How to make Jerk Ribs! *OVEN-STYLE* | Deddy's Kitchen

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right we are fat fat back in Daddy's Kitchen hello father wow yeah Daddy I don't even think I have the words it's been a minute one month it's been one a month without us being in the kitchen together but we are back back like we said it's been a month since we have posted a long form we've been posting reels I mean not reels sorry IG sorry a lot of the Cat come off of Instagram we have been posting YouTube shorts and you know we've still been in the midst but it's been a month since we've posted a long form video that's kind of crazy because over the last three years we have been consistent every week right yes so it's okay every once in a while you gotta take out a good time for yourself I'm back in the country so we are back in the kitchen I'm so happy to be in the kitchen with you Daddy but I'm even more excited to be back with our family family how are you doing [Music] can't you see it in his face you guys he misses you well because okay dramatic well now that we are back in the kitchen I'm not gonna waste any time you know you know I can chat okay but it's a minute and 45 seconds into the video and I know that our wonderful family AKA our subscribers want to know what we all make today so Betty tell the people that where we are met today we had to make some dirt ribs [Music] I am so excited you guys we're here you know the seasons seasonings lineup uh everything just ready so Daddy Let's get right into it where are we beginning oh first of all before we begin how have you been Daddy I'm great but something good really yeah see I can walk it talks about I always guys even when I'm out of the country I say daddy did you go on your walk did you go on your walk some days daddy says yeah let me get my walk something man I'm gonna feel like wow so encourage him in the comments tell him say him both of us both of us need to get on our walks and get our health all the way together so but it's okay Daddy I'm happy that you're happy you're feeling great and now let's eat so where do we begin let's now where are we beginning my ribs are gonna clean my ribs okay excessive fats okay love it so you gotta remove all that extra fat yeah where did you get where did Mommy get these ribs from the Ocean Oceans interesting I was sure you were gonna say Costco no maybe Costco's are are shorter or smaller I'm gonna get Costco ribs in Pockets oh and packages yeah okay nice and wrapped UPS okay and these ones them throwing a bag well it's all good but it's all good okay they have the fat okay but some people would argue that the fat is where the flavor is at yeah some of the meat and protect some of the meats the lean part okay but I don't want too much okay you don't want to overdo the fat no okay shaving off those little fatty Parts yeah I'm not if you're new here I want you to know that this channel is it's it's you know it's me and my dad in the kitchen or our family in the kitchen um but it's also like a channel to teach people like me who are I not the most skilled chefs or people like me who can't cook how to make certain meals okay so if you hear me talking and you get annoyed just know that this might not be the place for you come and Naga stop chat okay because it's so funny sometimes you know people are new to the channel and they go to the videos and they're like oh she talks too much and it's just like for the people who have been here from the beginning you know why I talk and there's a lot of us who are like Sasha never stopped talking I need it I appreciate it so I love you guys all right so look on all the fats are you gonna boil it today no I'm not boiling no you're not boiling it okay so but if you were to boil it with the fat kind of come off on its own no you know okay it would still be there but so you would take the fat off first then boil it yeah okay okay when you boil it why do you boil it is that when you when you're gonna put it on the grill yes sorry in the oven or in the oven much faster okay so this one I'm jerking it I that's why I want to do it from scratch okay okay well not necessarily the jerk from scratch because I think you're using a rub this time no not a rub that you made what do you mean don't boil the meat okay so you want to cook it season it fresh and put it in the oven okay okay if you're trying to figure out how to make jerk seasoning from scratch we have a Jerk video and you can learn there but if you you know have a time limit great jerk is Walker's wood but I'm not gonna jump the gun I'm gonna let Daddy lead you there okay it's right there underneath them she's um ribs Galore you think so yeah this this oh you always think that there's bearings and somehow when it cook you can barely get gone gone quick quick yeah and daddy you make the best ribs you make that this man here y'all ciao check out our sticky rib video check out our sticky fried rib video that was a different version of rib that he did I think that was the first time he ever even did that type of red button check out that video that's all I'm gonna say that's all I'm gonna say check it out check it out okay this is good okay look I should trim up nice I'm gonna