Italian Grocery Shopping With Nigella | Forever Summer With Nigella | Tonic

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[Music] i can't go in for any sort of cooking that's trying too hard which rules out fusion food right off but i have nothing against pleasurable eclecticism naturally i want a plunder from all over and i see no reason to apologize for that in fact i have only one rule in the kitchen which is if it tastes good eat it this salad prawns and black rice in a vietnamese dressing didn't start off life this way by which i mean i had them left over in the fridge and just put them together and they worked this fabulous black rice had gone with a fish curry i'd had the vietnamese dipping sauce which i'm using here as a dressing to go with some roast chicken stuffed with lemongrass did have a fresh consignment of prawns and it just shows that in life and in the kitchen the really best things that happen to you and not as a result of planning i'm going to get the prawns in order poach them which means they'll keep lovely and tender just pour over some water from a recently boiled kettle some lemon just a rather clumsily spritzed juice of half a one and salt thereby reproducing that briny marine environment from which they come put them on to poach and while these are cooking i'm going to get on with the sauce which is incredibly easy so a couple of cloves of garlic minced mince them whatever way you want i just find this easiest ginger about this amount i don't know a spoonful or so once you've got this golden pulp and this is definitely the best way of getting that a chili you can either use a fat juicy one like this or a couple of those lethally fierce bird's eye chilis i mean however much heat you want you go for finally you want to see all these lovely red confetti shards of chili flaking the black rice and it is really black rice it's not white rice dyed with squid ink and it's not wild rice although you frankly you could use either if you prefer okay in with the chilies now on top of that heat some fish sauce about four tablespoons 60 mils wonderful sort of deep and throatly saline after saltiness sourness always important about two spoonfuls of lime juice i'd say that's about one lime right so i want heat and i want sour and i want salty and i need a bit of sweet as well so a couple of spoons of sugar and some water about the same amount as a fish sauce that's to say about four spoonfuls the sugar dissolves quite easily in this acid liquid and now what i hope is a seamlessly engineered time emotion study the prawns should be ready and they are just perfect i love how these gray mottled prawns turn in to these fat coral curls look at them nice and fat perfect now you just need to stir everything together one thing i would say always use a fork when you stir rice don't use a spoon or it'll just go claggy and squidgy a bit of stickiness is divine but you don't want everything to clump together okay so that's the rice now spoon over some of the dipping sauce and can you see how the red of the chili and the golden of the ginger just stud it some prawns it's really up to you whether you make this a prawn salad that's banked about with a bit of rice or a rice salad dotted with prawns i'm easy on this and top with a bit of the sauce and you know just goes to show that the best sort of cooking is the cooking you just do by rummaging about in your fridge playing with what you've got i also love this rice hot and topped with tender squid rings and a generous drizzle of that fabulous red flecked vietnamese dressing the nubbly black rice goes dreamily with the bouncy sweetness of a calamari [Music] despite being a complete carnivore i often go in for a veggie version so let the rice cool and replace those plump pink prawns with chunks of creamy jade avocado and again pour over some of the vietnamese dressing this is a perfect sofa slumped weekday [Music] supper my pasta with mussels is a bit of a hybrid really i mean it's mostly italian in that it is a shiny black shell version of linguine with clams but then again it's a bit french in that it has a reminder of moulmeriniere and finally reaches spain woods for a slug of sherry but for me the whole point about cooking with mussels and why i love it is that you feel you have the sea right in the kitchen the mussels take such a short time to cook i'm just gonna whack in the pasta now my favorite linguine which i like dense flattened spaghetti shapes perfect here i use half as much pasta as muscles so for this 250 grams i've got 500 grams of mussels there now i'm going to give the pasta a good two minutes under what it says in the packet linguine should be cooked for 11 minutes but what i want to do is drain this when it's partially cooked and then cook it for another couple of minutes in the mussels and all their briny juices and everything comes together the pasta absorbs their liquid that's also the sauce i like to use a juicy red fat chili for this and i de-seed because although i want heat i don't want mind-blowing fire and i cut this