How To Make Banana Vinegar At Home | Vinegar With Mother Recipe | Homemade Vinegar

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hello friends welcome back,   today i'm going to give you a complete  guide on how to make banana vinegar at home   watch this video carefully until end. I had this  over ripe bananas and i thought let's make vinegar generally every fruit will have some alcohol  and you know in my other videos i have already   told to make vinegar we need alcohol, so if you  use more ripe or overripe bananas or any fruits   the chances of getting good quality alcohol is  higher, these bananas are organic so i'm going   to use the skin also the portion spoiled little  bit i will take out, i have already told before   vinegar goes through two stages mainly, one is the  creating alcohol stage and then the second stage   converting that alcohol to vinegar, mashing the  banana so that it will help to ferment faster so our first objective is to create alcohol and  these bananas with the skin will help to ferment   and eventually it will create alcohol. The  skin will have more yeast it helps to convert   the sugar or the sucrose present in the fruits to  alcohol so that's why it's better to use the skin   but if you are not using any organic bananas  then i will suggest don't use the skin. here i have taken 500 grams bananas so i  am going to use 500 ml water filtered water   and i'm also going to use 2 tbsp   sugar you can use brown sugar or white sugar  so 2 tbsp sugar means around 30 grams of sugar   generally it's around six to eight percent sugar  i suggest to use when you are making vinegar   if the fruits you are using is very sweet  you can use less sugar but if the fruits   are not very sweet then you have to use more  sugar to get good quality alcohol and that's   why i don't give you exact figure there is little  flexibility in the amount of sugar you need to use   so adding banana and water in the jar and we will  leave it like this for the fermentations to start. I'll put back the lid and leave  it in the room temperature   every two days i will add one spoon of sugar  and stir well to ensure that yeast are having   enough sugar to ferment and also there  is no mold or bad bacteria growing   today is the second day and if you see the banana  and the skins all are floating on top and the   water is quite cloudy. If you see closely there  are lots of froth and small bubbles that means the   fermentation is very active now that's why i say  banana is a very good fruit to ferment it creates   good quality of alcohol and also the fermentation  is very fast because banana has lots of yeast in   it. This is so satisfying to stare at this looks  like starbucks coffee with lots of foam on top   if you see from outside also looking like clouds   full of white clouds so yeah fermentation going  very well and this is so pleasant for the eyes.   Today is the seventh day and i'm  going to add one spoon of sugar   i have fed on first day and on fourth day  and now today is the second time i'm feeding you can see the liquid is quite  cloudy that means the fermentation has   started and it's going steadily and  i will continue this until 14 days   every two days i will add one spoon of sugar  so that there will be sufficient food for   yeast to continue the fermentation  and create good quality alcohol Today is the 14th day and i'm going to  stop giving sugar anymore i will leave   it like this for another two weeks  and then i will strain the liquid one month is over and if you see at the bottom  side there are white layers these are nothing but   the residue from the dead skin of the yeast  and bacteria involved in the fermentation,   mostly yeast and now i'm going to open and stir  again, sometimes i'm getting kham yeast which is   the white layer on top sometimes you can notice,  this is not harmful but it can you know make   your liquid off flavor so whenever you see the  kham yeast you must take it out and stir well so i'm straining the liquids now so the first phase of creating alcohol ends  here and right now in this liquid there are   some good percentage of alcohol we can call this  as cider. If you break apple cider vinegar or   pineapple cider vinegar or banana cider vinegar  it gives you three words the middle word is cider   so right now what we got is cider, now we are  going to convert this cider to acetic acid or   vinegar. I have taken a sterilized jar and  now i'm going to add the liquid in the jar,   I'm also going to add this homemade apple cider  vinegar with mother it will make the process   faster because it already has the bacteria called  acetobacter and now it's going to boost the whole   fermentation. In second phase the bacteria  called acetobacter comes from air helps to   convert the alcohol to acetic acid and then only  we get the vinegar when we get the acetic acid   and that's why we can't airtight the jar because  the acetobacter needs oxygen to build the mother   so we will only use the  kitchen towel to cover the jar it's been two days and i'm continuing  to stir because i noticed that the kham   