wash it with some vinegar you know you gotta wash it yeah you know we don't play about that here okay you see the amount of fat lots of fat yeah into the garbage it goes foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] give it a second wash so double the wash [Music] foreign ER the meat looks that's crazy it's kind of cool how like it starts to look so much fresher even as you wash it look at the difference you guys even if you scroll back and then come back here like look at the difference just like the clothes it's so dirty and you wash it it's complete it looks brand new again [Music] we are washed and ready to go make sure you clean out your sink people just a little tip from our family to yours this infections so what you gotta do to make sure your family is good not you ladies yeah okay my seasoning my seasoning I put all of these I put two tablespoons black pepper one tablespoon garlic powder one tablespoon onion powder one tablespoon seasoned salt one tablespoon jerk seasoning two tablespoons okay I like purple seasoning one tablespoon and this jerk season is Cool Runnings okay once it's finished wanna see all by yourself when this is the Walker's wood jerk sauce this is the one I was talking to you guys about if you are on a tight time you know if you you gotta go but you really want those that jerk and you want to impress the people you got to pull up on that Walker's wood okay yes the best of the best yeah so it was thicker than this I had a little what um oil to it okay that's a thin it out because I'm gonna put it on the ribs okay yeah I'm gonna baste the ribs with it okay so I put a little oil in it I have the grapeseed oil okay I put in it well you can't put any hair you want you you like olive oil and mix it okay okay all right you become runny okay then that way it's easier to spread on the ribs Okay cool so now I'm gonna season my rice with the dry rub okay why would I think that like you would put the the the Walkers went on for a steady no no okay dry rub on first yes sprinkle done okay and you know what is good if you want you can put some brown sugar in the seasoning oh yeah I've seen people do that okay I've seen people do that Daddy bring that ball over yes sir please switch you can see yeah my item we got um I want I want I want our family to get up close and personal View they deserve the best because we have the best audience the best family they deserve to see it up close and personal with all the words yeah Alexa spoiled them you know I know that you guys don't feel too spoiled because you haven't seen us in a month but it's okay don't worry don't worry we'll make it up because enough recipes on the way see I make it up to you guys because you know what you do not you putting the blame on me wow left me no father I did not run away leave you I'm back but you know the girl's gotta travel yeah it's all good yeah oh my goodness already know that there are those who do not season their food my God look at what you're missing out on just the Aromas in the house alone I love that Mommy gets to come home from work to something delicious tonight she's gonna be very pleased she's probably at work right now thinking dreaming about the ribs lady shout out to all the men watching who will prepare dinner for their wives okay Daddy's looking at her laughing it's the truth yeah it's beautiful because there's so many so many conversations lately that I hear from people oh idiot I love it she needs to me it's like what's wrong with your eyes nice learn to cook brother I'm teaching you right here uh you heard it from Daddy himself make your wife or your girlfriend happy yep yes [Music] so nice [Laughter] right listen somebody gotta switch it up a little bit I always said that you know having a dad that cooks though makes it much harder to date because uh dating people who don't think that they ever have to be in the kitchen or cook man oh man makes it very hard to settle okay I'm separating them he thought that they were gonna fit on one train but you can't so because it's all you can miss the bottom first okay we barely and daddy wanted to put them on the grill but I was like the weather is not the best outside and then it's windy in the audio and I was like let's put it in the oven I love a good oven rib maybe because Daddy has spoiled us with oven ribs but it's just juicy on another level [Music] bless we blessed yes nothing but nothing no lock there on here bless we blessed yes okay okay I'm gonna put her on my weights jerk sauce on it see how this is done family and then I use a brush and coat it like I'm painting it I know you're salivating like me and it's not even cooked yet oh my God Daddy what are you doing to me forgot the sweet and buy some ribs I'm gonna cut this yeah man okay one outside so when I do this now I'm gonna turn it over and do the same thing again okay so both sides are getting the love yes okay now you know people my loved ones when you season this overnight tastes much better because all the seasons soak into it yeah so if you're gonna do it and you don't have a Shoal to fill yeah you do it overnight you do it overnight put it in the fridge for the next day [Music] see I'm helpful look to other straighten it up