How To Make Native American Corn Soup!

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how to make corn soup first grab two bags of dried beans cover with water and let soak for about a good three hours set aside next at four cups of corn right one white one one quart quart 2 quarts or in cover with water let boil as you can see the corn is starting to boil so at this time we're going to add three cups of asses which is hard wood ashes sifted so that all the big chunks of briquettes can come out so you have like a fine powder so you're gonna add I'm adding three cups to every quarter corn so I got two quarts of corn in there so I'm going to add 6 cups of ashes if I could have my assistant finished videoing while I do this as you can see the corn what ashes are pretty that's about 3 cups we really more like 4 but we're gonna add it into the corn mixture and you need to always kind of have I always use a stainless steel pan and a wooden spoon so you gonna always need a wooden spoon for these ashes because these ashes are pretty fierce and as you can see the corn is starting to turn orange that's a good sign that your ashes are and you're gonna stir this stir that up now we're gonna put our next three cups usually is to pop I had really good results last time when I use three cups so now we're gonna put the other three cups in and this is how we're gonna clean the corn again stir and then we're gonna let this boil for a good hour and half hour probably put over than half a be more water when it starts getting unstable we're gonna just keep the heat up high so we got the heat on high but you have to keep make sure you keep stirring because what sister's ashes start sticking to the bottom of the pan you're gonna have a mess so every once in a while stir okay as you can see it's starting to get thick so that's why you have to keep checking the stir all the way down on the bottom you have to way down to the bottom of the pan stir around all those sides keep that cooking hard all around that just the bottom of the pan give it a little stir try not to ingest the feelings of the take a smell and we're gonna let that cook a little more a cup of water [Music] I'm gonna continue to let that boil okay as you can see we're into about an hour of this soup boiling with the ashes in it for about an hour and it looks just like mud so we got it boiling and it's starting to get really sticky on the bottom so you've really got to start making sure you get them all those new crevice okay so what I did was I took the cup stirring and almost kind of looks like a mutt suit but um I simply pull and I took it into the just attached there yeah I kind of got the corn clean so I could look at it to see if the court if the hull was falling off so in about an hour and a half so I put checking the corn to make sure that the holes are gonna fall off easy by the hole a little black thing in the corn so now we're gonna take this and we're gonna go rinse it you do not rinse this or dream this in your house because if you do you will open the door Chloe you will ruin your sink ruin your drain system I got an extra hot put your water here just hot water and we're gonna take it and we're gonna rinse it yep and what we did was so we're going to rinse the so as you can see it's starting to clear up you can see on the ground all the but you want to kind of [Music] nice I wonder they're not good okay so that's pretty much what you're gonna have okay we're gonna Ridge the rest of it aside but we've got the majority of all it okay so now we've ever did from outside and as you can see on the side of the bowl you can see straighter and we're gonna just let the water run on the Corsica the little falling off the corn already each one of these corns can a black hole in it see the black hole that's what you want off your corn so it's ready to know what I do right now the corn all over cuz I don't want to get all this yes be careful because this is my this is your corn and if you let it all go down does you have to be very careful with that but the reason that I put it the way that I put it in my sink is because those little holes are so small that they go right through this little grate on the on the sink drain er in it the corn doesn't go through which is a good thing unless she moves the quarry unless you move the whole family you clean the sink great yes the sink was washed thoroughly before we did this so let's see now we got all this out of here and if you just keep these little corners out of here and keep this a [Music] little hopes they're all just going down the green a little this I love the sink and this cuz it's really easy to sew [Music] we're just gonna keep screaming keep running it off Freeman field at home coming up I'm gonna go right down the dream and you're gonna keep cleaning and cleaning and cleaning this corn and sell this water to come clear and we're gonna clean this for about a good hour hour and a half two hours and until all the corn is clean and all those little black holes are gonna form and then okay now we're gonna just take a little look at the beans that have been sitting there for a couple hours these are you can see they've really soaked up the water so I'm gonna add some more water to the beans but I like to just bottled water when I'm making my soup just because I'm pretty particular about that [Music] what's with the corn communitas s it's looking pretty good so the corn springing up pretty good though for the halls floating all over the place a little [Music] because as you can see it is a long process cleaning the corn and you need to feel turn along the way okay as you can see the corn is still really got a lot of holes yep still needs a lot of washing the water is still milky colored you want to clean this part until you don't see so we take a rinse with warm water just because it keeps the part well this is looking pretty good because you don't see any but we're doing good okay so now as you can see were moved out of the seat now we're into the pan and a dislike kind of running my hand through the cord and just kind of jiggling it and then I'm gonna let the little pulse to come off and you see all the water is still kind of mopey yet you want to have clear water running so we're just gonna keep rinsing and rinsing and then we're gonna be almost ready to start cooking it so you can see what a process it is and how long it takes to make this some of our traditional people they have corn baskets which Mike my grandma had one my grandma snow had one and we can't find it no it's been many years but they had a basket that was made out of birch and you would just stream your corn and use the basket to get these little holes off and we can use a strainer at all today but look at you can't hardly even see a black color there no you see one Oh [Music] [Music] heywhere are making a video here you guys need to zip it [Music] [Music] get to see there's no more black Paul maybe one here there [Music] [Music] okay so now that we have all the corns clean and rinsed we're gonna stick it in the pan strain our beans and start cooking [Music] strain those got the bad ones fine meals only sometimes you can find like stones in here so you gotta kind of and these are just dried I prefer prefer the avian berry mater not sponsored and you want to cover the suits pretty good because it's swell and at least three morning where did these three float was kind of bothering me and then the only thing we have left to add into this is salt work and we're putting it on high again then once we bring it to a boil then we'll turn it down and let it simmer for a good two hours so if you've got a half a pot of corn and beans you should have a half a pot of water because you want soup you don't want must so that's three four five six seven eight bottles they put it in I may end up putting another couple bottles in at the end so okay so now we're gonna cut it in the salt pork and this one is already been scored already it's a spices so I'm gonna just rinse it off [Music] kinda looks like bacon see that little Pisa yeah you don't to eat these other ones that come in a full-piece I'm just gonna score the sides as you can see it's a whole piece so I'm just gonna cut a lot of times people they just boil it for like 15 for like 2 minutes to 3 minutes to get this majority of the salt off I liked my soup a little salty so I'm not gonna do that today so I'm just scoring this and alls I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rinse it off and as you could see it's still holding together with that little piece of Rhine all the stuff up cause I want some salt first - and just throw that in there and I'm putting about 3 pieces in for 2 quarts but back in the day this was what we eat without the pork I don't believe we have pigs back then but really this corn that we're cooking is a white corn and it is really consists of a lot of protein versus the yellow corn that you see that we eat in the summertime this corn is a lot of protein in it so that's why we ate corn beans and squash because their protein was coming from this plant with the corn so I've been told I'm not a scientist but that's what I was told that is very has a lot of protein this corn this special corn this is our native corn and if you don't have a really sharp knife to cut your your salt port you can always freeze its art and freezer then use a knife and cut it but it's kind of gonna all fall apart know how many hours you lower I see sometimes I could get done earlier oh you're gonna find a few little eyes Fault in the wrong you're gonna want to try to get [Music] for watching my concerts video
Channel: sally snow
Views: 1,309
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: RxdX5AIJed0
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Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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