How to Make Homemade Citrus Vinegar 3 Different Ways - HOMEMADE VINEGAR SERIES

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today I'm sharing how to make homemade citrus scented vinegar three different ways hi sweet friends my name is Mary and welcome to Mary's nest this channel is all about living the simple life by cooking from scratch making home remedies and creating a cozy home with charming thrift store finds so if you're like me and you like living the simple life be sure to subscribe to my channel and click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time I upload a new video well I love making homemade vinegar and for years I would just make it with Apple scraps and make the traditional apple cider vinegar but then I learned from my friend Heidi over at rain country homestead how to make vinegar out of pretty much anything and it's so wonderful because you never have to throw anything out even if it's at a point where you can't really do much with it make vinegar with it and then I have another friend named Alicia who has the YouTube channel moat cottage and she showed a very interesting way to make scented homemade vinegar and I'm gonna give it a try today now the scented vinegars that I'm making today are all going to be citrus based but you really can do this with pretty much any fruit or vegetable and even plants and herbs and flowers it's really endless but citrus is nice this time of year because it's in season and we have lots of it here in Texas I can buy a big 10-pound bag of oranges for 4 or 5 dollars so we wind up having an eating a lot of citrus but in any event what I did was whenever we ate oranges and we peeled them I would just have a jar in the fridge and I'd throw the peels right in there and after the jar would get to be about half or two-thirds full I would get ready to make vinegar with it and it couldn't be easier all you need to do is they had a quarter cup of sugar that's it and then cover it with water and you just want to go up about maybe three-quarters of the way you don't want to go right to the rim because this will bubble and ferment and it will rise up a little higher so I usually just kind of play it by ear but that's good yeah leaving about two inches or so from the rim here and the next thing you want to do is find something to stir it with I love using these chopsticks it makes it very easy and I know a number of you who've seen me make vinegar in other videos have asked me where did I get such a long wooden chopsticks and to be honest with you we've just had them for years but I did find them on Amazon so I'll put a link below if you want to investigate and learn more about them and so all you do is just stir this around a bit pushing it down just helping the sugar dissolve nothing fancy and that's it and then the next thing you do is just take a coffee filter or a little piece of clean cloth that you might have and take a little rubberband or some string and just put it on like this and what's going to happen over the next few days is this is going to start to ferment the sugar that we added plus the sugar in the in a little bit of fruit that's on the rinds oh that's over you all know Ovie's she's marketing and as I was saying the bacteria will feed on the sugar and it'll start to ferment and it'll start to bubble up and you'll begin to make vinegar and what you'll want to do is every day for about 30 days or so you're going to want to just stir things around a little and as it bubbles up you'll find that maybe after the fourth or fifth day it's just really calmed down a bit and at that point I'll often add another quarter cup of sugar to give it the bacteria a little more to eat another boost and I find that that's the perfect ratio you might be wondering why I don't just add a half a cup of sugar right in the beginning I've tried that but it doesn't work as well it actually just becomes kind of a sweet syrupy mess and doesn't seem to want to ferment oh my goodness Oh bees having such a day I think I'm gonna have to go give her a treat well Oh bees very happy I gave her a kale salmon and tumeric treat and then you just put this let it breathe stir it every day and then after about 30 days or so you can check it now your nose is going to be able to tell you if it's starting to smell like vinegar you'll still smell the citrus aroma but you'll also smell a vinegary aroma and if you want to be doubly sure that it's ready to be vinegar you can use these little strips that are sold you can find them you know sometimes at the drugstore in the pharmacy section or they also have them on Amazon I'll put a link below in case you're looking for them and all I do is just take a little piece like this and you're gonna dip it into your vinegar mixture and if it's like under for 44.5 it's pretty acidic I actually like to go all the ways 23.0 and then you can use this then you'll want to strain out the solids and then decant the vinegar and you can use it for salad dressings you can use it for cleaning you can use it for hair rinse whatever you want I don't recommend it for canning though if you're going to can you're going to want to use