for you come on so you're supposed to be working together see again okay all right never need more sauce well this is but The Walker is what it's done you have more of course see you guys that's how good that Walker's wood is you got back up you don't you don't run out of that kind of stuff I'll run out of that kind of thing shout out to Colors TV by the way on 100 subscribers you know that I'm celebrating and it was nice to see that so nice to see that I wish I was there man I mean no I wish we could have been there send me a solid one right now you wish we could be there to shake her like a leg with you guys but we're so proud of you guys so happy for you for you everybody who's watching go and support colors TV big time Big Big Time okay they're they're the real deal now I thought it was just a single bottle of backup he had he said he got the double in the cupboard yeah okay that he was playing around and then I bought this at Costco not Costco having the triple pack yeah Costco knows go to Costco got a Walker's wood I love that for them good good for them so that's great good when it's good it's good proof is in the pudding and you're gonna put some more oil in it right yeah okay I know you'll get to see what I'm doing yeah now you guys get to see how it was uh John grape seed oil aka the bougie oil that's also from Costco right yeah this is extra virgin olive oil yeah that's good you just mix it up tin it out just like that just like that foreign piece of foil paper cover it put it right in the oven at 375. so there is no sweetness added to this no sweetness sometimes it's a little bit so something inside me wants a little bit of sweet it's already Sweet what more you want no sweep me for sure but I'm talking about like you know you know you know in this kitchen things anything can happen anything can happen and it's all to make sure that the food is top-notch busting almost cooked you can coat it with some nice but barbecue sauce I don't know I'm feeling like that guys I feel like I'm remixing the episode you're probably just like shut up girl make you make the jerk ribs but I don't know I feel like a little a light like a light brush of barbecue sauce on top of that jerk that because this rib is going to be jerkified okay so that light glaze of barbecue on top might just sweetness a little spice I can taste it now or even like a brush of honey you know what I mean sure right honey barbecue holy jerk honey [Music] all right father y'all my God this is ready to go into open wash my hand my God is a good god all right first one's already in okay okay put that bad boy in there oh and see what happened okay how long does it usually take for the most part well this one is fresh enough and it wasn't boiled it wasn't boils okay hour and a half okay okay all right so we wait these have been around since before I was born no I think so no I feel like I remember these from when I was small no they're brand new normal I mean I know it's brand new people all right we're checking guys we know it's not ready but you know my belly my belly has a has a red clock coming but oh oh oh oh oh oh give it 15 more minutes yeah wow I wasn't expecting it to be that far ahead we gotta check my mouth is salivating we gotta check the the um the top row then this is the bottom row now yeah Oh Daddy you don't gotta do that to me now don't do that to me now oh Lord [Music] I want to see you try it first ciao be hype I know it's hot and it's probably gonna be spicy too my mouth is actually salivating you guys like nothing guys can you read whatever it is he's thinking feeling um why is it all this fruit fly I want to come have some okay let me let me be the judge of this look at this you guys look at this look at this it's burning up my hand but I'm showing you guys how I love you look at this come on come on oh mm-hmm [Music] Daddy I'm gonna put this one on top try the top one too never tried just to make sure that you put your foot in it man oh my God okay Daddy Flip Flip them flip them push one back look at me telling you what to do put this one back and then let's get a close view of that guy over there smoking so approximately how long has it been in the oven Daddy close to home close to an hour so around 45 50 minutes 15 minutes okay five zero minutes you guys five zero this was the one that was on the top shelf cities wow this one needs more time but you're gonna put this on the bottom now this is gonna go on the bottom okay the hedges The Edge is closed buddy yeah you want more let me be in charge of what's cooking what's not laughs it's muddy oh my God it's hot it's an awesome God all the time and all the time he's good he's good oh these dirty gave man the ability to to know how to make a juicy piece of ribs my gosh it's all I dropped we're putting it back thank you all our Mercy mm-hmm one thing I will say is being the taste tester it's a job I'd never give away so you guys can totally ignore this part but you know this is still my dad okay and I'm asking him to sweeten it up just a little bit just for some not maybe not all of the ribs ready maybe one of them one of them can be one just a little bit because it's so good but I'm feeling for it because it's going to be on mashed