How to make mushroom pasta called taglioline ai funghi | Pasta Grannies

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[Music] overlooking a napoleonic canal close to the river po arda has a dead black poplar tree in her garden which is a regular source of mushrooms called piopini in italian plenty of chopped up greenery helped to make her hens egg yolks orange these will be used for her pasta arda starts by cracking her eggs into a bowl she allows 100 grams of zero zero flour for every egg though she measures it all by eye arda kneads the dough until it is smooth it's important to cover the dough while it rests this is half an onion which other fries in some olive oil [Music] she adds a halved garlic clove these mushrooms are looking a little bit soggy but they still have a delicious nutty flavor mushrooms are grown commercially in italy and you can find them in all the larger supermarkets ah [Music] the chopped mushrooms to the onions and so taste them [Music] [Music] she pours in a little white wine this is a mushroom stock cube she lets the mixture simmer with a couple of ladlefuls of water [Music] that she has a selection of rolling pins for all the different size pasta sheets or swallow she makes she likes to roll out her dough on a tablecloth this is very useful when you want to make a pasta sheet larger than your board the tablecloth should be unperfumed so as not to flavour the pasta to begin with she rolls it like pastry but once it's a plate size she starts to roll it up arda is a spolina an expert at rolling pasta she smooths and extends the dough with her hands then turns it 90 degrees before unrolling it draping it over the edge of the table helps to anchor it in her next episode by the way other will demonstrate a 10 egg spoiler [Music] she likes to leave her pasta sheet to dry a little before cutting it so here's one she made a few hours ago she rolls it up from opposite sides then folds one side on top of the other waist [Music] here you can see the difference in texture between the two this is a special cutting board so the tablecloth doesn't get wrecked the double fold of the soil allows ada to place her knife under the ribbons and the unfurl like streamers you can also do this by hand in this area these ribbons are called taguline not taiyolini not [Music] how to make the nests she removes the garlic clove then she adds the pasta to boiling salted water and cooks them for a couple of minutes she chops up some flat leaf parsley arda drains the tagliolini and adds them to the mushrooms this is a couple of tablespoons of unsalted butter ada squeezes in a small carton of porcini flavoured cream and mixes everything together thoroughly [Music] she garnishes the pasta with the parsley and plenty of grated parmigiano cheese this is delicious buona potito hmm is click on the subscribe button for regular helpings of pasta grannies you
Channel: Pasta Grannies
Views: 128,443
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Id: 0xzGnVsaswU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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