How to Build a Simple Brick Cook Stove in an Emergency

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[Music] hey there here in just a minute i want to take you out to my backyard to a project i did earlier today that i think you might be interested in i want to encourage you this holiday season when you're with other family members or just friends this is a perfect project to go out to the back shed find some of those old bricks that have just been sitting there for years bring them out and make a little rocket stove with me made with very little more than just some used bricks don't go away this project is super fun and easy so i hope you get more people involved than just yourself for this project if you've got others around get somebody that can help you with it and it makes it fun and you learn more as you do it together for this situation you're going to need some bricks and any bricks will do they do not have to be fire bricks they could be cinderblock they could be cement pavers that you use out in the garden or even obscure in their different shapes as long as they're all uniform together you can probably figure out a creative way to make a little rocket stove in our situation here i've got some wonderful bricks that are not all the same exactly but they're close enough that they're going to make a good rocket stove for us chris our cameraman who works behind the scenes and never gets enough thanks here on prep stutters he's the one that over at his work was able to get a whole pallet full of bricks that they were giving away so that helps me be able to make a wonderful rocket stove for you today what you're going to do is find the four best bricks that you've got to work with that are the most uniform in height and size and width because this bottom layer just like any good spiritual illustration the bottom layer is the most important that's the foundation so you want them to be level and not warped or or unlike the other bricks you're going to set them in this pattern that you see and i'm going to repeat it over and over just a little bit different each time what i mean is see how the bricks make a perfect square but for these bricks i have to put them just a little bit off kilter from each other to make that perfect square got it i'm going to make two layers just like that but as i do it i'm going to start this brick right here overlapping that just kind of the way you would lay bricks so that none of the corners are exactly lined up um where that where their integrity would be compromised we want all of them to make it build a stronger structure not weaker so there i've got the first two layers you got that easy enough all you needed was eight bricks for that now you're gonna find some sort of a creative little grill and whatever you've got is gonna work fine i was able to rob this out of one of my old little grills that i had for grilling hot dogs and hamburgers and it will do fine for us but i've seen a lot of folks put you could go get a hanger out of the closet if you have metal hangers and just bend the wire back and forth so it makes kind of a z shape and make that be your grill this is not what you're going to be putting the food on this is where you're going to be putting the fire keep that in mind so any kind of little something there that's going to hold it up off the ground is going to help you and for this i'm actually using this real little grill so get creative whatever you've got you could put even wet sticks i've seen in a real pinch if you bought if you were able to go out to a tree and find just green sticks yes they will eventually burn through but they'll go slow so do what you have to do in an emergency situation then you're going to keep stacking those bricks just like i mentioned and i've got one warped brick it looks like i need to transfer out let me fix that one see if this does better oh yeah much better i think yep that's a better one okay we'll keep going now i'm going to build three more layers just like this and you might have to play with it just a little bit the bricks are almost like puzzle pieces that don't all go exactly as you wish for them to but if you can find two that are warped in a complementary way they might be the perfect fit you want as tight of seams as possible so that there are not a lot of air gaps you want this to just be a nice tight little structure all right we're on our final layer here you saw how quick this went together let's see here okay i think i've got it so there's our five layers just the way that it's going to be with the grill on right above layer number two right what we're going to do now is if you can find a good brick you're going to want to bust it in half as as best as you're able to no it's not going to be perfect you can see this one's a little a little off but in an emergency situation who cares you're just thankful to have a brick to bust in half so we're going to use these next what we're going to do is we're going to so that the air draws up from the bottom here and underneath this grill and comes out this little chimney that we've created i'm going to take out this brick and this brick and i'll transfer them out with half bricks that you'll see are going to continue to keep the structure up but will allow us to see we're already making a little spot there we really could just do that and put our sticks put let that be the air hole that the fire needs to go through but if you want to you could either take this out and set it that way or you could put a half brick if you like it to be just just so perfect with the dimensions something like that all right so now the air is going to draw up from the bottom it's going to come through here we're going to build the fire right on top of the little grill in fact i want you to come over here and look down at this grill inside here so you can see what we're working with you're going to just notice that it's going to draw a wonderful amount of air right up through there but fix yourself a little pile of of fire sticks in there and get yourself one of those tinder quicks that you've