potatoes guys look Daddy's mashing some potatoes and the good kind the yellow potatoes okay um so he's using his like favorite this is Bullseye um Original Barbecue and then he loves guy so guy in his Kansas style barbecue daddy made barbecue chicken the other day on the grill and he used some of these sauces and my oh my whoo busting so now it's going into the bowl with the rest of the Walkers Wood Ranch yeah okay the ribs is finished I'm gonna just cut this with it and let let it sit in the oven for uncovered let it sit in there the whole event for at least five minutes okay no longer a sauce can soaking it okay and then we're ready to go and then you're ready to go [Music] all right good moment of truth moment I'm gonna put the cover up okay I feel like these guys are done done like they're done I mean they just beat it with it oh yeah falling off the bone no I'm gonna cook it with this sauce that I make lightly slightly and then I put it back in the oven for just five minutes maybe less to let the sauce kind of stick yeah this is still jerk ribs you guys I mean you guys could cut it well it's it's majority check but you know a little bit of Razzle Dazzle on top that's there's no problem in that that's a little twist it's a little twist in it with his real jerk real jerk Walker's work Walker's wood mm-hmm now I know for people who are new here they're gonna be like well it wasn't cooked in a drum we know we're living at Canada okay when I'm drumming our house so please if you have a drum in your living room please use it the backyard or in your back some people you know are God's favorite and they got one right in the back one or two I love that for you guys when I have one but if you want to send us one please let us know we will be very grateful for this one just fly away careful Daddy because they fall at all they falling out wow okay careful father [Music] see where the Mitten is you guys [Music] found the alarm oh yeah sound the alarm [Music] thank you oh yeah mm-hmm I just wanted you guys to hear a little bit of ASMR okay five minutes five minutes cannot wait over my mashed potatoes oh yeah burn yourself yeah look at you and you're looking at your finger let's see your finger daddy it's good are you sure because you have you keep looking back down on it baby put it under some cold water or something oh I don't care if you're happy you're my dad yeah yeah get the heck out the kitchen okay so this has got to be it look exactly one and a half oh you know your attacks the man [Music] the other one too you know what if you're overcooking there oh okay okay [Music] yeah it's all we can eat this up you'll be surprised you'll be surprised um [Music] bring it back bring it back in front of the legs closer turn it turn it around a little bit cheese um I want them to see what you have done okay what you have done for me lately mm-hmm hmm I feel like I can taste it too I'm not talking sure what it's on a chocolate pepper spicy yeah I'm in love my spice and then touch me short so if you are not a spicy person maybe less Walkers would add more barbecue it's still a big for you that is not too big foreign please wow I'm spoiled all right yeah man as it should be all that hint of barbecue not too much but uh a little hint hint oh you guys why don't you guys just move in just move in it's a problem you know there's a housing crisis rent is truly real just coming at us put local money together and live well not sure that is foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] feel to you one day we can get back to that I I can't help somebody really really daddy you've helped many people I know outside of not just a channel but I've grown up seeing you and mommy help many many many people so no but that's it like like you've never done it before like it's not a lifestyle for you guys an attitude that is a blessing that's coming back yes I agree clear it's clear you yes I know that is Daddy guys ever since I was young daddy would I was like I don't like to see my people suffer I don't like to see my people suffer um does it come say that to the camera then you come on you need to talk to your family it doesn't matter if you're black or you're white We're supposed to help one another because we created by one God yes the Creator who create the heaven on the earth yes and we're supposed to be living good with each other we supposed to be living good not kidding one another yes not jealous of anyone one another come on yeah yeah we can go about it we can do way better than that yes you're right daddy you're preaching today ready I'm ready okay we're ready let's share out your meal guys we love you thank you foreign
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 44,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make jerk ribs, how to make jerk, how to make over style jerk, how to make bbq jerk, deddys kitchen, how to cook like a jamaican, toronto chef, caribana 2023, jamaican chef, collaz tv, food network, father daughter kitchen, family cook, home cooking, home cook, certified chef, black canadian chef, top chef canada, how to make ribs
Id: UXnlDgp3HQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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