How to make Mountain Range Rings

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so in this video I'll be showing you how to make rings just like these that have mountain ranges on them and this is not just on top of the metal it actually goes all the way through see you can see it on the inside so let's get started so the first thing you're going to need to do is figure out what ring size you're making and I'm gonna be making a size 8 for this so I'm just gonna take my mandrel and my calipers I measure that out so it's about 18 millimeters so the next thing you're need is your metals and these are our so these are about 0.6 millimeters depending on where you measure from and I'm gonna be using the same size for this ring so you can use one of them in a size a little bit larger so you can get effects like this where you have a actual little clip in there and a layer and you could switch this to either side depending on how you round your ring so now we need to figure out how long we need our pieces of metal so we can make the proper size ring so I'm gonna take the 18 millimeters and then add the 0.6 and this will make the ring a little bit too small but because we're going to be hammering it and these are thinner metals it will stretch to the right size or you can just push it up to the right size at least and then we're gonna multiply this by 3.14 so this is how much we're going to need so just take your calipers and set them to whatever that happens to come out too if you're a little over like this it's totally fine so now you need to mark your metal I'm just gonna use my calipers to do that if you're using expensive calipers or using metals that are really hard don't use your calipers to mark stuff but these are very cheap calipers and I do this all the time and they've been fine so far so now that we have that line I'm gonna also mark it on this sheet all right so now that both of them are marked like that I'm going to make the eight millimeter mark on them and you do it basically the same exact way all right so now I'm going to cut it out using a true or saw and I'm making sure to use one that is pretty much flush because I have a bunch of them that have am bills that stick up if you're cutting well bigger material like this you really can't do it because it hits it so if you do have one of those I do suggest getting one that has a flat surface like this anyways I'm gonna cut the small line first and then I'll cut out the entire length if you don't cut this 100% perfect it's totally fine just try to stay on the outside of it because if you make it all wavy on the outside you can or at least cut this down to be flat if you get into here then you have to cut into your material to flatten it out so if you do mess up messed up on this side all right so that is our silver one done now we need to do the same thing with our copper all right there we go we have both of our pieces now and if you don't want to work with silver for this if it's say your first time doing this and you're worried about cutting straight lines and all that stuff just use some copper and brass just like the Rings in the beginning and then you can work with those are a lot cheaper if you make mistakes and you've learned off of those a lot easier then going through and worrying about silver just so it takes a little bit of stress out of this because I know cutting straight lines is a skill that you have to actually work on but anyways what that said let's get to the next part so once you cut these out they're gonna have a little bit of a burr on where you cut them I'm just gonna take my file and just go over to take it down nothing too crazy you can even sand this real quick and it would take it all down all right so we have those both t-bird and we can move on to our next step which is a kind of weird one we're gonna superglue these two together so I'm going to use medium super glue any thickness will work fine any color doesn't really matter because we're going to burn all this off but I'm just going to put a couple of drops on here also if you're looking for rigor this type of glue for inlays or anything like that or even this you can get some from star bond and use my code throw me out creations and you get 10% off and I believe it's free shipping too so just take this and put it over the top and do not glue your fingers together so once I have it overlaid like that I'm going to take something heavy like another bench vise and put it on top of it just to make sure everything is flat and stuck together and when doing this be sure that they don't slide because even though it is super glue when it's wet it is actually slippery so I'm just gonna spray an accelerator on this to make sure everything is hardened so I don't risk getting my finger stuck so here we are both pieces are glued together it looks like it slipped just a tiny bit on the edges so you can see on both sides it kind of moved but I made these a little bit bigger than they needed to be when I cut them so I can file that off and everything will still be fine and because it's a thinner metal it'll stretch to the right size anyways to do that I'm going to be using a minor block and what this does is it makes it really easy to make perfectly flat edges all you do is you stick your metal inside of it and clamp it down with just a little bit of it exposed and then tighten these up and you can take off little areas like that and make them completely flush so I'm gonna do that both sides you can see how close that gets and I can't even feel it now so I'm just gonna flip it over and do the other side and then we can move on to actually putting a pattern on this all right now that we have this and it's all cleaned up and technically it'd be ready to go it needs a pattern on it so there's a couple ways you can put patterns onto stuff how I like to do it is designing stuff like this so I can just print it out and have it on a sticky label paper and just stick it onto myself I don't have to worry about having to draw something