used before if you've watched our episode on that to get that started let me get some of this going and i'll show you how we cook over it it's starting slow but it's going to go just fine what i would recommend that if if it's not an obnoxiously windy day go ahead and at least find out which direction the wind is coming from take that into consideration and build it actually facing the wind so that the wind is welcome to just come right up this through the little place we've made at the bottom and feeds itself right up through there easier than ever i'm gonna put a fair amount of wood in here to get it started it'll burn down quick but then it'll make a nice bed of coals and to cook over it let me just talk you through this if i were to put a frying pan right over the top it's almost like putting a bush a candle under a bushel you don't do that because it will take the oxygen out of the fire and potentially make it die you don't want to do that so you've got a couple of options some people like to put like two bricks right on the side here and so that there is kind of an elevated position and then you could put your frying pan right over that and cook that way that's a wonderful way to do it another way would be if you have another little type of grill or another hanger just like i mentioned a metal hanger that you want to bend into some sort of a little makeshift grill you could use that i robbed this out of a crock pot i had inside anything you've got but just make sure it has plenty of air around it so that it has a surface that is not squelching the oxygen coming into it other folks just so you know if i wanted to use a frying pan right on top of that i could go out and get rocks let me show you if i put rocks right around the edge of this and of course scientifically i should measure these rocks and make sure that they're all a perfectly level surface but you get the idea of it here i can put rocks around the surface and then rest the frying pan right on those rocks and that'll keep it elevated enough so you got multiple options depending on what you've got to work with in your environment keep that in mind but i could if i had the rocks just right i could cook over it like that that's a pretty handy little stove this is going to put off a great amount of heat it's going to cook a boil water very quickly and you could use it to cook whatever you wanted this easily could be changed up just a little bit to even makeshift sort of a pizza oven effect where if i were to move this grill down one notch so it's not on the out above the level two but above the level one so i'm moving the flame down just a little bit and if i give another row of bricks up here at the top i could here in the middle get myself a nice rock of some sort i don't have the perfect one or i'd show you but if you have something that is about about the width but not fully the width of this front to back you could technically make yourself a little shelf about two levels down and then cover it on the top with another layer level and force it to have a small chimney that's going to circulate that heat through to make a wonderful little baking surface inside of this so it's not only a rocket stove but i would call it like a little rocket pizza oven if i can find the directions for that i'll make sure i have a link down below so that you can see that for yourself and experiment i don't have exactly what i need to make that happen today or i would show you all right i've put my little griddle on here and i went inside and grabbed some fillets to put over it with just a little bit of salt and pepper these are going to be incredible over our little rocket stove i will put these on listen to that lots of good heat and if i needed more heat i could even set that grill a little bit closer to the fire just make sure that you have lots of good air coming up from the bottom coming up through the top and you should be good to go i hope you try and make one of these at home and i hope you recognize how easy it is i want to remind you that this is not something that you want to try to make for the very first time in an emergency situation it's a fun project to do ahead of time and you're going to learn a whole lot very quickly what works and doesn't work as you put this together and even though it seems as simple what i showed you today it doesn't go together on the first try i promise you you need to work it out just a little bit before you remember how to do it when the stress and the pressure is on all right these are about ready to turn over and i am going to turn them over they smell amazing and they're juicy that one got a little dark these are going to be fantastic though and i could come out here afterward and make my the rest of my meal mashed potatoes i could boil tea over this this could be a truly life saving situation in the event of an emergency where all i've got are some bricks and some old grill or or a hanger to work with or something like that think about it make one of these for yourself and share this video with somebody that you love to recruit to come over and play with you in your backyard and do do something like this until i see you again though i want to just encourage you go out this week and find somebody that you can be a blessing to and will you bless them they need it more than ever our world needs it more than ever until i see you again though god bless you bye for now [Music] before you go i would love to share a quick word out of the holy bible with you king david wrote this in psalm 114 and it's verses 7 and 8. he wrote this tremble o earth at the presence of the lord at the presence of the god of jacob who turns the rock into a pool of water and the flint into a spring of water [Music] now go spread the word [Music] you
Views: 263,105
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Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, freeze dry, rocket stove, brick stove, emergency stove, brick pizza oven, survival skills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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