How To Make Interactable Doors | Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial

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[Music] all right so start off making a new blueprint interface name this interact interface if you already have one of these you don't need to make another one open that up name this interact compile save now make a new blueprint class actor for a simple door and open that up I'm going to add a static mesh for my door and then I'm going to duplicate this and add one for my frame you don't need a frame if you don't want one then with the scene root selected we're going to add a box [Music] Collision I'm going to change the location of this and resize it save that now with your door selected we're going to add a widget here I'm going to add my interact widget and then change this to the location and then change it to from world to screen search for Visible uncheck this compile save I'll show you what this widget looks like right now it's just a canvas panel with some borders and then a piece of text in the center now select your box and go on component begin overlap get the begin play get player character cast to BP third person character right click and promote to a variable and then you want to check if it's equal to your player character into a branch then you want to get that widget set visibility to true and then select the Box again and get the end overlap and now you can copy all this and paste it down here plug it all in and then just uncheck it so that way it's false leave that and then go into your class settings add a new interface and search for your interact interface then you want to go over here into the interfaces double click it to get the event from here we're going to do a flip flop from a we're going to add a timeline it's going to be a door timeline plug B into reverse open this up add a float track for door rotation and then I'm going to change length here to two add a key 0 0 and then right click and add another key for two and one compile save that close your timeline now from here you want to get aurp plug this into the alpha a is going to be zero and B is going to be minus 120 then you can get your door and set relative rotation split this plug it into the Zed and then the update compile save that [Music] close that and now go into your project settings into the input add a new action mapping for interact I'm going to use f then open your character blueprint get that interact event then get overlapping actors into the actor from here you want to get it for each loop with break into the Press get a branch plug that in from the array you want to get does implement interface and search for your interact interface plug that into the branch then from the array you want to get that interact message into the true and then from the end of the interact message you want to plug that into the break you can double click the line to get these little nodes [Music] then compile and save that close [Music] that now you can take your door put a couple in your world and go test it [Music] out thanks for watching
Channel: Fcb Dev
Views: 525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorials, ue5 tutorials, unreal engine tutorials, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine, tutorials unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 interactable door, ue5 interactable door, ue5 how to make a interactable door, unreal engine 5 how to make a interactable door, unreal engine door tutorial, ue5 door tutorial, unreal engine 5 door tutorial, ue5 interactable door tutorial, unreal engine 5 interactable door tutorial, unreal
Id: 4cy5Ko7FMU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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