How To Make Lamb Doner Kebab

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hey everybody turn on Henry's tattoos I'm gonna show you how to make lamb doner kebap at home let's get straight into it all right so just in front of me here I've got a half a kilo of lanyons to this I'm gonna add half a teaspoon of ground coriander 1/2 a tablespoon of salt half a teaspoon of ground cumin half a teaspoon of black pepper 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and finally about to crush the garlic cloves now we just want to mix this all together you want to also make sure that your mince is fatty so I'm using an 80/20 ratio here when it's fatty it has a non sticky consistency like this or else is just gonna fall apart so she's basically end up with a mass big meatballs so the way I'm gonna cook this is using a large metal rod like this that goes onto a chicken rotisserie that goes onto a BBQ now Marcus I'm gonna put this on my mantle so we can flame will firstly will receive a graph across I'm gonna get I made and basically almost turning it to assume the shape in our hands make sure you squeeze hard so it wants to go up now we just want to fill it out like so so now we'll get our rotisserie rod and we just want to place that right in the middle like that and I will just fold on meat over so it covers the rod like so now do moisten your hands the water will help it stickers off just like so make sure these ends are nice and closed and talked as well now all we need to do is wrap up the finger up over and over again and we just want to roll it like that we don't want a toothpick if it's too thick it's gonna be raw all the way through the middle and it will give a bigger chance for it to fall off we definitely don't want that at the same time push from the ends just sits nice and tucked in and you're just gonna roll it until you end up in something like that and just go over sits around shave Gus that's all there is to it for now so what we're gonna do now is place this into the freezer overnight when it's frozen we're going to cook her from frozen so we'll come back to it alright guys so next day and that's how it looks so obviously we've got a nice solid log left up so that's at this stage you start to pre-heat your grill and we're gonna start to unwrap now you want to do this carefully because we don't want any plastics to me and there we go so just explain my setup to you so this is my Persian mango what I've done is I've taken the cast iron rods off so it's just direct flames now and just a video I've installed at a BBQ rotisserie which is obviously for chicken so the rod basically goes into one machine like so and all we want to do is turn it on and there we have it so we just want to let it do its show now your flame or your hate should it be on all the way hard what I thought is medium-high here you don't want a to load if you want to about medium height so at this stage just sit back and relax that's all you need to do it well obviously kick your honour so guys right now I'm at the 10-minute mark as you can see we're starting to get a beautiful brown color on the outside so all we need to do is just keep on going all right guys it's been a total of 25 minutes now as you can see we've got a beautiful Brown Colorado now the best way to test it gets cooked well is series of phenomena I'm using a digital phenomena which means me we generally want a temperature around 71 degrees it does not just stop Norma shame and what we're going to do is use a thermometer and insert into around the thickest part of your meat which is right around here for me and we'll just wait and see what reading we get so as you can see we're already above 71 so around 79 80 so this is cooked all the way through so it doesn't need to be cooked any more and we'll just bring our maid out and just Louella sagasta cover just using a very sharp knife starting from the top we'll just slice it like that now we need to shave these so very thin slices just like so so guys you get the rough idea we'll just keep on shaving and shaving just like that so I'm not gonna bore you with the rest so let's just jump to that alright guys and that's all there is to it just looking that beautiful Finley shaped meat there so obviously you can serve this half in many ways you like with rice with bread with chips by itself whenever you like so guys like I said it's up to you you use it how the way you like I hope you like that guys please like and subscribe any comments or suggestions just leave them at the bottom and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Henrys HowTos
Views: 129,067
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Keywords: henry, henryshowtos, restaurant, chef, menu, cook, cafe, anais, jazzveh, bellavista, norwest, sydney, australia, australian, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, entree, appetizer, snack, fast, quick, simple, easy, food, howto, halal, healthy, elegant, party, turk, turkey, turkish, kebab, doner, donor, davar, lamb, beef, chicken, meat, hsp, snackpack, halalsnackpack, manghal, grilled, rotisserie, bbq, charcoal, marinate, marinade, holytrinity, hspas, garlic, sikh, shawarma, shawurma, shawerma, ottoman, levant, iskender, adana
Id: czQmCKghtIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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