the vinegar from the store because you'll that vinegar is exact in terms of its acidity and when you're canning you need to know exactly what the acidity level is so that's making homemade citrus scented vinegar with just the orange peels and so I'm going to put this to the side now and the next we're going to talk about is making a centrist citrus scented vinegar with the actual fruit and again if you want it you know you can use any fruit but since citrus is in season I'm doing it with citrus and the reason that I picked these particular oranges to use I had some that just were starting to really dry out you had so many oranges and you know you can see it's kind of whole misshapen at all but they're not moldy or anything just kind of really dried out and so what I did was and I'll just move this out of the way so you can see I just take the orange and really just cut it anyway it's not it's not an exact science but I like to cut each half into six pieces just way that way is just some you know room for it to really to let the bacteria really get all those juices to start to ferment and then again I'm just gonna do the same thing I add this is sort of like you know yes there's fruit and the sugar and all of that but this is the insurance policy it really does help and then the next thing we're gonna do is just like with the peels we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna add water you know like I said about three quarters of the way we leave about two inches or so from the rim because it will start to bubble up as it ferments then we just take our chopstick or whatever you use to stir and get in there get that sugar mixed then we're going to take another coffee filter we're gonna put that lid on put the rubber band on again if you want to use cloth you certainly can and then every day for 30 days take this off just give it a good stir after a couple of days you know three or four days four or five days it really varies if you notice that it started to ferment and become bubbly and then is coming down at another quarter cup of sugar give it a good stir and then that's that just keep stirring it every day for another 30 days at 30 days check it with your pH strip or just check it with your nose if it smells vinegary give it a little taste if it's good then you like it then it's fine so now we'll put this aside and I'll show you the third way to make a citrus scented vinegar that's really easy oh and I just wanted to add as with the peels once it reaches the point of being a vinegar that you like you're just going to strain out the solids and add them you know to whatever you want the compost pile or whatever you're gonna strain out the solids and then decant your vinegar in whatever type of glass container you want to keep it in and when you decant it into your container after you've strained out the solids you'll just want to put some kind of lid on it like that and that can just be stored in your pantry at room temperature you don't need to put this in the fridge now this third way of making citrus scented vinegar is what I saw Alysia do over at mote cottage and I will link in the iCard Zand then there's in the description below folks are heidi's channel and Alicia's channel so you can see how they make vinegar now this is technically a homemade citrus scented vinegar but it's not homemade vinegar like the other two this is starting with distilled white vinegar now in here I've got mandarin oranges and the the peels from them and all we do is just pour the vinegar into this jar with the peels and we let it sit for 30 days or so and the vinegar will take on the citrus smell so even though you're starting with real vinegar and this is just a distilled white vinegar over time it's going to take on a lovely citrus smell and it'll be terrific for salad dressings or cleaning it'll be just delightful for cleaning if you like citrus scented cleaning products so we'll just go ahead and pour this vinegar right over the top of these peels and then we'll put a lid on and set it aside for about 30 days and we can just go right up to the rim is fine in this case and there you have it three homemade citrus scented vinegars if you'd like more information about making homemade vinegar be sure to subscribe to my channel and then click on this video over here where I show you how to make vinegar from strawberry scraps and I'll see you over there in my Texas Hill Country kitchen love and God bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 82,010
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Keywords: citrus vinegar, Homemade Citrus Vinegar, Homemade Citrus Scented Vinegar, How to Make Homemade Citrus Scented Vinegar 3 Different Ways, 3 ways to make citrus scented vinegar, 3 ways to make homemade vinegar, how to make homemade vinegar, how to make homemade vinegar using citrus peels, how to make homemade vinegar with citrus, how to use citrus peels to make vinegar, homemade vinegar, vinegar recipe, recipe for homemade vinegar,, marysnest, marys nest, mary's nest
Id: 81BqH6l6cHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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