yeast is forming on top so i will  continue to stir for few more days it's been five days since i have  strained the liquid and i see the   kham yeast is again forming on top so now i'm  showing you how to take out the kham yeast,   you can just take out the layer from top and make  it as clear as possible and then you stir it off,   so this way within few days the ph level of the  liquid will go down and then there will be no   kham and mold or fungus will grow but if you leave  the kham yeast like this it will invite the mold   and fungus and then they will increase the ph  level and then the whole thing will be spoiled i had this mother from the grape vinegar i  just made the grape vinegar a few days ago   if you are interested for the recipe i  will put the recipe link in the description   so this mother will help the ph level to go  down faster, going to put back the kitchen   towel again and then i will leave it in the  room temperature until we get the mother today is the 20th day since i have strained  the liquid and which means today is the 50th   day from the day i have started and you can see  there is a very thin layer on top this is the   mother or the scoby which is basically a colony  of yeast & bacteria and this indicates that the   good bacteria or the acetobacter is present  in your vinegar now. when you see the mother   is forming on top the main thing you have to  remember is not to move or shake the jar anymore   the mother is very sensitive if there is any  movement the mother will go down immediately.   Today is the 50th day since  i have strained the liquid   which means it's already two months  20 days from the day i have started you can see the vinegar is so transparent  now and in middle there is a layer   that's basically a mother which  formed before few days ago   but since i had to move the jar for shooting  the mother went down and that's the first mother   and on top you can see one more layer that is  the second matter formed during this period,   at the bottom those are the residues from the  chemist and the dead cells of yeast & bacteria now i am going to transfer this vinegar  to a sterilized narrow mouth bottle   but before that i will take out the mother first i have a video on how to make pineapple vinegar  where i have shown how to know when your vinegar   is ready you can check that out so basically  when we say vinegar we know that the ph level   of vinegar is very low so at this point we should  check our ph level if is below 3.5 or near to 3.5   we can consider that the vinegar is almost ready  and we can transfer to a narrow mouth bottle,   why narrow mouth bottle because you don't want  your vinegar to get exposed to oxygen frequently,   so every time you open your vinegar bottle  you must put back the cap as soon as possible   and as tight as possible so that it will be not  exposed to oxygen now i'm going to show you how   to test the ph level i have these ph strips which  you can buy from medical shop or online easily   and now i'm going to take little bit  vinegar and dip one page strip inside   and you can see the color immediately changed  now i am going to check with the chart   where every color has a distinct number so  if you see carefully this is matching with 3   but this is not a ph meter so i can't tell you  exact number but since this is matching with   3 i would say maybe this is 3.5 or 3.2 or maybe  less than that i will not know but what i can say   since this is near to 3 i can consider  this is ready and i can start consume it i'm going to show you the mother many  people ask me what are the uses of mother   you can actually use the mother for your plants  you can also give it to your chicken you can also   make candy you can grill it there are various way  to use the mother and the most important thing is   you can use this mother for your next batch  and it will make the whole process very fast   with time the mother will get more and more thick  and to preserve them just add little bit vinegar   and they will stay active and live for long  time so my banana vinegar is ready transparent,   tart, strong and excellent in taste, try at home  and let me know how it was. If you like this video   don't forget to comment below, give me a thumbs  up, press the subscribe button with bell button   and i will see you again with lots of fermented  food and drinks recipes. Stay happy and healthy :)
Channel: BrewNourish
Views: 55,623
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Keywords: apple cider vinegar, how to make apple cider vinegar, homemade apple cider vinegar, how to make apple cider vinegar at home, organic apple cider vinegar, raw apple cider vinegar, how to make apple cider vinegar with mother., make apple cider vinegar without mother, Organic vinegar Recipe, Apple Cider, सिरका, আপেল সিডার ভিনেগার, सेब का सिरका, Vinegar, apple cider vinegar recipe, banana vinegar, banana vinegar recipe, homemade banana vinegar, banana vinegar with mother recipe
Id: N_A3NIoki9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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