however clumsily into thin straggly strips garlic just one clove look at this beautiful rose garlic heavenly you cannot have mussels without garlic and i like this cotton to shards too little spikes just cut lengthways and then down them a bit of olive oil in this new pan for the mussels and all their lovely garlicky chili bits ordinary not extra virgin and i always cook garlic in cold oil and then heat it up otherwise the garlic sizzle straight away turns brown turns bitter you don't want that so in they go okay so heat on this won't take very long just want to let these strips soften in the warm heat before adding some sherry and i love sherry here i mean wine is more normal maybe but the thing about sherry is that it's fortified and that makes everything more robust and i want this to be gutsy simple but gutsy all i want to do now is drain the liquid off these and tip them clatteringly into the pan [Music] pour in the sherry and i use the montiado but as long as it's good sherry use any that you like clamp on the lid and let the muscle steam swill this is partly just disperse the heat and partly because i love the sound [Music] perfect beautiful okay so i'm going to drain the pasta and then let it sit in the briny whiny juices final stage very necessary gonna chop some parsley this is crucial i mean as far as i'm concerned there is a holy trinity of garlic wine and parsley in the life of a moon okay final flattering swill and there now i find that half a packet 250 grams of pasta is enough to feed two people generously for a main course and to be frank how else would he want to feed them [Music] more parsley someone by the sea [Music] [Music] hi i'm cappuccino [Music] [Music] i have always been a raving italophile i love everything about italy it's not an original passion i know but it is a heartfelt one and someone now i come to think of it probably in italian once said that the difference between french cooking and italian cooking is that while french cooking draws attention to the cook italian cooking draws attention to the food and i really think there is something in [Music] that i love the way italians make food look so beautiful not because they're doing anything trixie or elaborate but just because they've got the touch i mean look at those that's just tomatoes and basil on toasted bread and yet you just want to eat it straight away and all of this i think this looks ravishing when i go to whistling and i come back and i've got my photographs and i take them to be developed and i find when i get them back all they are is food markets green grocers i mean maybe one or two of my children but mostly just food and you can see why italians are very enthusiastic as well they might be about trifle which in their creamy gloopy rendition is called super inglese english soup now i've done an anglo-italian version which goes back and forth from both countries for ingredients now it's very much a trifle but it has a sort of mascarpone rich reminder of [Music] tiramisu the base of my anglo-italian trifle it's just good shop bought trifle sponges washed together with blackcurrant jam to make little sandwiches i've used a whole packet that's eight sponges but it's so difficult to say with trifle because it isn't really about quantity it's about layering and this is what fits into the base of this bowl that's the brick base on top an italianate sprinkling of look these amaretti biscuits which i've just processed to a rubble not too fine and sandy to sprinkle over wonderful hey almondy now on top of the biscuits and the sponges another italian note this time sounded by some lemonly cure i mean only because whenever i go on holiday i come back with some odd drink or other and this one is delicious but if you haven't got any and don't want to buy some then use rum whatever you want mom's very good in this okay 150 milliliters which is i suppose you know good glass for i mean i don't think even i would drink this much but still just pour over turning everything to citrusy sludge and now the only bit of cooking this trifle involves i mean normally you have to make a custard i've spared you that it's just heating up some jam not even cooking and a bit of a squeeze of lemon just because i think when you have sugary stuff you need sharp taste just to counter it and then once this has melted slightly it's just a question of tumbling in look at these luscious black fruits 750 grams i've got here but it doesn't really matter just heat the blackberries just until the juices start running out i don't want to turn these to mush i just want them to be more of a glossy compote than single clumpy fruits i love blackberries i have to say just blackberries sprinkled with a teeny bit of vanilla sugar and a huge swathe double cream i mean i could have that for supper throughout the summer so beautiful how these berries turn to glossy jet from them winking at us and the way they peek out under their blanket of white mascarpone later now on top a layer of i don't know how to describe it's almost like cheesecake mousse