perfectly and I can basically repeat doing these patterns over and over again if I needed to you can also just describe in and draw on here you can use a pin you can use pencil you can use a little sharp piece of metal to scratch it in place so can't rub off a bunch of different things so I like to design a lot of my stuff on the computer and I know a lot of you don't know how to do this well this is the perfect time for this video sponsor so this video is actually sponsored by Skillshare and i thought it would be a fitting sponsor for this channel because you're looking to learn and Skillshare is an online community that allows you to learn at your own pace and every class is working towards a goal to make real projects not just fundamental learning it's we're going to be making something that being said I'm actually taking a class right now from geordie van puts on how to edit better using Adobe Premiere Pro which is what I added all my videos in and make them better for you guys and for these patterns I suggest Inkscape for beginners by Gaea Banford this is a free program that you can download and design this kind of stuff and you don't have to pay anything for backs program and you can make awesome patterns like I do there's also a bunch of other classes on there including jewelry making classes and you might even find one from me on there so Skillshare is giving the first 500 people that use the link in my description or in the pinned comment of this video to three months of Skillshare premium will give you access to their large catalogue of all types of different classes so you can check out everything that Skillshare has to offer and then after your two months still sure is as low as ten dollars a month with an annual subscription so thank you skill chair for sponsoring this video and supporting my jam so with all that being said let's get back to these patterns I'm going to be using this one right here that goes all the way across because I want a ring that has a connecting pattern that goes all the way around it so to use these I'm just gonna cut them out with some scissors I'll also have these patterns in the description so you can download them for yourself so when using the paper that I use the label paper make sure you cut and have a grip point for peeling like this because if you just cut this off it's really hard to actually get this to unpeel so what I like to do is peel it off and then cut it afterwards I've also already measured these to the right size for a size each ring so it doesn't really matter what side you put this on but I do need to cut this a little bit closer on at least one of the edges all right so you just want to line up the corners there's gonna be very finicky on camera there we go for this top edge instead of cutting it down I'm just going to fold it over just to get it out of my way so now we get to do the fun part and cutting all this out with a saw so we're just gonna start with one side and start our line which is probably going to be the hardest part of this because you also don't want to pick up your pattern and then you're just gonna want to follow your line all the way when doing this you can't do any backups if you mess up just go with the flow of everything and make it work if it's a mountain thing like this you can just add an extra bump alright here we go it's all cut outs and as you can see right here I didn't like that little spot that I designed so I just cut through it and just kept the mountain how it is so now we need to heat this up with a torch and burn everything off of it and burn the glue and make sure you have a well-ventilated area when burning the stuff off okay so I have them both on the screen I'm going to need some tweezers to make sure to grab them so I'm just gonna use this torch for burning everything off all right that should be good enough so I got to take these and throw them into some water and then pickle them all right so here they are all cleaned up and you'll notice and you probably have already guessed this they are mirror images now and all you need to do is swap these two pieces and you have exactly what you need to make that ring so from one of these rings you can make two that will just be opposite colors and all we need to do is solder these in place using some hard solder so I like using a charcoal block like this because it's a large flat surface and it is it really easy to solder on so what I'm gonna do on this is put some flux on it and then put our hard solder over the gaps and heat it up and if you want to know what flux or any of the tools I'm using really I have links to everything in the description the full lists of everything I use if you want to use anything that I use all right so I'm just gonna do one of these on camera but I'll get both of them done all right so it doesn't always fill in all the little gaps or it'll Bend up a little bit which is totally fine so just get it as good as you can and then put it into your pickling solution clean it off and then resolder the points up you missed so if you look right here it's missing some here and here and here so I just need to reflux this whole thing I'll probably place a couple pieces more solder on here and then everything should just flow all together all right so now that these are all cleaned up and soldered you can start folding them around your mandrel and you can pick which side you want on outside as you can see this is the side that I put all the solder on then I'm gonna have to take off and this side is nice and cleaned so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bend this to be the inside so when it comes to bending around the mandrel we actually don't need the right size right now so I'm gonna use this part because it's not graduated like this and it won't angle it weird so just take the thumb and put it here it should be really soft from all the heating we did [Music] so you'll end up with them in these new shapes and then we need to fold them a little bit more without making any kinks