is basically just a text Boot and what we'll do is we'll do this this just makes it display the player's name instead of just a string of content instead of string attack sorry yeah if you wanted to just do a text instead of just like the player's name because I'm just using the place name as an example then we'll make this the goodbye button and as you can see over here we can get gives our trigger now we can copy this this little code right here and then paste it into the contents of the goodbye button and when the player selects goodbyes or reply this will trigger and then it will end the dialogue then we can add our reply content this is basically just dialog content but on the next layer we'll get into layers once we've edited the content and so edits it up a little bit so the dialog content now says hello there stranger my name is Max what's yours then we can reply with the player's name which is this right here and then we're in the next piece of content we have that's pretty cool name username how are you then we'll get on to making more plays but we need to talk about this right here what the hell is this what is this so we have reply button layer so this is the next layer of dialogue layer so basically this right here when it comes with reply and the player selects this reply right here this one right here will reply one it will change dialog layer to reply button layer which is two so we change it from one to two and when the dialog is ended it will change all the way back to one then we have reply position reply position is basically where the string of content where the reply shows up you see so apply position is currently two so reply position if it's two it will appear at the second string on dialogue layer one because dial reply button layer display is one so this is the layer that the dialog will display the dialog layer one layer displays one replay position is two it will display on dialogue layer 1 at string number two which is my name is Vex what's yours and if we change the flight button layer to three then it will change the reply when it's layer so it updates dialog layer 1 to 3. I'm going to keep that in two reply position the reply position is basically the string so if we change this to one it will display on this string and if we change it to two it will change to this string reply when layer display so if the if the dialogue layer is two so we can change that to two final button layer display which is going two and then it will display on the second string and dialogue Layer Two but I'm going to keep this at one now finally group position grid position is pretty easy one so if we go over to replies container and I put these right here I'm going to show you that you don't have to do this yourself I'm just going to show you if we look here we have a reply on a grid and this is the grid layout now if we do one two three now there is four but if we do this so if we go over to dialogues and we look a good position this will be the first here right here this will be our username and then if we go back into here grid position is two on goodbye and then if you create a new one this is our goodbye and burn and this is our this is our Usain button that we made it's a bit confusing right there I don't really know how to explain it properly but once you know and like use it and you'll definitely understand no good position one it will be the first inserted into the replies so it's displayed as the first button and then grid position two will be displayed as the second button with a maximum of four now that I've reset everything back to normal we'll go back to the dialogues and now how do we make another reply so we can reply back to the next piece of content in the reply now what I'll do is I will copy reply to using consolidancy or recommendency make two new lines and then paste it in using Ctrl MV or command over V reply to will change this to reply free so you can change this to everyone like before I'm just going to be changing it so it's more organized reply title we'll put this as a platinum open is this [Music] there we go so we have reply free and the content we'll put in our content and there's our reply content so we'll reply with I'm doing fine what about you Vex I'm doing glad I'm glad you're fine I'm doing fine myself personally I'll see you around soon then their name and then this if we don't configure these bits right here it's going to display beside the ones on dialogue layer 1. so how do we change that so as you can see if we look at reply one it's on the play it's on reply button layer 2. so this will be the next value up so as you can see reply button layer 3 then we'll move it up from reply button layer three to reply to them therefore I'm sorry it's a reply button layer 4. and then if we make another one it will go from reply button layer five six seven eight nine ten and so on now reply position as you can see how are you is the second string so I will keep S2 this is what we need to change as you can see this is on reply button layer 2 and not reply button layer one so if we put the keep this as one it will display beside this one right here and that's this so we'll change this to two and I'll change the grid position to one for this then using your knowledge now I'm going to create my own next reply and I want you to make your own reply just re-watch what I just said and you'll know exactly what you need to do thank you and there we go I've configured my replies right here we have reply one you buy one which is the goodbye one reply to no sorry reply free reply four and goodbye to now let me go ahead and play test we should have our very own dialogue now if you want to also continue on replying to the NPC past reply position well sorry reply button layers that you can obviously do that just by re-watching the video and going back to when we talked about reply button layer and then you will know exactly what you need to do now we can go ahead and play test and then I'll show you how to make another dialogue so we're inside the place we have our dialogue prompt we'll hold you to speak to it hello there stranger my name is Vex what's yours they will put in our username right here or we can say goodbye but I'll put in my username right here that's a pretty cool name backside how are you then we can do our reply right here I'll put it and I'm doing fine I'm glad you're doing fine I'm doing fine myself personally then you will end the dialogue right here which we click twice then we can speak to the NPC again and go back then we'll go into the next little thing right here I'm going to work too good personally what about you Max then it would be completely different next time because we put in different content for the reply [Music] and of course we test out the trigger which we put in in the dialogues which is trigger dialogue kit and the dialogue and we say goodbye it will end the dialogue right there now let's get to making another dialogue now how do we make another dialogue first things first we'll go over to our current dialogue prompt which is right here we'll duplicate it and we'll name it dialog 2. you can name these whenever you want as well it doesn't matter I will go over here I know me and I'll make this part yellow just so we can distinguish between the two then if we go into dialogues we're going to select from here if you see one that is like right here at the bottom of the line instead of just like shifted up a little bit then don't select it from there select it from here and then go all the way up until you reach the top where it says dialogue one not dialogues dialog one then we'll copy it make two new lines and then paste it in using command over b or Ctrl B then dialogue one we'll change this to the name of the next dialogue you can change this to whatever you want it doesn't matter like I'll just name it this dialogue and then dialogue time we can just put in something simple I'm not going to put in any replies this time so we can make this blank dialect title [Music] then dialogue settings we just need to change the part because if we trigger this dialogue it's going to trigger this as well at the same time we don't want that so we'll change this to two instead then you can go ahead and configure all these settings I'm gonna just encounter turn custom camera for this one and set the command report to no and just to show you where cinematic box looks like I'll say it's a shoe as well and there we go you've just made another dialogue that's it you made another dialogue you want to make another one happy paste change this edit simple and there we go we can go ahead and test this out and see how it goes we're in the game we have the first dialogue so I will use this one first hello goodbye we'll go over to our NPC where we actually made some replies hello stranger my name is Rex what's yours our username let's pick your name be excited don't worry I'm doing fine what about you reply with that and you're fine I'm glad you're doing fine I'm doing fine myself personally I'll see you around soon then back silence that's our MPC dialogue and you have almost scripted nothing you've just edited a script up and you made a new dialogue as simple as that but yeah thank you for watching I hope you find this tool useful for making NPC dialogues and well making your game a bit more interactive with the random robots inside of your world So yeah thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video goodbye foreign [Music]
Channel: Asadrith
Views: 83,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox studio, roblox how, roblox how to, roblox studio how, roblox studio how to, roblox studio how to make, roblox how to make, roblox studio how to make npc, roblox studio how to make an npc, roblox studio how to make npc dialogue, roblox studio how to make dialogues, roblox studio how to make a dialogue, roblox studio how to make npc dialogues, roblox studio npc, roblox studio showcase, roblox uncopylocked, roblox studio uncopylocked
Id: TEj5zisDm2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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