mascarpone whipped with some egg and 100 grams of caster sugar just pour half of that thereabouts into the oaks put them aside for one minute the whites in here okay this is not gonna be at all interesting but it has to be done [Music] now i want to sprinkle in a bit of sugar into these frothy whites they're nearly stiff enough i don't want them really dry just firm and frothed to give a bit of lightness to the mascarpone okay so we're on to stage two with our eggs so the two egg yolks with the sugar just need whisking until they're yellow and frothy doesn't take long and then a good slurp about three spoonfuls of limoncello into that okay so a lot of mascarpone i know about 750 grams here beautiful luscious and creamy just fold it in good sounds and now the egg whites don't be scared of egg whites you don't think that you have to be so gentle or everything will go wrong it won't in fact i'm going to do a bit of very very brisk beating now i like to have a teeny bit more the lemon the curing just to bring everything together at the end i mean the thing about putting drink in is it really it's up to you how strong you want it i think it's the lemonness of the liqueur which helps make this redline to cheesecake which is never a bad thing okay now just blank it over it's more like a duvet isn't it see this makes everything so simple the point about trifle is it's the ideal pudding to make when you've got a lot of people pitching up because you just wouldn't make this for a small group because it isn't worth doing in a teeny weeny bowl and now what i'm going to do tomorrow is sprinkle with the remaining bit of amaretti rubble and a few toasted flake diamonds this has to go into the fridge till then [Music] for an easy but ludicrously gratifying main course to go before my anglo-italian trifle i love to barbecue a big fat dander steak but first in the spirit of tasty eclecticism i dunk it in a korean marinade savoury and tenderizing soy fish sauce ginger and spring onion and a pinch of sugar [Music] black and blue is the new york restaurateur's term for the way i love my steak cooked that's to say seared really charred on the outside and quiveringly rare with ill now if you want your steak black and pink or black and dark brown please be my guest but i love this and i love the way the barbecue really burns meat so you get a deep salty flavoursome crust i think this looks ready to turn now ah fabulous and black i kind of carry on the theme of korean bbq by cutting this very very thinly so you end up with a tangle of spice seared ruby fresh rags which i i have a hostess trolley come barbecue here i warm up these things which are cross between chinese pancakes and flatbreads pile up with meat and then some cucumber and spring onion and roll up and just munch or we can go back more brits style if we dare nice bun with see we have got a contribution to make brown sauce and um in fact if you've got any of that dipping sauce that went with the prawns and black rice that's fabulous for this too so you can really eat it as you want [Music] that looks ready now i shall start carving i can feel the cave woman swelling up inside me [Music] oh [Music] if i had to start making a pudding at this stage of the proceedings i really would lose it but the good thing about the trifle is well there's nothing much to do now i've done everything yesterday all i want to do now is toast some flaked almonds by which i mean fry them in an oilless pan until they go brown and golden but you don't even have to bother with this if you don't want to you can use just the rubble of mushed up amaretti biscuits left over from yesterday but i like the mixture of anglo almond and italian almond but this is the fiesta resistance hello darling look beautiful trifle that day in the fridge really lets it all get lusciously firm and everything melds together just want to dive in at this stage perfect needs nothing more than its final sprinkling but what i love about this trifle is the wonderful contrast between all that spongy goldenness and then the deep red from the blackberries oozing out and down against the mascarpone and eggs now these should be ready now lovely and golden i love this final sprinkling it's not just the goldenness which i think is necessary but a touch of crunch and the contrast with the mascarpone cream underneath beautiful right on my tray and triumphantly garden woods [Music] ready
Channel: Tonic
Views: 184,964
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Keywords: Tonic, Nigella Lawson, Nigella Bites Full Episodes, Forever Summer With Nigella, Nigella Lawson Full Episodes, Nigella Lawson summer, nigella lawson summer forever, nigella lawson summer recipes, nigella lawson summer desserts, nigella lawson forever summer episodes, nigella lawson full episodes forever summer, Nigella Lawson yellow food, Forever Summer Yellow, Forever summer with nigella episode 1, nigella italian recipes, nigella lawson italian food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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