in them because the kinks are really hard to get out once you get them I'm using some pliers that have no teeth in there so it doesn't more up this and leave marks and then I'm just gonna push them by and then snap it back like that and push down this becomes easier with practice so this is basically how you want it you want the joint to be completely flush if it's not from when we already cleaned everything up say if these little bits down here let's stick out a little bit just open it up a bit and grind them down with a file all right so I'm gonna put a little bit of flux on here right on the solder joint then I'm gonna take a tiny piece of solder put it down here and make sure my joint is directly on it so there you go if you have a solder joint that it's completely sealed like that your solder will actually flow up alright so here they are out of the pickling solution after being soldered and they need to be formed into actually rings now to do that we're just gonna use a mandrel and put it on the mandrel what I like to do is push down on it because it's a thinner metal it'll Bend for the most part but we're going to actually have to hammer it using a right rawhide mallet or a rubber mallet will work too and I'm gonna flip it over because this is tapered it's going to have a weird taper on it if you don't do this so I'm gonna do that to both of these really quick and then clean up their insides because they have a lot of solder left over on the insides and then form them to their final sizing so to clean up the inside of this you can use some polishing wheels like these that are basically rubber grits or you can use some of the radio ones that I have that I've used a bunch of so they're a lot smaller than they should be and they'll fit inside the ring normally they're about this big when you first get them so used ones do come in handy after a while all right so there we go all the inside is cleaned up from the solder so there's no weird bumps or anything in here still need to clean up the actual solder joint area but we're gonna stretch this out first make it the right size so we need it to be a size 8 and right now it is a 7 and a half so I'm just gonna hammer it [Music] alright so we need to clean up the edges a little bit because they're not a hundred percent perfect and they never are when you make rings like this so we're gonna clean it up with some sandpaper and this is some 120 grit sandpaper and I'm gonna want to add a little bit of water to it and then just kind of sand in a circle or a figure 8 and just kind of all over the place until everything is nice and smooth alright so there we go the edges are all nice and cleaned up and even now so we're just going to clean up the outside of them because there is a little bit of extra solder bits and we want a smooth surface I'm actually going to use some rougher bits on this so we'll leave some texture behind because it looks better I think so I'm just going to use the same 60 grit rotary bits to clean off all the outside too and then I'm just gonna work my way up through the different grits so this is 120 and then it would be two twenty-four hundred six hundred a thousand all right so that's as good as I'm going to get it because I wanted to have scratches and stuff to show more detail fully polishes if you really wanted to you can see the inside has a nice and brushed look to it so to get the look I'm going for I'm going to actually stain this black and I'm going to be using black from Jack's chemicals and because I'm dealing with chemicals I'm gonna put gloves on I'm gonna use a paint brush to do this and I'm just gonna brush it on see it's slowly starting to darken up everything [Music] you can also dip this in the solution too so I'm just gonna let this sit like this for a little bit and let it darken up alright so here they both are now after being rinsed off this one I actually put the jacks chemicals ultra black onto it and didn't let it stay on and dry all the way so it's splotchy on purpose and then this is the black inner for the copper brass and computer so it shouldn't affect here silver at all so I'm just gonna dry all the water off of them then I'm gonna take a steel wire wheel and just go over it real quick then I'm gonna clean up the inside with these little Sprott scotch-brite pads and then for this one I actually don't like how it looks now so I'm just going to use this on the entire thing so here we go they're all done and we have to technically matching rings that have opposite colors going on and the pattern goes all the way through into the inside and if you want more detail on your piece use two different sizes of metal like I did with these it's the same exact process besides you have a little bit more detail to it and things tend to stick out a little bit more and when you add your patina to it it stays and all the cracks and fernette makes everything a little bit more pronounced but it's up to you on how you want to do them also over time these will all darken up and start to patina naturally so that's about it if you found this video helpful leave a like if you have any questions to leave a comment I try to get back to everyone and if you want to see more videos like this one subscribe to my channel I try to get out videos every week and if you want to help support my channel I have a patreon and you can start supporting as low as a dollar so thank you for watching and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: GomeowCreations
Views: 211,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jewelry making, jewellery making, silver smith, gold smith, good jewelry teacher, basic jewelry skills, how to make a ring, carbon fiber, titanium, copper, aluminum, cast, turquoise, DIY, do it yourself, maker, creator, glow in the dark, create, custom, craft, turquoise ring, wedding rings, copper mountain, making a ring, resin art painting, skillshare
Id: Rxe3HhgHGhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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